Boris Vian 'zn Kmnm Ot romanznda nesneye aynlan alan ayncalzklzdzr ve nesnel tasanmlar onemli bir
yer tutar. Romancz tumuyle kendine ozgiJ bu tuhaf uzamda kurdugu imgelerle canlz varlzklara,
nesneleri ekleyerek t;e0itli egretilemeler yapar. Bu imgeletici
egretilemelerin en belirgin ozellifji ise alz0zlmamz baglantzlar!a aktanlmaszdzr.
Nesneler insansal degerler kazanarak hayvanlann oyun
arkada z olur; romanda aniden yatakta beliren yavru kostebek bu !Ur gosterimlerdendir.
Yalanluzak t;agrz:;zmlar saglayan nesnelere vurgu yapzlarak ve bunlar bilint;li bir
:;ektlde bir arada kullanzlarak set;ili nesneyi butun gornnilmleri altznda gosterme yolu
set;ilmi:;tir. $a:;zrtzcz nesnelerle gosterme eylemi, onun oykilleme arat;larzndan one t;zkan
bit;em ozelliklerinden biridir. 0, romanz daha t;ok bir goruntu olarak gornr ve imgenin soyutlamaya
uygun yapzsz, okurun dil:; giJcilnu eyleme get;irerek romano geni bir betimsel alan
kazandzrzr. Romanda bir zaman maktnesine binen Wolf, bu :;ektlde get;mi:;indekt kotu izleri
silme firsatznz
yakalar, yani iiykillenenler ef;retileme sznzrlannz a§arak nesnel bir
tasarzma donu§Ur.
Anahtar Siizciikler: Nesne, Tasarzm, Kzrmzzz, jnce Alay, ay/arzlzk, uyumsuzluk, reli§ki.
In this work we try to indicate the representations of objects in the novel Boris Vian's Red
Grass. That is he tries hard to show the object under all its aspects. It requires impersonality
and objectivity. He transcribes most faithfully possible the object. In the novel Boris Vian's "Red
Grass "smooth a particular atmosphere. The novel opens a totally closed internal space where the
characters are condemned to live. So, the space retrace and the solitude threatening from the
outside invade more and more the intrigue. This article wonders the surrealistic optics of Boris
Vian who is distinguished by the employment of the object and the red with metamorphosis, the use
of a singular language as well as by a strange atmosphere, often reflection of the unusual.
Key words: Object, representation, red, inconsistent, absurd, opposition, to humor.