Say1sal teknolojiler hlZia geliJmektedir. Bilgi patlamas1 karJlsmda bireylerlkurumlar say1sal
yetkinlige sahip olmabd1r. Say1sal olarak yetkin ve uyumlu hale gelmek, say1sal teknoloji/erin
potansiyel/erinden en iyi Jekilde faydalanmak anlamma gelmektedir. Bu railJmada, yetkinlik
si!zciigii, bireylerin kendileri i9in i!nem/i alan
§eylerin farlanda olma ve i!nemli alan iJ[eri yapma; bireylerin kendi yaJamlan ve revreleri
iizerinde kontrol sahibi alma yetisi anlammda kul/amlmaktadlY. Say1sal teknolojiler, bireylerin
bilgi toplumunda katlilmcl rol oynamalanm ve kendilerini ifade etmek irin yeni beceriler
edinmelerini zorunlu lalmlJ ve hatta onlara reJitli olanaklar saglamlJtlY. BUJka bir deyiJle,
say1sal teknoloji/ere sahip alma ve kullanabi/menin i!tesinde say1sal yetkinlik Onem kazanmz§tzr.
Ancak, sayzsal teknolojilerin kullammz sadece eri§im ve kullamm boyutuyla ele almmamabd r. Say1sal
yetkinlik, say1sal teknolojileri biiyiik miktarlarda iiretilmekte alan bilginin irinden ihtiyar
duyulan bilgiye eriJme arac1 olarak kullamp, ulaJlian bilgiyi anlama, degerlendirme ve bilgi
iiretme becerilerini de irermektedir. Bireylere say1sal yetkinlik kazandmlabilmek i9in gereken dart
bileJen farlandabk, motivasyon, teknik eri#m ve yetkinlikdir.
Anahtar sozciikler: sa}'lsal yetkinlik, sa}'lsal boliinme, say1sal u9urum
Digital technologies continue to develop rapidly. The information explosion is
experienced, and individuals I institutions should acquire digital empowerment. The concept of
digital empowem1ent gains importance in the sense of both having digital skills and using them to
theirfull potential. In this study, "empowerment" is used to express the concept of an individual's
competence in both awareness of what is important and their ability to conduct those operations; to
have control over their lives and environments. In light of this, digital empowerment refers to the
ability of an individual to use digital technologies effectively in order to develop life skills
and strengthen his or her capacity within the information society. However, use of digital
technologies should not only involve the dimensions of access and use. Digital empowerment involves
the skill set of using digital technologies as tools to access specifically needed information
within vast quantities of available information, comprehending and evaluating that information and,
also, producing information. Digital empowerment has four components to enable individuals to
achieve digital empowerment. These are awareness, motivation, technical access and empowerment.
Keywords: digital empowerment, digital divide, digital gap