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Year 2013, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 19 - 36, 12.10.2013


Personnel’s competencies provide value and competency’s advantages to the organizations and accepted as one of the most important characteristics of new economy. Personnel use, develop, and create knowledge (*) Yrd. Doç. Dr.,Gazi Üniversitesi, İşletme Bölümü( **) Doç. Dr.,Gazi Üniversitesi, İşletme Bölümü( ***) Prof. Dr.,Gazi Üniversitesi, İşletme Bölümüand competencies in different form learned by doing and from experienced workers and by being in the social structure of the organization. The transfer of these competencies has a crucial importance for the organizations. Current study focuses on the potential of the competence’s transfer from old to new personnel on the methods used for and inciting and prohibitive factors of transfer, on the ageing, changing and the characteristics of personnel’s competencies. The article is carried out by half-structured deeply interview method on the state sector’s inspectors and some of the revealed results can be stated as; informal methods are largely use in competencies’ transferring from old to newcomers, a great part of competencies is transferred, competencies are mostly in the cognitive nature, the transfer process shows some discrimination’s signs and the lost knowledge and competencies in transferring process is created by new personnel in the same or different characteristics.


  • Allee V. (1997), The Knowledge Evolution: Expanding Organizational Intelligence, Butterworth-Heinemann: Boston.
  • Badaracco JL. (1991), The Knowledge Link: How Firms Compete Through Strategic Alliances, Harvard Business School Press: Boston.
  • Baron RA. ve Markman GD. (2000), “Beyond Social Capital”, Academy of Management Executive, 14, ss.106–116.
  • Billet S. (1994), “Situated Learning-A Workplace Experience”, Australian Journal of Adult and Community Education, 34(2), ss.112–130.
  • Boisot M., Lemmon T., Griffits D. ve Mole V. (1996), “Spinning a Good Yarn: The Identification of Core Competencies at Courtalds”, International Journal of Innovation Management, 11(3/4), ss.425–440.
  • Brown JS. ve Duguid P. (1991), “Organizational Learning and Communities-ofPractice: Toward a Unified View of Working, Learning, and Innovation”, Organization Science, 2(1), ss.40–57.
  • Cohen WM. ve Levinthal DA. (1990), “Absorptive Capacity: A Perspective on Learning and Innovation”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1), ss.128–152. Daft R. ve Huber GP. (1987), “How Organizations Learn: A Communication Framework”, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 5, ss.1–36.
  • Drucker P. (1985), Management: Tasks Responsibilities Practices, Harper & Row Publishers Inc: New York.
  • Hamel G. ve Prahalad CK. (1994), Competing for the Future, Harvard Business School Press: Boston.
  • Hamlyn DW. (1970), The Theory of Knowledge, Anchor Books: New York.
  • Hoegl M. ve Schulze A. (2005), “How to Support Knowledge Creation in New Product Development: An Investigation of Knowledge Management Methods”, European Management Journal, 23 (3), ss.263-273
  • Koskinen KU. (2000), “Tacit knowledge as a promoter of project Success”, European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 6(2000), ss.41–47.
  • Koskinen KU. ve Vanharanta H. (2000), Tacit Knowledge as Part of Engineers’ Competence, In Proceedings of Extra Skills for Young Engineers. Maribor: Slovenia.
  • Koskinen KU., Pihlanto P. ve Vanharanta H. (2003), “Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing in a Project Work Context”, International Journal of Project Management Volume, 21(4), ss.281–290.
  • Koskinen KU. (2003), “Evaluation of Tacit Knowledge Utilization in Work Units”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(5), ss.67–81.
  • Von Krogh G. ve Roos J. (1996), “Five Claims of Knowing”, European Management Journal, 14, ss.423–426.
  • Lave J. ve Wenger E. (1999), Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
  • Nonaka I. ve Takeuchi H. (1995), The Knowledge-Creating Company. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Nonaka I., Toyama R. ve Konno N. (2000), “SECI, Ba and Leadership: A Unified Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation”, Long Range Planning, 33, ss. 5-34.
  • Quinn JB., Anderson P. ve Finkelstein S. (1996), “Managing Professional Intellect: Making the Most of the Best”, Harvard Business Review, 74(2), ss.71–80.
  • Spencer LM ve Jr. Spencer S. (1993), Competence at Work: Models for Superior Performance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York.
  • Szulanski G. (1996), “Exploring Internal Stickiness: Impediments to the Transfer of Best Practices Within the Firm”, Strategic Management Journal 17, Winter: ss.27–43.
  • Teece DJ., Pisano G. ve Shuen A. (1992), Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management, University of California: Berkeley.
  • Tsoukas H. (1996), “The Firm as a Distributed Knowledge System: a Constructionist Approach”, Strategic Management Journal, 17(Winter Special Issue), ss.11–25.
  • Usher RS. (1989), “Locating Experience in Language: Towards a Poststructuralist Theory of Experience”, Adult Education Quarterly, 40(1), ss.23–32.
  • Yıldırım A. ve Şimşek H. (2006), Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayınevi, Ankara
  • Wagner R. ve Sternberg R. (1985), “Practical Intelligence in Real-World Pursuits: The Role of Tacit Knowledge”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, ss.436– 458.


Year 2013, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 19 - 36, 12.10.2013


Örgütlerde çalışanların sahip oldukları yetenekler örgüte değer ve
rekabet üstünlüğü sağlamakta ve yeni ekonominin en önemli
karakteristiklerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Çalışanlar eylemsel
öğrenme, işyerinde kıdemli çalışanlardan öğrenerek ve sosyal yapı içinde
edindikleri bilgi ve yetenekleri kullanmakta, bu yetenekleri kendi katkıları ile
geliştirmekte ve yeni yetenekler oluşturmaktadır. Tüm bu yeteneklerin yeni
çalışanlara aktarılabilmesi örgütler için yüksek önem arz etmektedir.
Mevcut çalışma, eski çalışanların bilgi ve yeteneklerinin tür ve
niteliğine, bu yeteneklerin yenilere aktarılıp aktarılmadığına ve aktarılıyorsa,
hangi yolların kullanıldığına ve bu aktarımda teşvik edici ya da engelleyici
unsurların neler olduğuna, bilginin eskime sebeplerine ve örgütün toplam
yeteneğinin azalıp azalmadığına odaklanmaktadır.
Yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşme yöntemi ile kamu
sektöründe görev yapan müfettişlerden elde edilen bilgilere dayalı olarak,
araştırmanın bazı bulguları arasında; kişilerarası yetenek transferinde informal
yöntemlerin kullanıldığı, bilgi aktarımda seçicilik unsurlarının bulunduğu,
yeteneklerin önemli bölümünün yenilere aktarılabildiği ve yeteneklerin önemli
bölümünün bilişsel nitelikli olduğu, kaybolan yeteneklerin yeniler tarafından
geliştirildiği gösterilebilir


  • Allee V. (1997), The Knowledge Evolution: Expanding Organizational Intelligence, Butterworth-Heinemann: Boston.
  • Badaracco JL. (1991), The Knowledge Link: How Firms Compete Through Strategic Alliances, Harvard Business School Press: Boston.
  • Baron RA. ve Markman GD. (2000), “Beyond Social Capital”, Academy of Management Executive, 14, ss.106–116.
  • Billet S. (1994), “Situated Learning-A Workplace Experience”, Australian Journal of Adult and Community Education, 34(2), ss.112–130.
  • Boisot M., Lemmon T., Griffits D. ve Mole V. (1996), “Spinning a Good Yarn: The Identification of Core Competencies at Courtalds”, International Journal of Innovation Management, 11(3/4), ss.425–440.
  • Brown JS. ve Duguid P. (1991), “Organizational Learning and Communities-ofPractice: Toward a Unified View of Working, Learning, and Innovation”, Organization Science, 2(1), ss.40–57.
  • Cohen WM. ve Levinthal DA. (1990), “Absorptive Capacity: A Perspective on Learning and Innovation”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1), ss.128–152. Daft R. ve Huber GP. (1987), “How Organizations Learn: A Communication Framework”, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 5, ss.1–36.
  • Drucker P. (1985), Management: Tasks Responsibilities Practices, Harper & Row Publishers Inc: New York.
  • Hamel G. ve Prahalad CK. (1994), Competing for the Future, Harvard Business School Press: Boston.
  • Hamlyn DW. (1970), The Theory of Knowledge, Anchor Books: New York.
  • Hoegl M. ve Schulze A. (2005), “How to Support Knowledge Creation in New Product Development: An Investigation of Knowledge Management Methods”, European Management Journal, 23 (3), ss.263-273
  • Koskinen KU. (2000), “Tacit knowledge as a promoter of project Success”, European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 6(2000), ss.41–47.
  • Koskinen KU. ve Vanharanta H. (2000), Tacit Knowledge as Part of Engineers’ Competence, In Proceedings of Extra Skills for Young Engineers. Maribor: Slovenia.
  • Koskinen KU., Pihlanto P. ve Vanharanta H. (2003), “Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing in a Project Work Context”, International Journal of Project Management Volume, 21(4), ss.281–290.
  • Koskinen KU. (2003), “Evaluation of Tacit Knowledge Utilization in Work Units”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(5), ss.67–81.
  • Von Krogh G. ve Roos J. (1996), “Five Claims of Knowing”, European Management Journal, 14, ss.423–426.
  • Lave J. ve Wenger E. (1999), Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
  • Nonaka I. ve Takeuchi H. (1995), The Knowledge-Creating Company. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Nonaka I., Toyama R. ve Konno N. (2000), “SECI, Ba and Leadership: A Unified Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation”, Long Range Planning, 33, ss. 5-34.
  • Quinn JB., Anderson P. ve Finkelstein S. (1996), “Managing Professional Intellect: Making the Most of the Best”, Harvard Business Review, 74(2), ss.71–80.
  • Spencer LM ve Jr. Spencer S. (1993), Competence at Work: Models for Superior Performance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York.
  • Szulanski G. (1996), “Exploring Internal Stickiness: Impediments to the Transfer of Best Practices Within the Firm”, Strategic Management Journal 17, Winter: ss.27–43.
  • Teece DJ., Pisano G. ve Shuen A. (1992), Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management, University of California: Berkeley.
  • Tsoukas H. (1996), “The Firm as a Distributed Knowledge System: a Constructionist Approach”, Strategic Management Journal, 17(Winter Special Issue), ss.11–25.
  • Usher RS. (1989), “Locating Experience in Language: Towards a Poststructuralist Theory of Experience”, Adult Education Quarterly, 40(1), ss.23–32.
  • Yıldırım A. ve Şimşek H. (2006), Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayınevi, Ankara
  • Wagner R. ve Sternberg R. (1985), “Practical Intelligence in Real-World Pursuits: The Role of Tacit Knowledge”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, ss.436– 458.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Aykut Göksel

Belgin Aydıntan

Dursun Bingöl

Publication Date October 12, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 27 Issue: 4


APA Göksel, A., Aydıntan, B., & Bingöl, D. (2013). ÖRGÜTLERDE KİŞİLERARASI YETENEK TRANSFERİ VE YÖNTEMLERİ: MÜFETTİŞLİK ALANINDA NİTEL BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 27(4), 19-36.
