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Year 2005, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 40 - 54, 18.02.2010


Bu çalışma, hemşirelerin vardiya ile
çalışmalarının anksiyete ve arteryel kan
basıncına etkisini irdelemek amacıyla
tanımlayıcı nitelikte yapılmıştır.
Araştırmanın örneklemini Türkiye’nin büyük
şehirlerinden birinin il merkezinde bulunan
bir hastanede çalışan ve tabakalı rasgele
örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 167 hemşire
oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak;
“Tanıtıcı Bilgiler Formu”, “Kan Basıncı
Ölçüm Formu” ve “Durumluk-Sürekli
Anksiyete Envanteri” kullanılmıştır.
Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre
hemşirelerin kan basıncını vardiya ile
çalışma etkilemiştir. Sürekli gündüz
vardiyasında çalışan hemşirelerin gündüz
diastolik kan basıncı değerleri gündüz+gece
vardiyalarında çalışanlardan daha yüksek
bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin ‘sürekli
anksiyete’ düzeyi vardiya ile çalışmadan
etkilenmezken, ikinci ‘durumluk anksiyete’
düzeyi sürekli gündüz vardiyasında
çalışanlarda, gündüz+gece vardiyasında
çalışanlara göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur.
Literatüre ters düşen bu bulgular; sürekli
gündüz vardiyası’nda (8 saat) çalışan
hemşirelerin yaş ortalamalarının yüksek
oluşu, gece vardiyası’nda (16 saat) çalışan
hemşirelerin extra ücret almaları ve bu
vardiyada en az 3-4 saat uyumaları ile


  • Baltas A, Baltas Z (1987). Stres ve Basacikma Yollari, 5. Basim, Evrim Matbaacilik Ltd. Sti, İstanbul.
  • Baumgart P, Walger P, Fuchs G et al. (1989). Twenty-four-hour blood pressure is not dependent on endogenous circadian rhythm. Journal of Hypertension 7, 331-334.
  • Bünning E (1973). The Physiological Clock Circadian Rhythms and Biological Chronometry. Reveised third edition: The English Universities Press Ltd. London. Chau NP, Mallion JM, Gaudemaris R et al. (1989). Twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure in shift workers. Circulation. 80: 341-347.
  • Evans O, Steptoe A (2002). The contribution of gender-role orientation, work factors and home stressors to psychological well-being and sickness absence in male and female-dominated occupational groups. Social Ssience & Medicine 54: 481-492.
  • Fishel AH (1998). Nursing Management of Anxiety and Panic. Nursing Clinics of North America 33: 135-151.
  • Goldstein IB, Shapiro D, DeMet AC et al. (1999). Ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and neuroendocrine pesponses in women nurses during work and off work days. Psychosomatic Medicine 61, 387-396.
  • Gorgulu SR (1988). Hemsirelerin anksiyete duzeylerinin saptanmasi ve hemsireleri is ortaminda etkileyen stresörlerin tanimlanmasi. Yayinlanmamıs Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu.
  • Guyton AC, Hall JE (2001). Tibbi Fizyoloji (Textbook of Medical Physiology). Cev: Cavusoglu H, Yegen BC, Aydin Z, & Alican I, editor. Turkce 1. baski: Yüce yayimlari A.S. & Nobel Tip Kitapevleri Ltd. Sti.
  • Harbert K (2002). Acute traumatic stress. Clinician Reviews. 12: 50-57. Available from: 01_print
  • Heim E (1991). Job Stressors and Coping in Health Professions. Psychother Psychosom 55: 90-99.
  • International Council of Nurses. “Nurses and Overtime”. (online) Available from:, (reached: 28.12.2002)
  • International Labour Organization. “What is workplace stress?”. (online) Available from: safework/stress/whatis.htm (Last update: 23.7.2002), (reached: 06.11.2002a). International Labour Organization. “Workrelated stress in nursing”. Available from: ction/safework/stress/nursing.htm (Last update: 10.11.2000), (reached: 06.11.2002b).
  • Kario K, Schwartz JE, Davidson KW et al. (2001). Gender differences in associations of diurnal blood pressure variation, awake physical activity, and sleep quality with negative affect. Hypertension 38: 997-1002.
  • Lercher P, Hörtnagl J, Kofler WW (1993). Work noise annoyance and blood pressure: combined effects with stressful working conditions. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 65: 23-28.
  • Light KC, Turner JR, Hinderliter AL (1992). Job strain and ambulatory work blood pressure in healthy young men and women. Hypertension 20: 214-218.
  • Matthews KA, Cottington EM, Talbott E et al. (1987). Stressful work conditions and diastolic blood pressure among blue collar factory workers. American Journal of Epidemology 126: 280-291.
  • Motowidlo SJ, Packard JS, Manning MR (1986). Occupational stress: its causes and consequences for job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology 71: 618-629.
  • Oner N, LeCompte A (1985). DurumlukSürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabi (StateTrait Anxiety Handbook). 2. basim: Istanbul; Bogazici Universitesi Yayinlari. No: 333.
  • Robinson L (1990). Stress and Anxiety. Nursing Clinics of North America 25: 935943.
  • Schnall PL, Landsbergis PA, Pieper CF et al. (1992a). The impact of anticipation of job loss on psychological distress and worksite blood pressure. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 21: 417-432.
  • Schnall PL, Schwartz JE, Landsbergis PA et al. (1992b). Relation Between Job Strain, Alcohol, and Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Hypertension 19: 488-494.
  • Steptoe A, Cropley M, Griffith J et al. (2000). Job strain and anger expression predict early morning in salivary cortisol. Psychosomatic Medicine 62: 286-292.
  • Taylor C, Lillis C, LeMone P (1997). Fundamentals of Nursing-The Art, Science of Nursing Care. Third edition: Philadelphia: PA: Lippincott.
  • Theorell T, Ahlberg-Hulten G, Jodko M et al. (1993). Influence of job strain and emotion on blood pressure in female hospital personnel during workhours. Scand J Environ Health. 19: 313-8.
  • Van Egeren LF (1992). The relationship between job strain and blood pressure at work, at home, and during sleep. Psychosomatic Medicine 54: 337-343. Vrijkotte TGM, Van Doornen JP, Gues EJC (2000). Effects of work stress on ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability. Hypertension 35: 880886.
  • World Health Organization Expert Committee on Hypertension Control. Geneva, 24-31 October 1994. Last update: 03 Jul 2001. Available from: (reached 01.11.2001).
  • Yamasaki F, Schwartz JE, Gerber LM et al. (1998). Impact of shift work and race/ethnicity on the diurnal rhythm of blood pressure and catecholamines. Hypertension 32: 417-423.
Year 2005, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 40 - 54, 18.02.2010



  • Baltas A, Baltas Z (1987). Stres ve Basacikma Yollari, 5. Basim, Evrim Matbaacilik Ltd. Sti, İstanbul.
  • Baumgart P, Walger P, Fuchs G et al. (1989). Twenty-four-hour blood pressure is not dependent on endogenous circadian rhythm. Journal of Hypertension 7, 331-334.
  • Bünning E (1973). The Physiological Clock Circadian Rhythms and Biological Chronometry. Reveised third edition: The English Universities Press Ltd. London. Chau NP, Mallion JM, Gaudemaris R et al. (1989). Twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure in shift workers. Circulation. 80: 341-347.
  • Evans O, Steptoe A (2002). The contribution of gender-role orientation, work factors and home stressors to psychological well-being and sickness absence in male and female-dominated occupational groups. Social Ssience & Medicine 54: 481-492.
  • Fishel AH (1998). Nursing Management of Anxiety and Panic. Nursing Clinics of North America 33: 135-151.
  • Goldstein IB, Shapiro D, DeMet AC et al. (1999). Ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and neuroendocrine pesponses in women nurses during work and off work days. Psychosomatic Medicine 61, 387-396.
  • Gorgulu SR (1988). Hemsirelerin anksiyete duzeylerinin saptanmasi ve hemsireleri is ortaminda etkileyen stresörlerin tanimlanmasi. Yayinlanmamıs Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu.
  • Guyton AC, Hall JE (2001). Tibbi Fizyoloji (Textbook of Medical Physiology). Cev: Cavusoglu H, Yegen BC, Aydin Z, & Alican I, editor. Turkce 1. baski: Yüce yayimlari A.S. & Nobel Tip Kitapevleri Ltd. Sti.
  • Harbert K (2002). Acute traumatic stress. Clinician Reviews. 12: 50-57. Available from: 01_print
  • Heim E (1991). Job Stressors and Coping in Health Professions. Psychother Psychosom 55: 90-99.
  • International Council of Nurses. “Nurses and Overtime”. (online) Available from:, (reached: 28.12.2002)
  • International Labour Organization. “What is workplace stress?”. (online) Available from: safework/stress/whatis.htm (Last update: 23.7.2002), (reached: 06.11.2002a). International Labour Organization. “Workrelated stress in nursing”. Available from: ction/safework/stress/nursing.htm (Last update: 10.11.2000), (reached: 06.11.2002b).
  • Kario K, Schwartz JE, Davidson KW et al. (2001). Gender differences in associations of diurnal blood pressure variation, awake physical activity, and sleep quality with negative affect. Hypertension 38: 997-1002.
  • Lercher P, Hörtnagl J, Kofler WW (1993). Work noise annoyance and blood pressure: combined effects with stressful working conditions. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 65: 23-28.
  • Light KC, Turner JR, Hinderliter AL (1992). Job strain and ambulatory work blood pressure in healthy young men and women. Hypertension 20: 214-218.
  • Matthews KA, Cottington EM, Talbott E et al. (1987). Stressful work conditions and diastolic blood pressure among blue collar factory workers. American Journal of Epidemology 126: 280-291.
  • Motowidlo SJ, Packard JS, Manning MR (1986). Occupational stress: its causes and consequences for job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology 71: 618-629.
  • Oner N, LeCompte A (1985). DurumlukSürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabi (StateTrait Anxiety Handbook). 2. basim: Istanbul; Bogazici Universitesi Yayinlari. No: 333.
  • Robinson L (1990). Stress and Anxiety. Nursing Clinics of North America 25: 935943.
  • Schnall PL, Landsbergis PA, Pieper CF et al. (1992a). The impact of anticipation of job loss on psychological distress and worksite blood pressure. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 21: 417-432.
  • Schnall PL, Schwartz JE, Landsbergis PA et al. (1992b). Relation Between Job Strain, Alcohol, and Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Hypertension 19: 488-494.
  • Steptoe A, Cropley M, Griffith J et al. (2000). Job strain and anger expression predict early morning in salivary cortisol. Psychosomatic Medicine 62: 286-292.
  • Taylor C, Lillis C, LeMone P (1997). Fundamentals of Nursing-The Art, Science of Nursing Care. Third edition: Philadelphia: PA: Lippincott.
  • Theorell T, Ahlberg-Hulten G, Jodko M et al. (1993). Influence of job strain and emotion on blood pressure in female hospital personnel during workhours. Scand J Environ Health. 19: 313-8.
  • Van Egeren LF (1992). The relationship between job strain and blood pressure at work, at home, and during sleep. Psychosomatic Medicine 54: 337-343. Vrijkotte TGM, Van Doornen JP, Gues EJC (2000). Effects of work stress on ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability. Hypertension 35: 880886.
  • World Health Organization Expert Committee on Hypertension Control. Geneva, 24-31 October 1994. Last update: 03 Jul 2001. Available from: (reached 01.11.2001).
  • Yamasaki F, Schwartz JE, Gerber LM et al. (1998). Impact of shift work and race/ethnicity on the diurnal rhythm of blood pressure and catecholamines. Hypertension 32: 417-423.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language tr; en
Journal Section Research Article

Ayten Demir This is me

Publication Date February 18, 2010
Submission Date February 18, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 8 Issue: 2



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