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Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 34 - 44, 19.02.2010


Bu araştırma, premenopozal dönemdeki
kadınlara verilen planlı sağlık eğitiminin
kadınların osteoporoz sağlık inançlarına ve
osteoporoz bilgi düzeyine etkilerini belirlemek
amacıyla öntest-sontest kontrol gruplu yarı
deneysel modelle gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Araştırma kapsamına, Erzurum il
merkezinde bulunan Evren Paşa Sağlık Ocağı
Bölgesinde Kasım 2001-Ekim 2002 tarihleri
arasında, premenopozal dönemdeki 63’ü kontrol
ve 62’si deney grubu olmak üzere toplam 125
kadın alınmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında sosyodemografik
özellikleri içeren bir form, osteoporoz
sağlık inanç ölçeği, osteoporoz özetkililik/yeterlik
ölçeği ve osteoporoz bilgi testi
Kontrol ve deney grubu kadınların öntest
osteoporoz sağlık inanç puan ortalamaları
arasındaki farkın önemsiz olduğu, sonteste ise
deney grubunun sağlık inanaçları kontrol
grubuna göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur
(p < 0.001). Kontrol ve deney grubu kadınların
öntest osteoporoz öz-etkililik-yeterlik ölçeği puan
ortalamaları arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak
önemsiz olduğu, sontestte ise osteoporoz özetkililik-yeterlik
algısının ve osteoporoz bilgisinin
deney grubunda kontrol grubuna göre daha
yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır (p < 0.001). Sonuç
olarak bu çalışmada osteoporoz konusunda
verilen planlı sağlık eğitiminin kadınların
osteoporoz sağlık inançlarına, öz-etkililik-yeterlik
algısına ve osteoporoz bilgisine olumlu katkı
sağladığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Aksoy C, Karan A, Kavuncu K (1996). Osteoporozda tanı ve takip yöntemleri. Hipokrat Dergisi 1(1): 41-47
  • Berarducci A (2001). The effects of osteoporosis preventive cognitive/behavioral intervention on knowledge, self-efficacy, role strain, and intention in midlife women. http:// www.umi com/dissertations/preview- all/3009486.
  • Berarducci A, Lengacher CA, Keller R (2002). The impact of osteoporosis continuing education on nurses’ knowledge and attitudes. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 33(5):210-217.
  • Biberoğlu S (1998). Primer osteoporoz tiplerinin klinik özellikleri. Osteoporoz. Editör:Selahattin Koloğlu 1.Baskı, Ajans- Türk Gazetecilik ve Matbaacılık A.Ş., Ankara.
  • Blalock SJ, DeVellis BM, Patterson CC et al. (2002). Effects of an osteoporosis prevention program incorporating tailored educational materials. American Journal of Health Promotion 16(3):146-156.
  • Çilingiroğlu N, Ertan AE, Koçoğlu GO (2002). Birinci basamağa başvuran 15-49 yaş grubu kadınlarda osteoporozu önlemeye yönelik eğitim modeli hazırlamak için ihtiyaç saptama. I. Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi, Antalya; 186-187. Çorakçı
  • epidemiyolojisi ve sınıflandırılması. Osteoporoz. Editör: Selahattin Koloğlu Ajans-Türk Gazetecilik ve Maatbacılık A.Ş., Ankara; 7-23.
  • Eskiyurt N (1998). Osteoporozda risk faktörleri. Prospect 2(3) :110-112.
  • Hsieh-Christine MD, Karen D, Novielli MD et al. (2001). Health beliefs and attitudes toward the prevention of osteoporosis in older women. Menopause: The journal of The North American Menopause Society 8(5):372-376.
  • Kara M, Aşti T (2004). Effect of education on self-efficacy of Turkish patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patient Education and Counseling 55:114- 120. Keen
  • Epidemiology of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis in Clinical Practice. In Geusens P, ed. Spiringer-Verlag London Ltd.,UK;17-21.
  • Kılıç D (2004). Osteoporozdan korunmada sağlık inanç modeli. Sendrom 16(10):82-86. Kılıç D, Erci B (2004). Osteoporoz Sağlık İnanç Ölçeği, Osteoporoz Öz- Etkililik/Yeterlik Ölçeği ve Osteoporoz Bilgi Testi’nin geçerlilik ve güvenirliği. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 7(2):89-102.
  • Kılıç D, Karabulut N (2004). Hemşire öğrencilerin osteoporoz bilgi düzeyi ve koruyucu davranışları. www. İ 10-11.
  • Kılıç D, Karabulut N (2005). Das Thema Osteoporose in der Ausbildung von Krankenpflegerinnen., Die wissenschaftliche fachzeitschrift für die pflege; 261-265.
  • Kim K, Gendler P, Horan M (1991). Osteoporosis knowledge tests, osteoporosis health belief scale, and osteoporosis self- efficacy scale. Allendale: MI: Grand Valley State University.
  • Kim KK, Horan ML, Gendler P et al. (1991). Development and evaluation of the osteoporosis health belief scale. Research in Nursing Health 14:155-163.
  • Nas K, Çevik R (2000). Osteoporozda risk faktörleri. Osteoporozda Tanı ve Tedavi. Editör: Turgut Göksoy. Merajans Ltd. Şti., İstanbul; 69-94.
  • Pender NJ, Bar-Or O, Wilk B et al. (2002). Self-efficacy and perceived exertion of girls during exercise. Nursing Research 51(2):86-91.
  • Piaseu N, Belza B, Mitchell P (2001). Testing the effectiveness of osteopoırsis educational program for nursing students in Thailand. Arthritis and Rheumatism 45(3):246-251.
  • Piaseu N, Schepp K, Belza B (2002). Causal analysis of exercise and calcium intake behaviors for osteoporosis prevention among young women in thailand. Health Care for Women International 23(4):364- 376.
  • Sedlak CA, Doheny MO, Jones SL (1998). Osteoporosis prevention in young women. Orthopedic Nursing 17(3):53-65.
  • Sedlak CA, Doheny MO, Jones SL (2000). Osteoporosis education programs: changing knowledge and behaviors. Public Health Nursing 17(5):398-402.
  • Spector RE (2000). The health belief model. Mehalik C, ed. Cultural diversity in health & illness. Fifth Edition. Prentice-Hall New Jersey.,UK; 12-16.
  • Taggart HM, Connor SE (1995). The relation of exercise habits to health beliefs and knowledge about osteoporosis. Journal of American College Health 44(3):127-133. Tezcan S, Sönmez R, Altıntaş H et al. (2000). Determination of osteoporosis knowledge level and prevalance of osteoporosis risk factors among women aged 40 or older and living in the regions of Batıkent Health Center 1 and 2. International Public Health Congress ‘‘Health 21 In Action’’, İstanbul; 24.
  • Ungan M, Tümer M (2001). Turkish women’s knowledge of osteoporosis. Family Practice 18(2):199-203.
  • Weaver CM (2000). Calcium requirements of physically active people. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72:579-584.
  • Wolf I, Van Croonenborg JJ, Kemper HC et al. (1999). The effect of exercise training programs on bone mass: A meta analysis of published controlled trials in pre and postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis International 9:1-12.
Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 34 - 44, 19.02.2010



  • Aksoy C, Karan A, Kavuncu K (1996). Osteoporozda tanı ve takip yöntemleri. Hipokrat Dergisi 1(1): 41-47
  • Berarducci A (2001). The effects of osteoporosis preventive cognitive/behavioral intervention on knowledge, self-efficacy, role strain, and intention in midlife women. http:// www.umi com/dissertations/preview- all/3009486.
  • Berarducci A, Lengacher CA, Keller R (2002). The impact of osteoporosis continuing education on nurses’ knowledge and attitudes. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 33(5):210-217.
  • Biberoğlu S (1998). Primer osteoporoz tiplerinin klinik özellikleri. Osteoporoz. Editör:Selahattin Koloğlu 1.Baskı, Ajans- Türk Gazetecilik ve Matbaacılık A.Ş., Ankara.
  • Blalock SJ, DeVellis BM, Patterson CC et al. (2002). Effects of an osteoporosis prevention program incorporating tailored educational materials. American Journal of Health Promotion 16(3):146-156.
  • Çilingiroğlu N, Ertan AE, Koçoğlu GO (2002). Birinci basamağa başvuran 15-49 yaş grubu kadınlarda osteoporozu önlemeye yönelik eğitim modeli hazırlamak için ihtiyaç saptama. I. Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi, Antalya; 186-187. Çorakçı
  • epidemiyolojisi ve sınıflandırılması. Osteoporoz. Editör: Selahattin Koloğlu Ajans-Türk Gazetecilik ve Maatbacılık A.Ş., Ankara; 7-23.
  • Eskiyurt N (1998). Osteoporozda risk faktörleri. Prospect 2(3) :110-112.
  • Hsieh-Christine MD, Karen D, Novielli MD et al. (2001). Health beliefs and attitudes toward the prevention of osteoporosis in older women. Menopause: The journal of The North American Menopause Society 8(5):372-376.
  • Kara M, Aşti T (2004). Effect of education on self-efficacy of Turkish patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patient Education and Counseling 55:114- 120. Keen
  • Epidemiology of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis in Clinical Practice. In Geusens P, ed. Spiringer-Verlag London Ltd.,UK;17-21.
  • Kılıç D (2004). Osteoporozdan korunmada sağlık inanç modeli. Sendrom 16(10):82-86. Kılıç D, Erci B (2004). Osteoporoz Sağlık İnanç Ölçeği, Osteoporoz Öz- Etkililik/Yeterlik Ölçeği ve Osteoporoz Bilgi Testi’nin geçerlilik ve güvenirliği. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 7(2):89-102.
  • Kılıç D, Karabulut N (2004). Hemşire öğrencilerin osteoporoz bilgi düzeyi ve koruyucu davranışları. www. İ 10-11.
  • Kılıç D, Karabulut N (2005). Das Thema Osteoporose in der Ausbildung von Krankenpflegerinnen., Die wissenschaftliche fachzeitschrift für die pflege; 261-265.
  • Kim K, Gendler P, Horan M (1991). Osteoporosis knowledge tests, osteoporosis health belief scale, and osteoporosis self- efficacy scale. Allendale: MI: Grand Valley State University.
  • Kim KK, Horan ML, Gendler P et al. (1991). Development and evaluation of the osteoporosis health belief scale. Research in Nursing Health 14:155-163.
  • Nas K, Çevik R (2000). Osteoporozda risk faktörleri. Osteoporozda Tanı ve Tedavi. Editör: Turgut Göksoy. Merajans Ltd. Şti., İstanbul; 69-94.
  • Pender NJ, Bar-Or O, Wilk B et al. (2002). Self-efficacy and perceived exertion of girls during exercise. Nursing Research 51(2):86-91.
  • Piaseu N, Belza B, Mitchell P (2001). Testing the effectiveness of osteopoırsis educational program for nursing students in Thailand. Arthritis and Rheumatism 45(3):246-251.
  • Piaseu N, Schepp K, Belza B (2002). Causal analysis of exercise and calcium intake behaviors for osteoporosis prevention among young women in thailand. Health Care for Women International 23(4):364- 376.
  • Sedlak CA, Doheny MO, Jones SL (1998). Osteoporosis prevention in young women. Orthopedic Nursing 17(3):53-65.
  • Sedlak CA, Doheny MO, Jones SL (2000). Osteoporosis education programs: changing knowledge and behaviors. Public Health Nursing 17(5):398-402.
  • Spector RE (2000). The health belief model. Mehalik C, ed. Cultural diversity in health & illness. Fifth Edition. Prentice-Hall New Jersey.,UK; 12-16.
  • Taggart HM, Connor SE (1995). The relation of exercise habits to health beliefs and knowledge about osteoporosis. Journal of American College Health 44(3):127-133. Tezcan S, Sönmez R, Altıntaş H et al. (2000). Determination of osteoporosis knowledge level and prevalance of osteoporosis risk factors among women aged 40 or older and living in the regions of Batıkent Health Center 1 and 2. International Public Health Congress ‘‘Health 21 In Action’’, İstanbul; 24.
  • Ungan M, Tümer M (2001). Turkish women’s knowledge of osteoporosis. Family Practice 18(2):199-203.
  • Weaver CM (2000). Calcium requirements of physically active people. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72:579-584.
  • Wolf I, Van Croonenborg JJ, Kemper HC et al. (1999). The effect of exercise training programs on bone mass: A meta analysis of published controlled trials in pre and postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis International 9:1-12.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language tr; en
Journal Section Research Article

Dilek Kılıç This is me

Behice Erci This is me

Publication Date February 19, 2010
Submission Date February 19, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 10 Issue: 3



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