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Year 2014, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 15 - 22, 22.03.2014


competence, professional attitude and skill subscale scores of the nurses was found above medium level and positive. NPSCI scores of nurses that advanced age and married, more working year, clinic manager and daytime running were found significantly higher than the others (p <0.05). In addition, Professional Self- Concept Inventory scores of the nurses who selected the profession intentionally, who are satisfied the profession and nurses who are members of the Association of Turkish Nurses were found significantly higher than others (p<0.05)


  • Adams K, Hean S, Sturgis P, Clark JM. Investigating The Factors İnfluencing The Professional İdentify of First-Year Health and Social Science Students. Learning in Health and Social Care 2006;5(2):55-68.
  • Arthur D, Thorne S. Professional Self-Concept of Nurses: A Comparative Study of Four Strata of Nursing Students in a Canadian University. Nurse Education Today 1998;18(5):380-88.
  • Arthur D, Sohng KY, Noh CH, Kim S. The Professional Self Concept of Korean Hospital Nurses. İnternational Journal of Nursing Studies 1999;35 (3):155-62.
  • Costello CY. Changing Clothes: Gender Inequality and Professional Socialization. National Women’s Studies Association Journal 2004;16(2):138-55.
  • Cowin LS, Maree J, Rhonda GC, Herbert WM. Causal modeling of self-concept, job satisfaction, and retention of nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008;45(10):14-49.
  • Deppoliti D. Exploration How New Registered Nurses Construct Professional İdentity in Hospital Settings. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2008;39(6):255-62.
  • Fagermoen S. Professional İdentity: Values Embedded İn Meaningful Nursing Practice.JAN 1997;25(3):434-41.
  • Fletcher K. Image: Changing How Women Nurses Think About Themselves. Literature review. JAN 2007;58(3):207-15.
  • Gregg MF, Magilvy JK. Professional İdentity Of Japanese Nurses: Bonding İnto Nursing. Nursing&Health Sciences 2001;3(1):47-55.
  • Hendel T, Kagan I. Professional İmage And İntention To Emigrate Among Israeli Nurses And Nursing Students. Nurse Educ Today 2010; doi:1016/j.nedt.2010.11.008
  • Heung YYJ, Frances Wonng KY, Enid Kwong WY, Tany To SS, Daniel Wong HC. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak Promotes a Strong Sense of Professional İdentity Among Nursing Students. Nurse Educ Today 2005;25(2):112-8.
  • Hisar F, Karadağ, A. Determining The Professional Behaviour Of Nurse Executives. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010;16(4):335-41.
  • Hwang IJ, F Lou SS, Han FCao, WO, Kim, P Li. Professionalism: The Major Factor İnfluencing Job Satisfaction Among Korean and Chinese Nurses. International Nursing Review 2009;56(3):313–8.
  • Karadağ G, Sertbaş G, Güner İC, Taşdemir HS, Özdemir N. Hemşirelerin İş Doyumu ve Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri İle Bunları Etkileyen Bazı Değişkenlerin İncelenmesi. Hemşirelik Forum Dergisi 2002;5(6):8
  • Karadağ A, Hisar F, Elbaş NÖ. Hemşirelikte Profesyonelliğe İlişkin Davranışsal Envanter. Hemşirelik Forum Dergisi 2004;7(4):14-22.
  • Karadağ A, Hisar F, Elbaş NÖ. The Level of Professionalism Among Nurses in Turkey. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2007;39(4):371–4.
  • Kaya K, ġimşek Z, Kabalcıoğlu F, Dayı FF. Hemşirelerin Mesleki İmajlarını ve Mesleği Algılamalarını Etkileyen Faktörler. Hemşirelik Forum Dergisi 2004;7(1):1-6.
  • Kelleci M, Gölbaşı Z. Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Çalışan Hemşirelerin Problem Çözme Becerilerinin Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi 2004;8 (2):1Kelleci M, Gölbaşı Z, Yılmaz M, Doğan S.
  • Hemşirelerin Araştırma Yapma ve Araştırma Sonuçlarını Bakımda Kullanma İle İlgili Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 2008;10(2):1-16.
  • Kelly S, Courts N. The Professional Self-Concept of New Graduate Nurses. Nurse Education in Practice 2007;7(5):332–7.
  • Kım-Godwın YS, Baek HC, Wynd CA. Factors Influencıng Professıonalism in Nursing Among Korean American Registered Nurses. Journal of Professional Nursing 2010;26(4):242–9.
  • McKenna LG, Gren C. Experiences and Learning During A Graduate Nurse Program; An Examination Using a Focus Group Approach. Nurse Education in Practice 2004;4(4):258-63.
  • Öhlen J, Segesten K. The Professional İdentity of The Nurse: Concept Analysis and Development. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1998;28(4):720-7.
  • Pilehvarzadeh M, Hossein Rezaei H, Salari S, Nikiyan Y. Evaluation of The Levels of Professional Self-Concept in the Nursing Staff of Kerman Medical Sciences University Hospital. Nursing and Midwifery 2003;11(3):57-60.
  • Sabancıogulları S, Doğan S, Bircan H. Klinik Hemşireleri İçin Profesyonel Benlik Kavramı Ölçeği (HPBKÖ): Geliştirilmesi, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nurs Sci 2011;3(1):16-28.
  • Siebens K, Casterlé DB, Abraham I, Dierckx K, Braes T, Darras E et al. The Professional Self-İmage of Nurses in Belgian Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. İnternational Journal of Nursing Studies 2006;43(1):71-82.
  • Strasen L. The İmage of Professional Nursing; Strategies for Action. 1 nd ed. London: J.B. Lippincott Company.1992. p.61-3.
  • Vliegher K, Milisen K, Wouters R, Scheepmans K, Paquay L, Debaillie R. et al. The Professional Selfİmage of Registered Home Nurses in Flanders (Belgium): A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. Applied Nursing Research 2011;24(1):29–36.
  • Weller L, Harrison M, Katz ZMA. Changes in the Self and Professional İmages of Student Nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2006;13(2):179-84.


Year 2014, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 15 - 22, 22.03.2014


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı hastanede çalışan hemşirelerin profesyonel benlik gelişim düzeylerini ve
etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir.
Yöntem: Çalışma, hastanede çalışan 223 hemşire ile tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın
verileri Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve Hemşireler için Profesyonel Benlik Kavramı Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Hemşirelerin Profesyonel Benlik Kavramı Ölçeği genel, mesleki memnuniyet, mesleki
yetkinlik, mesleki tutum ve beceri alt boyut puan ortalamaları ortanın üzerinde ve olumlu saptanmıştır. İleri
yaşta olanların, evlilerin, uzun süredir çalışanların, klinik sorumlusu olanların ve gündüz çalışan hemşirelerin
benlik gelişim düzeyleri diğerlerine göre anlamlı derecede yüksek saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, mesleğini isteyerek
seçen, mesleğinden memnun olan ve Türk Hemşireler Derneğine üye olan hemşirelerin benlik gelişim düzeyleri
diğerlerine göre anlamlı derecede yüksek saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmaya katılan hemşirelerinin profesyonel benlik gelişimlerinin üst düzeyde olduğu
söylenebilir. Hemşirelerin profesyonel benliklerini bireysel ve çalışma özellikleri etkilemektedir


  • Adams K, Hean S, Sturgis P, Clark JM. Investigating The Factors İnfluencing The Professional İdentify of First-Year Health and Social Science Students. Learning in Health and Social Care 2006;5(2):55-68.
  • Arthur D, Thorne S. Professional Self-Concept of Nurses: A Comparative Study of Four Strata of Nursing Students in a Canadian University. Nurse Education Today 1998;18(5):380-88.
  • Arthur D, Sohng KY, Noh CH, Kim S. The Professional Self Concept of Korean Hospital Nurses. İnternational Journal of Nursing Studies 1999;35 (3):155-62.
  • Costello CY. Changing Clothes: Gender Inequality and Professional Socialization. National Women’s Studies Association Journal 2004;16(2):138-55.
  • Cowin LS, Maree J, Rhonda GC, Herbert WM. Causal modeling of self-concept, job satisfaction, and retention of nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008;45(10):14-49.
  • Deppoliti D. Exploration How New Registered Nurses Construct Professional İdentity in Hospital Settings. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2008;39(6):255-62.
  • Fagermoen S. Professional İdentity: Values Embedded İn Meaningful Nursing Practice.JAN 1997;25(3):434-41.
  • Fletcher K. Image: Changing How Women Nurses Think About Themselves. Literature review. JAN 2007;58(3):207-15.
  • Gregg MF, Magilvy JK. Professional İdentity Of Japanese Nurses: Bonding İnto Nursing. Nursing&Health Sciences 2001;3(1):47-55.
  • Hendel T, Kagan I. Professional İmage And İntention To Emigrate Among Israeli Nurses And Nursing Students. Nurse Educ Today 2010; doi:1016/j.nedt.2010.11.008
  • Heung YYJ, Frances Wonng KY, Enid Kwong WY, Tany To SS, Daniel Wong HC. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak Promotes a Strong Sense of Professional İdentity Among Nursing Students. Nurse Educ Today 2005;25(2):112-8.
  • Hisar F, Karadağ, A. Determining The Professional Behaviour Of Nurse Executives. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010;16(4):335-41.
  • Hwang IJ, F Lou SS, Han FCao, WO, Kim, P Li. Professionalism: The Major Factor İnfluencing Job Satisfaction Among Korean and Chinese Nurses. International Nursing Review 2009;56(3):313–8.
  • Karadağ G, Sertbaş G, Güner İC, Taşdemir HS, Özdemir N. Hemşirelerin İş Doyumu ve Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri İle Bunları Etkileyen Bazı Değişkenlerin İncelenmesi. Hemşirelik Forum Dergisi 2002;5(6):8
  • Karadağ A, Hisar F, Elbaş NÖ. Hemşirelikte Profesyonelliğe İlişkin Davranışsal Envanter. Hemşirelik Forum Dergisi 2004;7(4):14-22.
  • Karadağ A, Hisar F, Elbaş NÖ. The Level of Professionalism Among Nurses in Turkey. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2007;39(4):371–4.
  • Kaya K, ġimşek Z, Kabalcıoğlu F, Dayı FF. Hemşirelerin Mesleki İmajlarını ve Mesleği Algılamalarını Etkileyen Faktörler. Hemşirelik Forum Dergisi 2004;7(1):1-6.
  • Kelleci M, Gölbaşı Z. Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Çalışan Hemşirelerin Problem Çözme Becerilerinin Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi 2004;8 (2):1Kelleci M, Gölbaşı Z, Yılmaz M, Doğan S.
  • Hemşirelerin Araştırma Yapma ve Araştırma Sonuçlarını Bakımda Kullanma İle İlgili Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 2008;10(2):1-16.
  • Kelly S, Courts N. The Professional Self-Concept of New Graduate Nurses. Nurse Education in Practice 2007;7(5):332–7.
  • Kım-Godwın YS, Baek HC, Wynd CA. Factors Influencıng Professıonalism in Nursing Among Korean American Registered Nurses. Journal of Professional Nursing 2010;26(4):242–9.
  • McKenna LG, Gren C. Experiences and Learning During A Graduate Nurse Program; An Examination Using a Focus Group Approach. Nurse Education in Practice 2004;4(4):258-63.
  • Öhlen J, Segesten K. The Professional İdentity of The Nurse: Concept Analysis and Development. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1998;28(4):720-7.
  • Pilehvarzadeh M, Hossein Rezaei H, Salari S, Nikiyan Y. Evaluation of The Levels of Professional Self-Concept in the Nursing Staff of Kerman Medical Sciences University Hospital. Nursing and Midwifery 2003;11(3):57-60.
  • Sabancıogulları S, Doğan S, Bircan H. Klinik Hemşireleri İçin Profesyonel Benlik Kavramı Ölçeği (HPBKÖ): Geliştirilmesi, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nurs Sci 2011;3(1):16-28.
  • Siebens K, Casterlé DB, Abraham I, Dierckx K, Braes T, Darras E et al. The Professional Self-İmage of Nurses in Belgian Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. İnternational Journal of Nursing Studies 2006;43(1):71-82.
  • Strasen L. The İmage of Professional Nursing; Strategies for Action. 1 nd ed. London: J.B. Lippincott Company.1992. p.61-3.
  • Vliegher K, Milisen K, Wouters R, Scheepmans K, Paquay L, Debaillie R. et al. The Professional Selfİmage of Registered Home Nurses in Flanders (Belgium): A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. Applied Nursing Research 2011;24(1):29–36.
  • Weller L, Harrison M, Katz ZMA. Changes in the Self and Professional İmages of Student Nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2006;13(2):179-84.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Selma Sabancıoğulları

Selma Doğan

Publication Date March 22, 2014
Submission Date March 21, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


Vancouver Sabancıoğulları S, Doğan S. BİR ÜNİVERSİTE HASTANESİNDE ÇALIŞAN HEMŞİRELERİN PROFESYONEL BENLİK GELİŞİM DÜZEYLERİ VE ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences. 2014;17(1):15-22.

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