Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 282 - 289, 15.04.2020


Giriş: Çocuk Algı Ölçeği (CPQ), çocuğun ağız sağlığı ile ilgili yaşam kalitesinin bir göstergesidir. CPQ8-10, ölçeğin 8-10 yaş arası çocuklar için geliştirilen versiyonudur. Bu çalışmanın amacı CPQ 8-10'un Türkçe’ye uyarlanması ve psikometrik özelliklerinin çocuk diş hekimliği (pedodonti) kliniğinde değerlendirilmesidir.

Yöntem: CPQ8-10’un Türkçe çevirisi, 8-10 yaş arası 194 çocuğa uygulandı. Çeviri-geri çeviri yöntemiyle Türkçe’ye uyarlanan ölçeğin anlaşılırlığı 14 çocuğun katıldığı bir ön çalışma ile belirlendi. İlk testlerden iki hafta sonra 39 hasta ile tekrar test uygulaması yapıldı. Ölçeğin iç tutarlık ve test-tekrar test güvenirlikleri Cronbach alfa ve sınıf içi korelasyon katsayıları (SKK) kullanılarak belirlendi. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliği Spearman korelasyonları ile değerlendirildi.

Bulgular: Türkçe’ye çeviri işlemleri sırasında kültürel açıdan küçük değişiklikler yapıldı. Ölçeğin iç tutarlık Cronbach's Alfa 0.888 değeri ile klinik açıdan kabul edilebilir güvenirlik düzeyi ve test-tekrar test güvenirliği SKK 0.841 değerleri ile yüksek güvenirlik gösterdi. Aynı zamanda yapı geçerliği, Türkçe CPQ 8-10 toplam puanları ile ağız sağlığı değerlendirmesi (r =0.547 ve p <0.001) ve ağız sağlığı yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi (r =0.627 ve p <0.001) arasında istatistiksel anlamlı pozitif korelasyon kaydedildi.
Sonuç: Türkçe CPQ 8-10, 8-10 yaş grubundaki pedodonti kliniğine başvuran çocuklarda kullanım için güvenilir ve geçerlidir.
Anahtar kelimeler: yaşam kalitesi, ağız sağlığı, çocuklar

Aim: The Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ) is a generic tool that was developed to measure oral health-related quality of life in childhood. CPQ8-10 applies to children aged 8-10 years.The aim of this study was to prepare a Turkish version of the CPQ8-10 and to test its psychometric properties in pedodontics patient simple.
Materials And Methods: One hundred and ninety-four children participated in the study. The questionnaire was adapted to Turkish using a forward backward translation method, and it was found to be understandable in a pilot study (14). The Turkish version of the CPQ8-10 was administered to children aged 8-10 years. Retests were conducted in 39 patients 2 weeks after the first tests. Internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated to assess test-retest reliability. Construct validity was evaluated by Spearman’s correlation.
Results: During the translation into Turkish, culturally minor changes were made. In the Turkish version of CPQ8-10, internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha 0.888, clinically acceptable reliability and test-retest reliability showed high reliability with ICC 0.841 values. The construct validity was acceptable with a statistically significant correlation between the scores of the Turkish-CPQ8-10 and the evaluation of oral health (r = 0.547 and p < 0.001) and its impact on oral health quality of life (r = 0.627 and p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The Turkish-CPQ8-10 is reliable and valid for use with the children of this age group in pedodontics clinic.
Keyword: quality of life; oral health; children


  • 1.WHO. Study protocol for the World Health Organization project to develop a Quality of Life assessment instrument (WHOQOL). Qual Life Res. 1993;2: 153-9.
  • 2.Hadzipasic-Nazdrajic A. Validation of the child perceptions questionnaire 8-10 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Materia Socio-Medica. 2012;24: 157-61.
  • 3.Buck D, Newton JT. Non‐clinical outcome measures in dentistry: publishing trends 1988–98.Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2001;29:2–8.
  • 4.Slade GD. Oral Health and Quality of Life. 9th end. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina, Dental Ecology;1997. p.93-105.
  • 5.Theunissen NCM, Vogels TGC, Koopman HM, Verrips GHW, Zwinderman KAH, Verloove‐Vanhorick SP. The proxy problem: child report versus parent report in health‐related quality of life research. Qual Life Res. 1998;7: 387–97.
  • 6.Jokovic A, Locker D, Stephens M, Guyatt G. Agreement between mothers and children aged 11–14 years in rating child oral health‐related quality of life. Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology. 2003;31: 335-43.
  • 7.Jokovic A, Locker D, Stephens M, Kenny D, Tompson B, Guyatt G. Validity and reliability of a questionnaire for measuring child oral-health-related quality of life. Journal Of Dental Research. 2002;81:459-63.
  • 8.Jokovic A, Locker D, Tompson B, Guyatt G. Questionnaire for measuring oral health-related quality of life in eight-to ten-year-old children. Pediatric Dentistry. 2004;26: 512-8.
  • 9.Barbosa TS, Tureli MCM, Gavião MBD. Validity and reliability of the Child Perceptions Questionnaires applied in Brazilian children. BMC Oral Health. 2009;9:13-21.
  • 10. Wogelius P, Gjørup H, Haubek D, Lopez R, Poulsen S. Development of Danish version of child oral-health-related quality of life questionnaires (CPQ 8–10 and CPQ 11–14). BMC Oral Health. 2009;9: 11-9.
  • 11. Díaz FDCA, Camacho MEI. Validation of the CPQ 8-10 ESP in Mexican School children in urban areas. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16: 430-5.
  • 12. Shin HS, Han DH, Shin MS, Lee HJ, Kim MS, Kim HD. Korean version of child perceptions questionnaire and dental caries among Korean children. Plos One. 2015;10: 0116011.
  • 13. Boy-Lefèvre ML, Razanamihaja N, Azogui-Lévy S, Vigneron A, Jordan L, Berdal A, et al. Translation and validation of the French version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire for children aged from 8 to 10 years old (CPQ 8-10). Health And Quality Of Life Outcomes. 2018;16:86-93.
  • 14. Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz MB. Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. Spine. 2000;25: 3186-91.
  • 15.Barbosa TDS, Gavião MBD. Validation of the Parental‐Caregiver Perceptions Questionnaire: agreement between parental and child reports. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. 2015;75: 255-264.
  • 16.Martins-Júnior PA, Almeida L, Silva VS, Paiva SM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML. Sensitivity and responsiveness to change for the Brazilian version of the child perceptions questionnaire for 8-to 10-year-old children. Journal of Public Health. 2018;26: 15-21.
  • 17. Mota-Veloso I, Soares MEC, Alencar BM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML, Ramos-Jorge J. Impact of untreated dental caries and its clinical consequences on the oral health-related quality of life of schoolchildren aged 8–10 years. Quality of Life Research. 2016;25: 193-199.
  • 18. Coutinho DCO, de França Perazzo, M, Martins-Júnior PA, Paiva SM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML. Mild traumatic dental injuries did not impact the oral health-related quality of life of children aged 8 to 10 years old of low socioeconomic status. Journal of Public Health. 2018; 26: 673-678.
  • 19. Pasiga BD, Akbar FH. The Impact of Dental Caries Severity on the Quality of Life of Children Aged 8-10 Years Using Child's Perception Questionnaire (CPQ 8-10) in North Mamuju, Indonesia. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2018; 6:379-386.
  • 20. Güzel KGU, Daloğlu M, Sönmez I. Evaluation of Changes in Quality of Life After Dental Treatment in Children. Meandros Med and Dent J. 2018;19:283-288.
  • 21. Brown A, Al‐Khayal Z. Validity and reliability of the Arabic translation of the child oral‐health‐related quality of life questionnaire (CPQ11− 14) in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2006;16:405-411.
  • 22. Goursand D, Paiva SM, Zarzar PM, Ramos-Jorge ML, Cornacchia GM, Pordeus IA, Allison PJ. Cross-cultural adaptation of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire 11–14 (CPQ11–14) for the Brazilian Portuguese language. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2008;14:2-10 23. Locker D, Jokovic A, Allison P. Direction of wording and responses to items in oral health-related quality of life questionnaires for children and their parents. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. 2007;35:255–262.
  • 24. Weir JP. Quantifying test-retest reliability using the intraclass correlation coefficient and the SEM. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2005;19:231-240.
  • 25. Polit DF. Getting serious about test-retest reliability: A critique of retest research and some recommendations. Qual Life Res. 2014; 23: 1713-20.
  • 26. McGRATH C, Pang HN, Lo EC, King NM, HÄgg U, Samman N. Translation and evaluation of a Chinese version of the Child Oral Health‐related Quality of Life measure. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2008;18: 267-74.
  • 27. Streiner DL. Starting at the beginning: An introduction to coefficient alpha and internal consistency. J Pers Assess. 2003;80:99–103.
  • 28. Guyatt G, Feeny DH, Patrick DL. Measuring health-related quality of life. Ann Intern Med. 1993;118:622–629.
  • 29. Terwee CB, Bot SD, de Boer MR, van der Windt DA, Knol DL, Dekker J, et al. Quality criteria were proposed for measurement properties of health status questionnaires. J Clin Epidemiol. 2007;60:34–42.
  • 30. Aydoğan C, Kazancı F. Erken adölesan (11-14 yaş) dönemdeki çocuklarda ağız sağlığına bağlı yaşam kalitesinin ölçülmesinde kullanılabilecek ölçekler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015; 25:408-414.
  • 31. Jokovic A, Locker D, Guyatt G. What do children's global ratings of oral health and well-being measure? Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2005;33:205–211.
Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 282 - 289, 15.04.2020



  • 1.WHO. Study protocol for the World Health Organization project to develop a Quality of Life assessment instrument (WHOQOL). Qual Life Res. 1993;2: 153-9.
  • 2.Hadzipasic-Nazdrajic A. Validation of the child perceptions questionnaire 8-10 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Materia Socio-Medica. 2012;24: 157-61.
  • 3.Buck D, Newton JT. Non‐clinical outcome measures in dentistry: publishing trends 1988–98.Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2001;29:2–8.
  • 4.Slade GD. Oral Health and Quality of Life. 9th end. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina, Dental Ecology;1997. p.93-105.
  • 5.Theunissen NCM, Vogels TGC, Koopman HM, Verrips GHW, Zwinderman KAH, Verloove‐Vanhorick SP. The proxy problem: child report versus parent report in health‐related quality of life research. Qual Life Res. 1998;7: 387–97.
  • 6.Jokovic A, Locker D, Stephens M, Guyatt G. Agreement between mothers and children aged 11–14 years in rating child oral health‐related quality of life. Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology. 2003;31: 335-43.
  • 7.Jokovic A, Locker D, Stephens M, Kenny D, Tompson B, Guyatt G. Validity and reliability of a questionnaire for measuring child oral-health-related quality of life. Journal Of Dental Research. 2002;81:459-63.
  • 8.Jokovic A, Locker D, Tompson B, Guyatt G. Questionnaire for measuring oral health-related quality of life in eight-to ten-year-old children. Pediatric Dentistry. 2004;26: 512-8.
  • 9.Barbosa TS, Tureli MCM, Gavião MBD. Validity and reliability of the Child Perceptions Questionnaires applied in Brazilian children. BMC Oral Health. 2009;9:13-21.
  • 10. Wogelius P, Gjørup H, Haubek D, Lopez R, Poulsen S. Development of Danish version of child oral-health-related quality of life questionnaires (CPQ 8–10 and CPQ 11–14). BMC Oral Health. 2009;9: 11-9.
  • 11. Díaz FDCA, Camacho MEI. Validation of the CPQ 8-10 ESP in Mexican School children in urban areas. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16: 430-5.
  • 12. Shin HS, Han DH, Shin MS, Lee HJ, Kim MS, Kim HD. Korean version of child perceptions questionnaire and dental caries among Korean children. Plos One. 2015;10: 0116011.
  • 13. Boy-Lefèvre ML, Razanamihaja N, Azogui-Lévy S, Vigneron A, Jordan L, Berdal A, et al. Translation and validation of the French version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire for children aged from 8 to 10 years old (CPQ 8-10). Health And Quality Of Life Outcomes. 2018;16:86-93.
  • 14. Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz MB. Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. Spine. 2000;25: 3186-91.
  • 15.Barbosa TDS, Gavião MBD. Validation of the Parental‐Caregiver Perceptions Questionnaire: agreement between parental and child reports. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. 2015;75: 255-264.
  • 16.Martins-Júnior PA, Almeida L, Silva VS, Paiva SM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML. Sensitivity and responsiveness to change for the Brazilian version of the child perceptions questionnaire for 8-to 10-year-old children. Journal of Public Health. 2018;26: 15-21.
  • 17. Mota-Veloso I, Soares MEC, Alencar BM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML, Ramos-Jorge J. Impact of untreated dental caries and its clinical consequences on the oral health-related quality of life of schoolchildren aged 8–10 years. Quality of Life Research. 2016;25: 193-199.
  • 18. Coutinho DCO, de França Perazzo, M, Martins-Júnior PA, Paiva SM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML. Mild traumatic dental injuries did not impact the oral health-related quality of life of children aged 8 to 10 years old of low socioeconomic status. Journal of Public Health. 2018; 26: 673-678.
  • 19. Pasiga BD, Akbar FH. The Impact of Dental Caries Severity on the Quality of Life of Children Aged 8-10 Years Using Child's Perception Questionnaire (CPQ 8-10) in North Mamuju, Indonesia. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2018; 6:379-386.
  • 20. Güzel KGU, Daloğlu M, Sönmez I. Evaluation of Changes in Quality of Life After Dental Treatment in Children. Meandros Med and Dent J. 2018;19:283-288.
  • 21. Brown A, Al‐Khayal Z. Validity and reliability of the Arabic translation of the child oral‐health‐related quality of life questionnaire (CPQ11− 14) in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2006;16:405-411.
  • 22. Goursand D, Paiva SM, Zarzar PM, Ramos-Jorge ML, Cornacchia GM, Pordeus IA, Allison PJ. Cross-cultural adaptation of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire 11–14 (CPQ11–14) for the Brazilian Portuguese language. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2008;14:2-10 23. Locker D, Jokovic A, Allison P. Direction of wording and responses to items in oral health-related quality of life questionnaires for children and their parents. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. 2007;35:255–262.
  • 24. Weir JP. Quantifying test-retest reliability using the intraclass correlation coefficient and the SEM. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2005;19:231-240.
  • 25. Polit DF. Getting serious about test-retest reliability: A critique of retest research and some recommendations. Qual Life Res. 2014; 23: 1713-20.
  • 26. McGRATH C, Pang HN, Lo EC, King NM, HÄgg U, Samman N. Translation and evaluation of a Chinese version of the Child Oral Health‐related Quality of Life measure. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2008;18: 267-74.
  • 27. Streiner DL. Starting at the beginning: An introduction to coefficient alpha and internal consistency. J Pers Assess. 2003;80:99–103.
  • 28. Guyatt G, Feeny DH, Patrick DL. Measuring health-related quality of life. Ann Intern Med. 1993;118:622–629.
  • 29. Terwee CB, Bot SD, de Boer MR, van der Windt DA, Knol DL, Dekker J, et al. Quality criteria were proposed for measurement properties of health status questionnaires. J Clin Epidemiol. 2007;60:34–42.
  • 30. Aydoğan C, Kazancı F. Erken adölesan (11-14 yaş) dönemdeki çocuklarda ağız sağlığına bağlı yaşam kalitesinin ölçülmesinde kullanılabilecek ölçekler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015; 25:408-414.
  • 31. Jokovic A, Locker D, Guyatt G. What do children's global ratings of oral health and well-being measure? Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2005;33:205–211.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Buket Ceylan Çalık Yılmaz 0000-0003-4928-1352

Alev Alaçam 0000-0001-5328-8173

Publication Date April 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 30 Issue: 2


APA Çalık Yılmaz, B. C., & Alaçam, A. (2020). ÇOCUK ALGI ÖLÇEĞİNİN (CPQ8-10) TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİSİNİN PEDODONTİ KLİNİĞİNDE GEÇERLİĞİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2), 282-289.
AMA Çalık Yılmaz BC, Alaçam A. ÇOCUK ALGI ÖLÇEĞİNİN (CPQ8-10) TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİSİNİN PEDODONTİ KLİNİĞİNDE GEÇERLİĞİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. April 2020;30(2):282-289. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.658123
Chicago Çalık Yılmaz, Buket Ceylan, and Alev Alaçam. “ÇOCUK ALGI ÖLÇEĞİNİN (CPQ8-10) TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİSİNİN PEDODONTİ KLİNİĞİNDE GEÇERLİĞİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30, no. 2 (April 2020): 282-89.
EndNote Çalık Yılmaz BC, Alaçam A (April 1, 2020) ÇOCUK ALGI ÖLÇEĞİNİN (CPQ8-10) TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİSİNİN PEDODONTİ KLİNİĞİNDE GEÇERLİĞİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30 2 282–289.
IEEE B. C. Çalık Yılmaz and A. Alaçam, “ÇOCUK ALGI ÖLÇEĞİNİN (CPQ8-10) TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİSİNİN PEDODONTİ KLİNİĞİNDE GEÇERLİĞİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 282–289, 2020, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.658123.
ISNAD Çalık Yılmaz, Buket Ceylan - Alaçam, Alev. “ÇOCUK ALGI ÖLÇEĞİNİN (CPQ8-10) TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİSİNİN PEDODONTİ KLİNİĞİNDE GEÇERLİĞİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30/2 (April 2020), 282-289.
MLA Çalık Yılmaz, Buket Ceylan and Alev Alaçam. “ÇOCUK ALGI ÖLÇEĞİNİN (CPQ8-10) TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİSİNİN PEDODONTİ KLİNİĞİNDE GEÇERLİĞİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 2, 2020, pp. 282-9, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.658123.

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