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Year 2006, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 177 - 195, 27.11.2010


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de 1987:1-2004:3 dönemi için
kamu yatırımı ve özel yatırım arasında bir ilişkinin olup olmadığını ampirik
olarak incelemektir. Koentegrasyon ve Granger nedensellik metodunun Hsiao
versiyonu uygulanarak yapılan analiz, kamu yatırımının özel yatırım üzerinde
pozitif bir etkiye sahip olduğunu ve ekonomik büyümenin hem kamu hem de
özel yatırımı artırdığını göstermektedir. Temel bulgularımız özel yatırım kamu
yatırımını etkilemezken, kamu yatırımından özel yatırıma tamamlayıcı
(crowding-in) bir etkinin olduğunu açıklamaktadır.


  • Ahmed, H. ve Stephen M. Miller(2000) “Crowding-out and crowding-in effects of the components of government expenditure” Contemporary Economic Policy, V.18, N.1, pp: 124-133.
  • Alesina, A.S. vd.(1999) “Fiscal Policy, Profits and Investment” NBER Working Paper
  • Apergis, N.(2000) “Public and Private Investments in Greece: Complementary or Substitute “Goods”? Bulletin of Economic Research, 52(3), pp:225- 234.
  • Argimon, Isabel vd.(1997) “Evidence of public spending crowding-out from a panel of OECD countries” Applied Economics, 29, pp:1001-1010.
  • Aschauer, D.A.(1989) “Does Public Capital Crowd Out Private Capital? Journal of Monetary Economics, 24, pp:171-188.
  • Badawi, A.(2003) “Private Capital Formation and Public Investment in Sudan: Testing The Substitutability and Complementarity Hypotheses in a Growth Framework” Journal of International Development, 15, pp:783- 799.
  • Cheng, B.S.(1996) “On the relationship between Money and inflation in the United States: additional evidence” Applied Economics Letters, 3, pp:549-552.
  • Cheng, B.S. ve T.W.Lai(1997) “Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in South Korea: A VAR Approach” Journal of Economic Development,June, pp:11-24.
  • Cheng, B.S.(1999) “Cointegration and Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth in South Korea and Taiwan” Journal of Economic Development, V.24, N.1, pp.2338.
  • Cheng, B.S. ve A.Yigletu(2000) “Causality Between Taxes and Expenditures in The US: A Multivariate Approach” New York Economic Review, V.XXXI, pp:1-69.
  • Erenburg, S.J.(1993) “The Relationship Between Public and Private Investment”, Eastern Michigan University, Working Paper No.85.
  • Erenburg, S.J. ve Mark E.Wohar(1995) “Public and Private Investment: Are There Causal Linkages? Journal of Macroeconomics, V.17, N.1, pp: 1- 30.
  • Ghali, Khalifa H.(1998) “Public investment and private capital formation in a vector error-correction model of growth” Applied Economics, 30, pp:837-844.
  • Giannaros, D. Vd.(1999) “An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Government Spending on Capital Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries” International Economic Journal, pp:45-55.
  • Haque, n. vd.(1991) “An Empirical Dependent Economy Model for Pakistan” IMF Working Papers.
  • Hyder, K.(2002) “Crowding out Hypothesis in a Vector Error Correction Framework(A Case Study of Pakistan), Pakistan Development Review, V.41, N.4, pp:633-650.
  • Karras, G.(1994) “Government Spending and Private Consumption: Some International Evidence” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol.26, No.1 pp:9-22.
  • Khan, A.H.(1988) “Macroeconomic Policy and Private Investment in Pakistan” The Pakistan Development Review, V.27, N.3.
  • Laopodis, N. T.(2001) “Effects of government spending on private investment” Applied Economics, 33, pp:1563-1577.
  • Looney, R.E.(1999) “Government Investment in Manufacturing: Stimulus or Hindrance to Pakistan’s Private Sector”, International Journal of Social Economics, V.26, N.4, pp.521-536.
  • Lopez, Diego Mertinez(2001) “Linking Public Investment to Private Investment. The Case of The Spanish Regions” Documento de Trabajo, Serie Economia E2001/04.
  • Malley, J. ve Hassan Molana(2002) “Fiscal Policy and The Composition of Private Consumption: Some Evidence From The US and Canada” International Economic Journal, V.16, N.1, pp:139-158.
  • Mamatzakis, E.C.(1995) “The Effect of Public Expenditure on Private Investment: An Empirical Application” pp:156-172.
  • Mamatzakis, E.C.(2001) “Public Spending and Private Investment: Evidence From Greece” International Economic Journal, V.15, N.4, pp:33-46.
  • Monadjemi, M.S.(1993) “Fiscal policy and private investment expenditure: a study of Australia and the United States” Applied Economics, 25, pp: 143-148.
  • Monadjemi, M.S.(1996) “Public expenditure and Private investment: a study of the UK and the USA, Applied Economics Letters, 3, pp:641-644.
  • Monadjemi, M.S. ve H.Huh(1998) “Private and Government Investment: A Study of Three OECD Countries” International Economic Journal, V.12, N.2, pp:93-105.
  • Naqvi, N. H.(2003) “Crowding-in or Crowding-out? Modelling the Relation between Public and Private Fixed Capital Formation using Co- integration Analysis, The Case of Pakistan 1964-2000” Pakistan Development Review, pp:1-31.
  • Nazmi, N. ve Ramirez, M.D.(1997) “Public and private investment and economic growth in Mexico” Contemporary Economic Policy, 15, 1, pp.65-75.
  • Pradhan, I. Vd.(1990) “Complementary between public and private investment in India” Journal of Development Economics, 19, pp.641-664.
  • Ramirez, Miguel D.(1994) “Public and private investment in Mexico, 1950-90: an empirical analysis” Suthern Economic Journal, Vol.61, No.1, pp:1- 17.
  • Sakr, K.(1993) “Determinants of Private Investment in Pakistan” IMF Working Paper/93/30, Washington DC.
  • Utkulu, U.(2001) “Türkiye’de Dış Açıkların Belirleyicileri: Ekonometrik Bir İnceleme” DEU.İİBF Dergisi, Cilt 16, Sayı 2. ss.113-132.
  • Voss, Graham M.(2002) “Public and private investment in the United States and Canada” Economic Modelling, 19, pp:641-664.
Year 2006, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 177 - 195, 27.11.2010



  • Ahmed, H. ve Stephen M. Miller(2000) “Crowding-out and crowding-in effects of the components of government expenditure” Contemporary Economic Policy, V.18, N.1, pp: 124-133.
  • Alesina, A.S. vd.(1999) “Fiscal Policy, Profits and Investment” NBER Working Paper
  • Apergis, N.(2000) “Public and Private Investments in Greece: Complementary or Substitute “Goods”? Bulletin of Economic Research, 52(3), pp:225- 234.
  • Argimon, Isabel vd.(1997) “Evidence of public spending crowding-out from a panel of OECD countries” Applied Economics, 29, pp:1001-1010.
  • Aschauer, D.A.(1989) “Does Public Capital Crowd Out Private Capital? Journal of Monetary Economics, 24, pp:171-188.
  • Badawi, A.(2003) “Private Capital Formation and Public Investment in Sudan: Testing The Substitutability and Complementarity Hypotheses in a Growth Framework” Journal of International Development, 15, pp:783- 799.
  • Cheng, B.S.(1996) “On the relationship between Money and inflation in the United States: additional evidence” Applied Economics Letters, 3, pp:549-552.
  • Cheng, B.S. ve T.W.Lai(1997) “Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in South Korea: A VAR Approach” Journal of Economic Development,June, pp:11-24.
  • Cheng, B.S.(1999) “Cointegration and Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth in South Korea and Taiwan” Journal of Economic Development, V.24, N.1, pp.2338.
  • Cheng, B.S. ve A.Yigletu(2000) “Causality Between Taxes and Expenditures in The US: A Multivariate Approach” New York Economic Review, V.XXXI, pp:1-69.
  • Erenburg, S.J.(1993) “The Relationship Between Public and Private Investment”, Eastern Michigan University, Working Paper No.85.
  • Erenburg, S.J. ve Mark E.Wohar(1995) “Public and Private Investment: Are There Causal Linkages? Journal of Macroeconomics, V.17, N.1, pp: 1- 30.
  • Ghali, Khalifa H.(1998) “Public investment and private capital formation in a vector error-correction model of growth” Applied Economics, 30, pp:837-844.
  • Giannaros, D. Vd.(1999) “An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Government Spending on Capital Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries” International Economic Journal, pp:45-55.
  • Haque, n. vd.(1991) “An Empirical Dependent Economy Model for Pakistan” IMF Working Papers.
  • Hyder, K.(2002) “Crowding out Hypothesis in a Vector Error Correction Framework(A Case Study of Pakistan), Pakistan Development Review, V.41, N.4, pp:633-650.
  • Karras, G.(1994) “Government Spending and Private Consumption: Some International Evidence” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol.26, No.1 pp:9-22.
  • Khan, A.H.(1988) “Macroeconomic Policy and Private Investment in Pakistan” The Pakistan Development Review, V.27, N.3.
  • Laopodis, N. T.(2001) “Effects of government spending on private investment” Applied Economics, 33, pp:1563-1577.
  • Looney, R.E.(1999) “Government Investment in Manufacturing: Stimulus or Hindrance to Pakistan’s Private Sector”, International Journal of Social Economics, V.26, N.4, pp.521-536.
  • Lopez, Diego Mertinez(2001) “Linking Public Investment to Private Investment. The Case of The Spanish Regions” Documento de Trabajo, Serie Economia E2001/04.
  • Malley, J. ve Hassan Molana(2002) “Fiscal Policy and The Composition of Private Consumption: Some Evidence From The US and Canada” International Economic Journal, V.16, N.1, pp:139-158.
  • Mamatzakis, E.C.(1995) “The Effect of Public Expenditure on Private Investment: An Empirical Application” pp:156-172.
  • Mamatzakis, E.C.(2001) “Public Spending and Private Investment: Evidence From Greece” International Economic Journal, V.15, N.4, pp:33-46.
  • Monadjemi, M.S.(1993) “Fiscal policy and private investment expenditure: a study of Australia and the United States” Applied Economics, 25, pp: 143-148.
  • Monadjemi, M.S.(1996) “Public expenditure and Private investment: a study of the UK and the USA, Applied Economics Letters, 3, pp:641-644.
  • Monadjemi, M.S. ve H.Huh(1998) “Private and Government Investment: A Study of Three OECD Countries” International Economic Journal, V.12, N.2, pp:93-105.
  • Naqvi, N. H.(2003) “Crowding-in or Crowding-out? Modelling the Relation between Public and Private Fixed Capital Formation using Co- integration Analysis, The Case of Pakistan 1964-2000” Pakistan Development Review, pp:1-31.
  • Nazmi, N. ve Ramirez, M.D.(1997) “Public and private investment and economic growth in Mexico” Contemporary Economic Policy, 15, 1, pp.65-75.
  • Pradhan, I. Vd.(1990) “Complementary between public and private investment in India” Journal of Development Economics, 19, pp.641-664.
  • Ramirez, Miguel D.(1994) “Public and private investment in Mexico, 1950-90: an empirical analysis” Suthern Economic Journal, Vol.61, No.1, pp:1- 17.
  • Sakr, K.(1993) “Determinants of Private Investment in Pakistan” IMF Working Paper/93/30, Washington DC.
  • Utkulu, U.(2001) “Türkiye’de Dış Açıkların Belirleyicileri: Ekonometrik Bir İnceleme” DEU.İİBF Dergisi, Cilt 16, Sayı 2. ss.113-132.
  • Voss, Graham M.(2002) “Public and private investment in the United States and Canada” Economic Modelling, 19, pp:641-664.
There are 34 citations in total.


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Journal Section Makaleler

İhsan Günaydın This is me

Publication Date November 27, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 20 Issue: 1


APA Günaydın, İ. (2010). TÜRKİYE’DE KAMU VE ÖZEL YATIRIMLAR ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ: AMPİRİK BİR ANALİZ. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 20(1), 177-195.
