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Küyerel Uluslararası Kampüste İkinci Dil Öğrenme Ortamında Küyerel Kültür

Year 2018, , 539 - 552, 31.01.2018


Dünyada insanların bir arada yaşamaya başlamasından beri, kültür nesilden nesile aktarılan bir miras olmuştur. Kültürün günümüzdeki durumu, aslında, dünya milletlerinin kendi ülke vatandaşları ve diğer milliyetlerle ve kültürlerle olan uzun tarihî ilişkileri ile şekillenmiştir. Günümüz küresel dünyasında; yerel kültür, millî kültür ve kültürel farklılıklar küresel kültürü oluşturan bir bütün olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bugün, dünya milletleri uluslararası turizm, ticaret, eğitim gibi birçok alandaki gelişmeler sayesinde farklı kültürlere şimdiye kadar olduğundan daha aşina olmuştur. Bu nitel çalışmanın amacı, küyerel uluslararası bir kampüste ikinci dil öğrenme ortamında karşılaşılan küyerel kültür üzerine bir bakış açısı sunmaktır.


  • Archer, Kevin, Martin Bosman, Mark Amen and Ella Schmidt. (2007). “Locating Globalizations and Cultures”. Globalizations, 4:1, 1-14. DOI: 10.1080/14747730701245566. Boli, John. (2005). “Contemporary Developments in World Culture”. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 46(5–6), 383-404. Brooks, Jeffrey and Anthony Normore. (2010). “Educational Leadership and Globalization: Literacy for a Glocal Perspective”. Educational Policy, 24(1) 52-82. DOI: 0.1177/0895904809354070. Butt, Graham. (2017). “Globalisation: A Brief Exploration of its Challenging, Contested and Competing Concepts”. Geography, 102-1, 10-17. Chen, Sylvia X, Vero’nica Benet-Martinez and Michael Bond. (2008). “Bicultural Identity, Bilingualism and Psychological Adjustment in Multicultural Societies: Immigration-based and Globalization-based Acculturation”. Journal of Personality, 76, 803-837. Fabricius, Anne, Janus Mortensen and Hartmut Haberland. (2017). “The Lure of Internationalization: Paradoxical Discourses of Transnational Student Mobility, Linguistic Diversity and Cross-cultural Exchange”. Higher Education, 73, 577-595. DOI 10.1007/s10734-015-9978-3. Findlay, Allen, David, McCollum and Helen Packwood. (2017). “Marketization, Marketing and the Production of International Student Migration”. International Migration, 55(3), 139-155. DOI: 10.1111/imig.12330. Garfolo, Blaine. and Barbara L’Huillier. (2014). “Ethics, Globalizatıon and Cultural Disintegration”. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 7(2), 585-592. Giddens, Anthony. (2000). Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping our Lives. New York: Routledge. Giulianotti, Richard and Roland Robertson. (2007). Forms of glocalization: Globalization and the Migration Strategies of Scottish Football Fans in North America”. Sociology, 41(1), pp. 133–152. DOI: 10.1177/0038038507073044. Göktolga, Oğuzhan and Bekir Gündoğmuş. (2015). “An Effort for Preserving and Spreading of the National Culture Against Globalization: Case of Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Centers”. International Journal of Social Science, 33, 315-328. DOI number: Hannerz, ULF. (1990). “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture”. Theory Culture Society, 7, 237-251. DOI: 10.1177/026327690007002014. Joseph, V and Esther Ramani. (2012). “Glocalization”: Going Beyond the Dichotomy of Global Versus Local Through Additive Multilingualism” International Multilingual Research Journal, 6(1), 22-34. DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2012. 639246. Kaya, Havva. (2014). “Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Reality within the Scope of Globalization” Journal of Academic Inquiries, 9(2), 91-111. Khondker, Habibul. (2013). “Globalization, Glocalization, or Global Studies: What's in a Name?”. Globalizations, 10(4), 527-531. DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2013.806747. Kim, Hyuk-Rae and Andrew Kim. (2006). “Globalization and Socio-Cultural Change in Comparative Perspective: An Introductory Survey”. Korea Observer, 37(1), 1-22. Kraidy, Marwan (1999). “The Global, the Local, and the Hybrid: A Native Ethnography of Glocalization”. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 16(4), 456-476. DOI: 10.1080/15295039909367111. Markee, Numa. (2000). “Some Thoughts on Globalization: A Response to Warschauer”. TESOL Quarterly, 34(3), 569-574. Martell, Luke. (2007). ‘The Third Wave in Globalization Theory’. International Studies Review, 9(2), 173-196. Martens, Pim, Axel Dreher and Noel Gaston. (2010). “Globalisation, the Global Village and the Civil Society”. Futures, 42, 574-582. McGrew, Anthony. (1998). “The Globalisation Debate: Putting the Advanced Capitalist State in its Place”. Global Society, 12(3), 299-321. Melluish, Steve. (2014). “Globalization, Culture and Psychology”. International Review of Psychiatry, 26(5), 538-543. Mok, Joshua and Michael Lee. (2003). “Globalization or Glocalization? Higher Education Reforms in Singapore”. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 23(1), 15-42. DOI: 10.1080/0218879030230103. Palmer, John and Young Ha Cho. (2012). “South Korean Higher Education Internationalization Policies: Perceptions and Experiences”. Asia Pacific Education Review, 13, 387-401. DOI. 10.1007/s12564-012-9204-2. Pantea, Marius. (2014). “Globalization and Remote Gambling”. Journal of criminal investigations, 1, 7-16. Porta, Donetalle. (2005). “Globalizations and Democracy”. Democratization, 12(5), 668-685. DOI: 10.1080/13510340500322140. Ritzer, George. (2003). “Rethinking Globalization: Glocalization/globalization and Something/nothing”. Sociological theory, 21(3), 193-209. Robertson, Roland. (2012). “Globalisation or Glocalisation?”. The Journal of International Communication, 18(2), 191-208. DOI: 10.1080/13216597.2012. 709925. Robertson, Roland. (1995). “Glocalization: Time-space and Homogeneity-heterogeneity”. In M. Featherstone, S. Lash, & R. Robertson (Eds.) (1995). Global modernities (pp. 25-44). Roudometof, Victor. (2014). “Nationalism, Globalization and Glocalization”. Thesis Eleven, 122(1), 18-33. DOI: 10.1177/0725513614535700. Roudometof, Victor. (2005). “Transnationalism, Cosmopolitanism and Glocalization”. Current Sociology, 53(1), 113-135. DOI: 10.1177/0011392105048291. Susa, Oleg. (2011). The Culture of global citizenship and global media. In Barrie Axford and Richard Huggins (Eds.), Cultures and/of Globalization (pp. 54-63). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Tizon, Al. (2009). “The Glocalization of Mission as Transformation: How the Global and the Local have shaped a Movement”. Transformation,26(4), 247-257. DOI: 10.1177/0265378809342355. ISSN 0265-3788.

Glocal Culture in the Second Language Setting on a Glocal, Cosmopolitan Campus

Year 2018, , 539 - 552, 31.01.2018


Culture is the heritage handed down from generation to generation from the time people of the world started to live in communities. The present outlook of culture is, in fact, the representation of a long historical process the world nations have experienced within their own states and through various interactions with other nations and cultures up till now. In today’s global world, local culture, national culture and cultural differences are approached as a whole making the global culture. Peoples of the world, today, are more familiar than ever with the aspects of other cultures thanks to the developments in a number of areas like international tourism, trade, education, and so on. The purpose of this qualitative study is to dwell on glocal culture witnessed in second language settings on a glocal, cosmopolitan higher education campus.


  • Archer, Kevin, Martin Bosman, Mark Amen and Ella Schmidt. (2007). “Locating Globalizations and Cultures”. Globalizations, 4:1, 1-14. DOI: 10.1080/14747730701245566. Boli, John. (2005). “Contemporary Developments in World Culture”. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 46(5–6), 383-404. Brooks, Jeffrey and Anthony Normore. (2010). “Educational Leadership and Globalization: Literacy for a Glocal Perspective”. Educational Policy, 24(1) 52-82. DOI: 0.1177/0895904809354070. Butt, Graham. (2017). “Globalisation: A Brief Exploration of its Challenging, Contested and Competing Concepts”. Geography, 102-1, 10-17. Chen, Sylvia X, Vero’nica Benet-Martinez and Michael Bond. (2008). “Bicultural Identity, Bilingualism and Psychological Adjustment in Multicultural Societies: Immigration-based and Globalization-based Acculturation”. Journal of Personality, 76, 803-837. Fabricius, Anne, Janus Mortensen and Hartmut Haberland. (2017). “The Lure of Internationalization: Paradoxical Discourses of Transnational Student Mobility, Linguistic Diversity and Cross-cultural Exchange”. Higher Education, 73, 577-595. DOI 10.1007/s10734-015-9978-3. Findlay, Allen, David, McCollum and Helen Packwood. (2017). “Marketization, Marketing and the Production of International Student Migration”. International Migration, 55(3), 139-155. DOI: 10.1111/imig.12330. Garfolo, Blaine. and Barbara L’Huillier. (2014). “Ethics, Globalizatıon and Cultural Disintegration”. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 7(2), 585-592. Giddens, Anthony. (2000). Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping our Lives. New York: Routledge. Giulianotti, Richard and Roland Robertson. (2007). Forms of glocalization: Globalization and the Migration Strategies of Scottish Football Fans in North America”. Sociology, 41(1), pp. 133–152. DOI: 10.1177/0038038507073044. Göktolga, Oğuzhan and Bekir Gündoğmuş. (2015). “An Effort for Preserving and Spreading of the National Culture Against Globalization: Case of Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Centers”. International Journal of Social Science, 33, 315-328. DOI number: Hannerz, ULF. (1990). “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture”. Theory Culture Society, 7, 237-251. DOI: 10.1177/026327690007002014. Joseph, V and Esther Ramani. (2012). “Glocalization”: Going Beyond the Dichotomy of Global Versus Local Through Additive Multilingualism” International Multilingual Research Journal, 6(1), 22-34. DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2012. 639246. Kaya, Havva. (2014). “Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Reality within the Scope of Globalization” Journal of Academic Inquiries, 9(2), 91-111. Khondker, Habibul. (2013). “Globalization, Glocalization, or Global Studies: What's in a Name?”. Globalizations, 10(4), 527-531. DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2013.806747. Kim, Hyuk-Rae and Andrew Kim. (2006). “Globalization and Socio-Cultural Change in Comparative Perspective: An Introductory Survey”. Korea Observer, 37(1), 1-22. Kraidy, Marwan (1999). “The Global, the Local, and the Hybrid: A Native Ethnography of Glocalization”. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 16(4), 456-476. DOI: 10.1080/15295039909367111. Markee, Numa. (2000). “Some Thoughts on Globalization: A Response to Warschauer”. TESOL Quarterly, 34(3), 569-574. Martell, Luke. (2007). ‘The Third Wave in Globalization Theory’. International Studies Review, 9(2), 173-196. Martens, Pim, Axel Dreher and Noel Gaston. (2010). “Globalisation, the Global Village and the Civil Society”. Futures, 42, 574-582. McGrew, Anthony. (1998). “The Globalisation Debate: Putting the Advanced Capitalist State in its Place”. Global Society, 12(3), 299-321. Melluish, Steve. (2014). “Globalization, Culture and Psychology”. International Review of Psychiatry, 26(5), 538-543. Mok, Joshua and Michael Lee. (2003). “Globalization or Glocalization? Higher Education Reforms in Singapore”. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 23(1), 15-42. DOI: 10.1080/0218879030230103. Palmer, John and Young Ha Cho. (2012). “South Korean Higher Education Internationalization Policies: Perceptions and Experiences”. Asia Pacific Education Review, 13, 387-401. DOI. 10.1007/s12564-012-9204-2. Pantea, Marius. (2014). “Globalization and Remote Gambling”. Journal of criminal investigations, 1, 7-16. Porta, Donetalle. (2005). “Globalizations and Democracy”. Democratization, 12(5), 668-685. DOI: 10.1080/13510340500322140. Ritzer, George. (2003). “Rethinking Globalization: Glocalization/globalization and Something/nothing”. Sociological theory, 21(3), 193-209. Robertson, Roland. (2012). “Globalisation or Glocalisation?”. The Journal of International Communication, 18(2), 191-208. DOI: 10.1080/13216597.2012. 709925. Robertson, Roland. (1995). “Glocalization: Time-space and Homogeneity-heterogeneity”. In M. Featherstone, S. Lash, & R. Robertson (Eds.) (1995). Global modernities (pp. 25-44). Roudometof, Victor. (2014). “Nationalism, Globalization and Glocalization”. Thesis Eleven, 122(1), 18-33. DOI: 10.1177/0725513614535700. Roudometof, Victor. (2005). “Transnationalism, Cosmopolitanism and Glocalization”. Current Sociology, 53(1), 113-135. DOI: 10.1177/0011392105048291. Susa, Oleg. (2011). The Culture of global citizenship and global media. In Barrie Axford and Richard Huggins (Eds.), Cultures and/of Globalization (pp. 54-63). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Tizon, Al. (2009). “The Glocalization of Mission as Transformation: How the Global and the Local have shaped a Movement”. Transformation,26(4), 247-257. DOI: 10.1177/0265378809342355. ISSN 0265-3788.
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Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Ayşagül Takkaç Tulgar 0000-0001-6401-969X

Publication Date January 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Takkaç Tulgar, A. (2018). Küyerel Uluslararası Kampüste İkinci Dil Öğrenme Ortamında Küyerel Kültür. Journal of Turkish Research Institute(61), 539-552.