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Research Article
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Year 2019, Issue: 63, 109 - 141, 27.12.2019


Bizans resim sanatında, Musa Yanan Çalı Önünde Sandaletlerini Çıkarırken sahnesinde,
Musa’nın sandaletleri ve çıplak ayaklarının ikonografisi oldukça önemli bir
yere sahiptir. Kitab-ı Mukaddes’te sandalet ve çıplak ayak kavramı birçok yerde,
birçok amaç ile geçer. Bizans resim sanatı kapsamında çıplak ayak ve sandalet
ile ilgili göndermelerin en önemlileri Musa ile bağlantılı olanlardır. Ancak
sandalet, çıplak ayak gibi göndermelerin başka isim ve amaçlar ile de Kitab-ı
Mukaddes’te yer aldığı gözlemlenir. Davud, Yeşu, Yeşeya, Rut, Süleyman ve İsa
bu isimler arasında en önemli yere sahip olanlardır. Sandalet ve çıplak ayak
ile bağlantılı olan kavramların geçmişi çok tanrılı döneme kadar uzanır. Antik
dönem Mezopotamya, Mısır ve Yunan topraklarında hem sandalet hem de çıplak ayak
birçok dini, sosyal kavramlar ile anılmıştır. Bu kavramların Kitab-ı Mukaddes
(Eski ve Yeni Ahit) ile sıkı benzerlikleri olduğu gözlemlenir. Kitab-ı
Mukaddes’te ayakkabı (bot, çizme, sandalet) ve çıplak ayak kavramları sıklıkla
karşımıza çıkar. Sandaletin Bizans resim sanatındaki tasvirinde bir hiyerarşi
gözlemlenir. Sandaletin rengi, biçimi Hıristiyan ikonografisinde oldukça önemli
bir yer tutar. Bizans resim sanatında Musa’nın tasvirlerde yer alan
sandaletleri genelde pedila ve caligae tipindedir. Bu sandalet tiplerinden
pedila Doğu kökenli iken, caligae Roma kökenlidir. Masada’da yapılan kazılar
sonucunda ortaya çıkartılan caligae tipi sandaletler, Musa’nın sandaletlerinin
tasvirinin tarihi gerçekliği adına önemlidir. Ancak resim sanatında Musa’nın
sandaletlerinin biçiminde dönemsel ve bölgesel farklılıklar gözlemlenir. Bizans
resim sanatı kapsamında, en erken örnekler kilise duvar resimleri ve mozaik
panolarıdır. Daha geç dönemlerde sahne,  kitap resmi ve ikona örneklerinde de görülür.
Sahnede dönemlere göre bir gelişim gözlemlense de, sahnenin en önemli
ikonografik elemanı olan Musa’nın sandaletlerinin tasvirinde bir homojenlik


  • Achrati, Ahmed. (2003). “Hand and Foot Symbolisms: From Rock Art to the Qurʾān”. Arabica, 50 (4), s. 464-500. (E.T: 06.04.2018). <https://www.jstor.org/stable/4057761>
  • Adair, Jennette. (2008). Certain Aspects of the Goddess in the Ancient Near East (10.000-330 BCE). MA Dissertation. South Africa: University of South Africa. (E.T:01.05.2019).< https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/43165692.pdf>
  • Baker, Shane. (1996). “Loosing a Shoe Latchet: Sandals and Footwear in the First Century”, Brigham Young University Studies, 36 (3), s. 196-206. (E.T: 01.05.2019).< https://www.jstor.org/stable/43044126>
  • Cannon, Joanna. (2010). “Kissing the Virgin's Foot: Adoratio Before the Madonna and Child Enacted, Depicted, Imagined.”, Studies in Iconography, 31, s.1-50. (E.T: 04.02.2019). <https://www.jstor.org/stable/23924976>
  • Corbin, Andrea, Horne, Allana, Kane, Erin (t.y.). Clothing during the Byzantine Era. (E.T:02.02.2019), <http://curriculumhistory.org/Studies_in_Curriculum_History_and_Educational_Philosophy/Byzantium_and_Education_files/Clothing%20in%20Byzantium.pdf>
  • D’amato, Raffaelle. (2013).”The Betrayal: Military Iconography and Archaeology In the Byzantıne Paintings of the 11th–15th c. AD Representing the Arrest of Our Lord. Weapons Bring Peace?: Warfare in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. (Ed. Lech Marek). University of Wrocław. Institute of Archeolog. s. 69-95. (E.T:02.01.2019), <http://wratislavia.archeo.uni.wroc.pl/18-tom/5.pdf>
  • Demir, Hatice. (2018). Bizans Resim Sanatında Meryem Kültü ve Müjde Sahnesi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • DeMello, Margo. (2009). Feet and Footwear. A Cultural Encyclopedia. California: Greenwood Press.
  • Demus, Otto. (1964). Byzantine Mosaic Decoration. Aspects of Monumental Art in Byzantium. Boston: Boston & Art Shop.
  • El Or, Tamar. (2012). “The Soul of the Biblical Sandal”, On Anthropology and Style. 114 (3). s. 433–445. ISSN 0002-7294, online ISSN 1548-1433. c_ DOI: 10.1111/j.1548-1433.2012.01444.x
  • Evans, C. Helen. & Wixom, William. D. (1997). The Glory of Byzantium. Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era A. D. 843-1261. New-York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • Grabar, Andre. (1967). The Art of the Byzantine Empire Byzantine Art in the Middle Ages. New York: Greystone Press.
  • Gardiner, Sir, Allan, Henderson (1957). Egyptian Grammar. Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieoglyphs. Oxford: Griffith Institute.
  • Ginzberg, Louis. (2003). Legends of Jews-I. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society.
  • Güterbock, Hans, G. & Hoffner, Harry, A. (1997). The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • Habas, Lihi. (2009). “A pair of sandals depicted on mosaic floors in the entrances of private houses and churches in Israel and Transjordan in the Byzantine period.” SOMA 2007 Proceedings of the XI Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Istanbul Technical University, 24-29 April 2007. S.151-159. (E.T: 02.12.2018) <file:///C:/Users/win7/Downloads/SOMA2007_sandals.pdf>
  • Haentjens, Ann, M., E. (2002). Ritual Shoes in Early Greek Female Graves. L'Antiquité Classique, 71. s. 171-184. (E.T: 03.11.2018), <https://www.jstor.org/stable/41666901>
  • Hermsen, Sarah, Pendergast Sara, Pendergast, Tom. (2007). Fashion, Costume, and Footwear through the Ages. Thompson/Gale. <https://fcaib.edu.ng/books/Home%20&%20Rural/%5BSara_Pendergast__Tom_Pendergast%5D_Fashion__Costume(BookFi.org).pdf>
  • HittiteLaws.<https://eedu.nbu.bg/pluginfile.php/743607/mod_resource/content/1/Hittite%20Laws.pdf>
  • Homer. (2006). The Iliad, (Trans. Ian Johnston). Arlington, Virginia: Richer Resources Publications. <http://intersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/eBooks/BOOKS/GREEKS/Homer/The%20Iliad%20Homer.pdf>
  • Homer. The Odyssey, (Trans. Robert Fagles). Erişim adresi: <http://www.boyle.kyschools.us/UserFiles/88/The%20Odyssey.pdf>
  • Kessler, Herbert, L. (1992). Pictures Fertile with Truth": How Christians Managed to Make Images of God without Violating the Second Commandment. The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, 49 (50), 53-65. E.T: (22.11.2018). <https://www.jstor.org/stable/20169071>
  • Kramer, Samuel, Noah (1979). From the Poetry of Sumer. California:University of Californian Press.De La Ferté Etienne. C. (1981). L’art de Byzance. Éditions D’art Lucien Mazenod.
  • Lichtheim, Miriam. (1973). Ancient Egyptian Literature. Vol. II. The New Kingdom. California: University of California Press.
  • Mouriki, Doula. (1992). A Pair of Early 13th-century Moses Icons at Sinai with the Scenes of the Burning Bush and the Receiving of the Law. Δελτίον XAE 16 (1991-1992), Περίοδος Δ'. Στη μνήμη του André Grabar (1896-1990)• Σελ. s.171-184.(E.T22-.11.2019). <https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/deltion/article/viewFile/4690/4466.pdf>
  • Nacht, Jacob. (1915). “The Symbolism of the Shoe with Special Reference to Jewish Sources.”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, (6), 1, s. 1-22. (E.T: 10.09.2018). <https://www.jstor.org/stable/1451461?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents>
  • Pestilli, Livio. (2006). “Apostolic Bare Feet in Masaccio's "Tribute Money": Early Christian and Medieval Sources.”, Notes in the History of Art, 26 (1), 5-14. (E.T: 09.09.2018), <https://www.jstor.org/stable/23207957>
  • Pickup, Sadie & Waite Sally. (2018). Shoes, Slippers, and Sandals. Feet and Footwear in Classical Antiquity. London: Routledge.
  • Revel-Neher, Elisabeth. (1992). The Image of the Jew in Byzantine Art. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Rice, Talbot, David. (1954). Byzantine Art. Middlesex: Penguin Books.
  • Shveka, Avi. (2012). “'For a Pair of Shoes': A New Light on an Obscure Verse in Amos' Prophecy.” Vetus Testamentum, 62 (1), s. 95-114. (E.T: 17.09.2018), <https://www.jstor.org/stable/41583800>
  • Sperber, Daniel. (2006). “Moses’ Shoes at the Burning Bush.”, Ars Judaica 2, s. 53-58. (E.T: 12.08.2018), <https://www.academia.edu/38183024/Daniel_Sperber_Moses_Shoes_at_the_Burning_Bush_Ars_Judaica_2_2006_53-58>
  • St. Basil (t.y.). Saint Basil, The Letters. (Ed. Roy, J. Defarrari). London: Willlam Heinemann Ltd New-York: g. p. Putnaxm's Sons. (E.T:12.08.2018),<https://ryanfb.github.io/loebolus-data/L190.pdf>
  • St. Chrysostom (t.y.). St. Chrysostom: On the Priesthood; Ascetic Treatises; Select Homilies and Letters; Homilies on the Statutes. (E.T:12.09.2018), <http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/18191893,_Schaff._Philip,_2_Vol_09_on_The_Priesthood._Ascetic_Treatises,_EN.pdf>
  • St. Clemens Alessandrinus. (t.y.). The Instructor, Pædagogus. (E.T: 04.07.2018), <http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/01500207,_Clemens_Alexandrinus,_Paedagogus_[Schaff],_EN.pdf>
  • St. Jerome. (1933). Select Letters of St. Jerome. London: Willlam Heinemann Ltd New-York: g. p. Putnaxm's Sons. (E.T:12.12.2018),<https://ryanfb.github.io/loebolus-data/l262.pdf>
  • Stylianou Andreas. & Stylianou Judith. (1997). The Painted Church of Cyprus. Treasures of Byzantine Art. Nicosia: A. G. Leventis Foundation.
  • Vikan, Gary. (1973). Illuminated Greek Manuscripts from American Collections. An Exhibition in Honor of Kurt Weitzmann. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Voiskounski, Natella. (2011). The Icon Collection in the Tretyakov Gallery: Moscow.
  • Weitzmann Kurt. (1965). Introduction to the Mosaics and Monumental Painting. The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai Anderegg Fred., Forsyth, George, H., Ševčenko Ihor., Weitzmann Kurt (Ed.). Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.
  • Weitzmann Kurt. (1990). The Pentateuch,. Kessler, H., L. & Weitzmann Kurt. (Ed.), The Frescoes of Dura Synagogue and Christian Art. Washington D.C. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
  • Wilkinson, Richard. (1994). Reading Egyptian Art. London: Thames and Hudson.
  • Wright, Thomas. (1922). The Romance of the Shoes. Being the History of Shoemaking in All Ages, Especially in England and Scotland. London: C. J. Farncombe & Sons Ltd.
  • Yue Charlotte. ve Charlotte David. (1997). Shoes: Their History in Words and in Pictures. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
  • Zanker, Paul. (1995). The Mask of Socrates. The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity. Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press.
Year 2019, Issue: 63, 109 - 141, 27.12.2019



  • Achrati, Ahmed. (2003). “Hand and Foot Symbolisms: From Rock Art to the Qurʾān”. Arabica, 50 (4), s. 464-500. (E.T: 06.04.2018). <https://www.jstor.org/stable/4057761>
  • Adair, Jennette. (2008). Certain Aspects of the Goddess in the Ancient Near East (10.000-330 BCE). MA Dissertation. South Africa: University of South Africa. (E.T:01.05.2019).< https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/43165692.pdf>
  • Baker, Shane. (1996). “Loosing a Shoe Latchet: Sandals and Footwear in the First Century”, Brigham Young University Studies, 36 (3), s. 196-206. (E.T: 01.05.2019).< https://www.jstor.org/stable/43044126>
  • Cannon, Joanna. (2010). “Kissing the Virgin's Foot: Adoratio Before the Madonna and Child Enacted, Depicted, Imagined.”, Studies in Iconography, 31, s.1-50. (E.T: 04.02.2019). <https://www.jstor.org/stable/23924976>
  • Corbin, Andrea, Horne, Allana, Kane, Erin (t.y.). Clothing during the Byzantine Era. (E.T:02.02.2019), <http://curriculumhistory.org/Studies_in_Curriculum_History_and_Educational_Philosophy/Byzantium_and_Education_files/Clothing%20in%20Byzantium.pdf>
  • D’amato, Raffaelle. (2013).”The Betrayal: Military Iconography and Archaeology In the Byzantıne Paintings of the 11th–15th c. AD Representing the Arrest of Our Lord. Weapons Bring Peace?: Warfare in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. (Ed. Lech Marek). University of Wrocław. Institute of Archeolog. s. 69-95. (E.T:02.01.2019), <http://wratislavia.archeo.uni.wroc.pl/18-tom/5.pdf>
  • Demir, Hatice. (2018). Bizans Resim Sanatında Meryem Kültü ve Müjde Sahnesi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • DeMello, Margo. (2009). Feet and Footwear. A Cultural Encyclopedia. California: Greenwood Press.
  • Demus, Otto. (1964). Byzantine Mosaic Decoration. Aspects of Monumental Art in Byzantium. Boston: Boston & Art Shop.
  • El Or, Tamar. (2012). “The Soul of the Biblical Sandal”, On Anthropology and Style. 114 (3). s. 433–445. ISSN 0002-7294, online ISSN 1548-1433. c_ DOI: 10.1111/j.1548-1433.2012.01444.x
  • Evans, C. Helen. & Wixom, William. D. (1997). The Glory of Byzantium. Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era A. D. 843-1261. New-York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • Grabar, Andre. (1967). The Art of the Byzantine Empire Byzantine Art in the Middle Ages. New York: Greystone Press.
  • Gardiner, Sir, Allan, Henderson (1957). Egyptian Grammar. Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieoglyphs. Oxford: Griffith Institute.
  • Ginzberg, Louis. (2003). Legends of Jews-I. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society.
  • Güterbock, Hans, G. & Hoffner, Harry, A. (1997). The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • Habas, Lihi. (2009). “A pair of sandals depicted on mosaic floors in the entrances of private houses and churches in Israel and Transjordan in the Byzantine period.” SOMA 2007 Proceedings of the XI Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Istanbul Technical University, 24-29 April 2007. S.151-159. (E.T: 02.12.2018) <file:///C:/Users/win7/Downloads/SOMA2007_sandals.pdf>
  • Haentjens, Ann, M., E. (2002). Ritual Shoes in Early Greek Female Graves. L'Antiquité Classique, 71. s. 171-184. (E.T: 03.11.2018), <https://www.jstor.org/stable/41666901>
  • Hermsen, Sarah, Pendergast Sara, Pendergast, Tom. (2007). Fashion, Costume, and Footwear through the Ages. Thompson/Gale. <https://fcaib.edu.ng/books/Home%20&%20Rural/%5BSara_Pendergast__Tom_Pendergast%5D_Fashion__Costume(BookFi.org).pdf>
  • HittiteLaws.<https://eedu.nbu.bg/pluginfile.php/743607/mod_resource/content/1/Hittite%20Laws.pdf>
  • Homer. (2006). The Iliad, (Trans. Ian Johnston). Arlington, Virginia: Richer Resources Publications. <http://intersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/eBooks/BOOKS/GREEKS/Homer/The%20Iliad%20Homer.pdf>
  • Homer. The Odyssey, (Trans. Robert Fagles). Erişim adresi: <http://www.boyle.kyschools.us/UserFiles/88/The%20Odyssey.pdf>
  • Kessler, Herbert, L. (1992). Pictures Fertile with Truth": How Christians Managed to Make Images of God without Violating the Second Commandment. The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, 49 (50), 53-65. E.T: (22.11.2018). <https://www.jstor.org/stable/20169071>
  • Kramer, Samuel, Noah (1979). From the Poetry of Sumer. California:University of Californian Press.De La Ferté Etienne. C. (1981). L’art de Byzance. Éditions D’art Lucien Mazenod.
  • Lichtheim, Miriam. (1973). Ancient Egyptian Literature. Vol. II. The New Kingdom. California: University of California Press.
  • Mouriki, Doula. (1992). A Pair of Early 13th-century Moses Icons at Sinai with the Scenes of the Burning Bush and the Receiving of the Law. Δελτίον XAE 16 (1991-1992), Περίοδος Δ'. Στη μνήμη του André Grabar (1896-1990)• Σελ. s.171-184.(E.T22-.11.2019). <https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/deltion/article/viewFile/4690/4466.pdf>
  • Nacht, Jacob. (1915). “The Symbolism of the Shoe with Special Reference to Jewish Sources.”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, (6), 1, s. 1-22. (E.T: 10.09.2018). <https://www.jstor.org/stable/1451461?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents>
  • Pestilli, Livio. (2006). “Apostolic Bare Feet in Masaccio's "Tribute Money": Early Christian and Medieval Sources.”, Notes in the History of Art, 26 (1), 5-14. (E.T: 09.09.2018), <https://www.jstor.org/stable/23207957>
  • Pickup, Sadie & Waite Sally. (2018). Shoes, Slippers, and Sandals. Feet and Footwear in Classical Antiquity. London: Routledge.
  • Revel-Neher, Elisabeth. (1992). The Image of the Jew in Byzantine Art. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Rice, Talbot, David. (1954). Byzantine Art. Middlesex: Penguin Books.
  • Shveka, Avi. (2012). “'For a Pair of Shoes': A New Light on an Obscure Verse in Amos' Prophecy.” Vetus Testamentum, 62 (1), s. 95-114. (E.T: 17.09.2018), <https://www.jstor.org/stable/41583800>
  • Sperber, Daniel. (2006). “Moses’ Shoes at the Burning Bush.”, Ars Judaica 2, s. 53-58. (E.T: 12.08.2018), <https://www.academia.edu/38183024/Daniel_Sperber_Moses_Shoes_at_the_Burning_Bush_Ars_Judaica_2_2006_53-58>
  • St. Basil (t.y.). Saint Basil, The Letters. (Ed. Roy, J. Defarrari). London: Willlam Heinemann Ltd New-York: g. p. Putnaxm's Sons. (E.T:12.08.2018),<https://ryanfb.github.io/loebolus-data/L190.pdf>
  • St. Chrysostom (t.y.). St. Chrysostom: On the Priesthood; Ascetic Treatises; Select Homilies and Letters; Homilies on the Statutes. (E.T:12.09.2018), <http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/18191893,_Schaff._Philip,_2_Vol_09_on_The_Priesthood._Ascetic_Treatises,_EN.pdf>
  • St. Clemens Alessandrinus. (t.y.). The Instructor, Pædagogus. (E.T: 04.07.2018), <http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/01500207,_Clemens_Alexandrinus,_Paedagogus_[Schaff],_EN.pdf>
  • St. Jerome. (1933). Select Letters of St. Jerome. London: Willlam Heinemann Ltd New-York: g. p. Putnaxm's Sons. (E.T:12.12.2018),<https://ryanfb.github.io/loebolus-data/l262.pdf>
  • Stylianou Andreas. & Stylianou Judith. (1997). The Painted Church of Cyprus. Treasures of Byzantine Art. Nicosia: A. G. Leventis Foundation.
  • Vikan, Gary. (1973). Illuminated Greek Manuscripts from American Collections. An Exhibition in Honor of Kurt Weitzmann. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Voiskounski, Natella. (2011). The Icon Collection in the Tretyakov Gallery: Moscow.
  • Weitzmann Kurt. (1965). Introduction to the Mosaics and Monumental Painting. The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai Anderegg Fred., Forsyth, George, H., Ševčenko Ihor., Weitzmann Kurt (Ed.). Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.
  • Weitzmann Kurt. (1990). The Pentateuch,. Kessler, H., L. & Weitzmann Kurt. (Ed.), The Frescoes of Dura Synagogue and Christian Art. Washington D.C. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
  • Wilkinson, Richard. (1994). Reading Egyptian Art. London: Thames and Hudson.
  • Wright, Thomas. (1922). The Romance of the Shoes. Being the History of Shoemaking in All Ages, Especially in England and Scotland. London: C. J. Farncombe & Sons Ltd.
  • Yue Charlotte. ve Charlotte David. (1997). Shoes: Their History in Words and in Pictures. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
  • Zanker, Paul. (1995). The Mask of Socrates. The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity. Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Demir 0000-0002-5801-5841

Publication Date December 27, 2019
Submission Date August 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 63


APA Demir, H. (2019). BİZANS RESİM SANATINDA YANAN ÇALI ÖNÜNDE MUSA’NIN ÇIPLAK AYAK VE SANDALETLERİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(63), 109-141.
Chicago Demir, Hatice. “BİZANS RESİM SANATINDA YANAN ÇALI ÖNÜNDE MUSA’NIN ÇIPLAK AYAK VE SANDALETLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 63 (December 2019): 109-41.
EndNote Demir H (December 1, 2019) BİZANS RESİM SANATINDA YANAN ÇALI ÖNÜNDE MUSA’NIN ÇIPLAK AYAK VE SANDALETLERİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 63 109–141.
ISNAD Demir, Hatice. “BİZANS RESİM SANATINDA YANAN ÇALI ÖNÜNDE MUSA’NIN ÇIPLAK AYAK VE SANDALETLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 63 (December 2019), 109-141.
MLA Demir, Hatice. “BİZANS RESİM SANATINDA YANAN ÇALI ÖNÜNDE MUSA’NIN ÇIPLAK AYAK VE SANDALETLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 63, 2019, pp. 109-41.