Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 57 - 62, 14.06.2017




Aim: Frenulum is a sagittal fibrous fold of oral mucosa with a periosteal
insertion that extends from the lip or cheek to the alveolar or gingival
mucosa. Sometimes frenulums have high attachments and wide soft tissue folds
and these high frenulums may cause functional and aesthetic problems. The aim
of this study is evaluate the pain and discomfort in patients treated with
conventional or diode laser frenectomy through VAS scale.

Material-method: In this study, in totally 74 patients frenectomy procedure was
indicated. 39 patients had frenectomy performed with conventional surgery
(Group C) and 35 patients had frenectomy performed with laser surgery (Group
L). None of the patients had systemic disease or any prescribed drug use. A VAS
scale was prepared in order to evaluate pain and dis- comfort in speaking and
chewing. All patients were in- formed about how to fill the form in detail and a
form was given to each patient. All patients were recalled at 10th
day and VAS scale forms were recollected.

Results: There were no significant differences in demographic data of the groups
(p>0.05). Pain was found to be significantly higher in conventional group
(p<0.05). Likewise, discomfort in speaking and chewing was also
significantly lower in laser surgery group than conventional surgery

Conclusion: Diode laser frenectomy procedure caused lower pain and discomfort in
speaking and chewing, and within the limitations of this study, based on these
results it can be concluded that diode laser surgery had beneficial results in
frenectomy procedure.

Key words: Diode Laser; Frenectomy, Pain, Visual Analog Scale (VAS).



Amaç: Frenilum dudak
ve yanaklardan ağız mukozası veya yapışık dişetine uzanan, periosta tutunan kas
ve bağ dokusu liflerinden oluşan fizyolojik-anatomik bir bağlantı- dır. Bazı
hastalarda frenilum yüksek seviyede ataçman ve geniş mukoza katlantıları
yaparak fonksiyonel ve/veya estetik problemlere neden olabilir. Bu gibi
durumlarda cerrahi olarak alınması gereklidir. Frenektomi konvansiyo- nel
olarak uygulandığında sütür gerektirir ve sonrasında kanama, şişlik ve ağrı
olabilir. Lazer uygulaması, kanama olmaması, sütür gerektirmemesi ve hasta
konforu açısın- dan tercih edilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı konvansi- yonel ve
diyot lazer cerrahisi ile yapılan frenektomi işlemi sonrasında VAS skalası
aracılığıyla ağrı, konuşma ve çiğneme güçlüğünün değerlendirilmesidir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Frenektomi endikasyonu konulmuş toplam 74 hastada 39 hastaya
konvansiyonel cerrahi (K grubu) uygulanmış, 35 hastaya ise diyot lazer
cerrahisi (L grubu) ile frenektomi uygulanmıştır. Dahil edilen hastalar
sistemik hastalığı olmayan, düzenli ilaç kullanmayan has- talardı. Ağrı,
çiğneme ve konuşma fonksiyonlarının değer- lendirilebilmesi için hazırlanan VAS
skalası formu hastalara verilerek nasıl doldurmaları gerektiği detaylı bir
biçimde anlatılmıştır. Hastalar işlem sonrası 10. günde kontrole çağırılmıştır.

Bulgular: Her iki grup
arasında yaş ve cinsiyet dağılı- mı açısından fark bulunmadı (p>0.05). Ağrı
konvansi- yonel grupta lazer gurubuna oranla anlamlı düzeyde yüksek bulundu
(p<0.05). Aynı şekilde lazer grubunda konvansi- yonel gruba oranla daha az konuşma
ve çiğneme güçlüğü yaşandı (p<0.05).

Sonuç: Diyot lazer ile frenektomi cerrahisi konvansiyonel cerrahiye oranla
daha az ağrı, konuşma ve çiğneme güç- lüğüne neden olmuştur ve bu çalışmanın
sınırları dahilin- de, bu sonuçlara dayanarak diyot lazerin frenektomi
cerrahisinde faydalı sonuçlar verdiği söylenebilir

Anahtar Kelimeler: Ağrı, Diyot lazer; Frenektomi, Visual Analog


  • 1. Devishree, Gujjari SK, Shubhashini PV. Frenectomy: a review with the reports of surgical techniques. Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research : JCDR 2012;6:1587-92.
  • 2. Delli K, Livas C, Sculean A, Katsaros C, Bornstein MM. Facts and myths regarding the maxillary midline frenum and its treatment: a systematic review of the literature. Quintessence Int 2013;44:177-87.
  • 3. Gargari M, Autili N, Petrone A, Prete V. Using the diode laser in the lower labial frenum removal. ORAL & Implantology 2012;5:54-7.
  • 4. Akpinar A, Toker H, Lektemur Alpan A, Calisir M. Postoperative Discomfort After Nd: YAG laser and conventional frenectomy: comparison of both genders. Australian Dental Journal 2015.
  • 5. Haytac MC, Ozcelik O. Evaluation of patient perceptions after frenectomy operations: a comparison of carbon dioxide laser and scalpel techniques. J Periodontology 2006; 77: 1815-9.
  • 6. Shetty K, Trajtenberg C, Patel C, Streckfus C. Maxillary frenectomy using a carbon dioxide laser in a pediatric patient: a case report. General Dentistry 2008;56:60-3.
  • 7. Pie-Sanchez J, Espana-Tost AJ, Arnabat-Dominguez J, Gay-Escoda C. Comparative study of upper lip frenectomy with the CO2 laser versus the Er, Cr:YSGG laser. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal 2012;17:e228-32.
  • 8. De Santis D, Gerosa R, Graziani PF, et al. Lingual frenectomy: a comparison between the conventional surgical and laser procedure. Minerva Stomatologica 2013.
  • 9. Romanos G. Current concepts in the use of lasers in periodontal and implant dentistry. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 2015;19:490-494.
  • 10. Kafas P, Stavrianos C, Jerjes W, et al. Upper-lip laser frenectomy without infiltrated anaesthesia in a paediatric patient: a case report. Cases J 2009; 2:7138.
  • 11. Ishikawa I, Aoki A, Takasaki AA. Clinical application of erbium:YAG laser in periodontology. Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology 2008;10:22-30.
  • 12. Aras MH, Goregen M, Gungormus M, Akgul HM. Comparison of diode laser and Er:YAG lasers in the treatment of ankyloglossia. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2010;28:173-7.
  • 13. Goharkhay K, Moritz A, Wilder-Smith P, et al. Effects on oral soft tissue produced by a diode laser in vitro. Lasers İn Surgery And Medicine 1999;25:401-6.
  • 14. Vivek V, Jayasree RS, Balan A, Sreelatha KT, Gupta AK. Three-year follow-up of oral leukoplakia after neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser surgery. Lasers in Medical Science 2008;23:375-9.
  • 15. van der Hem PS, Egges M, van der Wal JE, Roodenburg JL. CO2 laser evaporation of oral lichen planus. International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 2008;37:630-3.
  • 16. Saetti R, Silvestrini M, Cutrone C, Narne S. Treatment of congenital subglottic hemangiomas: our experience compared with reports in the literature. Archives Of Otolaryngology--Head & Neck Surgery 2008;134:848-51.
  • 17. Azma E, Safavi N. Diode laser application in soft tissue oral surgery. Journal Of Lasers İn Medical Sciences 2013;4:206-11.
  • 18. Stubinger S, Saldamli B, Jurgens P, Ghazal G, Zeilhofer HF. [Soft tissue surgery with the diode laser--theoretical and clinical aspects]. Schweizer Monatsschrift fur Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia / SSO 2006;116:812-20.
  • 19. Andreana S. The use of diode lasers in periodontal therapy: literature review and suggested technique. Dentistry today 2005;24:130, 132-135.
  • 20. Akbulut N, Kursun ES, Tumer MK, Kamburoglu K, Gulsen U. Is the 810-nm diode laser the best choice in oral soft tissue therapy? European Journal Of Dentistry 2013;7:207-11.
  • 21. Benhamou D. [Evaluation of postoperative pain]. Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation 1998;17:555-72.
  • 22. Williamson A, Hoggart B. Pain: a review of three commonly used pain rating scales. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2005;14:798-804.
  • 23. Yucel A, Senocak M, Kocasoy Orhan E, Cimen A, Ertas M. Results of the Leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs pain scale in Turkey: a validation study. The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society 2004;5:427-32.
  • 24. Medeiros Junior R, Gueiros LA, Silva IH, de Albuquerque Carvalho A, Leao JC. Labial frenectomy with Nd:YAG laser and conventional surgery: a comparative study. Lasers in Medical Science 2015;30:851-6.
  • 25. Deppe H, Horch HH. Laser applications in oral surgery and implant dentistry. Lasers in medical Science 2007;22:217-21.
  • 26. Coleton S. Lasers in surgical periodontics and oral medicine. Dental clinics of North America 2004;48:937-962, vii.
  • 27. Leclere FM, Magalon G, Philandrianos C, Unglaub F, Servell P, Mordon S. Prospective ex-vivo study on thermal effects in human skin phototypes II, IV and VI: a comparison between the 808, 1064, 1210 and 1320-nm diode laser. Journal of cosmetic and laser therapy : official publication of the European Society for Laser Dermatology 2012;14:7-13.
  • 28. Uysal D GC. Laser ın dentıstry: a lıterature revıew J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2012; Supplementary:44-53.
  • 29. Stabholz A, Zeltser R, Sela M, Peretz B, Moshonov J, Ziskind D. The use of lasers in dentistry: principles of operation and clinical applications. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2003;24:935-48;
  • 30. Slot DE, Jorritsma KH, Cobb CM, Van der Weijden FA. The effect of the thermal diode laser (wavelength 808-980 nm) in non-surgical periodontal therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Of Clinical Periodontology 2014; 41:681-92.
  • 31. Saglam E SN, Emrem Doğan G. The treatment of ankyloglossia with frenectomy: case report. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2015;25:233-7.
  • 32. Suter VG, Altermatt HJ, Sendi P, Mettraux G, Bornstein MM. CO2 and diode laser for excisional biopsies of oral mucosal lesions. A pilot study evaluating clinical and histopathological parameters. Schweizer Monatsschrift fur Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie=Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia/SSO 2010;120:664-71.
  • 33. Boj JR, Poirier C, Hernandez M, Espassa E, Espanya A. Case series: laser treatments for soft tissue problems in children. European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry 2011; 12:113-7.
  • 34. Boj JR, Poirier C, Hernandez M, Espassa E, Espanya A. Review: laser soft tissue treatments for paediatric dental patients. European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry 2011;12:100-5.
  • 35. Kumar R, Jain G, Dhodapkar SV, Kumathalli KI, Jaiswal G. The Comparative Evaluation of Patient's Satisfaction and Comfort Level by Diode Laser and Scalpel in the Management of Mucogingival Anomalies. Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research : JCDR 2015;9:ZC56-8.
  • 36. Farista S, Kalakonda B, Koppolu P, Baroudi K, Elkhatat E, Dhaifullah E. Comparing Laser and Scalpel for Soft Tissue Crown Lengthening: A Clinical Study. Global Journal Of Health Science 2016;8:55795.
  • 37. El Shenawy HM, Nasry SA, Zaky AA, Quriba MA. Treatment of Gingival Hyperpigmentation by Diode Laser for Esthetical Purposes. Open access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences 2015;3:447-54.
  • 38. Reddy Kundoor VK, Patimeedi A, Roohi S, Maloth KN, Kesidi S, Masabattula GK. Efficacy of Diode Laser for the Management of Potentially Malignant Disorders. Journal Of Lasers İn Medical Sciences 2015;6:120-3.
  • 39. Ize-Iyamu IN, Saheeb BD, Edetanlen BE. Comparing the 810nm diode laser with conventional surgery in orthodontic soft tissue procedures. Ghana Medical J 2013;47:107-11.
  • 40. Gontijo I, Navarro RS, Haypek P, Ciamponi AL, Haddad AE. The applications of diode and Er:YAG lasers in labial frenectomy in infant patients. J Dent Child (Chic) 2005;72:10-5.
  • 41. Pick RM, Colvard MD. Current status of lasers in soft tissue dental surgery. Journal Of Periodontology 1993;64:589-602.
Year 2017, Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 57 - 62, 14.06.2017



  • 1. Devishree, Gujjari SK, Shubhashini PV. Frenectomy: a review with the reports of surgical techniques. Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research : JCDR 2012;6:1587-92.
  • 2. Delli K, Livas C, Sculean A, Katsaros C, Bornstein MM. Facts and myths regarding the maxillary midline frenum and its treatment: a systematic review of the literature. Quintessence Int 2013;44:177-87.
  • 3. Gargari M, Autili N, Petrone A, Prete V. Using the diode laser in the lower labial frenum removal. ORAL & Implantology 2012;5:54-7.
  • 4. Akpinar A, Toker H, Lektemur Alpan A, Calisir M. Postoperative Discomfort After Nd: YAG laser and conventional frenectomy: comparison of both genders. Australian Dental Journal 2015.
  • 5. Haytac MC, Ozcelik O. Evaluation of patient perceptions after frenectomy operations: a comparison of carbon dioxide laser and scalpel techniques. J Periodontology 2006; 77: 1815-9.
  • 6. Shetty K, Trajtenberg C, Patel C, Streckfus C. Maxillary frenectomy using a carbon dioxide laser in a pediatric patient: a case report. General Dentistry 2008;56:60-3.
  • 7. Pie-Sanchez J, Espana-Tost AJ, Arnabat-Dominguez J, Gay-Escoda C. Comparative study of upper lip frenectomy with the CO2 laser versus the Er, Cr:YSGG laser. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal 2012;17:e228-32.
  • 8. De Santis D, Gerosa R, Graziani PF, et al. Lingual frenectomy: a comparison between the conventional surgical and laser procedure. Minerva Stomatologica 2013.
  • 9. Romanos G. Current concepts in the use of lasers in periodontal and implant dentistry. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 2015;19:490-494.
  • 10. Kafas P, Stavrianos C, Jerjes W, et al. Upper-lip laser frenectomy without infiltrated anaesthesia in a paediatric patient: a case report. Cases J 2009; 2:7138.
  • 11. Ishikawa I, Aoki A, Takasaki AA. Clinical application of erbium:YAG laser in periodontology. Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology 2008;10:22-30.
  • 12. Aras MH, Goregen M, Gungormus M, Akgul HM. Comparison of diode laser and Er:YAG lasers in the treatment of ankyloglossia. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2010;28:173-7.
  • 13. Goharkhay K, Moritz A, Wilder-Smith P, et al. Effects on oral soft tissue produced by a diode laser in vitro. Lasers İn Surgery And Medicine 1999;25:401-6.
  • 14. Vivek V, Jayasree RS, Balan A, Sreelatha KT, Gupta AK. Three-year follow-up of oral leukoplakia after neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser surgery. Lasers in Medical Science 2008;23:375-9.
  • 15. van der Hem PS, Egges M, van der Wal JE, Roodenburg JL. CO2 laser evaporation of oral lichen planus. International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 2008;37:630-3.
  • 16. Saetti R, Silvestrini M, Cutrone C, Narne S. Treatment of congenital subglottic hemangiomas: our experience compared with reports in the literature. Archives Of Otolaryngology--Head & Neck Surgery 2008;134:848-51.
  • 17. Azma E, Safavi N. Diode laser application in soft tissue oral surgery. Journal Of Lasers İn Medical Sciences 2013;4:206-11.
  • 18. Stubinger S, Saldamli B, Jurgens P, Ghazal G, Zeilhofer HF. [Soft tissue surgery with the diode laser--theoretical and clinical aspects]. Schweizer Monatsschrift fur Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia / SSO 2006;116:812-20.
  • 19. Andreana S. The use of diode lasers in periodontal therapy: literature review and suggested technique. Dentistry today 2005;24:130, 132-135.
  • 20. Akbulut N, Kursun ES, Tumer MK, Kamburoglu K, Gulsen U. Is the 810-nm diode laser the best choice in oral soft tissue therapy? European Journal Of Dentistry 2013;7:207-11.
  • 21. Benhamou D. [Evaluation of postoperative pain]. Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation 1998;17:555-72.
  • 22. Williamson A, Hoggart B. Pain: a review of three commonly used pain rating scales. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2005;14:798-804.
  • 23. Yucel A, Senocak M, Kocasoy Orhan E, Cimen A, Ertas M. Results of the Leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs pain scale in Turkey: a validation study. The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society 2004;5:427-32.
  • 24. Medeiros Junior R, Gueiros LA, Silva IH, de Albuquerque Carvalho A, Leao JC. Labial frenectomy with Nd:YAG laser and conventional surgery: a comparative study. Lasers in Medical Science 2015;30:851-6.
  • 25. Deppe H, Horch HH. Laser applications in oral surgery and implant dentistry. Lasers in medical Science 2007;22:217-21.
  • 26. Coleton S. Lasers in surgical periodontics and oral medicine. Dental clinics of North America 2004;48:937-962, vii.
  • 27. Leclere FM, Magalon G, Philandrianos C, Unglaub F, Servell P, Mordon S. Prospective ex-vivo study on thermal effects in human skin phototypes II, IV and VI: a comparison between the 808, 1064, 1210 and 1320-nm diode laser. Journal of cosmetic and laser therapy : official publication of the European Society for Laser Dermatology 2012;14:7-13.
  • 28. Uysal D GC. Laser ın dentıstry: a lıterature revıew J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2012; Supplementary:44-53.
  • 29. Stabholz A, Zeltser R, Sela M, Peretz B, Moshonov J, Ziskind D. The use of lasers in dentistry: principles of operation and clinical applications. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2003;24:935-48;
  • 30. Slot DE, Jorritsma KH, Cobb CM, Van der Weijden FA. The effect of the thermal diode laser (wavelength 808-980 nm) in non-surgical periodontal therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Of Clinical Periodontology 2014; 41:681-92.
  • 31. Saglam E SN, Emrem Doğan G. The treatment of ankyloglossia with frenectomy: case report. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2015;25:233-7.
  • 32. Suter VG, Altermatt HJ, Sendi P, Mettraux G, Bornstein MM. CO2 and diode laser for excisional biopsies of oral mucosal lesions. A pilot study evaluating clinical and histopathological parameters. Schweizer Monatsschrift fur Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie=Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia/SSO 2010;120:664-71.
  • 33. Boj JR, Poirier C, Hernandez M, Espassa E, Espanya A. Case series: laser treatments for soft tissue problems in children. European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry 2011; 12:113-7.
  • 34. Boj JR, Poirier C, Hernandez M, Espassa E, Espanya A. Review: laser soft tissue treatments for paediatric dental patients. European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry 2011;12:100-5.
  • 35. Kumar R, Jain G, Dhodapkar SV, Kumathalli KI, Jaiswal G. The Comparative Evaluation of Patient's Satisfaction and Comfort Level by Diode Laser and Scalpel in the Management of Mucogingival Anomalies. Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research : JCDR 2015;9:ZC56-8.
  • 36. Farista S, Kalakonda B, Koppolu P, Baroudi K, Elkhatat E, Dhaifullah E. Comparing Laser and Scalpel for Soft Tissue Crown Lengthening: A Clinical Study. Global Journal Of Health Science 2016;8:55795.
  • 37. El Shenawy HM, Nasry SA, Zaky AA, Quriba MA. Treatment of Gingival Hyperpigmentation by Diode Laser for Esthetical Purposes. Open access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences 2015;3:447-54.
  • 38. Reddy Kundoor VK, Patimeedi A, Roohi S, Maloth KN, Kesidi S, Masabattula GK. Efficacy of Diode Laser for the Management of Potentially Malignant Disorders. Journal Of Lasers İn Medical Sciences 2015;6:120-3.
  • 39. Ize-Iyamu IN, Saheeb BD, Edetanlen BE. Comparing the 810nm diode laser with conventional surgery in orthodontic soft tissue procedures. Ghana Medical J 2013;47:107-11.
  • 40. Gontijo I, Navarro RS, Haypek P, Ciamponi AL, Haddad AE. The applications of diode and Er:YAG lasers in labial frenectomy in infant patients. J Dent Child (Chic) 2005;72:10-5.
  • 41. Pick RM, Colvard MD. Current status of lasers in soft tissue dental surgery. Journal Of Periodontology 1993;64:589-602.
There are 41 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Balcı Yüce

Feyza Tulu This is me

Özkan Karataş This is me

Fatma Uçan Yarkaç This is me

Publication Date June 14, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 27 Issue: 2


APA Balcı Yüce, H., Tulu, F., Karataş, Ö., Uçan Yarkaç, F. (2017). COMPARISON OF THE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT AFTER DIODE LASER AND CONVENTIONAL FRENECTOMY. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2), 57-62.
AMA Balcı Yüce H, Tulu F, Karataş Ö, Uçan Yarkaç F. COMPARISON OF THE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT AFTER DIODE LASER AND CONVENTIONAL FRENECTOMY. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. June 2017;27(2):57-62. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.321371
Chicago Balcı Yüce, Hatice, Feyza Tulu, Özkan Karataş, and Fatma Uçan Yarkaç. “COMPARISON OF THE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT AFTER DIODE LASER AND CONVENTIONAL FRENECTOMY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 27, no. 2 (June 2017): 57-62.
EndNote Balcı Yüce H, Tulu F, Karataş Ö, Uçan Yarkaç F (June 1, 2017) COMPARISON OF THE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT AFTER DIODE LASER AND CONVENTIONAL FRENECTOMY. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 27 2 57–62.
IEEE H. Balcı Yüce, F. Tulu, Ö. Karataş, and F. Uçan Yarkaç, “COMPARISON OF THE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT AFTER DIODE LASER AND CONVENTIONAL FRENECTOMY”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 57–62, 2017, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.321371.
ISNAD Balcı Yüce, Hatice et al. “COMPARISON OF THE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT AFTER DIODE LASER AND CONVENTIONAL FRENECTOMY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 27/2 (June 2017), 57-62.
MLA Balcı Yüce, Hatice et al. “COMPARISON OF THE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT AFTER DIODE LASER AND CONVENTIONAL FRENECTOMY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 27, no. 2, 2017, pp. 57-62, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.321371.

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