Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 400 - 405, 15.07.2020


Amaç: Bruksizm, çocukları ve erişkinleri etkileyen bir parafonksiyonel alışkanlıktır. Bu çalışmada ebeveynlerin çocuklar ve genç erişkinlerde görülen bruksizm üzerine bilgi ve tutumlarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma kapsamında kliniğe başvuran çocukların ebeveynlerine 52 adet çok seçenekli sorudan oluşan anket soruları yöneltilmiştir. 367 ebeveynin anket yanıtları çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. İstatistiksel analizde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Ki-kare testi, Fisher’ın kesin Ki-kare testi ve Spearman’ın korelasyon testi kullanılmış ve p değeri 0.05 olarak belirlenmiştir.
Bulgular: Ebeveynlerin %38,7’si bruksizmin tanımını bildiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Çalışmaya dahil edilen çocukların %29,4’ünde bruksizm olduğu, %45.5’inde bruksizm olmadığı ve kalan %25,1’inde ebeveynlerinin bir fikri olmadığı görülmüştür. Bruksizmin nedenleri arasında duygusal (%45,8), dişlerle ilgili (%16,9), ilaçlara bağlı (%3,5), dini/ruhani (%3) ve diğer faktörler (%0,5) gösterilmiştir. Bruksizmin tedavisinin psikolojik tedavi ile (%34,1), diş tedavileri ile (%23,7), tıbbi tedaviler ile (%6,5) ve dini yöntemler ile (%0,8) yapılabileceği belirtilmiştir. Çocuklarında bruksizm olduğu bildirilen ebeveynlerin %72,2’si çocuklarda bruksizm ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi edinmek istediklerini, %15,7’si ise isteksiz olduklarını, %12’si ise kararsız olduklarını bildirmişlerdir. Evli ve ayrılmış ebeveynlerin çocuklarında bruksizm varlığı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Şiddetli psikolojik travma gören çocuklarda bruksizm oranı yüksek çıkmıştır (p<0,05).
Sonuç: Ebeveynler çocuklarda bruksizmin teşhisi konusunda önemli rol oynamaktadırlar. Ebeveynlerin çocuk ve genç erişkinlerde bruksizm hakkında daha fazla bilgi sahibi olmaları, bruksizmin doğru zamanda tedavi edilebilmesi açısından katkı sağlayacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: bruksizm, çocuk, genç erişkin, pedodonti

Aim: Bruxism is a parafunctional habit that affects children as well as adults. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of parents about bruxism in their children and young-adults.
Materials and Methods: In this study, self-administered questionnaire consisted of 52 multiple-choice questions were distributed to parents who came to pediatric dental clinic with their children. The responses of 367 parents were recorded. Descriptive statistics were calculated, Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test and Spearman’s correlation test was used with P value fixed at 0.05.
Results: 38.7% of parents were reported that they knew the definition of ‘bruxism’. 29.4% of the children had bruxism, while 45.5% had no bruxism and 25.1% of parents had no idea. The causes of bruxism mentioned as emotional (45.8%), dental (16.9%), medication (3.5%), religious/spiritual (3%), other sources (0.5%), respectively.About the treatment for bruxism parents reported that psychological (34.1%), dental (23.7%), medical (6.5%), religious (0.8%) 72.2% of parents with bruxism in their child stated that they wanted to have more information about bruxism, while 12% of parents were indecisive and 15.7% were unwilling. Significant difference was found between being married or separated parents and had bruxism in their child (p<0.05). The rate of bruxism was significantly higher in children with severe psychological trauma (p <0.05).
Conclusion: Parents play an important role in the diagnosis of bruxism in children. It is important to emphasize that parents’ greater knowledge about bruxism in childhood and adolescence will contribute to them seeking appropriate help for their children/adolescents.
Keywords: adolescent, bruxism, children, pediatric dentistry


  • 1. Patıroğlu AM, Didinen S, Tuğba E. Çocuklarda tüm yönleriyle bruksizm. Atatürk Üni Diş Hek Fak Derg 2016; 16: 114-9.
  • 2. Rossi D, Manfredini D. Family and school environmental predictors of sleep bruxism in children. J Orofac Pain 2013; 27(2): 135-41.
  • 3. Bortoletto CC, da Silva FC, da Costa Silva PF, de Godoy CHL, Albertini R, Motta LJ, et al. Evaluation of cranio-cervical posture in children with bruxism before and after bite plate therapy: a pilot project. J Phys Ther Sci 2014; 26(7): 1125-8.
  • 4. Restrepo C, Gómez S, Manrique R. Treatment of bruxism in children: A systematic review. Quintessence Int (Berl) 2009; 40(10): 849-55.
  • 5. Manfredini D, Restrepo C, Diaz‐Serrano K, Winocur E, Lobbezoo F. Prevalence of sleep bruxism in children: a systematic review of the literature. J Oral Rehabil 2013; 40(8): 631-42.
  • 6. Serra-Negra JM, Paiva SM, Flores-Mendoza CE, Ramos-Jorge ML, Pordeus IA. Association among stress, personality traits, and sleep bruxism in children. Pediatr Dent 2012; 34(2): 30E-34E.
  • 7. Ghafournia M, Tehrani MH. Relationship between bruxism and malocclusion among preschool children in Isfahan. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects 2012; 6(4): 138.
  • 8. Abe Y, Suganuma T, Ishii M, Yamamoto GOU, Gunji T, Clark GT, et al. Association of genetic, psychological and behavioral factors with sleep bruxism in a Japanese population. J Sleep Res 2012; 21(3): 289-96.
  • 9. Bloomfield ER, Shatkin JP. Parasomnias and movement disorders in children and adolescents. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2009; 18(4): 947-65. 10. Tavares Silva C, Calabrio IR, Serra-Negra JM, Fonseca-Gonçalves A, Maia LC. Knowledge of parents/guardians about nocturnal bruxism in children and adolescents. CRANIO 2017; 35(4): 223-7.
  • 11. Yamane T, Esin A. Temel örnekleme yöntemleri. Literatür Yayıncılık, Birinci Basım, İstanbul, 2001, 116.
  • 12. Serra-Negra JM, Ribeiro MB, Prado IM, Paiva SM, Pordeus IA. Association between possible sleep bruxism and sleep characteristics in children. CRANIO 2017; 35: 315–20.
  • 13. Alves CL, Fagundes DM, Soares PBF, Ferreira MC. Knowledge of parents/caregivers about bruxism in children treated at the pediatric dentistry clinic. Sleep Sci 2019; 12: 185-9.
  • 14. Prado IM, Paiva SM, Fonseca‐Gonçalves A, Maia LC, Tavares‐Silva C, Fraiz FC, et al. Knowledge of parents/caregivers about the sleep bruxism of their children from all five Brazilian regions: a multicenter study. Int J Paediatr Dent 2019; 29(4): 507-23.
  • 15. Guo H, Wang T, Niu X, Wang H, Yang W, Qiu J, et al. The risk factors related to bruxism in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Oral Biol 2018; 86: 18–34.
  • 16. Mota‐Veloso I, Celeste RK, Fonseca CP, Soares MEC, Marques LS, Ramos‐Jorge ML, et al. Effects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder signs and socio‐economic status on sleep bruxism and tooth wear among schoolchildren: structural equation modelling approach. Int J Paediatr Dent 2017; 27: 523–31.
  • 17. Tachibana M, Kato T, Kato‐Nishimura K, Matsuzawa S, Mohri I, Taniike M. Associations of sleep bruxism with age, sleep apnea, and daytime problematic behaviors in children. Oral Dis 2016; 22: 557–65.
  • 18. Sampaio NM, Oliveira MC, Andrade AC, Santos LB, Sampaio M, Ortega A. Relationship between stress and sleep bruxism in children and their mothers: A case control study. Sleep Sci 2018; 11: 239-44.
  • 19. Clementino MA, Siqueira MB, Serra-Negra JM, Paiva SM, Granville-Garcia AF. The prevalence of sleep bruxism and associated factors in children: a report by parents. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2017; 18: 399–404.
  • 20. Drumond CL, Ramos‐Jorge J, Vieira‐Andrade RG, Paiva SM, Serra‐Negra JMC, Ramos‐Jorge ML. Prevalence of probable sleep bruxism and associated factors in Brazilian schoolchildren. Int J Paediatr Dent 2019; 29: 221–7.
  • 21. Ierardo G, Mazur M, Luzzi V, Calcagnile F, Ottolenghi L, Polimeni A. Treatments of sleep bruxism in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. CRANIO 2019; 1–7.
  • 22. Mostafavi S-N, Jafari A, Hoseini SG, Khademian M, Kelishadi R. The efficacy of low and moderate dosage of diazepam on sleep bruxism in children: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Res Med Sci Off J Isfahan Univ Med Sci 2019; 24: 8.
  • 23. Salgueiro M da CC, Bortoletto CC, Horliana ACR, Mota ACC, Motta LJ, de Barros Motta P, et al. Evaluation of muscle activity, bite force and salivary cortisol in children with bruxism before and after low level laser applied to acupoints: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Complement Altern Med 2017; 17: 391.
  • 24. Tavares-Silva C, Holandino C, Homsani F, Luiz RR, Prodestino J, Farah A, et al. Homeopathic medicine of Melissa officinalis combined or not with Phytolacca decandra in the treatment of possible sleep bruxism in children: A crossover randomized triple-blinded controlled clinical trial. Phytomedicine 2019; 58: 152869.
  • 25. Alencar NA de, Fernandes ABN, Souza MMG de, Luiz RR, Fonseca-Gonçalves A, Maia LC. Lifestyle and oral facial disorders associated with sleep bruxism in children. CRANIO 2017; 35: 168–74.
  • 26. de Oliveira Reis L, Ribeiro RA, de Castro Martins C, Devito KL. Association between bruxism and temporomandibular disorders in children: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Int J Paediatr Dent 2019; 1-11.
  • 27. Bortoletto CC, Salgueiro M da CC, Valio R, Fragoso YD, de Barros Motta P, Motta LJ, et al. The relationship between bruxism, sleep quality, and headaches in schoolchildren. J Phys Ther Sci 2017; 29: 1889–92.
  • 28. Manfredini D, Lobbezoo F, Giancristofaro RA, Restrepo C. Association between proxy-reported sleep bruxism and quality of life aspects in Colombian children of different social layers. Clin Oral Investig 2017; 21: 1351–8.
Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 400 - 405, 15.07.2020



  • 1. Patıroğlu AM, Didinen S, Tuğba E. Çocuklarda tüm yönleriyle bruksizm. Atatürk Üni Diş Hek Fak Derg 2016; 16: 114-9.
  • 2. Rossi D, Manfredini D. Family and school environmental predictors of sleep bruxism in children. J Orofac Pain 2013; 27(2): 135-41.
  • 3. Bortoletto CC, da Silva FC, da Costa Silva PF, de Godoy CHL, Albertini R, Motta LJ, et al. Evaluation of cranio-cervical posture in children with bruxism before and after bite plate therapy: a pilot project. J Phys Ther Sci 2014; 26(7): 1125-8.
  • 4. Restrepo C, Gómez S, Manrique R. Treatment of bruxism in children: A systematic review. Quintessence Int (Berl) 2009; 40(10): 849-55.
  • 5. Manfredini D, Restrepo C, Diaz‐Serrano K, Winocur E, Lobbezoo F. Prevalence of sleep bruxism in children: a systematic review of the literature. J Oral Rehabil 2013; 40(8): 631-42.
  • 6. Serra-Negra JM, Paiva SM, Flores-Mendoza CE, Ramos-Jorge ML, Pordeus IA. Association among stress, personality traits, and sleep bruxism in children. Pediatr Dent 2012; 34(2): 30E-34E.
  • 7. Ghafournia M, Tehrani MH. Relationship between bruxism and malocclusion among preschool children in Isfahan. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects 2012; 6(4): 138.
  • 8. Abe Y, Suganuma T, Ishii M, Yamamoto GOU, Gunji T, Clark GT, et al. Association of genetic, psychological and behavioral factors with sleep bruxism in a Japanese population. J Sleep Res 2012; 21(3): 289-96.
  • 9. Bloomfield ER, Shatkin JP. Parasomnias and movement disorders in children and adolescents. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2009; 18(4): 947-65. 10. Tavares Silva C, Calabrio IR, Serra-Negra JM, Fonseca-Gonçalves A, Maia LC. Knowledge of parents/guardians about nocturnal bruxism in children and adolescents. CRANIO 2017; 35(4): 223-7.
  • 11. Yamane T, Esin A. Temel örnekleme yöntemleri. Literatür Yayıncılık, Birinci Basım, İstanbul, 2001, 116.
  • 12. Serra-Negra JM, Ribeiro MB, Prado IM, Paiva SM, Pordeus IA. Association between possible sleep bruxism and sleep characteristics in children. CRANIO 2017; 35: 315–20.
  • 13. Alves CL, Fagundes DM, Soares PBF, Ferreira MC. Knowledge of parents/caregivers about bruxism in children treated at the pediatric dentistry clinic. Sleep Sci 2019; 12: 185-9.
  • 14. Prado IM, Paiva SM, Fonseca‐Gonçalves A, Maia LC, Tavares‐Silva C, Fraiz FC, et al. Knowledge of parents/caregivers about the sleep bruxism of their children from all five Brazilian regions: a multicenter study. Int J Paediatr Dent 2019; 29(4): 507-23.
  • 15. Guo H, Wang T, Niu X, Wang H, Yang W, Qiu J, et al. The risk factors related to bruxism in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Oral Biol 2018; 86: 18–34.
  • 16. Mota‐Veloso I, Celeste RK, Fonseca CP, Soares MEC, Marques LS, Ramos‐Jorge ML, et al. Effects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder signs and socio‐economic status on sleep bruxism and tooth wear among schoolchildren: structural equation modelling approach. Int J Paediatr Dent 2017; 27: 523–31.
  • 17. Tachibana M, Kato T, Kato‐Nishimura K, Matsuzawa S, Mohri I, Taniike M. Associations of sleep bruxism with age, sleep apnea, and daytime problematic behaviors in children. Oral Dis 2016; 22: 557–65.
  • 18. Sampaio NM, Oliveira MC, Andrade AC, Santos LB, Sampaio M, Ortega A. Relationship between stress and sleep bruxism in children and their mothers: A case control study. Sleep Sci 2018; 11: 239-44.
  • 19. Clementino MA, Siqueira MB, Serra-Negra JM, Paiva SM, Granville-Garcia AF. The prevalence of sleep bruxism and associated factors in children: a report by parents. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2017; 18: 399–404.
  • 20. Drumond CL, Ramos‐Jorge J, Vieira‐Andrade RG, Paiva SM, Serra‐Negra JMC, Ramos‐Jorge ML. Prevalence of probable sleep bruxism and associated factors in Brazilian schoolchildren. Int J Paediatr Dent 2019; 29: 221–7.
  • 21. Ierardo G, Mazur M, Luzzi V, Calcagnile F, Ottolenghi L, Polimeni A. Treatments of sleep bruxism in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. CRANIO 2019; 1–7.
  • 22. Mostafavi S-N, Jafari A, Hoseini SG, Khademian M, Kelishadi R. The efficacy of low and moderate dosage of diazepam on sleep bruxism in children: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Res Med Sci Off J Isfahan Univ Med Sci 2019; 24: 8.
  • 23. Salgueiro M da CC, Bortoletto CC, Horliana ACR, Mota ACC, Motta LJ, de Barros Motta P, et al. Evaluation of muscle activity, bite force and salivary cortisol in children with bruxism before and after low level laser applied to acupoints: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Complement Altern Med 2017; 17: 391.
  • 24. Tavares-Silva C, Holandino C, Homsani F, Luiz RR, Prodestino J, Farah A, et al. Homeopathic medicine of Melissa officinalis combined or not with Phytolacca decandra in the treatment of possible sleep bruxism in children: A crossover randomized triple-blinded controlled clinical trial. Phytomedicine 2019; 58: 152869.
  • 25. Alencar NA de, Fernandes ABN, Souza MMG de, Luiz RR, Fonseca-Gonçalves A, Maia LC. Lifestyle and oral facial disorders associated with sleep bruxism in children. CRANIO 2017; 35: 168–74.
  • 26. de Oliveira Reis L, Ribeiro RA, de Castro Martins C, Devito KL. Association between bruxism and temporomandibular disorders in children: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Int J Paediatr Dent 2019; 1-11.
  • 27. Bortoletto CC, Salgueiro M da CC, Valio R, Fragoso YD, de Barros Motta P, Motta LJ, et al. The relationship between bruxism, sleep quality, and headaches in schoolchildren. J Phys Ther Sci 2017; 29: 1889–92.
  • 28. Manfredini D, Lobbezoo F, Giancristofaro RA, Restrepo C. Association between proxy-reported sleep bruxism and quality of life aspects in Colombian children of different social layers. Clin Oral Investig 2017; 21: 1351–8.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Yelda Kasımoğlu This is me 0000-0003-1022-2486

Merve Esen This is me 0000-0003-1386-5954

Nisanur Fırat This is me 0000-0002-5879-7660

Elif Bahar Tuna-ince This is me 0000-0001-6450-6869

Publication Date July 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 30 Issue: 3


APA Kasımoğlu, Y., Esen, M., Fırat, N., Tuna-ince, E. B. (2020). EBEVEYNLERİN ÇOCUK VE GENÇ ERİŞKİNLERDE BRUKSİZM İLE İLGİLİ BİLGİ VE TUTUMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(3), 400-405.
AMA Kasımoğlu Y, Esen M, Fırat N, Tuna-ince EB. EBEVEYNLERİN ÇOCUK VE GENÇ ERİŞKİNLERDE BRUKSİZM İLE İLGİLİ BİLGİ VE TUTUMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. July 2020;30(3):400-405. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.706809
Chicago Kasımoğlu, Yelda, Merve Esen, Nisanur Fırat, and Elif Bahar Tuna-ince. “EBEVEYNLERİN ÇOCUK VE GENÇ ERİŞKİNLERDE BRUKSİZM İLE İLGİLİ BİLGİ VE TUTUMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30, no. 3 (July 2020): 400-405.
EndNote Kasımoğlu Y, Esen M, Fırat N, Tuna-ince EB (July 1, 2020) EBEVEYNLERİN ÇOCUK VE GENÇ ERİŞKİNLERDE BRUKSİZM İLE İLGİLİ BİLGİ VE TUTUMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30 3 400–405.
IEEE Y. Kasımoğlu, M. Esen, N. Fırat, and E. B. Tuna-ince, “EBEVEYNLERİN ÇOCUK VE GENÇ ERİŞKİNLERDE BRUKSİZM İLE İLGİLİ BİLGİ VE TUTUMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 400–405, 2020, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.706809.
ISNAD Kasımoğlu, Yelda et al. “EBEVEYNLERİN ÇOCUK VE GENÇ ERİŞKİNLERDE BRUKSİZM İLE İLGİLİ BİLGİ VE TUTUMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30/3 (July 2020), 400-405.
MLA Kasımoğlu, Yelda et al. “EBEVEYNLERİN ÇOCUK VE GENÇ ERİŞKİNLERDE BRUKSİZM İLE İLGİLİ BİLGİ VE TUTUMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 3, 2020, pp. 400-5, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.706809.

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Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi

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