Case Report
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Year 2019, Volume: 29 Issue: 4, 647 - 651, 15.10.2019


Amaç: Gülme sırasında diş
etinin fazla görünmesi olarak adlandırılan gummy smile hastalar açısından
estetik problem yaratmaktadır. Bu vaka paylaşımında güncel ve teknolojik
tedaviler ışığında kısa kuron boyu ve diasteması olan hastanın estetik
sıkıntılarının multidisipliner bir yaklaşımla giderilmesi anlatılmaktadır.

Materyal-Metot: 40 yaşındaki bayan
hasta, gülme sırasında diş etlerinin fazla görünmesi ve dişleri arasındaki
boşluklardan rahatsız olduğunu belirterek kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastanın
yapılan klinik ve radyolojik muayeneleri sonucu sistemik ve periodontal olarak
bir hastalık bulgusu saptanmadı. Kuron boyu yükseltme ve porselen laminate
yapımı prosedürlerini kabul eden hastanın tedavi planlaması yapıldı. Kuron
boylarını ideal yüksekliğe getirmek için apikale pozisyone flap, kemik
rezeksiyonu ve frenektomi işlemleri yapıldı. Dişetlerinin iyileşmesini takiben
anterior dişler porselen laminate yapımı için minimal girişimsel yaklaşımla
hazırlandı. CAD/CAM teknolojisi kullanılarak üretilen laminate venerler dual
sertleşen rezin ile simante edilerek hastanın tedavisi bitirildi.

Tartışma: Gummy smile
tedavisinde apikale pozisyone flap, uzun tedavi süresi gerektiren ortodontik
tedaviye ya da daha zor işlem prosedürleri plan ortognatik cerrahiye  alternatif olarak tercih edilebilir. Laminate
venerler ise uygun endikasyonlarda daha estetik ve minimal preperasyonla daha
konservatif tedavi seçeneği sunmaktadır.

Sonuç: Gummy smile ve
diastema vakalarında farklı tedavi seçenekleri vardır. Hastanın beklentileri de
göz önüne alınarak buna göre bir tedavi planı yapılması başarıda önemli rol

Anahtar kelimeler: Gummy smile, dental
laminate, CAD/CAM



Purpose: Gummy smile, which is the name
given to the over-visibility of the gums while smiling, causes problems for
patients from the aesthetic perspective. This case presentation explains the
elimination of the aesthetic problems of a patient, who has short crown length
and diastema, using a multi-disciplinary approach in light of the contemporary
and technological treatments.

Material-Method: A 40-year old female
patient has applied at our clinic stating that she was disturbed with the
over-visibility of her gums and the gaps between her teeth when she smiled. Any
systemic or periodontal disease was not identified as a result of the patient’s
clinical and radiological examinations. The patient accepted the crown length
extension and porcelain laminate procedures and her treatment was planned.
Apically positioned flap, bone resection and frenectomy procedures were carried
out in order to bring the crown lengths to the ideal height. Following the
recovery of the gums, the anterior teeth were prepared with a minimal invasive
approach for porcelain laminate application. The patient’s treatment was
completed after the laminate veneers produced using the CAD/CAM technology were
cemented using dual-cure resin.

Discussion: The apically positioned
flap method used in gummy smile treatment may be preferred as an alternative to
orthodontic treatment, which requires a long time, or orthognathic surgery,
which necessities more difficult treatment procedures. And, laminate veneers
offer a more aesthetic and more conservative treatment approach with minimal
preparation, in patients with compatible indications.

Conclusion: There are different
treatment options in gummy smile and diastema cases. Preparing a treatment plan
considering the patient’s expectations play a key role in the success of the

Key Words: Gummy smile, dental
laminate, CAD/CAM


  • 1. Van Meerbeek B, Pertigao J, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. The clinical performance of adhesives. Journal of dentistry 1998; 26(1), 1-20.
  • 2. Aschheim KW, Dale BGA. A clinical approachto techniques and materials. Esthetic Dentistry, St. Loius: Mosby, 2. Ed, 2001,p:56-197.
  • 3. Christensen GJ. Ceramic veneers: State of the art: 1999. p:1121-1123.
  • 4. Kihn PW, Barnes DM. The clinical longevity of porcelain veneers: a 48-month clinical evaluation. The Journal of the American Dental Association 1998;129(6), 747-752.
  • 5. Aristidis GA. Etched porcelain veneer restoration of a primary tooth: A clinical report. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2000;83(5),504-507.
  • 6. Brunton PA, Wilson NH. Preparations for porcelain laminate veneers in general dental practice. British dental journal 1998;184(11),553-556.
  • 7. Peumans M, Van Meerbeek B, Lambrechts P, Vuylsteke-Wauters M, Vanherle G. Five-year clinical performance of porcelain veneers. Quintessence international 1998;29(4),211-221. 8. Friedman MJ. Augmenting restorative dentistry with porcelain veneers. The Journal of the American Dental Association 1991;122(6),29-34.
  • 9. Fehmer V, Mühlemann S, Hämmerle CH, Sailer I. Criteria for the selection of restoration materials. Quintessence International 2014;45(9),723-730.
  • 10. De OA, Hirata R, Celestrino M, Seto M, Siqueira JS, Nahas R. Ultimate ceramic veneer: a laboratory-guided preparation technique for minimally invasive laminate veneers. Journal of the California Dental Association 2012;40(6),489-494.
  • 11. Mandalı G, Biçer AZY, Bulut Z, Konakçı DB. Anterior bölgede estetik yaklaşımlar: olgu sunumu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2011(4),80-85.
  • 12. Aristidis GA. Etched porcelain veneer restoration of a primary tooth: A clinical report. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2000;83(5),504-507.
  • 13. Brunton PA, Wilson NH. Preparations for porcelain laminate veneers in general dental practice. British dental journal 1998;184(11),553-556.
  • 14. Peumans M, Van Meerbeek B, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. Porcelain veneers: a review of the literature, J Dent 2000;28,163-177.
  • 15. Rufenacht CR, Berger RP, Lee RL, Nixon RL, Ricci G, Shavell HM. Porcelain veneers: An esthetic therapeutic alternative, Fundamentals of Esthetics, Quintessence Publishing Co, Tokyo 1992;329-368.
  • 16. De Andrade OS, Ferreira LA, Borges GA, Adolfi D. Ultimate Ceramic Veneers: A Laboratory-Guided Preparation Technique for Minimally Invasive Restorations. American Journal of Esthetic Dentistry 2013;3(1),8-22.
  • 17. Zimmermann M, Mehl A. Virtual smile design systems: a current review. International journal of computerized dentistry 2015;18(4),303-317.
  • 18. Karaalioğlu OF, Duymuş ZY. Diş hekimliğinde uygulanan CAD/CAM sistemleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2008(1); 27-32.
  • 19. Vafiadis D, Goldstein G. Single visit fabrication of a porcelain laminate veneer with CAD/CAM technology: a clinical report. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2011;106(2),71-73.
  • 20. Zandinejad A, Lin WS, Atarodi M, Abdel-Azim T, Metz MJ, Morton D. Digital workflow for virtually designing and milling ceramic lithium disilicate veneers: a clinical report. Operative dentistry 2015;40(3),241-246.
  • 21. Fasbinder DJ. (2010). Materials for chairside CAD/CAM restorations. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2010;31(9),702-4.
  • 22. Giordano, R. Materials for chairside CAD/CAM–produced restorations. The Journal of the American Dental Association 2006;137,14-21.
  • 23. Vichi A, Sedda M, Del Siena F, Louca C, Ferrari M. Flexural resistance of Cerec CAD/CAM system ceramic blocks. Part 1: Chairside materials. Am J Dent 2013;26(5),255-9.
  • 24. Nejatidanesh F, Amjadi M, Akouchekian M, Savabi O. Clinical performance of CEREC AC Bluecam conservative ceramic restorations after five years—A retrospective study. Journal of dentistry 2015;43(9),1076-1082.
  • 25. Kılıçarslan MA, Zaimoğlu A. Farklı Rezin Simanlar İle Yapıştırılan Porselen Laminate Veneerlerin Mine ve Dentindeki Makaslama Bağlantılarının Karşılaştırılması. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dental Sciences 1999;5(2),99-105.
Year 2019, Volume: 29 Issue: 4, 647 - 651, 15.10.2019



  • 1. Van Meerbeek B, Pertigao J, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. The clinical performance of adhesives. Journal of dentistry 1998; 26(1), 1-20.
  • 2. Aschheim KW, Dale BGA. A clinical approachto techniques and materials. Esthetic Dentistry, St. Loius: Mosby, 2. Ed, 2001,p:56-197.
  • 3. Christensen GJ. Ceramic veneers: State of the art: 1999. p:1121-1123.
  • 4. Kihn PW, Barnes DM. The clinical longevity of porcelain veneers: a 48-month clinical evaluation. The Journal of the American Dental Association 1998;129(6), 747-752.
  • 5. Aristidis GA. Etched porcelain veneer restoration of a primary tooth: A clinical report. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2000;83(5),504-507.
  • 6. Brunton PA, Wilson NH. Preparations for porcelain laminate veneers in general dental practice. British dental journal 1998;184(11),553-556.
  • 7. Peumans M, Van Meerbeek B, Lambrechts P, Vuylsteke-Wauters M, Vanherle G. Five-year clinical performance of porcelain veneers. Quintessence international 1998;29(4),211-221. 8. Friedman MJ. Augmenting restorative dentistry with porcelain veneers. The Journal of the American Dental Association 1991;122(6),29-34.
  • 9. Fehmer V, Mühlemann S, Hämmerle CH, Sailer I. Criteria for the selection of restoration materials. Quintessence International 2014;45(9),723-730.
  • 10. De OA, Hirata R, Celestrino M, Seto M, Siqueira JS, Nahas R. Ultimate ceramic veneer: a laboratory-guided preparation technique for minimally invasive laminate veneers. Journal of the California Dental Association 2012;40(6),489-494.
  • 11. Mandalı G, Biçer AZY, Bulut Z, Konakçı DB. Anterior bölgede estetik yaklaşımlar: olgu sunumu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2011(4),80-85.
  • 12. Aristidis GA. Etched porcelain veneer restoration of a primary tooth: A clinical report. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2000;83(5),504-507.
  • 13. Brunton PA, Wilson NH. Preparations for porcelain laminate veneers in general dental practice. British dental journal 1998;184(11),553-556.
  • 14. Peumans M, Van Meerbeek B, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. Porcelain veneers: a review of the literature, J Dent 2000;28,163-177.
  • 15. Rufenacht CR, Berger RP, Lee RL, Nixon RL, Ricci G, Shavell HM. Porcelain veneers: An esthetic therapeutic alternative, Fundamentals of Esthetics, Quintessence Publishing Co, Tokyo 1992;329-368.
  • 16. De Andrade OS, Ferreira LA, Borges GA, Adolfi D. Ultimate Ceramic Veneers: A Laboratory-Guided Preparation Technique for Minimally Invasive Restorations. American Journal of Esthetic Dentistry 2013;3(1),8-22.
  • 17. Zimmermann M, Mehl A. Virtual smile design systems: a current review. International journal of computerized dentistry 2015;18(4),303-317.
  • 18. Karaalioğlu OF, Duymuş ZY. Diş hekimliğinde uygulanan CAD/CAM sistemleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2008(1); 27-32.
  • 19. Vafiadis D, Goldstein G. Single visit fabrication of a porcelain laminate veneer with CAD/CAM technology: a clinical report. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2011;106(2),71-73.
  • 20. Zandinejad A, Lin WS, Atarodi M, Abdel-Azim T, Metz MJ, Morton D. Digital workflow for virtually designing and milling ceramic lithium disilicate veneers: a clinical report. Operative dentistry 2015;40(3),241-246.
  • 21. Fasbinder DJ. (2010). Materials for chairside CAD/CAM restorations. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2010;31(9),702-4.
  • 22. Giordano, R. Materials for chairside CAD/CAM–produced restorations. The Journal of the American Dental Association 2006;137,14-21.
  • 23. Vichi A, Sedda M, Del Siena F, Louca C, Ferrari M. Flexural resistance of Cerec CAD/CAM system ceramic blocks. Part 1: Chairside materials. Am J Dent 2013;26(5),255-9.
  • 24. Nejatidanesh F, Amjadi M, Akouchekian M, Savabi O. Clinical performance of CEREC AC Bluecam conservative ceramic restorations after five years—A retrospective study. Journal of dentistry 2015;43(9),1076-1082.
  • 25. Kılıçarslan MA, Zaimoğlu A. Farklı Rezin Simanlar İle Yapıştırılan Porselen Laminate Veneerlerin Mine ve Dentindeki Makaslama Bağlantılarının Karşılaştırılması. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dental Sciences 1999;5(2),99-105.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Olgu Sunumu

Hüseyin Tort

Elif Aybala Oktay This is me

Serpil Karaoğlanoğlu This is me

Fulya Toksoy Topçu This is me

Publication Date October 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 29 Issue: 4


APA Tort, H., Oktay, E. A., Karaoğlanoğlu, S., Toksoy Topçu, F. (2019). GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(4), 647-651.
AMA Tort H, Oktay EA, Karaoğlanoğlu S, Toksoy Topçu F. GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. October 2019;29(4):647-651. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.425886
Chicago Tort, Hüseyin, Elif Aybala Oktay, Serpil Karaoğlanoğlu, and Fulya Toksoy Topçu. “GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 29, no. 4 (October 2019): 647-51.
EndNote Tort H, Oktay EA, Karaoğlanoğlu S, Toksoy Topçu F (October 1, 2019) GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 29 4 647–651.
IEEE H. Tort, E. A. Oktay, S. Karaoğlanoğlu, and F. Toksoy Topçu, “GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 647–651, 2019, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.425886.
ISNAD Tort, Hüseyin et al. “GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 29/4 (October 2019), 647-651.
JAMA Tort H, Oktay EA, Karaoğlanoğlu S, Toksoy Topçu F. GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2019;29:647–651.
MLA Tort, Hüseyin et al. “GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 29, no. 4, 2019, pp. 647-51, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.425886.
Vancouver Tort H, Oktay EA, Karaoğlanoğlu S, Toksoy Topçu F. GUMMY SMİLE VE DİASTEMA TEDAVİSİNDE MULTİDİSİPLİNER BİR YAKLAŞIM: VAKA SUNUMU. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2019;29(4):647-51.

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