Bu 9alrJmada, birisi Fransrz Jair Charles Baudelaire ve iiteki Turk Jair Cahit Srtla Tarancr 'nm
Jiirlerinde ge9en renk anlatrmlarr karJrlaJtmlmaktadrr. Ulkemizde ve Dunya'da bir9ok Jairi
etkileyen Baudelaire'in Jiirlerinde renk sozcukleri oldukya ayrrcalrklr bir yere sahiptir. Tarancr
'nm Jiirlerini soylerken Baudelaire 'den etkilendrgi hep soylenmektedir. Bu 9alrJmada, butun
Jiirlerini i9eren Otuz BeJ YaJ adlr yaprtmda Tarancr'mn renk anlatrmlarr balammdan da
Baudelaire'den etkilenip etkilenmedigi, etkilendiyse ne kadar etkilendigi araJtmlmaktadrr. Orneklem
evrenini her iki Jairin Jiirlerinden se9ilen renk anlatrmlarr oluJturmaktadrr. Her iki Jair de
siyah rengi oteki renk anlatrmlarrndan daha fazla kullanmaktadrr. Tarancr'nrn Baudelaire'den bire
bir aldrgr renk sOzcilgu i9eren dizesi bulunmamaktadzr. Renk anlatzmlarmm kullamlmasznda
Baudelaire 'in "Uyu umlar" adlz §iirinin Tarancz 'nm §iirleri i9in (jnemli bir esin kaynagz oldugu
saptanmaktadrr. Siyah renk her iki Jairde de olumsuz anlamlar fagrrJilrmaktadrr.
Anahtar Sozcukler: Anlatrm, renk, siyah, olumsuzluk, karJrlaJtrrma, etkilenme.
In this study, expressions of the colours in the works of two different poets, Charles Baudelaire
of France and Cahit Srtla Tarancr of Turkey, is compared. In the poems of Baudelaire who influences
many poets in our country and in the world, colours words have a very favoured position. It's
always said that Tarancr is effected from Baudelaire
while reading his poems. In this study, it has been researched whether Taranc1 is effected from
Baudelaire about colours expressions in his opus named 35, if so in what extend he is effected.
Colour expressions, selected from both poets' poems, from the universe of samples.
Both poets use black more than other colour expressions. There is no single colour word line
that Taranc1 took from Baudelaire. In the use of colour expressions,
Baudelaire's poem named Hannonies, is an acting point for Tarancz. Black brings negative
senses to both poets.
Key Words: Expression. colour, black, negativeness, comparison, effect.