Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 28 Issue: 4, 487 - 491, 14.10.2018


Aim: The current study aimed to
evaluate the effectiveness of QMix and EDTA solutions in removing Ca(OH)2
from root canals.

Materials and Methods: Forty-eight
mandibular premolar teeth were instrumented by ProTaper Universal instruments.
All of the teeth were then fixed in modified Eppendorf vials using a silicone
impression material. After the removal of the specimens from the Eppendorf vials
the roots were split into two halves longitudinally and standard longitudinal
grooves were then created on the dentinal walls at a level of 3 mm below the
cementoenamel junction and 3 mm above from the apex of the roots. The Ca(OH)2
was placed into the grooves and the specimens were then remounted into the
silicone impression material. Six groups were formed: Needle-EDTA, Needle-QMix,
Ultrasonic-EDTA, Ultrasonic- QMix, Sonic-EDTA and Sonic-QMix. The root halves
were separated and digital images of artificially created grooves were obtained
with a stereomicroscope at a 25x magnification. The Ca(OH)2 left on
the artificially created grooves were scored using a 4-graded scoring system
and the data were statistically analyzed.

Results: Needle QMix group removed more
Ca(OH)2 than with the EDTA group at the apical part of the root
canal (P < 0.083).

Conclusions: When the irrigation was
performed by a conventional needle, the QMix solution had better efficiency
than EDTA in removing Ca(OH)2 from the apical part of the root
canal. In clinical practice, the QMix solution can be used effectively for the
removal of Ca (OH)2.

 * Department of Endodontics,
Faculty of Dentistry, Ataturk University, Erzurum.




Keywords: QMix, EDTA, calcium hydroxide


Bu çalışma amacı, QMix ve EDTA
solüsyonlarının kök kanalından Ca(OH)2 ’i uzaklaştırma
etkinliklerini değerlendirmektir.

ve Yöntem:
ProTaper Universal aletleri
kullanılarak 48 adet altçene küçük azı dişi şekillendirildi. Tüm dişler
modifiye Ependorf tüplerine slikon ölçü materyali kullanılarak sabitlendi.
Örnekler Ependorf tüplerinden çıkarıldıktan sonra kökler dik olarak ikiye
ayrıldı ve dentin duvarları üzerinde, mine sement sınırının 3 mm aşağısında ve
apeksin 3 mm yukarısında olacak şekilde standart oluklar oluşturuldu. Oluklara
Ca(OH)2 yerleştirildi ve örnekler tekrar slikon ölçü materyali
içerisine yerleştirildi.
6 grup oluşturuldu:
İğne-EDTA, İğne-QMix, Ultrasonik-EDTA, Ultrasonik-QMix, Sonik-EDTA, Sonik-QMix.
Kök parçaları ayrıldı ve stereo mikroskop altında 25 büyütme kullanılarak
olukların dijital görüntüleri alındı. 4 aşamalı skorlama sistemi kullanılarak
geride kalan Ca(OH)2 miktarı değerlendirildi ve veriler
istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi.

İğne-QMix grubu apikal bölgede
iğne-EDTA grubundan daha fazla Ca(OH)2 uzaklaştırmıştır.
(P < 0.083).

Kök kanalları geleneksel iğne ile
yıkandığı zaman, QMix soluüsyonu, EDTA’dan daha etkin şekilde Ca(OH)2 uzaklaştırmaktadır.
Klinik pratikte QMix solüsyonu etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: QMix, EDTA, kalsiyum hidroksit


  • 1. Şimşek NK, A. Non-Surgical Endodontic Treatment Of Large Cyst-Like Periapical Lesions: A Case Report. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2013; 23: 375-9.
  • 2. EE Ok, Altunsoy İ, Kalkan M. A comparison of the vertical root fracture resistance of teeth treated with calcium hydroxide and ledermix paste. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2016; 26: 52-7.
  • 3. Siqueira JF, Jr, Lopes HP. Mechanisms of antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide: a critical review. Int Endod J 1999; 32: 361-9.
  • 4. Ricucci D, Langeland K. Incomplete calcium hydroxide removal from the root canal: a case report. Int Endod J 1997; 30: 418-21.
  • 5. Bottcher DE, Hirai VH, Da Silva Neto UX, Grecca FS. Effect of calcium hydroxide dressing on the long-term sealing ability of two different endodon- tic sealers: an in vitro study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 110: 386-9.
  • 6. Nandini S, Velmurugan N, Kandaswamy D. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide intracanal medicament with two calcium chelators: volumetric analysis using spiral CT, an in vitro study. J Endod, 2006, 32: 1097-101.
  • 7. Stojicic S, Shen Y, Qian W, Johnson B, Haapasalo M. Antibacterial and smear layer removal ability of a novel irrigant, QMiX. Int Endod J 2012; 45: 363-71.
  • 8. Wang Z, Shen Y, Haapasalo M. Effect of smear layer against disinfection protocols on Enterococcus faecalis-infected dentin. J Endod 2013; 39: 1395-400.
  • 9. van der Sluis LW, Wu MK, Wesselink PR. The evaluation of removal of calcium hydroxide paste from an artificial standardized groove in the apical root canal using different irrigation methodologies. Int Endod J 2007; 40: 52-7.
  • 10. Eliot C, Hatton JF, Stewart GP, Hildebolt CF, Jane Gillespie M, Gutmann JL. The effect of the irrigant QMix on removal of canal wall smear layer: an ex vivo study. Odontology 2014; 102: 232-40.
  • 11. Giardino L, Ambu E, Becce C, Rimondini L, Morra M. Surface tension comparison of four common root canal irrigants and two new irrigants containing antibiotic. J Endod 2006; 32: 1091-3.
  • 12. Abou-Rass M, Patonai FJ, Jr. The effects of decreasing surface tension on the flow of irrigating solutions in narrow root canals. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982; 53: 524-6.
  • 13. Dunavant TR, Regan JD, Glickman GN, Solomon ES, Honeyman AL. Comparative evaluation of endodontic irrigants against Enterococcus faecalis biofilms. J Endod 2006; 32: 527-31.
  • 14. Shen Y, Qian W, Chung C, Olsen I, Haapasalo M. Evaluation of the effect of two chlorhexidine preparations on biofilm bacteria in vitro: a three-dimensional quantitative analysis. J Endod 2009; 35: 981-5.
  • 15. Stojicic S, Zivkovic S, Qian W, Zhang H, Haapasalo M. Tissue dissolution by sodium hypochlorite: effect of concentration, temperature, agitation, and surfactant. J Endod 2010; 36: 1558-62.
  • 16. Arslan H, Akcay M, Capar ID, Saygili G, Gok T, Ertas H. An in vitro comparison of irrigation using photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming, ultra- sonic, sonic and needle techniques in removing calcium hydroxide. Int Endod J 2015; 48: 246-251.
  • 17. Yucel AC, Gurel M, Guler E, Karabucak B. Compa- rison of final irrigation techniques in removal of calcium hydroxide. Aust Endod J 2013; 39: 116-21.
  • 18. Capar ID, Ozcan E, Arslan H, Ertas H, Aydinbelge HA. Effect of different final irrigation methods on the removal of calcium hydroxide from an artificial standardized groove in the apical third of root canals. J Endod 2014; 40: 451-4.
  • 19. Kenee DM, Allemang JD, Johnson JD, Hellstein J, Nichol BK. A quantitative assessment of efficacy of various calcium hydroxide removal techniques. J Endod 2006; 32: 563-5.
  • 20. Wiseman A, Cox TC, Paranjpe A, Flake NM, Cohenca N, Johnson JD. Efficacy of sonic and ult- rasonic activation for removal of calcium hydroxide from mesial canals of mandibular molars: a microtomographic study. J Endod 2011; 37: 235-8.
  • 21. Jiang LM, Verhaagen B, Versluis M, van der Sluis LW. Influence of the oscillation direction of an ultrasonic file on the cleaning efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation. J Endod 2010; 36: 1372-6.
  • 22. Hennequin M, Pajot J, Avignant D. Effects of different pH values of citric acid solutions on the calcium and phosphorus contents of human root dentin. J Endod 1994; 20: 551-4.
  • 23. Hulsmann M, Heckendorff M, Lennon A. Chelating agents in root canal treatment: mode of action and indications for their use. Int Endod J 2003; 36: 810-30.
  • 24. Teixeira CS, Felippe MC, Felippe WT. The effect of application time of EDTA and NaOCl on intracanal smear layer removal: an SEM analysis. Int Endod J 2005; 38: 285-90.
  • 25. Scelza MF, Antoniazzi JH, Scelza P. Efficacy of final irrigation--a scanning electron microscopic evaluation. J Endod 2000; 26: 355-8.
  • 26. Hulsmann M, Heckendorff M, Schafers F. Compara- tive in-vitro evaluation of three chelator pastes. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 668-79.
  • 27. Torabinejad M, Cho Y, Khademi AA, Bakland LK, Shabahang S. The effect of various concentrations of sodium hypochlorite on the ability of MTAD to remove the smear layer. J Endod 2003; 29: 233-9.
Year 2018, Volume: 28 Issue: 4, 487 - 491, 14.10.2018



  • 1. Şimşek NK, A. Non-Surgical Endodontic Treatment Of Large Cyst-Like Periapical Lesions: A Case Report. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2013; 23: 375-9.
  • 2. EE Ok, Altunsoy İ, Kalkan M. A comparison of the vertical root fracture resistance of teeth treated with calcium hydroxide and ledermix paste. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2016; 26: 52-7.
  • 3. Siqueira JF, Jr, Lopes HP. Mechanisms of antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide: a critical review. Int Endod J 1999; 32: 361-9.
  • 4. Ricucci D, Langeland K. Incomplete calcium hydroxide removal from the root canal: a case report. Int Endod J 1997; 30: 418-21.
  • 5. Bottcher DE, Hirai VH, Da Silva Neto UX, Grecca FS. Effect of calcium hydroxide dressing on the long-term sealing ability of two different endodon- tic sealers: an in vitro study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 110: 386-9.
  • 6. Nandini S, Velmurugan N, Kandaswamy D. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide intracanal medicament with two calcium chelators: volumetric analysis using spiral CT, an in vitro study. J Endod, 2006, 32: 1097-101.
  • 7. Stojicic S, Shen Y, Qian W, Johnson B, Haapasalo M. Antibacterial and smear layer removal ability of a novel irrigant, QMiX. Int Endod J 2012; 45: 363-71.
  • 8. Wang Z, Shen Y, Haapasalo M. Effect of smear layer against disinfection protocols on Enterococcus faecalis-infected dentin. J Endod 2013; 39: 1395-400.
  • 9. van der Sluis LW, Wu MK, Wesselink PR. The evaluation of removal of calcium hydroxide paste from an artificial standardized groove in the apical root canal using different irrigation methodologies. Int Endod J 2007; 40: 52-7.
  • 10. Eliot C, Hatton JF, Stewart GP, Hildebolt CF, Jane Gillespie M, Gutmann JL. The effect of the irrigant QMix on removal of canal wall smear layer: an ex vivo study. Odontology 2014; 102: 232-40.
  • 11. Giardino L, Ambu E, Becce C, Rimondini L, Morra M. Surface tension comparison of four common root canal irrigants and two new irrigants containing antibiotic. J Endod 2006; 32: 1091-3.
  • 12. Abou-Rass M, Patonai FJ, Jr. The effects of decreasing surface tension on the flow of irrigating solutions in narrow root canals. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982; 53: 524-6.
  • 13. Dunavant TR, Regan JD, Glickman GN, Solomon ES, Honeyman AL. Comparative evaluation of endodontic irrigants against Enterococcus faecalis biofilms. J Endod 2006; 32: 527-31.
  • 14. Shen Y, Qian W, Chung C, Olsen I, Haapasalo M. Evaluation of the effect of two chlorhexidine preparations on biofilm bacteria in vitro: a three-dimensional quantitative analysis. J Endod 2009; 35: 981-5.
  • 15. Stojicic S, Zivkovic S, Qian W, Zhang H, Haapasalo M. Tissue dissolution by sodium hypochlorite: effect of concentration, temperature, agitation, and surfactant. J Endod 2010; 36: 1558-62.
  • 16. Arslan H, Akcay M, Capar ID, Saygili G, Gok T, Ertas H. An in vitro comparison of irrigation using photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming, ultra- sonic, sonic and needle techniques in removing calcium hydroxide. Int Endod J 2015; 48: 246-251.
  • 17. Yucel AC, Gurel M, Guler E, Karabucak B. Compa- rison of final irrigation techniques in removal of calcium hydroxide. Aust Endod J 2013; 39: 116-21.
  • 18. Capar ID, Ozcan E, Arslan H, Ertas H, Aydinbelge HA. Effect of different final irrigation methods on the removal of calcium hydroxide from an artificial standardized groove in the apical third of root canals. J Endod 2014; 40: 451-4.
  • 19. Kenee DM, Allemang JD, Johnson JD, Hellstein J, Nichol BK. A quantitative assessment of efficacy of various calcium hydroxide removal techniques. J Endod 2006; 32: 563-5.
  • 20. Wiseman A, Cox TC, Paranjpe A, Flake NM, Cohenca N, Johnson JD. Efficacy of sonic and ult- rasonic activation for removal of calcium hydroxide from mesial canals of mandibular molars: a microtomographic study. J Endod 2011; 37: 235-8.
  • 21. Jiang LM, Verhaagen B, Versluis M, van der Sluis LW. Influence of the oscillation direction of an ultrasonic file on the cleaning efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation. J Endod 2010; 36: 1372-6.
  • 22. Hennequin M, Pajot J, Avignant D. Effects of different pH values of citric acid solutions on the calcium and phosphorus contents of human root dentin. J Endod 1994; 20: 551-4.
  • 23. Hulsmann M, Heckendorff M, Lennon A. Chelating agents in root canal treatment: mode of action and indications for their use. Int Endod J 2003; 36: 810-30.
  • 24. Teixeira CS, Felippe MC, Felippe WT. The effect of application time of EDTA and NaOCl on intracanal smear layer removal: an SEM analysis. Int Endod J 2005; 38: 285-90.
  • 25. Scelza MF, Antoniazzi JH, Scelza P. Efficacy of final irrigation--a scanning electron microscopic evaluation. J Endod 2000; 26: 355-8.
  • 26. Hulsmann M, Heckendorff M, Schafers F. Compara- tive in-vitro evaluation of three chelator pastes. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 668-79.
  • 27. Torabinejad M, Cho Y, Khademi AA, Bakland LK, Shabahang S. The effect of various concentrations of sodium hypochlorite on the ability of MTAD to remove the smear layer. J Endod 2003; 29: 233-9.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Ertuğrul Karataş This is me 0000-0002-8145-8763

Hakan Arslan This is me 0000-0003-4890-1062

Ahmet Demirhan Uygun This is me 0000-0001-5704-183X

Eyüp Candaş Gündoğdu This is me 0000-0002-4680-3912

Publication Date October 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 28 Issue: 4


APA Karataş, E., Arslan, H., Uygun, A. D., Gündoğdu, E. C. (2018). THE EFFECT OF QMix SOLUTION IN THE REMOVAL OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE FROM ARTIFICIALLY CREATED GROOVES. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(4), 487-491.
AMA Karataş E, Arslan H, Uygun AD, Gündoğdu EC. THE EFFECT OF QMix SOLUTION IN THE REMOVAL OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE FROM ARTIFICIALLY CREATED GROOVES. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. October 2018;28(4):487-491. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.473850
Chicago Karataş, Ertuğrul, Hakan Arslan, Ahmet Demirhan Uygun, and Eyüp Candaş Gündoğdu. “THE EFFECT OF QMix SOLUTION IN THE REMOVAL OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE FROM ARTIFICIALLY CREATED GROOVES”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 28, no. 4 (October 2018): 487-91.
EndNote Karataş E, Arslan H, Uygun AD, Gündoğdu EC (October 1, 2018) THE EFFECT OF QMix SOLUTION IN THE REMOVAL OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE FROM ARTIFICIALLY CREATED GROOVES. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 28 4 487–491.
IEEE E. Karataş, H. Arslan, A. D. Uygun, and E. C. Gündoğdu, “THE EFFECT OF QMix SOLUTION IN THE REMOVAL OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE FROM ARTIFICIALLY CREATED GROOVES”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 487–491, 2018, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.473850.
ISNAD Karataş, Ertuğrul et al. “THE EFFECT OF QMix SOLUTION IN THE REMOVAL OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE FROM ARTIFICIALLY CREATED GROOVES”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 28/4 (October 2018), 487-491.
MLA Karataş, Ertuğrul et al. “THE EFFECT OF QMix SOLUTION IN THE REMOVAL OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE FROM ARTIFICIALLY CREATED GROOVES”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 28, no. 4, 2018, pp. 487-91, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.473850.

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