Research Article
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Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates

Year 2021, , 128 - 138, 29.05.2021


The efficiency expected from any pesticide depends largely on the type of plant protection machine used in spraying and the operating parameters of the selected machine. Today, sprayers with different spraying wing width are widely used in field spraying. Especially with field sprayers with large working widths, it is difficult to work at high spraying speeds due to the wing width and wing weight. In this study, wingless field sprayer effectiveness was evaluated. Occasionally for spraying instead of sprayers with standard type field spraying booms, the field sprayers with commercial name Electropar, which are operated with high pressure and with oscillating nozzles are used. Since the sprayer has no wings, it can spray at high tractor speeds. optimum working width of this sprayer, pestisit distribution uniformity on a horizontal surface, etc. Its parameters are unknown. In this study, the optimum working width provided by the sprayer at different operating pressures and nozzle oscillation rates, and volumetric fluid distribution throughout the working width and optimum working parameters were determined. The three different working pressures (1, 2 and 3 MPa) and the transverse volumetric fluid distribution of the three jet nozzle units moving in opposite directions relative to each other on a horizontal ground at two oscillations (44 and 60 rpm) were determined by a portable patternator. Operation of the high-pressure cone jet nozzle unit at 1 MPa pressure and 60 rpm oscillating speeds provided a more uniform transverse distribution than other operating parameters. The increase in operating pressure caused an increase in the volume of fluid accumulated in the patternator's grooves at the same working height and sampling distance. The optimum working width, depending on the operating conditions specified by the boomless sprayer, varied between 11.20 and 12.80 m depending on the spray unit oscillating speed and spray pressure.


  • Anonymous, 2017. Equipment for crop protection-Spraying equipment. Part 2: Test methods of to assess the horizontal transverse distribution for hydraulic sprayers, International Standard ISO 5682-2:2017 (3): 10.
  • Anonymous, 2020. Elektrojet tarla (sebze, tahıl vb) ilaçlama modeli. (Accessed Date: 3 April 2020).
  • Anthonis, J., Ramon, H., 2003. Design of an active suspension to suppress the horizontal vibrations of a spray boom. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 266 (3): 573-583.
  • Armonk, NY., 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows.
  • Debouche, C., Huyghebaert, B., Mostade. O., 2000. Simulated and measured coefficients of variation for the spray distribution under a static spray boom. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 76 (4): 381-388.
  • Ergül, İ., Dursun. E., 2003. The effect of pesticides distribution patterns on the wounds of conical spray nozzle made from different materials. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9 (3): 278-283.
  • Foqué, D., Pieters, J.G., Nuyttens, D., 2012. Spray deposition and distribution in a bay laurel crop as affected by nozzle type, air assistance and spray direction when using vertical spray booms. Crop Protection, 41: 77-87.
  • Gomes, F.P., 2009. Curso de estatística experimental. 15nth edn. Piracicaba, Esalq, 477 p.
  • Göhlich, H., 1985. Deposition and penetration of sprays. Symposium on Application and Biology, BCPC monogram. 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, Dynamics for Sustainable Engineering, 5-8 December 2011, Hong Kong, 28: pp: 172-182.
  • Halliday, D., Resnick, R., Walker, J., 2017. Fundamentals of physics. Wiley, 11th edition ISBN-10: 1119460158, 672.
  • Harrell, J., 2003. Laboratory sprayer hardware and spray distribution. (Accessed Date: 14 October 2018).
  • Itmec, M., Bayat, A., 2019. Modal analysis of different boom designs of field sprayers with a CAD Program. 1st International Congress on Biosystems Engineering (ICOBEN2019), 24-27 September 2019, Antakya, Hatay, pp: 121-126.
  • Lardoux, Y., Sinfort, C., Enfalt, P., Sevila. F., 2007. Test method for boom suspension influence on spray distribution, Part I: Experimental study of pesticide application under a moving boom. Biosystems Engineering, 96 (1): 29-39.
  • Ooms, D., Lebeau, F., Ruter, R., Destain, F., 2002. Measurements of the horizontal sprayer boom movements by sensor data fusion. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 33: 139-162.
  • Özkan, H.E., Ackerman, K.D., 1992. An automated computerized spray pattern analysis system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 8 (3): 325-331.
  • Sinfort, C., Herbst, A., 1996. Evaluation of the quality of spray distribution from boom sprayers in practical conditions. EPPO Bulletin, 26: 27-36.
  • Tücer, A., 2008. Elektro-jet ilaçlama makinası ile pamuk alanlarında yapılan ilaçlamalarda hedef ve hedef dışı alanlardaki ilaç dağılımının saptanması. Celal Bayar Universty Journal of Science, 4 (2): 169-178.
  • Xie, Y., Gao, S., Eslamian, M., 2015. Fundamental study on the effect of spray parameters on characteristics of P3HT: PCBM active layers made by spray coating. Coatings, 5: 488-510.

Kolsuz Salınımlı Tarla Pülverizatörünün Farklı Püskürtme Basınçlarında ve Salınım Hızlarında Performans Değerlendirmesi

Year 2021, , 128 - 138, 29.05.2021


Herhangi bir tarım ilacından beklenen etkinlik, büyük oranda pülverizasyonda kullanılan bitki koruma makinası çeşidine ve seçilen makinanın işletme parametrelerine bağlı olarak değişmektedir. Günümüzde tarla ilaçlamalarında yaygın olarak farklı ilaçlama kanat genişliğine sahip tarla pülverizatörleri kullanılmaktadır. Özellikle büyük iş genişliği olan geniş ve ağır kanatlara sahip tarla pülverizatörleri ile yüksek ilaçlama hızlarında çalışmak zorlaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kanatsız tarla pülverizatörü etkinliği değerlendirilmiştir. Zaman zaman pülverizasyon için standart tip tarla pülverizatörleri yerine, yüksek basınçlı ve salınımlı memelerle çalışan Elektropar ticari adlı tarla pülverizatörleri kullanılır. Kanadı olmadığı için yüksek traktör hızlarında püskürtme yapabilir. Bu pülverizatörün optimum çalışma genişliği, yatay bir yüzeyde yaptığı pestisit dağılımının homojenliği, vb. parametreleri bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada, farklı çalışma basınçlarında ve salınım hızlarında pülverizatörün sağladığı optimum çalışma genişliği ve çalışma genişliği boyunca hacimsel sıvı dağılımı ve optimum çalışma parametreleri belirlenmiştir. Yatay bir zeminde birbirine göre zıt yönlerde hareket eden üç jet meme ünitesinin iki salınımlı (44 ve 60 rpm) üç farklı çalışma basıncı (1, 2 ve 3 MPa) ve enine hacimsel sıvı dağılımı taşınabilir bir paternatör tarafından belirlenmiştir. Yüksek basınçlı konik jet meme ünitesinin 1 MPa basınçta ve 60 rpm salınım hızında çalışması, diğer çalışma parametrelerine göre daha düzgün bir enine dağılım sağlamıştır. Çalışma basıncındaki artış, aynı çalışma yüksekliği ve örnekleme mesafesinde paternatörün oluklarında sıvı birikimi hacminde artışa neden olmuştur. Kolsuz pülverizatör tarafından belirlenen çalışma koşullarına bağlı olarak optimum çalışma genişliği, püskürtme ünitesinin salınım hızı ve püskürtme basıncına bağlı olarak 11.20 ile 12.80 m arasında değişmiştir.


  • Anonymous, 2017. Equipment for crop protection-Spraying equipment. Part 2: Test methods of to assess the horizontal transverse distribution for hydraulic sprayers, International Standard ISO 5682-2:2017 (3): 10.
  • Anonymous, 2020. Elektrojet tarla (sebze, tahıl vb) ilaçlama modeli. (Accessed Date: 3 April 2020).
  • Anthonis, J., Ramon, H., 2003. Design of an active suspension to suppress the horizontal vibrations of a spray boom. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 266 (3): 573-583.
  • Armonk, NY., 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows.
  • Debouche, C., Huyghebaert, B., Mostade. O., 2000. Simulated and measured coefficients of variation for the spray distribution under a static spray boom. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 76 (4): 381-388.
  • Ergül, İ., Dursun. E., 2003. The effect of pesticides distribution patterns on the wounds of conical spray nozzle made from different materials. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9 (3): 278-283.
  • Foqué, D., Pieters, J.G., Nuyttens, D., 2012. Spray deposition and distribution in a bay laurel crop as affected by nozzle type, air assistance and spray direction when using vertical spray booms. Crop Protection, 41: 77-87.
  • Gomes, F.P., 2009. Curso de estatística experimental. 15nth edn. Piracicaba, Esalq, 477 p.
  • Göhlich, H., 1985. Deposition and penetration of sprays. Symposium on Application and Biology, BCPC monogram. 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, Dynamics for Sustainable Engineering, 5-8 December 2011, Hong Kong, 28: pp: 172-182.
  • Halliday, D., Resnick, R., Walker, J., 2017. Fundamentals of physics. Wiley, 11th edition ISBN-10: 1119460158, 672.
  • Harrell, J., 2003. Laboratory sprayer hardware and spray distribution. (Accessed Date: 14 October 2018).
  • Itmec, M., Bayat, A., 2019. Modal analysis of different boom designs of field sprayers with a CAD Program. 1st International Congress on Biosystems Engineering (ICOBEN2019), 24-27 September 2019, Antakya, Hatay, pp: 121-126.
  • Lardoux, Y., Sinfort, C., Enfalt, P., Sevila. F., 2007. Test method for boom suspension influence on spray distribution, Part I: Experimental study of pesticide application under a moving boom. Biosystems Engineering, 96 (1): 29-39.
  • Ooms, D., Lebeau, F., Ruter, R., Destain, F., 2002. Measurements of the horizontal sprayer boom movements by sensor data fusion. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 33: 139-162.
  • Özkan, H.E., Ackerman, K.D., 1992. An automated computerized spray pattern analysis system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 8 (3): 325-331.
  • Sinfort, C., Herbst, A., 1996. Evaluation of the quality of spray distribution from boom sprayers in practical conditions. EPPO Bulletin, 26: 27-36.
  • Tücer, A., 2008. Elektro-jet ilaçlama makinası ile pamuk alanlarında yapılan ilaçlamalarda hedef ve hedef dışı alanlardaki ilaç dağılımının saptanması. Celal Bayar Universty Journal of Science, 4 (2): 169-178.
  • Xie, Y., Gao, S., Eslamian, M., 2015. Fundamental study on the effect of spray parameters on characteristics of P3HT: PCBM active layers made by spray coating. Coatings, 5: 488-510.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section ARAŞTIRMALAR

Muhammed Cemal Toraman 0000-0003-0726-7915

Ali Bayat 0000-0002-7104-9544

Medet İtmeç 0000-0003-0714-6232

Publication Date May 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Toraman, M. C., Bayat, A., & İtmeç, M. (2021). Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 52(2), 128-138.
AMA Toraman MC, Bayat A, İtmeç M. Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. May 2021;52(2):128-138. doi:10.17097/ataunizfd.769745
Chicago Toraman, Muhammed Cemal, Ali Bayat, and Medet İtmeç. “Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 52, no. 2 (May 2021): 128-38.
EndNote Toraman MC, Bayat A, İtmeç M (May 1, 2021) Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 52 2 128–138.
IEEE M. C. Toraman, A. Bayat, and M. İtmeç, “Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 128–138, 2021, doi: 10.17097/ataunizfd.769745.
ISNAD Toraman, Muhammed Cemal et al. “Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 52/2 (May 2021), 128-138.
JAMA Toraman MC, Bayat A, İtmeç M. Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;52:128–138.
MLA Toraman, Muhammed Cemal et al. “Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 52, no. 2, 2021, pp. 128-3, doi:10.17097/ataunizfd.769745.
Vancouver Toraman MC, Bayat A, İtmeç M. Performance Evaluation of a Boomless Oscillating Field Sprayer at Different Spraying Pressures and Oscillating Rates. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;52(2):128-3.

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