Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 4, 594 - 598, 15.10.2020


Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of sodium hypochloride solution on the cyclic fatigue resistance of BioRace (BR) NiTi instrument with different tip size.
Methods: Eighty BioRace instrument with two different size (BR4-35.04 and BR5-40.04) were used. These instruments were randomly divided into four group, each containing 20 files. The cyclic fatigue resistance were than tested in the following conditions; group 1, BR 4 with no immersion; group 2, BR 4 with dynamic immersion in 5.25% NaOCl at 37°C ± 1°C for 5 minute; group 3, BR 5 with no immersion; group 4, BR 5 with dynamic immersion in 5.25% NaOCl at 37°C ± 1°C for 5 minute. Then the instruments were used in stainless steel artificial root canal with a curvature of 60° and 5 mm radius. Number of cycle to failure (NCF) were measured for each group. The time to failure (TTF) in seconds were also recorded. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis.
Results: Nonimmersion groups were statistically superior to immersion groups (group1>group 2 and group 3>group4) both regarding TTF and NCF. However, no significant difference was found between instruments with different tip size regardless of the immersion procedure.
Conclusion: The cyclic fatigue resistance of BR instrument was affected by NaOCl immersion but not with tip size.
Keywords: BioRace, cyclic fatigue resistance, sodium hypochloride

Sodyum Hipokloritin Farklı Boyutlardaki Biorace Döner Aletinin Döngüsel Yorgunluk Direncine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı sodyum hipokloridin aynı taper değerine sahip ancak farklı uç boyutları olan BioRace (BR) döner alet sistemi eğelerinin döngüsel yorgunluğuna etkisini değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmada toplam seksen adet BioRace (BR4-35.04 ve BR5-40.04) aleti kullanıldı. Eğeler, her bir grupta 20 adet olacak şekilde rastgele 4 gruba ayrılmıştır. Daha sonra aletlerin döngüsel yorgunluğu şu şekilde test edildi; Grup 1, BR 4 hiç bir solüsyonda bekletilmeden; Grup 2: BR 4 5 dakika boyunca %5,25 NaOCl solüsyonunda 37°C ± 1°C’de dinamik uygulama sonrası ; Grup 3: BR 5 hiç bir solüsyonda bekletilmeden; Grup 4: 5 dakika boyunca %5,25 NaOCl solüsyonunda 37°C ± 1°C’de dinamik uygulama sonrası 60° kurvatür açılı ve 5 mm kurvatür yarıçaplı paslanmaz çelik bloktan üretilmiş eğimli olukta test edildi. Her bir eğenin kırılana kadarki döngü sayısı (NCF) ölçüldü. Kırılana kadarki süresi (TTF) ise saniye cinsinden kaydedildi. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel analizler ile değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: TTF ve NCF değerleri göz önüne alındığında sodyum hipokloritte bekletilmeyen gruplar bekletilen gruplardan daha dirençli bulundu. Bununla beraber, aletlerin uç boyutlarındaki farkın kırlma dirençleri üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı görüldü.
Sonuç: BioRace döner aletinin döngüsel yorgunluk direnci sodyum hipokloritten etkilenirken, farklı uç boyutlarının böyle bir etki yaratmadığı görüldü.
Anahtar Kelimeler: BioRace, döngüsel yorgunluk direnci, sodyum hipoklorit


  • 1. Sattapan B, Nervo GJ, Palamara JEA, Messer HH. Defects in rotary nickel–titanium files after clinical use. J Endod 2000;26:161–5.
  • 2. Pruett JP, Clement DJ, Carnes DL. Cyclic fatigue testing of nickel titanium instruments. J Endod 1997;23:77–85.
  • 3. Pedulla E, Grande NM, Plotino G, et al. Cyclic fatigue resistance of three different nickel titanium instruments after immersion in sodium hypochlorite. J Endod 2011;37:1139–42.
  • 4. Parashos P, Gordon I, Messer HH. Factors influencing defects of rotary nickel titanium endodontic instruments after clinical use. J Endod 2004;30:722–5.
  • 5. Elnaghy AM, Elsaka SE. Effect of sodium hypochlorite and saline on cyclic fatigue resistance of WaveOne Gold and Reciproc reciprocating instruments. Int Endod J 2017;50:991-8
  • 6. Peters OA, Roehlike JO, Baumann MA. Effect of immersion in sodium hypochlorite on torque and fatigue resistance of nickel-titanium instruments. J Endod 2007;33: 589–93.
  • 7. White RR, Hays GL, Janer LR. Residual antimicrobial activity after canal irrigation with chlorhexidine. J Endod 1997;23:229–31. 

  • 8. Bystrom A, Sundqvist G. Bacteriologic evaluation of the effect of 0.5 percent sodium hypochlorite in endodontic therapy. J Oral Surg 1983;55:307–12. 

  • 9. Oshida Y, Sachdeva RC, Miyazaki S. Microanalytical characterization and surface modification of TiNi orthodontic archwires. BioMed Master Eng 1992;2:51–69.
  • 10. Alfawaz H, Alqedairi A, Alsharekh H, Almuzaini E, Alzahrani S, and Jamleh A. Effects of sodium hypochlorite concentration and temperature on the cyclic fatigue resistance of heat-treated nickel-titanium rotary ınstruments. J Endod. 2018;44(10):1563-6.
  • 11. Saber SMS, Seeda MMA, Hassanien E. The effect of instrument material, taper and degree of root canal curvature on cyclic fatigue of rotary nickel-titanium instruments. ENDO (Lond Engl) 2013;7:59–64
  • 12. Plotino G, Grande NM, Cordaro M, et al. Influence of the shape of artificial canals on the fatigue resistance of NiTi rotary instruments. Int Endod J 2010;43:69–75.

  • 13. Available at: ( Accessed December 19, 2019
  • 14. Lopes HP, Elias CN, Vieira VT, et al. Effects of electropolishing surface treatment on the cyclic fatigue resistance of BioRace nickel-titanium rotary instruments. J Endod 2010;36:1653–7.
  • 15. Freire LG, Gavini G, Branco-Barletta F, Sanches-Cunha R, dos Santos M. Microscopic computerized tomographic evaluation of root canal transportation prepared with twisted or ground nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011:112;143-8.
  • 16. Lopes HP, Elias CN, Vieira VT et al. Effects of Electropolishing Surface Treatment on the Cyclic Fatigue Resistance of BioRace Nickel-Titanium Rotary Instruments J Endod 2010;36(10):1653-7
  • 17. Nguyen HH, Fong H, Paranjpe A, et al. Evaluation of the resistance to cyclic fatigue among ProTaper Next, ProTaper Universal, and Vortex Blue rotary instruments. J Endod 2014;40:1190–3.
  • 18. Adıgüzel M, Tüfenkçi P. comparıson of the cyclıc fatıgue resıstance of waveone, recıproc and twısted fıle adaptıve fıles ın canals wıth a double curvature (s-shaped) J Dent Fac Atatürk Üni 2018;28(2);199-203
  • 19. Kim HC, Kwak SW, Shun-Pan Cheung G, Ko DH, Chung S, Lee W. Cyclic fatigue and torsional resistance of two new nickel-titanium ınstruments used in reciprocation motion: Reciproc Versus WaveOne. J Endod 2012; 38:541-4
  • 20. Palma PJ, Messias A, Cerqueira AR et al. Cyclic fatigue resistance of three rotary file systems in a dynamic model after immersion in sodium hypochlorite. Odontology 2019;107(3):324-32
  • 21. Özyürek T, Yılmaz K, Uslu G. The effects of autoclave sterilization on the cyclic fatigue resistance of ProTaper Universal, ProTaper Next, and ProTaper Gold nickel-titanium instruments. Restor Dent Endod 2017;42:301–8.
  • 22. Elnaghy AM, Elsaka SE. Mechanical properties of ProTaper Gold nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Int Endod J 2016;49:1073–8.

  • 23. Tobushi H, Hachisuka T, Yamada S, Lin P-H. Rotating-bending fatigue of a TiNi shape-memory alloy wire. Mech Mater 1997;26:35–42.

  • 24. Pereira ES, Gomes RO, Leroy AM, et al. Mechanical behavior of M-Wire and conventional NiTi wire used to manufacture rotary endodontic instruments. Dent Mater 2013;29:318–24.
  • 25. Jamleh A, Yahata Y, Ebihara A, et al. Performance of NiTi endodontic instrument under different temperatures. Odontology 2016;104:324–8.
  • 26. Lee MH, Versluis A, Kim BM, Lee CJ, Hur B, Kim HC. Correlation between experimental cyclic fatigue resistance and numerical stress analysis for nickel-titanium rotary files. J Endod 2011;37:1152–7.
  • 27. Plotino G, Grande NM, Cotti E, et al. Blue treatment enhances cyclic fatigue resis tance of vortex nickel-titanium rotary files. J Endod 2014;40:1451–3.
  • 28. Darabara M, Bourithis L, Zinelis S, Papadimitriou GD. Susceptibility to localized corrosion of stainless steel and NiTi endodontic instruments in irrigating solutions. Int Endod J 2004;37:705–10.
  • 29. Berutti E, Angelici E, Rigolone M, Migliaretti G, Pasqualini D. Influence of sodium hypochlorite on fracture properties and corrosion of ProTaper rotary instruments. Int Endod J 2006;39:693–9.
  • 30. Keleş A, Uzunoğlu-Özyürek E,Uyanık ME et al. Effect of Temperature of Sodium Hypochlorite on Cyclic Fatigue Resistance of Heat-treated Reciprocating Files J Endod 2019;45(2):205-8
  • 31. Angelini E, Zucchi F, Caputo A. Degradation processes on metallic surfaces. In: Barbucci R, ed. Integrated biomaterial science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic– Plenum Publishers; 2002:308–23


Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 4, 594 - 598, 15.10.2020


Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of sodium hypochloride solution on the cyclic fatigue resistance of BioRace (BR) NiTi instrument with different tip size.
Methods: Eighty BioRace instrument with two different size (BR4-35.04 and BR5-40.04) were used. These instruments were randomly divided into four group, each containing 20 files. The cyclic fatigue resistance were than tested in the following conditions; group 1, BR 4 with no immersion; group 2, BR 4 with dynamic immersion in 5.25% NaOCl at 37°C ± 1°C for 5 minute; group 3, BR 5 with no immersion; group 4, BR 5 with dynamic immersion in 5.25% NaOCl at 37°C ± 1°C for 5 minute. Then the instruments were used in stainless steel artificial root canal with a curvature of 60° and 5 mm radius. Number of cycle to failure (NCF) were measured for each group. The time to failure (TTF) in seconds were also recorded. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis.
Results: Nonimmersion groups were statistically superior to immersion groups (group1>group 2 and group 3>group4) both regarding TTF and NCF. However, no significant difference was found between instruments with different tip size regardless of the immersion procedure.
Conclusion: The cyclic fatigue resistance of BR instrument was affected by NaOCl immersion but not with tip size.
Keywords: BioRace, cyclic fatigue resistance, sodium hypochloride

Sodyum Hipokloritin Farklı Boyutlardaki Biorace Döner Aletinin Döngüsel Yorgunluk Direncine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı sodyum hipokloridin aynı taper değerine sahip ancak farklı uç boyutları olan BioRace (BR) döner alet sistemi eğelerinin döngüsel yorgunluğuna etkisini değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmada toplam seksen adet BioRace (BR4-35.04 ve BR5-40.04) aleti kullanıldı. Eğeler, her bir grupta 20 adet olacak şekilde rastgele 4 gruba ayrılmıştır. Daha sonra aletlerin döngüsel yorgunluğu şu şekilde test edildi; Grup 1, BR 4 hiç bir solüsyonda bekletilmeden; Grup 2: BR 4 5 dakika boyunca %5,25 NaOCl solüsyonunda 37°C ± 1°C’de dinamik uygulama sonrası ; Grup 3: BR 5 hiç bir solüsyonda bekletilmeden; Grup 4: 5 dakika boyunca %5,25 NaOCl solüsyonunda 37°C ± 1°C’de dinamik uygulama sonrası 60° kurvatür açılı ve 5 mm kurvatür yarıçaplı paslanmaz çelik bloktan üretilmiş eğimli olukta test edildi. Her bir eğenin kırılana kadarki döngü sayısı (NCF) ölçüldü. Kırılana kadarki süresi (TTF) ise saniye cinsinden kaydedildi. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel analizler ile değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: TTF ve NCF değerleri göz önüne alındığında sodyum hipokloritte bekletilmeyen gruplar bekletilen gruplardan daha dirençli bulundu. Bununla beraber, aletlerin uç boyutlarındaki farkın kırlma dirençleri üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı görüldü.
Sonuç: BioRace döner aletinin döngüsel yorgunluk direnci sodyum hipokloritten etkilenirken, farklı uç boyutlarının böyle bir etki yaratmadığı görüldü.
Anahtar Kelimeler: BioRace, döngüsel yorgunluk direnci, sodyum hipoklorit


  • 1. Sattapan B, Nervo GJ, Palamara JEA, Messer HH. Defects in rotary nickel–titanium files after clinical use. J Endod 2000;26:161–5.
  • 2. Pruett JP, Clement DJ, Carnes DL. Cyclic fatigue testing of nickel titanium instruments. J Endod 1997;23:77–85.
  • 3. Pedulla E, Grande NM, Plotino G, et al. Cyclic fatigue resistance of three different nickel titanium instruments after immersion in sodium hypochlorite. J Endod 2011;37:1139–42.
  • 4. Parashos P, Gordon I, Messer HH. Factors influencing defects of rotary nickel titanium endodontic instruments after clinical use. J Endod 2004;30:722–5.
  • 5. Elnaghy AM, Elsaka SE. Effect of sodium hypochlorite and saline on cyclic fatigue resistance of WaveOne Gold and Reciproc reciprocating instruments. Int Endod J 2017;50:991-8
  • 6. Peters OA, Roehlike JO, Baumann MA. Effect of immersion in sodium hypochlorite on torque and fatigue resistance of nickel-titanium instruments. J Endod 2007;33: 589–93.
  • 7. White RR, Hays GL, Janer LR. Residual antimicrobial activity after canal irrigation with chlorhexidine. J Endod 1997;23:229–31. 

  • 8. Bystrom A, Sundqvist G. Bacteriologic evaluation of the effect of 0.5 percent sodium hypochlorite in endodontic therapy. J Oral Surg 1983;55:307–12. 

  • 9. Oshida Y, Sachdeva RC, Miyazaki S. Microanalytical characterization and surface modification of TiNi orthodontic archwires. BioMed Master Eng 1992;2:51–69.
  • 10. Alfawaz H, Alqedairi A, Alsharekh H, Almuzaini E, Alzahrani S, and Jamleh A. Effects of sodium hypochlorite concentration and temperature on the cyclic fatigue resistance of heat-treated nickel-titanium rotary ınstruments. J Endod. 2018;44(10):1563-6.
  • 11. Saber SMS, Seeda MMA, Hassanien E. The effect of instrument material, taper and degree of root canal curvature on cyclic fatigue of rotary nickel-titanium instruments. ENDO (Lond Engl) 2013;7:59–64
  • 12. Plotino G, Grande NM, Cordaro M, et al. Influence of the shape of artificial canals on the fatigue resistance of NiTi rotary instruments. Int Endod J 2010;43:69–75.

  • 13. Available at: ( Accessed December 19, 2019
  • 14. Lopes HP, Elias CN, Vieira VT, et al. Effects of electropolishing surface treatment on the cyclic fatigue resistance of BioRace nickel-titanium rotary instruments. J Endod 2010;36:1653–7.
  • 15. Freire LG, Gavini G, Branco-Barletta F, Sanches-Cunha R, dos Santos M. Microscopic computerized tomographic evaluation of root canal transportation prepared with twisted or ground nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011:112;143-8.
  • 16. Lopes HP, Elias CN, Vieira VT et al. Effects of Electropolishing Surface Treatment on the Cyclic Fatigue Resistance of BioRace Nickel-Titanium Rotary Instruments J Endod 2010;36(10):1653-7
  • 17. Nguyen HH, Fong H, Paranjpe A, et al. Evaluation of the resistance to cyclic fatigue among ProTaper Next, ProTaper Universal, and Vortex Blue rotary instruments. J Endod 2014;40:1190–3.
  • 18. Adıgüzel M, Tüfenkçi P. comparıson of the cyclıc fatıgue resıstance of waveone, recıproc and twısted fıle adaptıve fıles ın canals wıth a double curvature (s-shaped) J Dent Fac Atatürk Üni 2018;28(2);199-203
  • 19. Kim HC, Kwak SW, Shun-Pan Cheung G, Ko DH, Chung S, Lee W. Cyclic fatigue and torsional resistance of two new nickel-titanium ınstruments used in reciprocation motion: Reciproc Versus WaveOne. J Endod 2012; 38:541-4
  • 20. Palma PJ, Messias A, Cerqueira AR et al. Cyclic fatigue resistance of three rotary file systems in a dynamic model after immersion in sodium hypochlorite. Odontology 2019;107(3):324-32
  • 21. Özyürek T, Yılmaz K, Uslu G. The effects of autoclave sterilization on the cyclic fatigue resistance of ProTaper Universal, ProTaper Next, and ProTaper Gold nickel-titanium instruments. Restor Dent Endod 2017;42:301–8.
  • 22. Elnaghy AM, Elsaka SE. Mechanical properties of ProTaper Gold nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Int Endod J 2016;49:1073–8.

  • 23. Tobushi H, Hachisuka T, Yamada S, Lin P-H. Rotating-bending fatigue of a TiNi shape-memory alloy wire. Mech Mater 1997;26:35–42.

  • 24. Pereira ES, Gomes RO, Leroy AM, et al. Mechanical behavior of M-Wire and conventional NiTi wire used to manufacture rotary endodontic instruments. Dent Mater 2013;29:318–24.
  • 25. Jamleh A, Yahata Y, Ebihara A, et al. Performance of NiTi endodontic instrument under different temperatures. Odontology 2016;104:324–8.
  • 26. Lee MH, Versluis A, Kim BM, Lee CJ, Hur B, Kim HC. Correlation between experimental cyclic fatigue resistance and numerical stress analysis for nickel-titanium rotary files. J Endod 2011;37:1152–7.
  • 27. Plotino G, Grande NM, Cotti E, et al. Blue treatment enhances cyclic fatigue resis tance of vortex nickel-titanium rotary files. J Endod 2014;40:1451–3.
  • 28. Darabara M, Bourithis L, Zinelis S, Papadimitriou GD. Susceptibility to localized corrosion of stainless steel and NiTi endodontic instruments in irrigating solutions. Int Endod J 2004;37:705–10.
  • 29. Berutti E, Angelici E, Rigolone M, Migliaretti G, Pasqualini D. Influence of sodium hypochlorite on fracture properties and corrosion of ProTaper rotary instruments. Int Endod J 2006;39:693–9.
  • 30. Keleş A, Uzunoğlu-Özyürek E,Uyanık ME et al. Effect of Temperature of Sodium Hypochlorite on Cyclic Fatigue Resistance of Heat-treated Reciprocating Files J Endod 2019;45(2):205-8
  • 31. Angelini E, Zucchi F, Caputo A. Degradation processes on metallic surfaces. In: Barbucci R, ed. Integrated biomaterial science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic– Plenum Publishers; 2002:308–23
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Ayfer Atav Ateş This is me 0000-0003-0270-8646

Burçin Arıcan This is me 0000-0001-5757-0571

Publication Date October 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 30 Issue: 4


APA Atav Ateş, A., & Arıcan, B. (2020). EFFECTS OF SODIUM HYPOCHLORIDE ON CYCLIC FATIGUE RESISTANCE OF BIORACE ROTARY INSTRUMENT WITH DIFFERENT TIP SIZES. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(4), 594-598.
Chicago Atav Ateş, Ayfer, and Burçin Arıcan. “EFFECTS OF SODIUM HYPOCHLORIDE ON CYCLIC FATIGUE RESISTANCE OF BIORACE ROTARY INSTRUMENT WITH DIFFERENT TIP SIZES”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30, no. 4 (October 2020): 594-98.
EndNote Atav Ateş A, Arıcan B (October 1, 2020) EFFECTS OF SODIUM HYPOCHLORIDE ON CYCLIC FATIGUE RESISTANCE OF BIORACE ROTARY INSTRUMENT WITH DIFFERENT TIP SIZES. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30 4 594–598.
IEEE A. Atav Ateş and B. Arıcan, “EFFECTS OF SODIUM HYPOCHLORIDE ON CYCLIC FATIGUE RESISTANCE OF BIORACE ROTARY INSTRUMENT WITH DIFFERENT TIP SIZES”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 594–598, 2020, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.780113.
ISNAD Atav Ateş, Ayfer - Arıcan, Burçin. “EFFECTS OF SODIUM HYPOCHLORIDE ON CYCLIC FATIGUE RESISTANCE OF BIORACE ROTARY INSTRUMENT WITH DIFFERENT TIP SIZES”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30/4 (October 2020), 594-598.
MLA Atav Ateş, Ayfer and Burçin Arıcan. “EFFECTS OF SODIUM HYPOCHLORIDE ON CYCLIC FATIGUE RESISTANCE OF BIORACE ROTARY INSTRUMENT WITH DIFFERENT TIP SIZES”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 4, 2020, pp. 594-8, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.780113.

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