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Pet therapy in an old health (animal supported treatment) investigation in the literature period

Year 2019, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 217 - 224, 02.10.2019


           Pet therapy (pet
psychotherapy, animal-assisted therapy or animal-assisted therapy) is a form of
adjunctive nonpharmacologic treatment that stimulates physiological and
psychological diseases with interactions between animals and animals that meet
certain criteria and stimulates the necessary body mechanisms in the
development of human health and behavior.In many studies using robot
simulations with many domestic animals such as cats, dogs, birds and fish, the
benefits of pet therapy on the elderly health and behavior have been proven. However,
there is no clear information about the use of elderly in the treatment of
schizophrenia and depression.Therapy has been proven by epidemiological studies
that can reduce blood pressure in elderly and hypertensive individuals and
reduce the risk of complications in those with cardiovascular disease by
increasing physical activity when administered together with conducting dogs.Despite
the fact that studies on pet therapy are inadequate and have not yet been
implemented in our country, pet ownership is increasing due to the positive
subjective feelings that many people have against animals. In this article; The
effects on the elderly health of pet therapy applications will be examined in
the light of the literature.


  • Abate SV, Zucconi M, Boxer BA.“Impact of canineassisted ambulation on hospitalized chronic heart failure patients’ ambulation outcomes and satisfaction: a pilot study,” Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing2011;26(3):224–30.
  • Allen K, Shykoff BE, Izzo Jr JL. “Pet ownership, but not ACE inhibitor therapy, blunts home blood pressure responses to mental stress.” Hypertension 2001;38(4):815–20.
  • Anderson WP, Reid CM, Jennings GL. “Pet ownership and risk factors for cardiovascular disease,” Medical Journal ofAustralia1992; 157(5):298–301.
  • Banks MR and Banks WA.“The effects of animal-assisted therapy on loneliness in an elderly population in long-termcare facilities,” Journals of Gerontology-Series A Biological Sciencesand Medical Sciences 2002; 57(7): 428–32.
  • Barak Y, Savorai O, Mavashev S, Beni A.“Animal-assisted therapy for elderly schizophrenic patients: a one-year controlled trial,” American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2001; 9(4): 439–42.
  • Barker SB, Knisely JS, McCain NL, Schubert CM, Pandurangi AK. “Exploratory study of Stress-Buffering response patterns from interaction with a therapy dog,” Anthrozoos 2010; 23(1): 79–91.
  • Barker SB, Pandurangi AK, Best AM.“Effects of animal-assisted therapy on patients’ anxiety, fear, and depression before ECT,” Journal of ECT 2003; 19(1): 38–44.
  • Barker SB, Rasmussen KG, Best AM. “Effect of aquariums on electroconvulsive therapy patients,” Anthrozoos 2003; 16(3): 229–40.
  • Baun MM, McCabe BW. “Companion animals and persons with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type: therapeutic possibilities,” American Behavioral Scientist 2003; 47(1): 42–51.
  • Bernstein PL, Friedmann E, Malaspina A.“Animalassisted therapy enhances resident social interaction and initiation in long-term care facilities,” Anthrozoos 2000; 13(4): 213–24.
  • Brickel CM.“The therapeutic roles of cat mascots with a hospital-based geriatric population: a staff survey,” Gerontologist 1979; 19(4): 368–72.
  • Cole KM, Gawlinski A, Steers N, Kotlerman J.“Animalassisted therapy in patients hospitalized with heart failure,” American Journal of Critical Care 2007; 16(6): 575–85.
  • Colombo G, Buono MD, Smania K, Raviola R, De Leo D. “Pet therapy and institutionalized elderly: a study on 144 cognitively unimpaired subjects,” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2006; 42(2): 207–16.
  • Crowley-Robinson P, Fenwick DC, Blackshaw JK. “A long-termstudy of elderly people in nursing homeswith visiting and resident dogs,” Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1996; 47(1-2): 137–48.
  • Dembicki D Anderson J.“Pet ownership may be a factor in improved health of the elderly,” Journal of Nutrition for theElderly 1996; 15(3): 15–31.
  • Edwards NE and Beck AM. “Animal-assisted therapy and nutrition in Alzheimer’s disease,” Western Journal of NursingResearch 2002; 24(6): 697–712.
  • Feng Z, Dibben C, Witham MD. “Dog ownership and physical activity in later life: a cross-sectional observational study,” Preventive Medicine 2014; 66C: 101–06.
  • Fick KM.“The influence of an animal on social interactions of nursing home residents in a group setting,” The AmericanJournal of Occupational Therapy 1993; 47(6): 529–34.
  • Friedmann E and Thomas SA.“Pet ownership, social support, and one-year survival after acute myocardial infarction in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST),” The AmericanJournal of Cardiology 1995; 76(17): 1213–7.
  • Friedmann E, Katcher AH, Lynch JJ, Thomas SA.“Animal companions and one-year survival of patients after discharge from a coronary care unit,” Public Health Reports 1980; 95(4): 307–12.
  • Friedmann E, Thomas SA, Cook LK, Tsai CC, Picot SJ.“A friendly dog as potential moderator of cardiovascular response to speech in older hypertensives,” Anthrozoos 2007; 20(1): 51–63.
  • Friedmann E, Thomas SA, Son H. “Pets, depression and long term survival in community living patients following myocardial infarction,” Anthrozoos 2011; 24(3): 273–85.
  • Fritz CL, Farver TB, Kass PH, Hart LA.“Association with companion animals and the expression of noncognitive symptoms in Alzheimer’s patients,” The Journal of Nervous andMental Disease 1995; 183(7): 459–63.
  • Giuliano KK, Bloniasz E, Bell J. “Implementation of a pet visitation program in critical care,” Critical Care Nurse 1999; 19(3): 43–50.
  • Harris MD, Rinehart JM, Gerstman J. “Animal-assisted therapy for the homebound elderly,” Holistic Nursing Practice 1993; 8(1): 27–37.
  • Herzog H. “The impact of pets on human health and psychological well-being: fact, fiction, or hypothesis?,” CurrentDirections in Psychological Science 2011; 20(4): 236–39.
  • Jofré M L. “Animal-assisted therapy in health care facilities.” Rev Chilena Infectol 2005; 22(3): 257-63.
  • Kanamori M, Suzuki M, Tanaka M.“Maintenance and improvement of quality of life among elderly patients using a pet-type robot,” Japanese Journal of Geriatrics 2002; 39(2): 214–18.
  • Kongable LG, Buckwalter KC, Stolley JM.“The effects of pet therapy on the social behavior of institutionalized Alzheimer’s clients,” Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 1989; 3(4): 191–98.
  • Laun L. “Benefits of pet therapy in dementia.” Home Healthc Nurse 2003; 21(1): 49-52.
  • Levine GN, Allen K, Braun LT. “Pet ownership and cardiovascular risk: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association,” Circulation 2003; 127(23): 2353–63.
  • Moretti F, De Ronchi D, Bernabei V. “Pet therapy in elderly patients withmental illness,” Psychogeriatrics 2011; 11(2): 125–9.
  • Moudon AV, Lee C, Cheadle AD. “Attributes of environments supporting walking,” American Journal of HealthPromotion 2007; 21(5): 448–59.
  • Oka K and Shibata A.“Dog ownership and health-related physical activity among japanese adults,” Journal of PhysicalActivity and Health 2009; 6(4): 412–8.
  • Orlandi M, Trangeled K, Mambrini A. “Pet therapy effects on oncological day hospital patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment,” Anticancer Research 2007; 27: 4301–3.
  • Özkul T.“Türkiye’de hayvan destekli terapi uygulamalarından örnekler”. IV. National Symposium of The History of Veterinary Medicine and Professional Ethics, 21-23 May 2014. (Erişim Tarihi: 31.05.2018).
  • Parker GB, Gayed A, Owen CA, Hyett MP, Hilton TM, Heruc GA. “Survival following an acute coronary syndrome: a pet theory put to the test,” Acta PsychiatricaScandinavica 2010; 121(1): 65-70.
  • Parslow RA, Jorm AF, Christensen H, Rodgers B, Jacomb P.“Pet ownership and health in older adults: findings from a survey of 2,551 community-based australians aged 60– 64,” Gerontology 2005; 51(1): 40–7.
  • Perelle IB and Granville DA.“Assessment of the effectiveness of a pet facilitated therapy program in a nursing home setting,” Society and Animals 1983; 1: 91–100.
  • Raina P, Waltner-Toews D, Bonnett B, Woodward C, Abernathy T.“Influence of companion animals on the physical and psychological health of older people: An analysis of a one-year longitudinal study,” Journal of the American GeriatricsSociety 1999; 47( 3): 323–9.
  • Reeves MJ, Rafferty AP, Miller CE, Lyon-Callo SK.“The impact of dog walking on leisure-time physical activity: results from a population-based survey of Michigan adults,” Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2011;8(3): 436–44.
  • Ruzic A, Miletic B, Ruzic T, Persic V, Laskarin G.“Regular dog-walking improves physical capacity in elderly patients after myocardial infarction,” Collegium Antropologicum 2011; 35(2): 73–5.
  • Scheibeck R, Pallauf M, Stellwag C, Seeberger B.“Elderly people in many respects benefit from interaction with dogs,” European Journal of Medical Research 2011; 16(12): 557– 63.
  • Schofield G, Mummery K, Steele R.“Dog ownership and human health-related physical activity: an epidemiological study,” Health Promotion Journal of Australia 2005;16(1): 15–19.
  • Sellers DM.“The evaluation of an animal assisted therapy intervention for elders with dementia in long-term care,” Activities, Adaptation & Aging 2006; 30(1): 61–77.
  • Stasi MF, Amati D, Costa C. “Pet-therapy: a trial for institutionalized frail elderly patients,” Archives of Gerontologyand Geriatrics 2004; 38: 407–12.
  • Tamura T, Yonemitsu S, Itoh A. “Is an entertainment robot useful in the care of elderly people with severe dementia?”Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences andMedicalSciences 2004; 59(1): 83-5.
  • Temple V, Rhodes R, Higgins JW.“Unleashing physical activity: an observational study of park use, dog walking, and physical activity,” Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2011; 8(6): 766–74.
  • Thorpe RJ, Kreisle RA, Glickman LT, Simonsick EM, Newman AB, KritchevskyS. “Physical activity and pet ownership in year 3 of the Health ABC study,” Journal of Agingand Physical Activity 2006; 14(2): 154–68.
  • Villalta-Gil V, Roca M, Gonzalez N. “Dog-assisted therapy in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia inpatients,” Anthrozoos 2009; 22(2):149–59.
  • Walsh F.“Human-animal bonds I: the relational significance of companion animals,” Family Process 2009; 48(4): 462–80.
  • Wisdom JP, Saedi GA, Green CA.“Another breed of “service” animals: STARS study findings about pet ownership and recovery from serious mental illness,” American Journal ofOrthopsychiatry 2009; 79(3): 430–6.
  • Wright JD, Kritz-Silverstein D, Morton DJ, Wingard DL, Barrett-Connor E.“Pet ownership and blood pressure in old age,” Epidemiology 2007; 18(5): 613–8.
  • Yabroff KR, Troiano RP, Berrigan D.“Walking the dog: is pet ownership associated with physical activity inCalifornia?,” Journal of Physical Activity andHealth 2008; 5(2): 216–28.
  • Zisselman MH, Rovner BW, Shmuely Y, Ferrie P.“A pet therapy intervention with geriatric psychiatry inpatients,” TheAmerican Journal of Occupational Therapy 1996; 50(1): 47–51.


Year 2019, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 217 - 224, 02.10.2019



Pet terapi veya hayvan destekli tedavi,belirli
kriterleri sağlayan hayvanlar ile insanlar arası etkileşimlerle, fizyolojik ve
psikolojik hastalıkları iyileştiren, insan sağlığı ve davranışlarının
gelişmesinde gerekli vücut mekanizmalarını uyararak devreye sokan yardımcı
nonfarmakolojik tedavi şeklidir. Kedi, köpek, kuş, balık gibi birçok evcil
hayvanlar ile robot simülasyonlarının kullanıldığı birçok çalışmada,pet
terapinin yaşlı sağlığı ve davranışları üzerindeki yararları ispatlanmıştır.
Ancak yaşlının şizofreni ve depresyon tedavisinde kullanımı ile ilgili net bir
bilgi yoktur. Terapinin yaşlı ve hipertansiyonu olan bireylerde kan basıncını
düşürebileceği ve yürütücü köpeklerle (dogwalking) beraber uygulandığında
fiziksel aktiviteleri artırarak kardiyovasküler hastalığı olanlarda
komplikasyon gelişme riskini azalttığı epidemiyolojik çalışmalarla
kanıtlanmıştır. Pet terapi ile ilgili çalışmaların yetersiz olması ve ülkemizde
henüz yaygın olarak uygulanmamasına rağmen, birçok insanın hayvanlara karşı
sahip olduğu olumlu öznel duygular nedeniyle evcil hayvan sahipliği giderek
artmaktadır. Bu makalede; pet terapi uygulamalarının yaşlı sağlığına etkileri
literatür eşliğinde incelenmiştir.

Yaşlı sağlığı; pet terapi; hayvan destekli tedavi


Pet Therapy in an Old Health (Animal Supported
Treatment) Investigation in The Literature Period
Pet therapy or animal-assisted therapy is a form of adjunctive
nonpharmacologic treatment that stimulates physiological and psychological
diseases with interactions between animals and animals that meet certain
criteria and stimulates the necessary body mechanisms in the development of
human health and behavior.In many studies using robot simulations with many
domestic animals such as cats, dogs, birds and fish, the benefits of pet
therapy on the elderly health and behavior have been proven. However, there is
no clear information about the use of elderly in the treatment of schizophrenia
and depression.Therapy has been proven by epidemiological studies that can
reduce blood pressure in elderly and hypertensive individuals and reduce the
risk of complications in those with cardiovascular disease by increasing physical
activity when administered together with conducting dogs. Despite the fact that
studies on pet therapy are inadequate and generally have not yet been
implemented in our country, pet ownership is increasing due to the positive
subjective feelings that many people have against animals. In this article; The
effects on the elderly health of pet therapy applications have been examined in
the light of the literature.

Keywords: Elderly health; pet therapy; animal-assisted therapy


  • Abate SV, Zucconi M, Boxer BA.“Impact of canineassisted ambulation on hospitalized chronic heart failure patients’ ambulation outcomes and satisfaction: a pilot study,” Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing2011;26(3):224–30.
  • Allen K, Shykoff BE, Izzo Jr JL. “Pet ownership, but not ACE inhibitor therapy, blunts home blood pressure responses to mental stress.” Hypertension 2001;38(4):815–20.
  • Anderson WP, Reid CM, Jennings GL. “Pet ownership and risk factors for cardiovascular disease,” Medical Journal ofAustralia1992; 157(5):298–301.
  • Banks MR and Banks WA.“The effects of animal-assisted therapy on loneliness in an elderly population in long-termcare facilities,” Journals of Gerontology-Series A Biological Sciencesand Medical Sciences 2002; 57(7): 428–32.
  • Barak Y, Savorai O, Mavashev S, Beni A.“Animal-assisted therapy for elderly schizophrenic patients: a one-year controlled trial,” American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2001; 9(4): 439–42.
  • Barker SB, Knisely JS, McCain NL, Schubert CM, Pandurangi AK. “Exploratory study of Stress-Buffering response patterns from interaction with a therapy dog,” Anthrozoos 2010; 23(1): 79–91.
  • Barker SB, Pandurangi AK, Best AM.“Effects of animal-assisted therapy on patients’ anxiety, fear, and depression before ECT,” Journal of ECT 2003; 19(1): 38–44.
  • Barker SB, Rasmussen KG, Best AM. “Effect of aquariums on electroconvulsive therapy patients,” Anthrozoos 2003; 16(3): 229–40.
  • Baun MM, McCabe BW. “Companion animals and persons with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type: therapeutic possibilities,” American Behavioral Scientist 2003; 47(1): 42–51.
  • Bernstein PL, Friedmann E, Malaspina A.“Animalassisted therapy enhances resident social interaction and initiation in long-term care facilities,” Anthrozoos 2000; 13(4): 213–24.
  • Brickel CM.“The therapeutic roles of cat mascots with a hospital-based geriatric population: a staff survey,” Gerontologist 1979; 19(4): 368–72.
  • Cole KM, Gawlinski A, Steers N, Kotlerman J.“Animalassisted therapy in patients hospitalized with heart failure,” American Journal of Critical Care 2007; 16(6): 575–85.
  • Colombo G, Buono MD, Smania K, Raviola R, De Leo D. “Pet therapy and institutionalized elderly: a study on 144 cognitively unimpaired subjects,” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2006; 42(2): 207–16.
  • Crowley-Robinson P, Fenwick DC, Blackshaw JK. “A long-termstudy of elderly people in nursing homeswith visiting and resident dogs,” Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1996; 47(1-2): 137–48.
  • Dembicki D Anderson J.“Pet ownership may be a factor in improved health of the elderly,” Journal of Nutrition for theElderly 1996; 15(3): 15–31.
  • Edwards NE and Beck AM. “Animal-assisted therapy and nutrition in Alzheimer’s disease,” Western Journal of NursingResearch 2002; 24(6): 697–712.
  • Feng Z, Dibben C, Witham MD. “Dog ownership and physical activity in later life: a cross-sectional observational study,” Preventive Medicine 2014; 66C: 101–06.
  • Fick KM.“The influence of an animal on social interactions of nursing home residents in a group setting,” The AmericanJournal of Occupational Therapy 1993; 47(6): 529–34.
  • Friedmann E and Thomas SA.“Pet ownership, social support, and one-year survival after acute myocardial infarction in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST),” The AmericanJournal of Cardiology 1995; 76(17): 1213–7.
  • Friedmann E, Katcher AH, Lynch JJ, Thomas SA.“Animal companions and one-year survival of patients after discharge from a coronary care unit,” Public Health Reports 1980; 95(4): 307–12.
  • Friedmann E, Thomas SA, Cook LK, Tsai CC, Picot SJ.“A friendly dog as potential moderator of cardiovascular response to speech in older hypertensives,” Anthrozoos 2007; 20(1): 51–63.
  • Friedmann E, Thomas SA, Son H. “Pets, depression and long term survival in community living patients following myocardial infarction,” Anthrozoos 2011; 24(3): 273–85.
  • Fritz CL, Farver TB, Kass PH, Hart LA.“Association with companion animals and the expression of noncognitive symptoms in Alzheimer’s patients,” The Journal of Nervous andMental Disease 1995; 183(7): 459–63.
  • Giuliano KK, Bloniasz E, Bell J. “Implementation of a pet visitation program in critical care,” Critical Care Nurse 1999; 19(3): 43–50.
  • Harris MD, Rinehart JM, Gerstman J. “Animal-assisted therapy for the homebound elderly,” Holistic Nursing Practice 1993; 8(1): 27–37.
  • Herzog H. “The impact of pets on human health and psychological well-being: fact, fiction, or hypothesis?,” CurrentDirections in Psychological Science 2011; 20(4): 236–39.
  • Jofré M L. “Animal-assisted therapy in health care facilities.” Rev Chilena Infectol 2005; 22(3): 257-63.
  • Kanamori M, Suzuki M, Tanaka M.“Maintenance and improvement of quality of life among elderly patients using a pet-type robot,” Japanese Journal of Geriatrics 2002; 39(2): 214–18.
  • Kongable LG, Buckwalter KC, Stolley JM.“The effects of pet therapy on the social behavior of institutionalized Alzheimer’s clients,” Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 1989; 3(4): 191–98.
  • Laun L. “Benefits of pet therapy in dementia.” Home Healthc Nurse 2003; 21(1): 49-52.
  • Levine GN, Allen K, Braun LT. “Pet ownership and cardiovascular risk: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association,” Circulation 2003; 127(23): 2353–63.
  • Moretti F, De Ronchi D, Bernabei V. “Pet therapy in elderly patients withmental illness,” Psychogeriatrics 2011; 11(2): 125–9.
  • Moudon AV, Lee C, Cheadle AD. “Attributes of environments supporting walking,” American Journal of HealthPromotion 2007; 21(5): 448–59.
  • Oka K and Shibata A.“Dog ownership and health-related physical activity among japanese adults,” Journal of PhysicalActivity and Health 2009; 6(4): 412–8.
  • Orlandi M, Trangeled K, Mambrini A. “Pet therapy effects on oncological day hospital patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment,” Anticancer Research 2007; 27: 4301–3.
  • Özkul T.“Türkiye’de hayvan destekli terapi uygulamalarından örnekler”. IV. National Symposium of The History of Veterinary Medicine and Professional Ethics, 21-23 May 2014. (Erişim Tarihi: 31.05.2018).
  • Parker GB, Gayed A, Owen CA, Hyett MP, Hilton TM, Heruc GA. “Survival following an acute coronary syndrome: a pet theory put to the test,” Acta PsychiatricaScandinavica 2010; 121(1): 65-70.
  • Parslow RA, Jorm AF, Christensen H, Rodgers B, Jacomb P.“Pet ownership and health in older adults: findings from a survey of 2,551 community-based australians aged 60– 64,” Gerontology 2005; 51(1): 40–7.
  • Perelle IB and Granville DA.“Assessment of the effectiveness of a pet facilitated therapy program in a nursing home setting,” Society and Animals 1983; 1: 91–100.
  • Raina P, Waltner-Toews D, Bonnett B, Woodward C, Abernathy T.“Influence of companion animals on the physical and psychological health of older people: An analysis of a one-year longitudinal study,” Journal of the American GeriatricsSociety 1999; 47( 3): 323–9.
  • Reeves MJ, Rafferty AP, Miller CE, Lyon-Callo SK.“The impact of dog walking on leisure-time physical activity: results from a population-based survey of Michigan adults,” Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2011;8(3): 436–44.
  • Ruzic A, Miletic B, Ruzic T, Persic V, Laskarin G.“Regular dog-walking improves physical capacity in elderly patients after myocardial infarction,” Collegium Antropologicum 2011; 35(2): 73–5.
  • Scheibeck R, Pallauf M, Stellwag C, Seeberger B.“Elderly people in many respects benefit from interaction with dogs,” European Journal of Medical Research 2011; 16(12): 557– 63.
  • Schofield G, Mummery K, Steele R.“Dog ownership and human health-related physical activity: an epidemiological study,” Health Promotion Journal of Australia 2005;16(1): 15–19.
  • Sellers DM.“The evaluation of an animal assisted therapy intervention for elders with dementia in long-term care,” Activities, Adaptation & Aging 2006; 30(1): 61–77.
  • Stasi MF, Amati D, Costa C. “Pet-therapy: a trial for institutionalized frail elderly patients,” Archives of Gerontologyand Geriatrics 2004; 38: 407–12.
  • Tamura T, Yonemitsu S, Itoh A. “Is an entertainment robot useful in the care of elderly people with severe dementia?”Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences andMedicalSciences 2004; 59(1): 83-5.
  • Temple V, Rhodes R, Higgins JW.“Unleashing physical activity: an observational study of park use, dog walking, and physical activity,” Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2011; 8(6): 766–74.
  • Thorpe RJ, Kreisle RA, Glickman LT, Simonsick EM, Newman AB, KritchevskyS. “Physical activity and pet ownership in year 3 of the Health ABC study,” Journal of Agingand Physical Activity 2006; 14(2): 154–68.
  • Villalta-Gil V, Roca M, Gonzalez N. “Dog-assisted therapy in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia inpatients,” Anthrozoos 2009; 22(2):149–59.
  • Walsh F.“Human-animal bonds I: the relational significance of companion animals,” Family Process 2009; 48(4): 462–80.
  • Wisdom JP, Saedi GA, Green CA.“Another breed of “service” animals: STARS study findings about pet ownership and recovery from serious mental illness,” American Journal ofOrthopsychiatry 2009; 79(3): 430–6.
  • Wright JD, Kritz-Silverstein D, Morton DJ, Wingard DL, Barrett-Connor E.“Pet ownership and blood pressure in old age,” Epidemiology 2007; 18(5): 613–8.
  • Yabroff KR, Troiano RP, Berrigan D.“Walking the dog: is pet ownership associated with physical activity inCalifornia?,” Journal of Physical Activity andHealth 2008; 5(2): 216–28.
  • Zisselman MH, Rovner BW, Shmuely Y, Ferrie P.“A pet therapy intervention with geriatric psychiatry inpatients,” TheAmerican Journal of Occupational Therapy 1996; 50(1): 47–51.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

Hatice Demirağ 0000-0002-2393-563X

Sevilay Hintistan 0000-0002-5907-5723

Publication Date October 2, 2019
Submission Date June 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 22 Issue: 3


Vancouver Demirağ H, Hintistan S. YAŞLI SAĞLIĞINDA PET TERAPİ (HAYVAN DESTEKLİ TEDAVİ) UYGULAMALARININ LİTERATÜR EŞLİĞİNDE İNCELENMESİ. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences. 2019;22(3):217-24.

Journal is listed in the EBSCO CINAHL Database since 2019.

Journal of Anatolian Nursing and Health Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0)