Bu ara$tmna, Sznzf Ogretmenlerinin yenilenen 2005-2006 ilkogretim
programznda peiforman degerlendirmede kar$zla$tzklarz gurliikleri tespit etmek amaczyla
yapzlmz§tzr. Ara§tzrmada, Ogretmenlerin peiformans degerlendirmede ne gibi sorunlarla
kar$zla$tzklarz incelenmi$tir. Ara$tzrmada survey yontemi kullanzlmZ$1Zr. Ara$tzrma orneklemini
Igdzr merkeze baglz ilkogretim okullarznda gorev yapan 200 ogretmen olu§turmaktadzr. Veriler,
uzman gOrii#t almarak ara$fzrmacz tarafindan geli§tirilen anket formu i/e toplanmz$tzr.
Verilerin analizinde Ki-kare analizi kullanzlmz$tzr. Ara$tzrmada; sznif Ogretmenlerinin yenilenen
ilkOgretim programmda performans degerlendirmede "ogretmen kaynaklz gurliikler", "program
kaynaklz giir/Ukler" le kar$Z kar$zya kaldzklarz sonucuna varzlmz§tzr.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Peifomzans degerlendirme, sznzf ogretmeni,
This research was carried out to difficulties of the primary school teachers, that
come across with the assessment of perform task, in reconditioned primary education program. What
kind of problems teachers faced in assessment of peiform task was studied in the research.
Sulf'ey method was used in the research. The research sample consists of 200
teachers teaching in 20 schools in the centre of Igdzr.
Data have bin collected through the survey form developed by the researcher. Chi
square analysis was used in data analysis.
In the research, it was concluded that teachers faced with problems in the assessment of
perform task, in reconditioned primary education program resulting difficulties based on teachers
and program.
Key Words: Assessment ofperform, classroom teacher, constructivism