Research Article
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The Events of 1915 and Overlooked Details of Turkish Thesis

Year 2020, Issue: 68, 471 - 500, 31.05.2020


27 Mayıs 1915 tarihinde kabul edilen ve 1 Haziran 1915 yılında uygulanmaya başlanan Sevk ve İskan Kanunu (Tehcir Kanunu), Osmanlı Devleti’nin gerileme dönemi ile Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında özellikle Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde ortaya çıkan Ermeni ayaklanmalarına yönelik bir tedbir olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Ermenilerin Osmanlı Devleti aleyhine dönemin büyük devletlerince kullanılmaları ise 1700’lü yıllara kadar geriye gitmektedir. Ermenilerin desteklenmesinin arkasında her bir devletin kendi çıkarları olmasının yanı sıra, devletin parçalanma döneminde azınlıkların kendi devletlerini kurma arzuları da ön plana çıkmıştır. Ermeni tehciri ile ilgili olarak ortaya atılan Ermeni tezlerinin karşısında Türk tezinin Türkçe yazına aktarılmış; ancak İngilizce yazında çok fazla yer bulamamış olmasından kaynaklı olarak çalışmanın amacı, 1915 olayları ile ilgili Türk tezinin de anlaşılmasına aracılık etmektir. Bu amaç çerçevesinde, Türk kamuoyu haricinde kabul görmeyen ya da daha kötüsü, hiç anılmayan ayrıntıların derlenmesine odaklanılmıştır. Ermeni tezini kabul eden ve Türk tezini görmezden gelen çevrelerin, ortaya konulan birtakım ayrıntılarla dikkatlerini çekmek de çalışmanın ikincil amacını oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada ikincil kaynaklardan yararlanılarak bir derleme hazırlanmış, öncelikle Ermenilerin ne zamandan itibaren sorun çıkarmaya başladıklarına, Osmanlı Devleti’nde toplumsal yapı ile milliyetçiliğe, Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında yaşanılanlara değinilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, Ermenilerin geçmişte ve sözde soykırımın da günümüzde nasıl bir dış politika aracı olarak kullanıldığı vurgulanmıştır.


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1915 Olayları ve Türk Tezinin Gözden Kaçan Ayrıntıları

Year 2020, Issue: 68, 471 - 500, 31.05.2020


The Relocation and Resettlement Law (the Tehcir Law), which was adopted on May 27, 1915 and started to be implemented on June 1, 1915, was considered as a precaution for the Armenian uprisings that emerged especially in the Eastern Anatolia Region during the decline of the Ottoman State and the First World War. The use of Armenians against the Ottoman State by the Great States of the period goes back to the 1700s. In addition to the fact that each state had its own interests behind the support of the Armenians, the desire of the minorities to establish their own state came to the fore during the fragmentation of the State. In the face of the Armenian theses put forward regarding the Armenian deportation, the Turkish thesis was located into Turkish literature; however, it has not found much place in the English literature. On account of this, the purpose of the study is to mediate the understanding of the Turkish thesis about the events of 1915. For this purpose, the focus is on compiling details that are not accepted, or worse, never mentioned, outside the Turkish public opinion. The secondary purpose of the study is to draw the attention of the circles that accept the Armenian thesis and ignore the Turkish thesis with some details. In this context, in the study, a compilation was prepared by making use of secondary sources, first of all, the time the Armenians started to create problems, the social structure and nationalism in the Ottoman State, and the experiences during the First World War were handled. Additionally, it has been emphasized that how the Armenians in the past and the so-called genocide in the present have been used as a foreign policy tool.


  • Abdurrahmanlı, E. (2019). How the ASALA Terrorist Organization Emerged and the Purpose of the Terrorist Activities, International Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 60-73.
  • Akbulut, İ. (1995). Türk Tarihinde Ermeniler, Ankara University SBF Journal, 50:1, 29-41.
  • Akşin, S. (2015). A General Appraisal of the Armenian Issue, Armenian Studies, Number: 50, 87-106.
  • Alp, İ. (2009). The Historical Invalidity of the Armenian Claims, Trakya University Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 1-30.
  • Aslan, T. (2011). Armenian Migration from İncesu Village of Kayseri to Aksaray During 1915 Relocation, Armenian Studies, Number: 39, 143-162.
  • Aslan, T. (2018). Activities of Armenian Catholic Priests in Hungary and Conributions of Hungarian Journalist Author Dr. Attila Von Orbok to Turkish - Hungarian Friendship, Armenian Studies, Number: 59, 65-86.
  • Avşin Güneş, G. (2015). The View of Ottoman State to Nonmuslims and Millet System in the Classical Age, The Journal of Social and Cultural Studies, 1(2), 1-30.
  • Avcı, C. (1995). Milli Mücadele Döneminde Türk - Ermeni ve Gürcü İlişkileri, Journal of Atatürk Yolu, 4(13), 1-10.
  • Aydın, N. (2015). Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM)’s View on Armenian Deportation During the Independence War, Black Sea, 1(25), 20-34.
  • Aydoğan, B. (2012). Avrupa Parlamentosu’nda Yer Alan Siyasi Grupların Helsinki Zirvesi Sonrası Türkiye ile İlgili Siyasi Sorunlara, Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 4(2), 47-71.
  • Ayna, B. (2017). Marash And The Surrounding Kurdish Bandits (1917-1918), Academic Journal of History and Idea, 4(13), 439-453.
  • Balcı, A. & Yeşiltaş, M. (2005). Using Foreign Aid as a Foreign Policy Tool: The Case of Japan, The Journal of International Relations, 2(8), 167-198.
  • Beyoğlu, S. (2004). Ermeni Tehciri ve İhtida, Recent Period Turkish Studies, Number: 6, 1-18.
  • Boy, A. (2017). The Properties Seized by the Armenians in Kars and the Surroundings as of the Armistice of Mudros Until 1920, Armenian Studies, Number: 56, 141-163.
  • Budak, M. (2018). The Importance of the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives for the Armenian Question, Recent Period Turkish Studies, 17(34), 207-232.
  • Çabuk, M. (2019). Armenian Propaganda Made by England in the USA During to First World War, CBU The Journal of Social Sciences, 17(1), 307-330.
  • Çabuk, M. & Tombul, S. (2019). According to Ottoman Archive Documents Persecutions of Armenian Revolutionaries Against Armenians in Mush (1892-1906), Asia Minor Studies, 7(1), 1-14.
  • Çelik, H. (2008). Ermeni Tehciri ve Tehcirden Dönen Ermenilerin İskân Sorunu, Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies, 7(16), 143-163.
  • Çelikkol, O. (2015). Armenian “Genocide” Claims, US Congress and Turkey, Bilge Strateji, 7(13), 17-30.
  • Çoban, E. (2008). The Crime of Genocide in International Law and Underlying Social Structures of the Crime: Rwanda Case, The Journal of International Relations, 5(17), 47-72.
  • Çolak, M. (2002). Kaynak Kritiği ve Tehcir Olayında Belge Tahrifatı – Johannes Lepsius Örneği, Belleten, 66(247), 967-602.
  • Dilek, M. S. (2009). The Armenian Question in The Paris Peace Conference, Recent Period Turkish Studies, Number: 15-16, 79-97.
  • Doğan, O. (2011). Ottoman Soldiers Martered By Zeytun ( Suleymanlı) Armenians, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 10(1), 509-546.
  • Elekdağ, Ş. (2001). The Armenian Question, Armenian Studies, Number: 1, 70-86.
  • Erickson, E. J. (2008). The Armenians and Ottoman Military Policy, 1915, War in History, 15(2), 141-167.
  • Erkan, S. (2010). Features of the 19th Century International Realations in the Context of the War and Peace, SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, Number: 22, 93-115.
  • Eyicil, A. (1999). 1878 Zeytun İsyanı, Journal of The Center for Ottoman Studies, Number: 10, 27-58.
  • Eyicil, A. (2000). 1895 Maraş ve Zeytûn İsyanı, Journal of The Center for Ottoman Studies, Number: 11, 157-210.
  • Gunn, C. (2012). Getting Away with Murder: Soghomon Tehlirian, ASALA and the Justice Commandos, 1921 - 1984, Armenian Studies, Number: 42, 125-146.
  • Gül, M. (1997). 1896 Van Ermeni İsyanı ve Sonrasındaki Gelişmeler, Journal of The Center for Ottoman Studies, Number: 8, 139-147.
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There are 115 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Armağan Örki This is me 0000-0002-6906-0031

Sinem Yüksel Çendek This is me 0000-0001-7144-8804

Publication Date May 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 68


APA Örki, A., & Yüksel Çendek, S. (2020). The Events of 1915 and Overlooked Details of Turkish Thesis. Journal of Turkish Research Institute, -(68), 471-500.