Bu calışmada Davud-i Karsi (1169/1756)’nin Kelami goruşeri ve eserlerindeki
Kelami kaynaklarıincelenmişir. Davud-i Karsi, Kars’ta doğuşve İtanbul’da
onemli ilmi makamlara yukselmişbir İlam alimidir. İlami ilimlerin hemen her
alanıda eser vermişve İlam’ı doğu anlaşımasıicin elinden gelen butun cabalarıgostermişir. Davud-i Karsi, Kelam Tarihcilerince ‘Şrh ve Haşyeler Donemi’
olarak adlandııan bu donemin genel karakterine uyarak OsmanlıKelam
alimlerinden Hıı Bey’in Kaside-i Nuniyye adlıeserini şrh etmişve Kelami
goruşerini bu şrhte gostermişir. O, bu eserini mensubu olduğ Maturidi ekolunun
genel ilkeleri cercevesinde yorumlamışı. Bunu yaparken de Eş’ari Kelam
ekolune mensup alimlerin eserlerinden de fazlasıla istifade etmişir. Kelam ilmiyle
ilgili olarak; Şrhu’l-Kasideti’n-Nuniyyeti’t-Tevhidiyye, Şrhu Amentu billah,
Şrhu Kasideti Bedi’l-Emali ve Risaletu beyanımeseletil İtiyarati’l Cuz’iyye ve’l
İrakati’l Kalbiyye adlıeserleri telif etmişir. Bu calışada Davud el-Karsi’nin
Kelam ilmine ilişin eseri olan “Şrh-i Kaside-i Nuniyye” adlıeserindeki goruşeri
değrlendirilmişir. Onun Kelami goruşeri ortaya konulmaya calışııken zaman
zaman diğr ekollerin anlayışarıla da karşıaşıımaya gidilmişve Davud-i
Karsi’nin orijinal goruşeri gosterilmeye calışımışı. Onun Kelam ilminin temel
meselelerindeki goruşeri Ehl-i Sunnet’in goruşnun bir tekrarıı. Bununla birlikte
o, Maturidiler’in goruşnu oncelemişir.
Bu calışada ayrıa Davud-i Karsi’nin Şrhu’l-Kasideti’n-Nuniyye’si esas alıarak
kullanmışolduğ Kelami kaynaklar değrlendirilmişir. O temelde Kur’an
ayetlerinden hareketle eserini oluşurmuşur. Bunun yanıda yaşdığıdonemde
Osmanlımedreselerinde yaygı olarak okutulan Kelami eserler Davud-i Karsi’nin
de temel kaynaklarını oluşturmaktadır. İtikadi goruşlerini mensubu olduğu Maturidi
ekolunun genel ilkeleri cercevesinde yorumlarken Eş’ari ve Maturidi kaynaklarııayıı yapmaksıı kullanmışı. Davud-i Karsi, yer yer kendi yorumlarııkatsa da genel olarak goruşeri Eş’ariliğn ve Maturidiliğn goruşerinin
tekrarıdan ibarettir. Turk alimi Birgivi’nin eserlerinden de faydalanmışı. Davud-
i Karsi doneminin yaygı Kelam kaynaklarııkullanarak onemli bir Kelam
eserini Kelamcıara kazandımışı.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Davud-i Karsi, Kelam, hur irade, teşbih, Allah’ı sıfatları
Ru’yetullah, Şerhu’l-Kasideti’n-Nuniyye.
Dâvud al-Karsî (1169/1756): His Theological Aspects and
his Theological Sources
In this study it has been investigated Davud al-Karsi’s theological aspects and
his theological sources. Davud al-Karsi was born in Kars and he was raised in
Istanbul, a major Islamic scholars scientific authorities. He has works in almost
every area of Islamic sciences and he showed all his efforts in his power to correct
understanding of Islam. Davud al-Karsi’s works are the salient features of his
era which scholars of 18th Century. This era was called by historians of theology
“Commentaries and Marginalia”. Hıı Bey’s work ‘Kaside-i Nuniyye’. Davud
al-Karsi who called his work “Şrh-i Kaside-i Nuniyye” is a member of the school
of Maturidite interpreted their views within the framework of general principles.
His theological aspect stands up near Maturidiyya. He wrote, Şrhu’l-Kasideti’n-
Nuniyyeti’t-Tevhidiyye, Şrhu Amentu billah, Şrhu Kasideti Bedi’l-Emali ve
Risaletu beyanımeseletil İtiyarati’l Cuz’iyye ve’l İrakati’l Kalbiyye.
Davud al-Karsi used as the source the basic works of Kalam in the Ottoman
madrasas taught. Several studies were conducted on the works and ideas, this
scholar in the Sharh al-Kasideti’n Nuniyye theologıal sources that were used.
Established based on the work of the verses of the Koran. It is understood that
the main sources of Dawud al-Karsi’s theological sources are widely sources in the
madrasas of Ottoman monuments. He benefited the Telbisu İlis especially when
addressing issues of mysticism. Dawud al-Karsi using common resources has given
researchers an important work of Islamic Theology.
Keywords: Davud el-Karsi, free-will, tashbih, adjectives of God (Allah’ın Sıfatları), Ru’yetullah, Kaside-i Nuniyye, Islamic Theology, Sharh al-Kasideti’n Nuniyye.
Dâvud-i Karsî Kelâm hür irade teşbih Allah’ın sıfatları Ru’yetullah Şerhu’l-Kasîdeti’n-Nûniyye.
Dâvud al-Karsî (1169/1756): His Theological Aspects andhis Theological SourcesIn this study it has been investigated Davud al-Karsî’s theological aspects and his theological sources. Dâvud al-Karsî was born in Kars and he was raised in Istanbul, a major Islamic scholars scientific authorities. He has works in almost every area of Islamic sciences and he showed all his efforts in his power to correct understanding of Islam. Dâvud al-Karsî’s works are the salient features of his era which scholars of 18th Century. This era was called by historians of theology “Commentaries and Marginalia”. Hızır Bey’s work ‘Kaside-i Nuniyye’. Dâvud al-Karsî who called his work “Şerh-i Kaside-i Nuniyye” is a member of the school of Maturidite interpreted their views within the framework of general principles. His theological aspect stands up near Maturidiyya. He wrote, Şerhu’l-Kasîdeti’nNûniyyeti’t-Tevhîdiyye, Şerhu Âmentü billâh, Şerhu Kasîdeti Bedi’l-Emâlî ve Risaletü beyânı meseletil İhtiyârâti’l Cüz’iyye ve’l İdrâkâti’l Kalbiyye. Dâvud al-Karsî used as the source the basic works of Kalam in the Ottoman madrasas taught. Several studies were conducted on the works and ideas, this scholar in the Sharh al-Kasîdeti’n Nûniyye theologıcal sources that were used. Established based on the work of the verses of the Koran. It is understood that the main sources of Dâwud al-Karsî’s theological sources are widely sources in the madrasas of Ottoman monuments. He benefited the Telbîsü İblîs especially when addressing issues of mysticism. Dâwud al-Karsî using common resources has given researchers an important work of Islamic Theology.
Davud el-Karsî free-will tashbih adjectives of God (Allah’ın sıfatları) Ru’yetullah Kasîde-i Nûniyye Islamic Theology Sharh al-Kasîdeti’n Nûniyye.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | July 1, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 Issue: 41 |