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Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 83 - 90, 19.02.2010


Temiz aralıklı kateterizasyon (TAK),
kişinin idrar boşaltmak için mesanesine
kateter yerleştirmesidir. Bu işlem mesanesini
tam boşaltamayan hastalarda uygulanır ve
rezidüel idrarın boşaltılması amaçlanır. Bu
yöntemin kalıcı kateterizasyona göre avantajları;
uygulanması için özel alet ve
donanımlara gereksinim duyulmaması,
üretrada daha az travmaya yol açması,
enfeksiyon riskinin daha düşük olması ve
yaşam kalitesini arttırmasıdır. Hastalar bu
tekniği hastanede ya da evlerinde doktor ve
hemşirelerden öğrenirler ve uygularlar.
Ancak bu işlemin hastalara öğretilmesi daha
sıklıkla hemşireler tarafından


  • …….....Clean intermittent selfcathete- risation. http://www.cambcitypct.nhs.- uk/documents. (Erişim 14 Mart 2006).
  • Akkoc Y (2005). Health-related quality of life of patients using clean intermittent cathe-terization for neurojenic bladder secondary to spinal cord injury. Urology 66: 1360.
  • Anders K (2005). The female patient with a catheter. Women’s Health Medicine 2(6):50-53 Aybek
  • kateterizasyon bir tedavi biçimi midir? Türkiye Klinikleri Üroloji Dergisi 1(5):23- 27.
  • Benntt CJ, Young MN, Adkins RH et al. (1995). Comparison of bladder management complication outcomes in female spinal cord injury patients. The Journal of Urology 153:1458-1460.
  • Campbell JB, Moore NK, Voaklander DC et al. (2004). Complications associated with clean intermittent catheterization in children with spina bifida. The Journal of Urology 171: 2420-2422.
  • Carpenito LJ (2005). Hand book of nursing diagnosis. Tercüme: Erdemir F, Hemşirelik Tanıları El Kitabı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul
  • Crowe H (2003). A quide to clean intermittent self-catheterisation. Australian Nursing Journal 10(9): 19-20.
  • Çakırcalı E (1998). Hemşirelikte Temel İlke ve Uygulamalar. Geliştirilmiş II. baskı, İzmir. Demir Y, Gündüz B, Erhan B (2003). Omurilik yaralanması sonrası üriner komplikasyonlar. gi/.htm (Erişim 20 Mart 2006).
  • Duffin H (2000). İntermittent self-catheteri- sation. Journal of Community Nursing 14(10): 29-32.
  • Gallien P, Nicolas B, Robineau S et al. (1998). Influence of urinary management on urologic complications in a cohort of spinal cord injury patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 79: 1206-1209.
  • Grigoleit U, Pannek J, Stohrer M (2006). Single-use intermittent catheterisation. Der Urologe Ausg. A 45(2):175-182.
  • Gündüz B (2006). Omurilik yaralanması sonrasında nöropatik mesane rehabilitasyonu. http://-
  • (Erişim 20 Mart 2006).
  • Hatipoğlu S (1996). Üriner Sistem Uygulamaları. Hemşirelik Esasları. Yazarlar: İnanç N, Hatipoğlu S, Yurt V, Avcı E, Albayrak N, Öztürk E.1. Baskı, Gata basımevi, Ankara.
  • Hunt HG, Pippa O, Whitaker RH (1996). Intermittent catheterisation: Simple, safe, and effective but underused. British Medical Journal 312 (7023): 103- 108.
  • Kayku KN, Kanan N (2003). Nöropatik mesaneli hastalarda kalıcı ve aralıklı üretral kateter uygulamalarının enfeksiyon insidansı-na etkisi.
  • okullar/Sayi_51.htm (Erişim 20 Mart 2006).
  • Kazancı G (1999). Genel Üroloji. 14. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. Ltd. Şti. İstanbul.
  • Khorshid L (1997). Üriner Sistem ve Uygulamaları. İzmir.
  • Ku JH, Jung TY, Lee JK et al. (2006). İnfluence of bladder manegement on epidiymo-orchitis in patients with spinal cord injury: clean intermittent catheterization is a risk factor for epididymo-orchitis. Spinal Cord 44(3):165- 169.
  • Kuzu N (2001). Kendi kendine aralıklı kateterizasyon. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 5(1):54- 59.
  • McComas JJ, Lallı SJ, Benavıdes C (1999). İncreasing accuracy and decreasing latency during clean intermittent self- catheterization procedures with young children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 32: 217-220.
  • McKinley WO, Jackson AB, Cardenas DD et al. (1999). Long- term medical complica-tions after traumatic spinal cord injury: a regional model sytems analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 80: 1402-1410.
  • Mizuno K, Tsuji T, Kimura A et al. (2004). Twenty-seven years of complication free life with clean intermittent self-catheterization in a patient with spinal cord injury: a case report. Archives of Physical Medicine and Reha-bilitation 85: 1705-1707.
  • Oh SJ, Ku H, Jeon HG et al. (2005). Health-related qualıty of life of patients usıng clean intermittent catheterization for neurojenic bladder secondary to spinal cord injury. Urology 65: 306-310.
  • Oh SJ, Shin HI, Paik NJ et al. (2006). Depressive symptoms of patients using clean intermittent catheterization for neurogenic bladder secondary to spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 44(1): 24.
  • Pader M, Moores KN, Cottenden AM et al. (2001). Coated catheters for intermittent catheterization: smooth or sticky? British Journal of Ürology İnternational 88: 373-377 Pilloni S, Krhut J, Mair D et al. (2005). İntermittent catheterisation in older people: a valuable alternative to an indwelling catheter? Age and Ageing 34:57-60.
  • Pomfret I (2000). Catheter care in the community. Nursing Standart 22(1): 46-51.
  • Pomfret I, Lauren T (2004). Urinary cathe- ters and associated uti’s. Journal of Community Nursing 18(9): 15-20.
  • Simpson L (2002). A collectable quide for you to use with your patients. Nursing Standard 16(29): 56.
  • Sutherland RS, Kogan BA, Baskin LS et al. (1996). Clean intermittent catheterization in boys using the LoFric catheter. The Journal of Urology 156(6): 2041-2043.
  • Temeltaş G (2004). Nörojenik mesane disfonksiyonlu hastalarda üriner sistem enfeksiyonları. Türkiye Klinikleri Üroloji Dergisi 1(2): 172-180.
  • Vaidyanahtan S, Soni BM, Dundas S et al. (1994). Urethral cytology in spinal cord injury patients performing intermittent catheteri-sation. Paraplegia 32: 493-500.
  • Weld KJ, Graney MJ, Dmochowski RR (2000). Difference in bladder compliance with time and assocations of bladder management with compliance in spinal cord injured patients. The Journal of Urology 63:1228-1233.
  • Winder A (2002). İntermittent self cathete- risation. Urology News 6(3): 16-18.
  • Wyndaele JJ (2002a). Intermittent catheterization: which is the optimal technique? Spinal Cord 40: 432-437.
  • Wyndaele JJ (2002b). Complications of intermittent catheterization: their prevention and treatment. Spinal Cord 40(10):536-541.
  • Yavuzer G, Gök H, Tuncer T ve ark. (2000). Compliance with bladder management in spinal cord injury patients. Spinal Cord 38: 762-765.
Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 83 - 90, 19.02.2010



  • …….....Clean intermittent selfcathete- risation. http://www.cambcitypct.nhs.- uk/documents. (Erişim 14 Mart 2006).
  • Akkoc Y (2005). Health-related quality of life of patients using clean intermittent cathe-terization for neurojenic bladder secondary to spinal cord injury. Urology 66: 1360.
  • Anders K (2005). The female patient with a catheter. Women’s Health Medicine 2(6):50-53 Aybek
  • kateterizasyon bir tedavi biçimi midir? Türkiye Klinikleri Üroloji Dergisi 1(5):23- 27.
  • Benntt CJ, Young MN, Adkins RH et al. (1995). Comparison of bladder management complication outcomes in female spinal cord injury patients. The Journal of Urology 153:1458-1460.
  • Campbell JB, Moore NK, Voaklander DC et al. (2004). Complications associated with clean intermittent catheterization in children with spina bifida. The Journal of Urology 171: 2420-2422.
  • Carpenito LJ (2005). Hand book of nursing diagnosis. Tercüme: Erdemir F, Hemşirelik Tanıları El Kitabı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul
  • Crowe H (2003). A quide to clean intermittent self-catheterisation. Australian Nursing Journal 10(9): 19-20.
  • Çakırcalı E (1998). Hemşirelikte Temel İlke ve Uygulamalar. Geliştirilmiş II. baskı, İzmir. Demir Y, Gündüz B, Erhan B (2003). Omurilik yaralanması sonrası üriner komplikasyonlar. gi/.htm (Erişim 20 Mart 2006).
  • Duffin H (2000). İntermittent self-catheteri- sation. Journal of Community Nursing 14(10): 29-32.
  • Gallien P, Nicolas B, Robineau S et al. (1998). Influence of urinary management on urologic complications in a cohort of spinal cord injury patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 79: 1206-1209.
  • Grigoleit U, Pannek J, Stohrer M (2006). Single-use intermittent catheterisation. Der Urologe Ausg. A 45(2):175-182.
  • Gündüz B (2006). Omurilik yaralanması sonrasında nöropatik mesane rehabilitasyonu. http://-
  • (Erişim 20 Mart 2006).
  • Hatipoğlu S (1996). Üriner Sistem Uygulamaları. Hemşirelik Esasları. Yazarlar: İnanç N, Hatipoğlu S, Yurt V, Avcı E, Albayrak N, Öztürk E.1. Baskı, Gata basımevi, Ankara.
  • Hunt HG, Pippa O, Whitaker RH (1996). Intermittent catheterisation: Simple, safe, and effective but underused. British Medical Journal 312 (7023): 103- 108.
  • Kayku KN, Kanan N (2003). Nöropatik mesaneli hastalarda kalıcı ve aralıklı üretral kateter uygulamalarının enfeksiyon insidansı-na etkisi.
  • okullar/Sayi_51.htm (Erişim 20 Mart 2006).
  • Kazancı G (1999). Genel Üroloji. 14. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. Ltd. Şti. İstanbul.
  • Khorshid L (1997). Üriner Sistem ve Uygulamaları. İzmir.
  • Ku JH, Jung TY, Lee JK et al. (2006). İnfluence of bladder manegement on epidiymo-orchitis in patients with spinal cord injury: clean intermittent catheterization is a risk factor for epididymo-orchitis. Spinal Cord 44(3):165- 169.
  • Kuzu N (2001). Kendi kendine aralıklı kateterizasyon. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 5(1):54- 59.
  • McComas JJ, Lallı SJ, Benavıdes C (1999). İncreasing accuracy and decreasing latency during clean intermittent self- catheterization procedures with young children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 32: 217-220.
  • McKinley WO, Jackson AB, Cardenas DD et al. (1999). Long- term medical complica-tions after traumatic spinal cord injury: a regional model sytems analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 80: 1402-1410.
  • Mizuno K, Tsuji T, Kimura A et al. (2004). Twenty-seven years of complication free life with clean intermittent self-catheterization in a patient with spinal cord injury: a case report. Archives of Physical Medicine and Reha-bilitation 85: 1705-1707.
  • Oh SJ, Ku H, Jeon HG et al. (2005). Health-related qualıty of life of patients usıng clean intermittent catheterization for neurojenic bladder secondary to spinal cord injury. Urology 65: 306-310.
  • Oh SJ, Shin HI, Paik NJ et al. (2006). Depressive symptoms of patients using clean intermittent catheterization for neurogenic bladder secondary to spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 44(1): 24.
  • Pader M, Moores KN, Cottenden AM et al. (2001). Coated catheters for intermittent catheterization: smooth or sticky? British Journal of Ürology İnternational 88: 373-377 Pilloni S, Krhut J, Mair D et al. (2005). İntermittent catheterisation in older people: a valuable alternative to an indwelling catheter? Age and Ageing 34:57-60.
  • Pomfret I (2000). Catheter care in the community. Nursing Standart 22(1): 46-51.
  • Pomfret I, Lauren T (2004). Urinary cathe- ters and associated uti’s. Journal of Community Nursing 18(9): 15-20.
  • Simpson L (2002). A collectable quide for you to use with your patients. Nursing Standard 16(29): 56.
  • Sutherland RS, Kogan BA, Baskin LS et al. (1996). Clean intermittent catheterization in boys using the LoFric catheter. The Journal of Urology 156(6): 2041-2043.
  • Temeltaş G (2004). Nörojenik mesane disfonksiyonlu hastalarda üriner sistem enfeksiyonları. Türkiye Klinikleri Üroloji Dergisi 1(2): 172-180.
  • Vaidyanahtan S, Soni BM, Dundas S et al. (1994). Urethral cytology in spinal cord injury patients performing intermittent catheteri-sation. Paraplegia 32: 493-500.
  • Weld KJ, Graney MJ, Dmochowski RR (2000). Difference in bladder compliance with time and assocations of bladder management with compliance in spinal cord injured patients. The Journal of Urology 63:1228-1233.
  • Winder A (2002). İntermittent self cathete- risation. Urology News 6(3): 16-18.
  • Wyndaele JJ (2002a). Intermittent catheterization: which is the optimal technique? Spinal Cord 40: 432-437.
  • Wyndaele JJ (2002b). Complications of intermittent catheterization: their prevention and treatment. Spinal Cord 40(10):536-541.
  • Yavuzer G, Gök H, Tuncer T ve ark. (2000). Compliance with bladder management in spinal cord injury patients. Spinal Cord 38: 762-765.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language tr; en
Journal Section Research Article

Elanur Yılmaz Karabulut This is me

Reva Balcı Akpınar This is me

Publication Date February 19, 2010
Submission Date February 19, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


Vancouver Yılmaz Karabulut E, Balcı Akpınar R. TEMİZ ARALIKLI KATETERİZASYON. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences. 2010;10(4):83-90.

Journal is listed in the EBSCO CINAHL Database since 2019.

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