Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 263 - 285, 27.11.2010
Ekrem Cengiz
Fazıl Kırkbir
Bu araştırmanın amacı kar amacı gütmeyen kurumların kalite
geliştirme çabalarında önemli olan kalite boyutlarının önem derecesini ve bir
bütün olarak algılanan kalitenin müşteri memnuniyetine etkisini gösteren bir
model geliştirmek ve bunu test etmektir. Bu amaçla Karadeniz Bölgesinde
faaliyet gösteren kar amacı gütmeyen kurumların müşterileri durumundaki
bireylerden gayeli (keyfi) örnekleme metoduyla belirlenen örnek kütleye bir
anket uygulanmıştır. Anket verilerinin analizinde ve girilmesinde SPSS 13 ve
modelin testinde AMOS 4 paket programları kullanılmıştır. Araştırma
sonucunda güvenlilik boyutunun algılanan kaliteyi en fazla etkileyen faktör
olduğu bunu sırasıyla güvence, empati, fiziki görünüm ve heveslilik
faktörlerinin izlediği bulunmuştur. Ayrıca algılanan kalitenin müşteri tatminini
önemli derecede belirlediği sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır.
- Arora, R. ve Stones, C. (1996), “The Effects of Perceived Service Quality and Name Familiarity on The Service Selection Decision”, The Journal of Service Marketing, 10(1), ss. 22-34.
- Barry, T.E. (1986), Marketing: An Integrating Approach, The Dryden Press, London.
- Berthod, G. (1994), “Toplam Kalite ve İnsan Kaynakları”, (Çev: Özlem Rodoplu), Kalite Dergisi, Kal-Der Yayını, Sayı 6, Ocak, ss.30-32.
- Bitner, M.J., Booms, B.H. ve Tetrault, M.S. (1990), “The Service Encounter: Diognasing Favorable and Unfavorable Incident”, Journal of Marketing, January, ss.71-84.
- Bolton, R.N. ve Drew J.H. (1991), “Multistage Model of Customers Assessment of Service Quality and Value”, Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4), ss.375-384.
- Bozkurt, R. (1998), Kalite İyileştirme Araç ve Yöntemleri, MPM Yayını, No:630, Ankara.
- Brady, M.K. ve Cronin, J.J., (2001), “Customer Orientation: Effects on Customer Service Perceptions and Outcome Behaviors”, Journal of Service Research , 3(3), ss.241-251.
- Carman, J.M. (1990), “Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: An Assessment of SERVQUAL Dimensions”, Journal of Retailing, 66(1), ss.33-35.
- Cronin, J.J. ve Taylor S.A. (1992), “Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension”, Journal of Marketing, July, ss.55- 68.
- Çakırer, M. (2005), http://www.sitetky.com/frameset/tky/tkymain31.html, (Erişim: 02.06.2005).
- Demerouti, E. (2004), “Structural Equation Modeling”, www.dmst.aueb.gr gr2/ diafora 2 /Prosopiko2/visitors_ppts/Demerouti1.ppt: (Erişim: 02.05.2005).
- Digman, L.A. (1986), Strategic Management Concepts, Decision, Cases, Business Publications Inc., Plano, Texas.
- Dinçer, Ö. (1996), Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası, Beta Yayınları, 3. Baskı, Yayın no:659, İstanbul.
- Drucker, P.E. (1989), “What Business Can Learn from Nonprofits”, Harvard Business Review, July-August, No:4, ss. 88-93.
- Evans J. ve Dean J. (2000), Total Quality, South-Western College Publishing, Canada.
- Fleshandbones (2004), “Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling”, shandbones.com/readingroom/pdf/946.pdf+Path+Analysis+and+St ructural&hl=tr: (Erişim: 02.05.2005).
- Garson, D. (2004), “Structural Equation Modeling”, http://www2.chass.ncsu .edu /garson /pa765/structur.htm, (Erişim: 02.05.2005).
- Grönroos, C. (1990), Service Management and Marketing – Managing the Moments of Truth in Service Competition, Lexistong Books, Lexistong.
- Gürsoy, D. (2000), “Kar Amacı Gütmeyen Organizasyonlarda Değişim ve Yeniden Yapılanma”, Human Resource, Eylül/Ekim, 4(5), ss.20- 31.
- Hox, J.J. ve Bechger, T.M. (1995), “An Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling”, Family Science Review, 11, ss.354-373.
- Hui, S. (2003), “Revision of Genetic Regulatory Models Using Structural Equation Modeling/Path Analysis”, www.cs.uwaterloo. ca/~s2hui/Summary .doc, (Erişim: 15.05.2005).
- Information Technology Services, (2004), “Structural Equation Modeling Using AMOS: An Introduction”, http://www.utexas.edu/its/rc /tutorials/stat/amos/: (Erişim: 01.05.2005)
- Juran, J.M. (1988), Quality Control Handbook, 4th Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, New York.
- Karatepe, N. (2001), Kar Amacı Gütmeyen Organizasyonlarda Pazarlama Faaliyetleri ve Bir Uygulama, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme ABD Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
- Kondo, Y. (1999), İşletmelerde Bütünsel Kalite, (Çev:Ayşe Bilge Dicleli), MESS Yayını, No:300, İstanbul.
- Kotler, P. (1979), “Strategies for Introducing Marketing Into Nonprofit Organization”, Journal of Marketing, June 1979, ss.30-47.
- Kotler, P. (1982), Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey.
- Megginson, L.C., Masley, D.C. ve Pietri, P.H. (1990), Management: Concept and Application, 3rdEdition, Harper and Raw Pub., New York.
- Mels G. (2004), “Getting Started with the Student Edition of Lisrel 8.53 for Windows”, www.psikolojiktestler.hacettepe.edu.tr/l.doc (Erişim: 27.04.2005).
- Miyauchi, I. (1999), Quality Management in Japan, June 21-23, International Congress and Exhibition Hall, İstanbul.
- Montgomery, D.C. (1997), Introduction to The Statistical Quality Control, 3th Edition, John Wiley&Sons Inc., Newyork.
- Öztürk, A. (1998), Hizmet Pazarlaması, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No:3, Eskişehir.
- Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. ve Berry, L.L. (1990), Delivering Service Quality: Balancing Customer Perception and Expectations, The Free Press, New York.
- Plsek, P.E. (1997), Creativity, Innovation and Quality, ASQ Quality Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Reeves, C.A., Bednar, D.A. ve Lawrance, R.C. (1995), “Back to the Beginning: What Do Customers Care About in Service Firms?”, Quality Management Journal, 3(1), ss.56-72.
- Rosander, A.C. (1989), The Quest for Quality in Services, ASQC, New York.
- Rossum, C. (1998), Effective Nonprofits: How a Paired Values Approach to Marketing Management Links Mission With Customer, Doctora Thesis of Faculty of Education in Claremont University.
- Sasser, E., Olsen, P. ve Wyckoff, D.D. (1978), Management of Service Operations: Text, Cases, and Readings, Allyn and Bacon, Boston.
- Shirley, H. (2003), “Revision of Genetic Regulatory Models Using Structural Equation Modeling/Path Analysis”, www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~s2hui/Summary .doc (Erişim: 02.05.2005).
- Spreng, R. ve Mackoy, R. (1995), “An Emprical Examination of a Model of Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction, Journal of Retailing, 72 (2), ss.201-214.
- Şakrak, M. (1998), “Hizmet Üretiminde Bulunan Ticaret İşletmelerinde Muhasebe Organizasyonu, Maliyetler ve Uygulama Önerileri”, Muhasebe Finansman Dergisi, Sayı: 8, Nisan, ss.20-28.
- Şerefkaya, A.K. (1997), Bankacılık Hizmetlerinde Algılanan Toplam Kalite Ölçümü, SPK Yayınları, No:87, Ankara.
- Türkiye Bankalar Birliği (1994), Hizmet Kalitesinde Mükemmellik Eğilimi, İstanbul.
- Ünlü, E. ve Aktaş, A.M. (1995), “Hizmet Kalitesinin ve Etkinliğinin Ölçülmesinde Değerlendirme Araştırmalarının Rolü”, 1. Sistem Mühendisliği ve Savunma Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, Kara Harp Okulu, Ankara, ss.42-50.
- Varki, S. ve Coltage, M. (2001), “The Role of Price Perceptions in an Integrated Model of Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Service Research, 3(3), ss.232-240.
- Yu, C.H. (2004), “Structural Equation Modelling”, http://seamonkey.ed.asu. edu/~alex /teac hing/WBI/SEM.html, (Erişim: 01.05.2005).
Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 263 - 285, 27.11.2010
Ekrem Cengiz
Fazıl Kırkbir
- Arora, R. ve Stones, C. (1996), “The Effects of Perceived Service Quality and Name Familiarity on The Service Selection Decision”, The Journal of Service Marketing, 10(1), ss. 22-34.
- Barry, T.E. (1986), Marketing: An Integrating Approach, The Dryden Press, London.
- Berthod, G. (1994), “Toplam Kalite ve İnsan Kaynakları”, (Çev: Özlem Rodoplu), Kalite Dergisi, Kal-Der Yayını, Sayı 6, Ocak, ss.30-32.
- Bitner, M.J., Booms, B.H. ve Tetrault, M.S. (1990), “The Service Encounter: Diognasing Favorable and Unfavorable Incident”, Journal of Marketing, January, ss.71-84.
- Bolton, R.N. ve Drew J.H. (1991), “Multistage Model of Customers Assessment of Service Quality and Value”, Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4), ss.375-384.
- Bozkurt, R. (1998), Kalite İyileştirme Araç ve Yöntemleri, MPM Yayını, No:630, Ankara.
- Brady, M.K. ve Cronin, J.J., (2001), “Customer Orientation: Effects on Customer Service Perceptions and Outcome Behaviors”, Journal of Service Research , 3(3), ss.241-251.
- Carman, J.M. (1990), “Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: An Assessment of SERVQUAL Dimensions”, Journal of Retailing, 66(1), ss.33-35.
- Cronin, J.J. ve Taylor S.A. (1992), “Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension”, Journal of Marketing, July, ss.55- 68.
- Çakırer, M. (2005), http://www.sitetky.com/frameset/tky/tkymain31.html, (Erişim: 02.06.2005).
- Demerouti, E. (2004), “Structural Equation Modeling”, www.dmst.aueb.gr gr2/ diafora 2 /Prosopiko2/visitors_ppts/Demerouti1.ppt: (Erişim: 02.05.2005).
- Digman, L.A. (1986), Strategic Management Concepts, Decision, Cases, Business Publications Inc., Plano, Texas.
- Dinçer, Ö. (1996), Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası, Beta Yayınları, 3. Baskı, Yayın no:659, İstanbul.
- Drucker, P.E. (1989), “What Business Can Learn from Nonprofits”, Harvard Business Review, July-August, No:4, ss. 88-93.
- Evans J. ve Dean J. (2000), Total Quality, South-Western College Publishing, Canada.
- Fleshandbones (2004), “Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling”, shandbones.com/readingroom/pdf/946.pdf+Path+Analysis+and+St ructural&hl=tr: (Erişim: 02.05.2005).
- Garson, D. (2004), “Structural Equation Modeling”, http://www2.chass.ncsu .edu /garson /pa765/structur.htm, (Erişim: 02.05.2005).
- Grönroos, C. (1990), Service Management and Marketing – Managing the Moments of Truth in Service Competition, Lexistong Books, Lexistong.
- Gürsoy, D. (2000), “Kar Amacı Gütmeyen Organizasyonlarda Değişim ve Yeniden Yapılanma”, Human Resource, Eylül/Ekim, 4(5), ss.20- 31.
- Hox, J.J. ve Bechger, T.M. (1995), “An Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling”, Family Science Review, 11, ss.354-373.
- Hui, S. (2003), “Revision of Genetic Regulatory Models Using Structural Equation Modeling/Path Analysis”, www.cs.uwaterloo. ca/~s2hui/Summary .doc, (Erişim: 15.05.2005).
- Information Technology Services, (2004), “Structural Equation Modeling Using AMOS: An Introduction”, http://www.utexas.edu/its/rc /tutorials/stat/amos/: (Erişim: 01.05.2005)
- Juran, J.M. (1988), Quality Control Handbook, 4th Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, New York.
- Karatepe, N. (2001), Kar Amacı Gütmeyen Organizasyonlarda Pazarlama Faaliyetleri ve Bir Uygulama, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme ABD Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
- Kondo, Y. (1999), İşletmelerde Bütünsel Kalite, (Çev:Ayşe Bilge Dicleli), MESS Yayını, No:300, İstanbul.
- Kotler, P. (1979), “Strategies for Introducing Marketing Into Nonprofit Organization”, Journal of Marketing, June 1979, ss.30-47.
- Kotler, P. (1982), Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey.
- Megginson, L.C., Masley, D.C. ve Pietri, P.H. (1990), Management: Concept and Application, 3rdEdition, Harper and Raw Pub., New York.
- Mels G. (2004), “Getting Started with the Student Edition of Lisrel 8.53 for Windows”, www.psikolojiktestler.hacettepe.edu.tr/l.doc (Erişim: 27.04.2005).
- Miyauchi, I. (1999), Quality Management in Japan, June 21-23, International Congress and Exhibition Hall, İstanbul.
- Montgomery, D.C. (1997), Introduction to The Statistical Quality Control, 3th Edition, John Wiley&Sons Inc., Newyork.
- Öztürk, A. (1998), Hizmet Pazarlaması, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No:3, Eskişehir.
- Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. ve Berry, L.L. (1990), Delivering Service Quality: Balancing Customer Perception and Expectations, The Free Press, New York.
- Plsek, P.E. (1997), Creativity, Innovation and Quality, ASQ Quality Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Reeves, C.A., Bednar, D.A. ve Lawrance, R.C. (1995), “Back to the Beginning: What Do Customers Care About in Service Firms?”, Quality Management Journal, 3(1), ss.56-72.
- Rosander, A.C. (1989), The Quest for Quality in Services, ASQC, New York.
- Rossum, C. (1998), Effective Nonprofits: How a Paired Values Approach to Marketing Management Links Mission With Customer, Doctora Thesis of Faculty of Education in Claremont University.
- Sasser, E., Olsen, P. ve Wyckoff, D.D. (1978), Management of Service Operations: Text, Cases, and Readings, Allyn and Bacon, Boston.
- Shirley, H. (2003), “Revision of Genetic Regulatory Models Using Structural Equation Modeling/Path Analysis”, www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~s2hui/Summary .doc (Erişim: 02.05.2005).
- Spreng, R. ve Mackoy, R. (1995), “An Emprical Examination of a Model of Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction, Journal of Retailing, 72 (2), ss.201-214.
- Şakrak, M. (1998), “Hizmet Üretiminde Bulunan Ticaret İşletmelerinde Muhasebe Organizasyonu, Maliyetler ve Uygulama Önerileri”, Muhasebe Finansman Dergisi, Sayı: 8, Nisan, ss.20-28.
- Şerefkaya, A.K. (1997), Bankacılık Hizmetlerinde Algılanan Toplam Kalite Ölçümü, SPK Yayınları, No:87, Ankara.
- Türkiye Bankalar Birliği (1994), Hizmet Kalitesinde Mükemmellik Eğilimi, İstanbul.
- Ünlü, E. ve Aktaş, A.M. (1995), “Hizmet Kalitesinin ve Etkinliğinin Ölçülmesinde Değerlendirme Araştırmalarının Rolü”, 1. Sistem Mühendisliği ve Savunma Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, Kara Harp Okulu, Ankara, ss.42-50.
- Varki, S. ve Coltage, M. (2001), “The Role of Price Perceptions in an Integrated Model of Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Service Research, 3(3), ss.232-240.
- Yu, C.H. (2004), “Structural Equation Modelling”, http://seamonkey.ed.asu. edu/~alex /teac hing/WBI/SEM.html, (Erişim: 01.05.2005).