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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi-Hırbe Helale Nekropolu Cam Buluntuları (2010, 2011, 2018 Yılı Kazıları)

Year 2021, Issue: 71, 401 - 417, 15.05.2021


Hırbe Helale nekropol alanı; Mardin-Diyarbakır karayolunun 6. kilometresinin batısında, Mardin ili Artuklu ilçesi sınırlarında, Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi yerleşkesi içerisinde yer almaktadır. III. Derece Arkeolojik sit alanı olarak tescillenmiş olan Hırbe Helale nekropol alanında, 2010, 2011 ve 2018 yıllarında kazı çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmalar, Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Otoparkı’nın kuzeydoğusunda bulunan alanda yürütülmüştür. Yapılan kazı çalışmaları neticesinde tespit edilen buluntular Paleolitik Dönem, Geç Roma Dönemi, Bizans Dönemi ve Artuklu Dönemi gibi birbirinden farklı dönemlere tarihlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın kapsamı; Hırbe Helale nekropol alanı 2010, 2011 ve 2018 yılı kazı çalışmalarında ortaya çıkarılan cam materyeller arasından seçilen ve profil veren kase parçaları, kandil parçaları, kadeh parçaları, karıştırma çubuğu parçaları, oyun taşı ile bileziklerden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile kazılar sırasında açığa çıkarılan cam materyallerin ilk bilimsel verilerine ulaşmak amaçlanmaktadır. Söz konusu materyaller Hırbe Helale nekropol alanının genel stratigrafisi ve yaptığımız kaynak araştırması sonucunda saptanan paralel örnekler ışığında tipolojik ve kronolojik olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Kazı verileri ve kaynak araştırması sonucunda tespiti yapılan paralel örnekler bu cam buluntuların Geç Roma ve Bizans dönemlerinden köken aldıklarını açığa çıkarmıştır. Bu nedenle Hırbe Helale nekropol alanında Geç Roma Dönemi ve Bizans Dönemi’ne tarihlenen cam buluntuların ortaya çıkarılması, kentin sosyal yaşamının bir parçası olan cam kap formları hakkında detaylı verilere ulaşmamızı sağlaması açısından önem arz etmektedir.


  • Akad, Yücel- Fıratlı, Nezih- Kocabaş, Hüseyin. (1984). Hüseyin Kocabaş Koleksiyonu Cam Eserler Kataloğu. İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Antonaras, Anastassios C. (2006). Glass Vessels from Roman and Early-Christian Thessaloniki and its Surroundings (1st century BC-6th century AD). AIHV-17, 74-79.
  • Antonaras, Anastassios C. (2007). Early Christian Glass Finds from the Museum Basilica, Philippi. JGS49, 47-56.
  • Antonaras, Anastassios C. (2009). Old and recent finds of Byzantine glass from Northern Greece. Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society-25, 83-101.
  • Antonaras, Anastassios C. (2014). An early Christian glass workshop at 45, Vasileos Irakleiou Street in the centre of Thessaloniki. Neighbours and Successors of Rome: Traditions of Glass Production and Use in Europe and the Middle East in the Later First Millennium AD, 95-113.
  • Barkoczi, Laszlo. (1996). Antike Glaser, Monumenta Antiquitatis Extra Fines Hungariae Reperta Quae in Museo Artium Hungarico Aliisque Museis et Collectionibus:5 (Bibliotheca Archeologica), L’Erma di Bretschneider. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider.
  • Biser, Benjamin Franklin. (1899). Elements of Glass and Glass Making. Pittsburg: Glass and Pottery Publications.
  • Canav, Üzlifat. (1985). Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları AŞ. Cam Eserler Koleksiyonu, İstanbul: TŞCF A.Ş Belge ve Bilgi Merkezi Basımevi.
  • Canav Özgümüş, Üzlifat. (2009). Late Roman/Early Byzantine Glass From the Marmaray Rescue Excavation at Sirkeci, İstanbul. Late Roman/Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 17-24.
  • Clarke, Graeme W. (2011). Jebel Khalid Fieldwork Report 2009/2010. Mediterranean Archaeology-24, 131-182.
  • Clarke, Graeme W. (2013). Jebel Khalid Fieldwork Report 2009-2010. (Ed. J. Paul Descoeudres). Mediterranean Archaeology-24.
  • Cline, Eric H. (1998). “Roman Glass: Reflections on Cultural Change”, Near Eastern Archeology Vol.61, No.1, 67.
  • Crowfoot, Grace M.- Harden, Donald B. (1931). Early Byzantine and later glass lamps. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 17 (1), 196-208.
  • Consy, Peter- Hanut, Frederic. (2003). Black Glass of Second to Third-Century Date in Northern Gaul: a Preliminary Survey. ANNALES Du 16. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre, London.113-118.
  • Çakmaklı, Ömür Dünya. - Taştemür, Emre. (2015). A Comparatıve Investıgatıon Of The Glass Vessels And Objects From Eastern Thracıan And Lydıan Tumulı In The Lıght Of The Düğüncülü And Güre Fınds. ANNALES Du 20. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre, Switzerland/ Romond: 116-123.
  • Çömezoğlu, Öykü. (2010). Demre Aziz Nikolas Kilisesi’nden Günlük Kullanım İşlevli Cam Eserler. Bizans ve Çevre Kültürler Prof. Dr. S. Yıldız Ötüken’e Armağan (Ed. S. Doğan- M. Kadiroğlu) Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 136-157.
  • Davison, Sandra. (1989) Conservation and Restoration of Glass, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain.
  • Foy, Danielle- Price, Marie- Fontaine, S. (2003). La Circulation du verre en Mediterrance au debut du IIIc Sieele: le termoignage de I’epave Ouest Embiez I dans le sud de la France (fouilles 2001-2003). ANNALES Du 16. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre. London.
  • Gençler Güray, Çiğdem. (2010). Soli-Pompeeopolis Antik Kenti (Mersin-Mezitli) Cam Bulguları. CAMGERAN Uluslararası Katılımlı ve Uygulamalı Cam Sempozyumu, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, s. 141-146.
  • Goldstein, Sidney M. (1979). Pre-Roman and Eary Roman Glass in the Corning Museum of Glass Corning, New York.
  • Gorin Rosen, Yael. (2010). The Islamic Glass Vessels. O. Gutfeld. Ramla: Final Reports on the Excavations North of the White Mosque (Qedem 51). Jerusalem, s. 213-264.
  • Gorin Rosen, Yael. - Winter, Tamar. (2010). Selected insights into Byzantine glass in the Holy Land. In Glass in Byzantium: Production, Usage, Analyses (International Workshop Organised by the Byzantine Archaeology Mainz, 17th–18th of January 2008). s. 165-181.
  • Gorin Rosen, Yael. - Katsnelson, Natalya. (2007). Local Glass Production in the Late Roman–Early Byzantine Periods in Light of the Glass Finds from Khirbat el-Ni‘ana.‘. Atiqot, S: 57, s. 73-154.
  • Grossmann, Richard A. (2002). Ancient Glass a Guide to the Yale Collection, Yale Universty Art Gallery, New Haven.
  • Gürler, Binnur. (2000). Tire Müzesi Cam Eserleri, Ankara.
  • Hak, Selim Abdul. (1965). Contribution d'une découverte archéologique récente à l'étude de la verrerie syrienne à l'époque romaine. Journal of Glass Studies, S. 7, s. 26-34.
  • Hanar, Elif. (2018). Diyarbakır Müzesi’ndeki Cam Kaplar, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Hayes, John W. (1975). Roman and Pre-Roman Glass in the Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto: The Museum.
  • Harden, Donald B. (1934). “The Glass of the Greeks and Romans” Greece and Rome Vol.3, No.9, 140-149.
  • Hazinedar Coşkun, Tümay. (2013). Kadıkalesinde Cam Üretimi. (Ed. Mercangöz Z.) Bizanslı Ustalar-Latin Patronlar/Byzantine Craftsmen-Latin Patrons. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları.
  • Hazinedar Coşkun, Tümay. (2018). Kuşadası, Kadıkalesi/Anaia Bizans Cam Bilezikleri: Anaia Üretimi Bileziklerin Yapımına İlişkin Gözlemler. Kültür Envanteri C. 16.
  • Honey, William Boeyer. (1945). Wictoria and Albert Museum Glass a Handbook for the Study of Glass Vessels off All Periods on Centuries & a Guide to the Museum Collection, London.
  • Höpken, Constanze. (2010). Glass in der Kommagene-Funde aus der Felsnekropolevon Perrhe”, Glass in Byzantium Production, Usage, Analyses, RGZM Tagunen, Band-8.
  • Isings, Clasina. (1957). Roman Glass from Dated Finds, Goringen: Djakarta.
  • Isings, Clasina. (1971). Roman Glass in Limburg. Goringen: Wolters-Nordhodoff.
  • Israeli, Yael. (2003). What did Jerusalem’s First-Century BCE Glass Workshop Produce? ANNALES Du 16. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre, London, 54-57.
  • Israeli, Yael. (2008). The Glass Vessels. Archeological Excavations at Ceasarea Maritima Areas CC, KK and NN Final Reports, 1 (7), 363-418.
  • Kodaş, Ergül- Genç, Bülent – Lebedan Kodaş, Charlotte- İpek, Bahattin- Erdoğan, Nihat. (2018). Hırbe Helale Nekropol alanı 2018 Yılı Kazıları. Artuklu İnsan ve Toplum Bilim Dergisi, 3 (2), 82-87.
  • Lancel, Serge. (1967). Verreie Antique de Tipasa, Paris: E. De Boccard.
  • Lightfoot, Christopher S. (1989). Afyon Müzesi Cam Eserler Kataloğu, England: Oxford Bar.
  • Lightfoot, Christopher S. (2017). The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Art: Ancient Glass. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Marson, Percival. (1919). Glass and Glass Manfacture. London: Glass Manufacturers Federation.
  • Matheson, Susan B. (1980). Ancient Glass in the Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven: Yale Universtiy Art Gallery.
  • Meyer, Carol. (1992). Glass from Quseir Al-Qadim and Indian Ocean Trade. Studies in Ancient Oriental Cvilization, Cap.2, (Ed. Thomas A. Holland & Thomas G. Urban), Chicago.
  • Oliver, Jr. Andrew. (1980). Ancient Glass in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Pittsburg: Carnegie Institute.
  • Özgümüş, Üzlifat. (2000). Anadolu Camcılığı, İstanbul: Pera Yayıncılık.
  • Özgümüş Üzlifat. (2009). Byzantine Glass Finds in the Roman Theater at İznik (Nicea). Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2), 727-735.
  • Prikhodkine, B. D. (2003). LaVerre Romain D’eretrie Eube (Grece). ANNALES Du 16. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre, London, 94-100.
  • Saldern, A Von. (1962). Glass from Sardis. American Journal of Archaeology-66 (1), 5-12.
  • Saldern, A Von. (1980). Ancient and Byzantine glass from Sardis. Archeological Exploration of Sardis. The Corning Museums of Glass. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Spaer, Maud. (1988). M.Spaer, “The Pre-Islamic Glass Bracelets of Palestine”, JGS 30, 1988, 51-61.
  • Spaer, Maud. (2001). Ancient Glass in the Israel Museum: Beads and Other Objects. Jerusalem.
  • Stern, E. Marianne. (1977). Ancient Glass at the Fondation Custodia (Collection Frits Lugt), Utrecht, Paris.
  • Tait, Hugh. (1991). Five Thousand Years of Glass. London: British Museum Publications.
  • Vessberg, Olof. (1952). Roman Glass in Cyprus. Opuscula Archeologica, 7, 65-109.
  • Weinberg, Gladys Davidson. (1962). Evidence for Glass Manufacture in Ancient Thessaly. AJA-66, 129- 133.
  • Weinberg, Gladys Davidson- McClellan, Murray C. (1992). Glass Vessels in Ancient Greece, Archaeological Reeipts Fund, Athens.
  • Weinberg, Gladys Davidson- Stern, E. Marianne. (2009). The Athenian Agora. Vessel Glass, 34, New Jersey.
  • Whitehouse, David. (2001). Roman Glass in the Corning Museum of Glass II. New York.

Mardin Artuklu University Hırbe Halale Necropols Glass Finds (2010-2011 and 2018 Excavations)

Year 2021, Issue: 71, 401 - 417, 15.05.2021


Hırbe Helale necropolis area is located on the borders of Artuklu, a town in Mardin province and Mardin Artuklu University Campus area, which is 6 km away from the city centre on the highway to Diyarbakir province. Three excavations were carried out in 2010, 2011 and 2018 in this area, and it is registered as a Third Degree Archaeological site. The excavations were carried out on the northeast of the parking lot of Mardin Artuklu University Faculty of Fine Arts. During the excavations, numerous finds which were produced by using stone, terracotta, metal and glass materials were found, and these finds date to different periods such as the Paleolithic Period, the Late Roman Period, the Byzantine Period and the Artukid Period. The samples included in the scope of the study consist of profile bowl fragments, oil lamp fragments, goblet fragments, stirring stick fragments, game stones and bracelets selected from glass materials unearthed in Hırbe Helale necropolis area in 2010, 2011 and 2018. This study aims to reach the first scientific data on glass materials unearthed during these excavations. The mentioned materials were evaluated typologically and chronologically in the light of the parallel straits that were determined as a result of the general stratigraphy of Hırbe Helale necropolis area and literature research. The parallel samples determined as a result of the literature research and excavation data revealed that the glass finds originate from the Late Roman and Byzantine Period. For this reason, the detection of glass finds dating to the Roman and Byzantine Periods in Hırbe Helale necropolis area is important in terms of providing detailed information about the glass container forms that were an essential part of the social life of the city.


  • Akad, Yücel- Fıratlı, Nezih- Kocabaş, Hüseyin. (1984). Hüseyin Kocabaş Koleksiyonu Cam Eserler Kataloğu. İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Antonaras, Anastassios C. (2006). Glass Vessels from Roman and Early-Christian Thessaloniki and its Surroundings (1st century BC-6th century AD). AIHV-17, 74-79.
  • Antonaras, Anastassios C. (2007). Early Christian Glass Finds from the Museum Basilica, Philippi. JGS49, 47-56.
  • Antonaras, Anastassios C. (2009). Old and recent finds of Byzantine glass from Northern Greece. Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society-25, 83-101.
  • Antonaras, Anastassios C. (2014). An early Christian glass workshop at 45, Vasileos Irakleiou Street in the centre of Thessaloniki. Neighbours and Successors of Rome: Traditions of Glass Production and Use in Europe and the Middle East in the Later First Millennium AD, 95-113.
  • Barkoczi, Laszlo. (1996). Antike Glaser, Monumenta Antiquitatis Extra Fines Hungariae Reperta Quae in Museo Artium Hungarico Aliisque Museis et Collectionibus:5 (Bibliotheca Archeologica), L’Erma di Bretschneider. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider.
  • Biser, Benjamin Franklin. (1899). Elements of Glass and Glass Making. Pittsburg: Glass and Pottery Publications.
  • Canav, Üzlifat. (1985). Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları AŞ. Cam Eserler Koleksiyonu, İstanbul: TŞCF A.Ş Belge ve Bilgi Merkezi Basımevi.
  • Canav Özgümüş, Üzlifat. (2009). Late Roman/Early Byzantine Glass From the Marmaray Rescue Excavation at Sirkeci, İstanbul. Late Roman/Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 17-24.
  • Clarke, Graeme W. (2011). Jebel Khalid Fieldwork Report 2009/2010. Mediterranean Archaeology-24, 131-182.
  • Clarke, Graeme W. (2013). Jebel Khalid Fieldwork Report 2009-2010. (Ed. J. Paul Descoeudres). Mediterranean Archaeology-24.
  • Cline, Eric H. (1998). “Roman Glass: Reflections on Cultural Change”, Near Eastern Archeology Vol.61, No.1, 67.
  • Crowfoot, Grace M.- Harden, Donald B. (1931). Early Byzantine and later glass lamps. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 17 (1), 196-208.
  • Consy, Peter- Hanut, Frederic. (2003). Black Glass of Second to Third-Century Date in Northern Gaul: a Preliminary Survey. ANNALES Du 16. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre, London.113-118.
  • Çakmaklı, Ömür Dünya. - Taştemür, Emre. (2015). A Comparatıve Investıgatıon Of The Glass Vessels And Objects From Eastern Thracıan And Lydıan Tumulı In The Lıght Of The Düğüncülü And Güre Fınds. ANNALES Du 20. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre, Switzerland/ Romond: 116-123.
  • Çömezoğlu, Öykü. (2010). Demre Aziz Nikolas Kilisesi’nden Günlük Kullanım İşlevli Cam Eserler. Bizans ve Çevre Kültürler Prof. Dr. S. Yıldız Ötüken’e Armağan (Ed. S. Doğan- M. Kadiroğlu) Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 136-157.
  • Davison, Sandra. (1989) Conservation and Restoration of Glass, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain.
  • Foy, Danielle- Price, Marie- Fontaine, S. (2003). La Circulation du verre en Mediterrance au debut du IIIc Sieele: le termoignage de I’epave Ouest Embiez I dans le sud de la France (fouilles 2001-2003). ANNALES Du 16. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre. London.
  • Gençler Güray, Çiğdem. (2010). Soli-Pompeeopolis Antik Kenti (Mersin-Mezitli) Cam Bulguları. CAMGERAN Uluslararası Katılımlı ve Uygulamalı Cam Sempozyumu, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, s. 141-146.
  • Goldstein, Sidney M. (1979). Pre-Roman and Eary Roman Glass in the Corning Museum of Glass Corning, New York.
  • Gorin Rosen, Yael. (2010). The Islamic Glass Vessels. O. Gutfeld. Ramla: Final Reports on the Excavations North of the White Mosque (Qedem 51). Jerusalem, s. 213-264.
  • Gorin Rosen, Yael. - Winter, Tamar. (2010). Selected insights into Byzantine glass in the Holy Land. In Glass in Byzantium: Production, Usage, Analyses (International Workshop Organised by the Byzantine Archaeology Mainz, 17th–18th of January 2008). s. 165-181.
  • Gorin Rosen, Yael. - Katsnelson, Natalya. (2007). Local Glass Production in the Late Roman–Early Byzantine Periods in Light of the Glass Finds from Khirbat el-Ni‘ana.‘. Atiqot, S: 57, s. 73-154.
  • Grossmann, Richard A. (2002). Ancient Glass a Guide to the Yale Collection, Yale Universty Art Gallery, New Haven.
  • Gürler, Binnur. (2000). Tire Müzesi Cam Eserleri, Ankara.
  • Hak, Selim Abdul. (1965). Contribution d'une découverte archéologique récente à l'étude de la verrerie syrienne à l'époque romaine. Journal of Glass Studies, S. 7, s. 26-34.
  • Hanar, Elif. (2018). Diyarbakır Müzesi’ndeki Cam Kaplar, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Hayes, John W. (1975). Roman and Pre-Roman Glass in the Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto: The Museum.
  • Harden, Donald B. (1934). “The Glass of the Greeks and Romans” Greece and Rome Vol.3, No.9, 140-149.
  • Hazinedar Coşkun, Tümay. (2013). Kadıkalesinde Cam Üretimi. (Ed. Mercangöz Z.) Bizanslı Ustalar-Latin Patronlar/Byzantine Craftsmen-Latin Patrons. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları.
  • Hazinedar Coşkun, Tümay. (2018). Kuşadası, Kadıkalesi/Anaia Bizans Cam Bilezikleri: Anaia Üretimi Bileziklerin Yapımına İlişkin Gözlemler. Kültür Envanteri C. 16.
  • Honey, William Boeyer. (1945). Wictoria and Albert Museum Glass a Handbook for the Study of Glass Vessels off All Periods on Centuries & a Guide to the Museum Collection, London.
  • Höpken, Constanze. (2010). Glass in der Kommagene-Funde aus der Felsnekropolevon Perrhe”, Glass in Byzantium Production, Usage, Analyses, RGZM Tagunen, Band-8.
  • Isings, Clasina. (1957). Roman Glass from Dated Finds, Goringen: Djakarta.
  • Isings, Clasina. (1971). Roman Glass in Limburg. Goringen: Wolters-Nordhodoff.
  • Israeli, Yael. (2003). What did Jerusalem’s First-Century BCE Glass Workshop Produce? ANNALES Du 16. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre, London, 54-57.
  • Israeli, Yael. (2008). The Glass Vessels. Archeological Excavations at Ceasarea Maritima Areas CC, KK and NN Final Reports, 1 (7), 363-418.
  • Kodaş, Ergül- Genç, Bülent – Lebedan Kodaş, Charlotte- İpek, Bahattin- Erdoğan, Nihat. (2018). Hırbe Helale Nekropol alanı 2018 Yılı Kazıları. Artuklu İnsan ve Toplum Bilim Dergisi, 3 (2), 82-87.
  • Lancel, Serge. (1967). Verreie Antique de Tipasa, Paris: E. De Boccard.
  • Lightfoot, Christopher S. (1989). Afyon Müzesi Cam Eserler Kataloğu, England: Oxford Bar.
  • Lightfoot, Christopher S. (2017). The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Art: Ancient Glass. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Marson, Percival. (1919). Glass and Glass Manfacture. London: Glass Manufacturers Federation.
  • Matheson, Susan B. (1980). Ancient Glass in the Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven: Yale Universtiy Art Gallery.
  • Meyer, Carol. (1992). Glass from Quseir Al-Qadim and Indian Ocean Trade. Studies in Ancient Oriental Cvilization, Cap.2, (Ed. Thomas A. Holland & Thomas G. Urban), Chicago.
  • Oliver, Jr. Andrew. (1980). Ancient Glass in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Pittsburg: Carnegie Institute.
  • Özgümüş, Üzlifat. (2000). Anadolu Camcılığı, İstanbul: Pera Yayıncılık.
  • Özgümüş Üzlifat. (2009). Byzantine Glass Finds in the Roman Theater at İznik (Nicea). Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2), 727-735.
  • Prikhodkine, B. D. (2003). LaVerre Romain D’eretrie Eube (Grece). ANNALES Du 16. Congress De 1’Association Internationale Pour 1’Hıstoıre Du Verre, London, 94-100.
  • Saldern, A Von. (1962). Glass from Sardis. American Journal of Archaeology-66 (1), 5-12.
  • Saldern, A Von. (1980). Ancient and Byzantine glass from Sardis. Archeological Exploration of Sardis. The Corning Museums of Glass. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Spaer, Maud. (1988). M.Spaer, “The Pre-Islamic Glass Bracelets of Palestine”, JGS 30, 1988, 51-61.
  • Spaer, Maud. (2001). Ancient Glass in the Israel Museum: Beads and Other Objects. Jerusalem.
  • Stern, E. Marianne. (1977). Ancient Glass at the Fondation Custodia (Collection Frits Lugt), Utrecht, Paris.
  • Tait, Hugh. (1991). Five Thousand Years of Glass. London: British Museum Publications.
  • Vessberg, Olof. (1952). Roman Glass in Cyprus. Opuscula Archeologica, 7, 65-109.
  • Weinberg, Gladys Davidson. (1962). Evidence for Glass Manufacture in Ancient Thessaly. AJA-66, 129- 133.
  • Weinberg, Gladys Davidson- McClellan, Murray C. (1992). Glass Vessels in Ancient Greece, Archaeological Reeipts Fund, Athens.
  • Weinberg, Gladys Davidson- Stern, E. Marianne. (2009). The Athenian Agora. Vessel Glass, 34, New Jersey.
  • Whitehouse, David. (2001). Roman Glass in the Corning Museum of Glass II. New York.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Elif Hanar This is me 0000-0003-3458-529X

Publication Date May 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 71


APA Hanar, E. (2021). Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi-Hırbe Helale Nekropolu Cam Buluntuları (2010, 2011, 2018 Yılı Kazıları). Journal of Turkish Research Institute(71), 401-417.