Bu ara$lzrmanzn amacz, ilkOgretim okullarmda gOrev yapan beden egitimi ve spar
ogretmenlerinin ogretmenlik meslek bilgisi derslerinden yararlanma ile ilgili dicyilncelerini
Bu ama9/a, ara tzrmacz/ar tarafindan geli tirilen bir anket, TUrkiye 'nin yedi cografi bO/gesindeki
16 ilde gorev yapan 284 beden egitimi ve spor ogretmenine uygulanmz tzr. Deneklere anket
uygulanml§ ve bulgular SPSS 10.0 programmda ana/iz edilerek yorumlanmz§llr.
Ara$lzrma sonucunda beden egitimi ve spar bi;retmenlerz lisans egitimleri siirecinde almz olduklan
meslek bilgisi derslerinden buyuk oranda yararlandzk/anm ifade etmi lerdir. Bu derslerde a/man
bilgilerin, mes/eki uygulamalarmda alan bilgisi, ogretmenlik meslek bilgisi (smif yonetimi, ogretim
yontemleri, geli im ve ogrenme, egitim psikolojisi, materyal geli tirme vb.) ve gene/
kU/tur alamnda yararlz oldugunu
belirtmi§lerdir. Ogretmenlik yararlandzklanm belirtmi#erdir.uygulamasz ve oku/ deneyimi derslerinden 90k
Sonur; olarak beden egitimi ve spar derslerinin ogretiminde, meslek bilgisi
derslerinin r;ok Onemli oldugunu sonucuna ula$zlmz$lzr.
Anahtar Kelimeler: ilkogretim, beden egitimi, spor, ogretmenlik mes/ek bilgisi
The aim of this research is to indicate the opinions of physical traning and sports teachers
working in primary schools about benefiting from teaching profession knowledge classes.
With this aim, a survey developed by researchers was conducted to 284 physical traning
and sports teachers working in I 6 provinces of Turkey's seven geographical regions. The survey was
conducted to test subjects by getting permission from the Ministry of Educatzon andfinding were
construed by being analyzed in SPSS 10.0 program.
In the research, physical traning and sports teachers stated that they substantially
benefit from Professional knowledge classes they have during their undergraduate educatzon . They
stated that what they learn in these classes is beneficial tofield knowledge in their Professional
pratice, teaching profession knowledge(classroom management, teaching method, development and
learning, education psychology, material development and etc. ) and general knowledge. They also
stated that they benefit from Teaching pratice and school experience classes.
As a result, the teaching ofphysical education and sports lessons, has been
concluded professional courses is very important infonnation.
Key Words:primary education, Physical Educatzon, Sport, Teacher Traning knowledge,