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Year 2016, Supplement 16, 189 - 198, 24.11.2016


Temporomandibular eklem  (TME) hastalıkları
eklem içi pozisyonel ve/veya yapısal bozukluklarla karakte- rizedir. En sık
rastlanan TME hastalıkları arasında TME in artiküler diskinin yer değiştirmesi
Kök hücre kaynaklı tedavilerin gelişmesindeki ilerlemeler TME
tamir ve rejenerasyonu konusunda önemli bir role sahiptir ve TME
rahatsızlıklarının tedavisinde alternatif bir metot sunabilir. Bu derlemenin amacı TME hastalıklarında disk ve kondilin
tamiri ve/veya yeniden yapılandırılmasında kök hücre ve doku mühendisliği
uygulamaları ile ilgili gelişmeleri sunmaktır. 

Anahtar kelimeler: Temporomandibular
eklem, Doku mühendisliği, Kök hücre




application of low-intensity ultrasound is a
TMJ disorders are
characterized by intra-articular positional and/or structural abnormalities.
The most common type of TMJ disorders involves displacement of the TMJ articular
disc. The development of stem cell based therapies and tissue engineering
have an
important role in the repair and regeneration of TMJ, and have provided
alternative methods to in the treatment of TMJ disorders. This review discusses
the most recent advances in development of stem cell-based treatments for TMJ
purpose of this review is to provide a summary of advances relevant to tissue
engineering and stem cell applicatios for repairing and/or replacing the
mandibular condyle and disc in the TME disorders.

Keywords: Temporomandibular joint,
Tissue engineering, Stem cell,


  • Sancho-Tello M, Forriol F, Gastaldi P, Ruiz-Saurí A, Martín de Llano JJ, Novella-Maestre E, Antolinos-Turpín CM, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gómez Ribelles JL, Carda C. Time evolution of in vivo articular cartilage repair induced by bone marrow stimulation and scaffold implantation in rabbits. Int J Artif Organs 2015; 38: 210-23
  • 2.Okeson JP. Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 7th edition. Elsevier Mosby, St Louis, 2013. P. 5,6.
  • 3. Langer R. Tissue engineering: a new field and its challenges. Pharm Res 1997;14:840-1.
  • 4.Jerjes W, Upile T, Abbas S, Kafas P, Vourvachis M, Rob J, Mc Carthy E, Angouridakis N, Hopper C Muscle disorders and dentition-related aspects in temporomandibular disorders: controversies in the most commonly used treatment modalities. Int Arch Med 2008;30:1-23
  • 5. LeResche, L. Epidemiology of temporomandibular disorders: implications for the investigation of etiologic factors. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine 1997;8:291-305.
  • 6. Klausner, JJ. Epidemiologic studies reveal trends in temporomandibular pain and dysfunction. J Mass Dent Soc 1995;44:21-5.
  • 7. Srivastava R, Iyoti B, Devi P. Oral splint for temporomandibular joint disorders with revoluationary fluid system. Dent Res J 2013;10:307-13.
  • 8. Long X, Chen G, Cheng AH, Cheng Y, Deng M, Cai H, Meng QA randomized controlled trial of superior and inferior temporomandibular joint space injection with hyaluronic acid in treatment of anterior disc displacement without reduction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009; 67 357-61.
  • 9. Agus B, Weisberg J, Friedman MH. Therapeutic injection of the temporomandibular joint. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1983;55:553-5.
  • 10. Anitua E, Prado R, Orive G. Bilateral sinus elevation evaluating plasma rich in growth factors technology: a report of five cases. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2012;14:51-60
  • Allen KD, Athanasiou KA. Growth factor effects on passaged TMJ disk cells in monolayer and pellet cultures. Orthod Craniofacial Res 2006;9:143-52.
  • 22. Allen KD, Athanasiou KA. Scaffold and Growth Factor Selection in Temporomandibular Joint Disc Engineering. J Dent Res 2008;87:180-5.
  • 23. Anderson DE, Athanasiou KA. A comparison of primary and passaged chondrocytes for use in engineering the temporomandibular joint. Arch Oral Biol 2009;54:138-45.
  • 24. Anderson DE, Athanasiou KA. Passaged costal chondrocytes provide a viable cell source for temporomandibular joint tissue engineering. Ann Biomed Eng 2008;36:1992-2001.
  • 25. Johns DE, Athanasiou KA. Growth factor effects on costal chondrocytes for tissue engineering fibrocartilage. Cell Tissue Res 2008; 333:439-47.
  • 26. Landesberg R, Takeuchi E, Puzas JE. Cellular, biochemical and molecular characterization of the bovine temporomandibular joint disc. Arch Oral Biol 1996;41:761-7.
  • 27. Allen KD, Athanasiou KA. Effect of passage and topography on gene expression of temporomandibular joint disc cells. Tissue Eng 2007;13:101-10.
  • 28. Johns DE, Wong ME, Athanasiou KA. Clinically-Relevant Cell Sources for TMJ Disc Engineering. J Dent Res 2008;87:548-52.
  • 29. Sanchez-Adams J, Athanasiou KA. Dermis isolated adult stem cells for cartilage tissue engineering. Biomaterials 2012;33:109-19.
  • 30. Ahtiainen K1, Mauno J, Ellä V, Hagström J, Lindqvist C, Miettinen S, Ylikomi T, Kellomäki M, Seppänen R. Autologous adipose stem cells and polylactide discs in the replacement of the rabbit temporomandibular joint disc. J R Soc Interface doi: 10.1098/rsif.2013.0287
  • Wu Y, Gong Z, Li J, Meng Q, Fang W, Long X. The Pilot Study of Fibrin with Temporomandibular Joint Derived Synovial Stem Cells in Repairing TMJ Disc Perforation. Biomed Res Int doi: 10.1155/2014/454021.
  • 42. Semb H. Human embryonic stem cells: origin, properties and applications. APMIS 2005;113:743-50.
  • 43. Felka T, Schäfer R, Schewe B, Benz K, Aicher WK. Hypoxia reduces the inhibitory effect of IL-1beta on chondrogenic differentiation of FCS-free expanded MSC. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2009; 17: 1368-76.
  • 44. Koay EJ, Athanasiou KA. Hypoxic chondrogenic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells enhances cartilage protein synthesis and biomechanical functionality. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2008;16:1450-6.
  • 45. Zhang J, Guo F, Mi J, Zhang Z. Periodontal ligamentmesenchymal stromal cells increase proliferation and glycosaminoglycans formation of temporomandibular joint derived fibrochondrocytes. Biomed Res Int doi: 10.1155/2014/410167
  • 46. Chen K, Man C, Zhang B, Hu J, Zhu SS. Effect of in vitro chondrogenic differentiation of autologous mesenchymal stemcells on cartilage and subchondral cancellous bone repair in osteoarthritis of temporomandibular joint. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2013;42, 240-8.
  • 47. Zheng YH, Su K, Jian YT, Kuang S J, Zhang Z G. Basic fibroblast growth factor enhances osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in coral scaffold constructs. J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2011;5, 540-50
  • 48. Gao Y, Bai C, Xiong H, Li Q, Shan Z, Huang L, Ma Y, Guan W. Isolation and characterization of chicken dermis-derived mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells. Biomed Res Int 10.1155/ 2013/626258
  • 49. Cao B, Zheng B, Jankowski RJ, Kimura S, Ikezawa M, Deasy B, Cummins J, Epperly M, Qu-Petersen Z, Huard J. Muscle stem cells differentiate into haematopoietic lineages but retain myogenic potential. Nature Cell Biology, 2003;5:640-6.
  • 50. Wu L, Cai X, Zhang S, Karperien M, Lin Y. Regeneration of articular cartilage by adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells: perspectives from stem cell biology and molecular medicine. J Cell Physiol 2013; 228: 938–44
  • Makris EA, Hadidi P, Athanasiou KA. The knee meniscus: structure- function, pathophysiology, current repair techniques, and prospects for regeneration. Biomaterials 2011;32:7411-31
  • 62. Hagandora CK, Gao J, Wang Y, Almarza AJ. Poly (Glycerol Sebacate): A Novel Scaffold Material for Temporomandibular Joint Disc Engineering. Tissue Eng Part A 2013;19:729-37.
  • 63. Petrovic V, Zivkovic P, Petrovic D, Stefanovic V. Craniofacial bone tissue engineering. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114, e1–e9.
  • 64. Toh WS, Spector M, Lee EH, Cao T. Bioma- terialmediated delivery of microenvironmental cues for repair and regeneration of articular cartilage. Mol Pharm 2011; 8:994-1001.
  • 65. Allen, KD, Athanasiou, KA. Tissue engineering of the TMJ disc: a review. Tissue Eng 2006;12:1183-96.
  • 66. Wong ML, Wong JL, Athanasiou KA, Griffiths LG. Stepwise solubilization-based antigen removal for xenogeneic scaffold generation in tissue engineering. Acta Biomater 2013;9:6492-501.
  • 67. Hu JC, Athanasiou KA. A self-assembling process in articular cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue Eng 2006;12:969-79.
  • 68. Hoenig E1, Winkler T, Mielke G, Paetzold H, Schuettler D, Goepfert C, Machens HG, Morlock MM, Schilling AF. High amplitude direct compressive strain enhances mechanical properties of scaffoldfree tissue-engineered cartilage. Tissue Eng Part A 2011;17:1401-11.
  • 69. Athanasiou KA, Eswaramoorthy R, Hadidi P, Hu JC. Self-Organization and the Self-Assembling Process in Tissue Eng. Annu Rev Biomed Eng 2013;15:115-36.
  • 70. Hagandora CK, Tudares MA, Almarza AJ. The effect of magnesiumion concentration on the fibrocartilage regeneration potential of goat costal chondrocytes. Ann Biomed Eng 2012;40: 688-696
  • Toh WS, Lim TC, Kurisawa M, Spector M. Modulation of mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis in a tunable hyaluronic acid hydrogel microenvironment. Biomaterials 2012;33: 3835-45.
  • 82. Wang L S, Du C, Toh W S, Wan AC, Gao S J, Kurisawa M. Modulation of chondrocyte functions and stiffness-dependent cartilage repair using an injectable enzymatically crosslinked hydrogel with tunable mechanical properties. Biomaterials 2014;35:2207-2217.
  • 83. Nicodemus GD, Villanueva I, Bryant SJ. Mechanical stimulation of TMJ condylar chondrocytes encapsulated in PEG hydrogels. J Biomed Mater Res A 2007; 83:323-31.
  • 84. Almarza AJ, Athanasiou KA. Effects of hydrostatic pressure on TMJ disc cells. Tissue Eng 2006; 12:1285-94.
  • 85. Weng Y, Cao Y, Silva CA, Vacanti MP, Vacanti CA. Tissue-engineered composites of bone and cartilage for mandible condylar reconstruction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 200;59,:185-90.
  • 86. Abukawa H, Terai H, Hannouche D, Vacanti JP, Kaban LB, Troulis MJ Formation of a mandibular condyle in vitro by tissue engineering. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003;61:94-100.
  • 87. Chen F, Mao T, Tao K, Chen S, Ding G, Gu X. Bone graft in the shape of human mandibular condyle reconstruction via seeding marrow-derived osteoblasts into porous coral in a nude mice model. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60:1155-9.
  • 88. Chen F, Chen S, Tao K, Feng X, Liu Y. Lei D, Mao T. Marrow-derived osteoblasts seeded into porous natural coral to prefabricate a vascularised bone graft in the shape of a human mandibular ramus: experimental study in rabbits. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004;42:532-7.
  • 89. Ueki K, Takazakura D, Marukawa K, Shimada M, Nakagawa K, Takatsuka S, Yamamoto E. The use of polylactic acid/polyglycolic acid copolymer and gelatin sponge complex containing human recom- binant bone morphogenetic protein-2 following condylectomy in rabbits. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2003;31:107-14.
  • 90. Mao JJ. Stem-cell-driven regeneration of synovial joints. Biol Cell 2005;97:289-301.
Year 2016, Supplement 16, 189 - 198, 24.11.2016



  • Sancho-Tello M, Forriol F, Gastaldi P, Ruiz-Saurí A, Martín de Llano JJ, Novella-Maestre E, Antolinos-Turpín CM, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gómez Ribelles JL, Carda C. Time evolution of in vivo articular cartilage repair induced by bone marrow stimulation and scaffold implantation in rabbits. Int J Artif Organs 2015; 38: 210-23
  • 2.Okeson JP. Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 7th edition. Elsevier Mosby, St Louis, 2013. P. 5,6.
  • 3. Langer R. Tissue engineering: a new field and its challenges. Pharm Res 1997;14:840-1.
  • 4.Jerjes W, Upile T, Abbas S, Kafas P, Vourvachis M, Rob J, Mc Carthy E, Angouridakis N, Hopper C Muscle disorders and dentition-related aspects in temporomandibular disorders: controversies in the most commonly used treatment modalities. Int Arch Med 2008;30:1-23
  • 5. LeResche, L. Epidemiology of temporomandibular disorders: implications for the investigation of etiologic factors. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine 1997;8:291-305.
  • 6. Klausner, JJ. Epidemiologic studies reveal trends in temporomandibular pain and dysfunction. J Mass Dent Soc 1995;44:21-5.
  • 7. Srivastava R, Iyoti B, Devi P. Oral splint for temporomandibular joint disorders with revoluationary fluid system. Dent Res J 2013;10:307-13.
  • 8. Long X, Chen G, Cheng AH, Cheng Y, Deng M, Cai H, Meng QA randomized controlled trial of superior and inferior temporomandibular joint space injection with hyaluronic acid in treatment of anterior disc displacement without reduction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009; 67 357-61.
  • 9. Agus B, Weisberg J, Friedman MH. Therapeutic injection of the temporomandibular joint. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1983;55:553-5.
  • 10. Anitua E, Prado R, Orive G. Bilateral sinus elevation evaluating plasma rich in growth factors technology: a report of five cases. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2012;14:51-60
  • Allen KD, Athanasiou KA. Growth factor effects on passaged TMJ disk cells in monolayer and pellet cultures. Orthod Craniofacial Res 2006;9:143-52.
  • 22. Allen KD, Athanasiou KA. Scaffold and Growth Factor Selection in Temporomandibular Joint Disc Engineering. J Dent Res 2008;87:180-5.
  • 23. Anderson DE, Athanasiou KA. A comparison of primary and passaged chondrocytes for use in engineering the temporomandibular joint. Arch Oral Biol 2009;54:138-45.
  • 24. Anderson DE, Athanasiou KA. Passaged costal chondrocytes provide a viable cell source for temporomandibular joint tissue engineering. Ann Biomed Eng 2008;36:1992-2001.
  • 25. Johns DE, Athanasiou KA. Growth factor effects on costal chondrocytes for tissue engineering fibrocartilage. Cell Tissue Res 2008; 333:439-47.
  • 26. Landesberg R, Takeuchi E, Puzas JE. Cellular, biochemical and molecular characterization of the bovine temporomandibular joint disc. Arch Oral Biol 1996;41:761-7.
  • 27. Allen KD, Athanasiou KA. Effect of passage and topography on gene expression of temporomandibular joint disc cells. Tissue Eng 2007;13:101-10.
  • 28. Johns DE, Wong ME, Athanasiou KA. Clinically-Relevant Cell Sources for TMJ Disc Engineering. J Dent Res 2008;87:548-52.
  • 29. Sanchez-Adams J, Athanasiou KA. Dermis isolated adult stem cells for cartilage tissue engineering. Biomaterials 2012;33:109-19.
  • 30. Ahtiainen K1, Mauno J, Ellä V, Hagström J, Lindqvist C, Miettinen S, Ylikomi T, Kellomäki M, Seppänen R. Autologous adipose stem cells and polylactide discs in the replacement of the rabbit temporomandibular joint disc. J R Soc Interface doi: 10.1098/rsif.2013.0287
  • Wu Y, Gong Z, Li J, Meng Q, Fang W, Long X. The Pilot Study of Fibrin with Temporomandibular Joint Derived Synovial Stem Cells in Repairing TMJ Disc Perforation. Biomed Res Int doi: 10.1155/2014/454021.
  • 42. Semb H. Human embryonic stem cells: origin, properties and applications. APMIS 2005;113:743-50.
  • 43. Felka T, Schäfer R, Schewe B, Benz K, Aicher WK. Hypoxia reduces the inhibitory effect of IL-1beta on chondrogenic differentiation of FCS-free expanded MSC. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2009; 17: 1368-76.
  • 44. Koay EJ, Athanasiou KA. Hypoxic chondrogenic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells enhances cartilage protein synthesis and biomechanical functionality. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2008;16:1450-6.
  • 45. Zhang J, Guo F, Mi J, Zhang Z. Periodontal ligamentmesenchymal stromal cells increase proliferation and glycosaminoglycans formation of temporomandibular joint derived fibrochondrocytes. Biomed Res Int doi: 10.1155/2014/410167
  • 46. Chen K, Man C, Zhang B, Hu J, Zhu SS. Effect of in vitro chondrogenic differentiation of autologous mesenchymal stemcells on cartilage and subchondral cancellous bone repair in osteoarthritis of temporomandibular joint. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2013;42, 240-8.
  • 47. Zheng YH, Su K, Jian YT, Kuang S J, Zhang Z G. Basic fibroblast growth factor enhances osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in coral scaffold constructs. J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2011;5, 540-50
  • 48. Gao Y, Bai C, Xiong H, Li Q, Shan Z, Huang L, Ma Y, Guan W. Isolation and characterization of chicken dermis-derived mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells. Biomed Res Int 10.1155/ 2013/626258
  • 49. Cao B, Zheng B, Jankowski RJ, Kimura S, Ikezawa M, Deasy B, Cummins J, Epperly M, Qu-Petersen Z, Huard J. Muscle stem cells differentiate into haematopoietic lineages but retain myogenic potential. Nature Cell Biology, 2003;5:640-6.
  • 50. Wu L, Cai X, Zhang S, Karperien M, Lin Y. Regeneration of articular cartilage by adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells: perspectives from stem cell biology and molecular medicine. J Cell Physiol 2013; 228: 938–44
  • Makris EA, Hadidi P, Athanasiou KA. The knee meniscus: structure- function, pathophysiology, current repair techniques, and prospects for regeneration. Biomaterials 2011;32:7411-31
  • 62. Hagandora CK, Gao J, Wang Y, Almarza AJ. Poly (Glycerol Sebacate): A Novel Scaffold Material for Temporomandibular Joint Disc Engineering. Tissue Eng Part A 2013;19:729-37.
  • 63. Petrovic V, Zivkovic P, Petrovic D, Stefanovic V. Craniofacial bone tissue engineering. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114, e1–e9.
  • 64. Toh WS, Spector M, Lee EH, Cao T. Bioma- terialmediated delivery of microenvironmental cues for repair and regeneration of articular cartilage. Mol Pharm 2011; 8:994-1001.
  • 65. Allen, KD, Athanasiou, KA. Tissue engineering of the TMJ disc: a review. Tissue Eng 2006;12:1183-96.
  • 66. Wong ML, Wong JL, Athanasiou KA, Griffiths LG. Stepwise solubilization-based antigen removal for xenogeneic scaffold generation in tissue engineering. Acta Biomater 2013;9:6492-501.
  • 67. Hu JC, Athanasiou KA. A self-assembling process in articular cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue Eng 2006;12:969-79.
  • 68. Hoenig E1, Winkler T, Mielke G, Paetzold H, Schuettler D, Goepfert C, Machens HG, Morlock MM, Schilling AF. High amplitude direct compressive strain enhances mechanical properties of scaffoldfree tissue-engineered cartilage. Tissue Eng Part A 2011;17:1401-11.
  • 69. Athanasiou KA, Eswaramoorthy R, Hadidi P, Hu JC. Self-Organization and the Self-Assembling Process in Tissue Eng. Annu Rev Biomed Eng 2013;15:115-36.
  • 70. Hagandora CK, Tudares MA, Almarza AJ. The effect of magnesiumion concentration on the fibrocartilage regeneration potential of goat costal chondrocytes. Ann Biomed Eng 2012;40: 688-696
  • Toh WS, Lim TC, Kurisawa M, Spector M. Modulation of mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis in a tunable hyaluronic acid hydrogel microenvironment. Biomaterials 2012;33: 3835-45.
  • 82. Wang L S, Du C, Toh W S, Wan AC, Gao S J, Kurisawa M. Modulation of chondrocyte functions and stiffness-dependent cartilage repair using an injectable enzymatically crosslinked hydrogel with tunable mechanical properties. Biomaterials 2014;35:2207-2217.
  • 83. Nicodemus GD, Villanueva I, Bryant SJ. Mechanical stimulation of TMJ condylar chondrocytes encapsulated in PEG hydrogels. J Biomed Mater Res A 2007; 83:323-31.
  • 84. Almarza AJ, Athanasiou KA. Effects of hydrostatic pressure on TMJ disc cells. Tissue Eng 2006; 12:1285-94.
  • 85. Weng Y, Cao Y, Silva CA, Vacanti MP, Vacanti CA. Tissue-engineered composites of bone and cartilage for mandible condylar reconstruction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 200;59,:185-90.
  • 86. Abukawa H, Terai H, Hannouche D, Vacanti JP, Kaban LB, Troulis MJ Formation of a mandibular condyle in vitro by tissue engineering. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003;61:94-100.
  • 87. Chen F, Mao T, Tao K, Chen S, Ding G, Gu X. Bone graft in the shape of human mandibular condyle reconstruction via seeding marrow-derived osteoblasts into porous coral in a nude mice model. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60:1155-9.
  • 88. Chen F, Chen S, Tao K, Feng X, Liu Y. Lei D, Mao T. Marrow-derived osteoblasts seeded into porous natural coral to prefabricate a vascularised bone graft in the shape of a human mandibular ramus: experimental study in rabbits. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004;42:532-7.
  • 89. Ueki K, Takazakura D, Marukawa K, Shimada M, Nakagawa K, Takatsuka S, Yamamoto E. The use of polylactic acid/polyglycolic acid copolymer and gelatin sponge complex containing human recom- binant bone morphogenetic protein-2 following condylectomy in rabbits. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2003;31:107-14.
  • 90. Mao JJ. Stem-cell-driven regeneration of synovial joints. Biol Cell 2005;97:289-301.
There are 50 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Perihan Oyar

Publication Date November 24, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Supplement 16


AMA Oyar P. TEMPOROMANDİBULAR EKLEM TAMİR VE REJENERASYONUNDA DOKU MÜHENDİSLİĞİ UYGULAMALARI. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. Published online November 1, 2016:189-198. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.290736
Chicago Oyar, Perihan. “TEMPOROMANDİBULAR EKLEM TAMİR VE REJENERASYONUNDA DOKU MÜHENDİSLİĞİ UYGULAMALARI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, November (November 2016), 189-98.
EndNote Oyar P (November 1, 2016) TEMPOROMANDİBULAR EKLEM TAMİR VE REJENERASYONUNDA DOKU MÜHENDİSLİĞİ UYGULAMALARI. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 189–198.
IEEE P. Oyar, “TEMPOROMANDİBULAR EKLEM TAMİR VE REJENERASYONUNDA DOKU MÜHENDİSLİĞİ UYGULAMALARI”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, pp. 189–198, November 2016, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.290736.
ISNAD Oyar, Perihan. “TEMPOROMANDİBULAR EKLEM TAMİR VE REJENERASYONUNDA DOKU MÜHENDİSLİĞİ UYGULAMALARI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi. November 2016. 189-198.
MLA Oyar, Perihan. “TEMPOROMANDİBULAR EKLEM TAMİR VE REJENERASYONUNDA DOKU MÜHENDİSLİĞİ UYGULAMALARI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016, pp. 189-98, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.290736.

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