Süt Sığırlarında Çok Özellikli Model Kullanılarak Farklı Laktasyonlara İlişkin Ölçüm Günü Süt Verimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2005,
Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 171 - 177, 10.01.2011
Serhat Arslan
Galip Bakır
Tekrarlanan ölçümler için çok değişkenli model yaklaşımında genel bir birey model tanımlaması kullanılmıştır. Genotipik ve
fenotipik varyans-kovaryanslar için tanımlanan matrisin tekil olması nedeniyle akrabalı ilişkiler için tanımlanan matrisin
genelleştirilmiş tersi karışık model eşitliklerinde kullanılmıştır. Bu tanımlama simulasyon tekniği ile elde edilen bir veri setine
uygulanmıştır. Süt sığırlarında laktasyon verimleri için 3 özellik bakımından sınıflandırılan veri setine 4 farklı modelin uyumu
yapılarak elde edilen varyans-kovaryans unsurları ve kalıtım dereceleri, gerçek değerlerle ve seleksiyon indeksiyle ilişkilerine göre
karşılaştırılmıştır. Tanımlanan 4 model için 3 özelliğin tanımlandığı veri setinde bu kriterler bakımından tekrarlanabilen modellerin
en iyi sonucu verdiği belirlenmiştir.
- Dekkers, J.C.M., Ten Hag J.H. ve Weersink, A., 1998. Economic aspect of persistency of lactation in dairy cattle. Livest. Prod. Sci., 53: 237-252.
- Dempfle, L., 1982. Zuchtwertschatzung beim rind mit einer ausfürhrlichen darstellung der BLUP-Metod. Züchtungsbiol., 3. Hamburg; Berlin. Parey.
- Gilmour, A.R., 2000. Post blocking gone too far Recovery of information and spatial analyss in field experiments. Biometrics, 56: 944-946.
- Henderson, C.R, 1963. Selection index and expected genetic advance. Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. NAS-NRC- publication. 982, pp. 141-163.
- Henderson, C.R., 1973. Sire evaluation and genetic trend. Procedings of the Animal Breeding and Genetics Symposium Honor of J.L. Lush. Champaign, Illinois: ASAS u. ADSA, pp. 10-41.
- Henderson, C.R., 1975. Best Linear Unbiased Estimation and prediction under a selection model. Biometrics. 32: 432-447.
- Jamrozik, J., Jansen, G., Schaeffer, L.R. ve Liu, Z., 1998. Analysis of persistency of lactation calculated from a random regression test-day model. INTERBULL, Bulletin No: 17: 64-69.
- Meyer, K. ve Thompson, R., 1984. Bias in variance and covariance component estimators due to selection on a correlated traits. Z. Tierz. Zücht., 101: 33-50.
- Meyer, K., 1983. Scope for evaluating dairy sires using first and second lactation records. Livest. Prod. Sci., 10: 531-553.
- Quaas, R.L. ve Pollak, E.J., 1976. Computing the diagonal elements and inverse of a large numerator relationship matrix. Biometrics, 32: 949.
- Quass, R.L., ve Pollak, E.J., 1980. Mixed model methodology for farm and ranch beef cattle testing programs. J. Anim. Sci., 51: 1277-1287.
- Schulte-Coerne, H., 1983. Comparison of selection indices using repeatability models and multiple trait models. Madrid, 34th Annual Meeting of The EAAP, Polycopy.
- Searle, S.R., Casella, G. Ve Mc Culloch, C.E., 1992. Variance Components (In: Appendix M. Some Results in Matrix Algebra, p. 442-460). John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Ithaca, New York . 487p.
- Smith, S.P., ve Graser, H.U., 1986. Estimating variance components in a class of mixed models by restricted maximum likelihood. J. Dairy Sci., 69: 1156-1165.
- Van der Linde, R., Groen, A. ve Gerben, J., 1999. Estimation of genetic parameters for persistency of milk production in dairy milk cattle. Interbull Bulletin, no: 20, 1-4.
- Van Vleck, L.D. ve Dwyer, D.J., 1985. Successive overrelaxation, block iteration and method of conjugete gradients for solving equations for multiple trait evaluation of sires. J. Dairy Sci., 68: 760-767.
- Weller, J. I., Norman, H. D. ve Wiggans, G.R., 1984. Sire evaluations with parities as correlated traits and comparison with single trait evaluation. J. Dairy Sci., 67: 2010-2020.
Year 2005,
Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 171 - 177, 10.01.2011
Serhat Arslan
Galip Bakır
- Dekkers, J.C.M., Ten Hag J.H. ve Weersink, A., 1998. Economic aspect of persistency of lactation in dairy cattle. Livest. Prod. Sci., 53: 237-252.
- Dempfle, L., 1982. Zuchtwertschatzung beim rind mit einer ausfürhrlichen darstellung der BLUP-Metod. Züchtungsbiol., 3. Hamburg; Berlin. Parey.
- Gilmour, A.R., 2000. Post blocking gone too far Recovery of information and spatial analyss in field experiments. Biometrics, 56: 944-946.
- Henderson, C.R, 1963. Selection index and expected genetic advance. Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. NAS-NRC- publication. 982, pp. 141-163.
- Henderson, C.R., 1973. Sire evaluation and genetic trend. Procedings of the Animal Breeding and Genetics Symposium Honor of J.L. Lush. Champaign, Illinois: ASAS u. ADSA, pp. 10-41.
- Henderson, C.R., 1975. Best Linear Unbiased Estimation and prediction under a selection model. Biometrics. 32: 432-447.
- Jamrozik, J., Jansen, G., Schaeffer, L.R. ve Liu, Z., 1998. Analysis of persistency of lactation calculated from a random regression test-day model. INTERBULL, Bulletin No: 17: 64-69.
- Meyer, K. ve Thompson, R., 1984. Bias in variance and covariance component estimators due to selection on a correlated traits. Z. Tierz. Zücht., 101: 33-50.
- Meyer, K., 1983. Scope for evaluating dairy sires using first and second lactation records. Livest. Prod. Sci., 10: 531-553.
- Quaas, R.L. ve Pollak, E.J., 1976. Computing the diagonal elements and inverse of a large numerator relationship matrix. Biometrics, 32: 949.
- Quass, R.L., ve Pollak, E.J., 1980. Mixed model methodology for farm and ranch beef cattle testing programs. J. Anim. Sci., 51: 1277-1287.
- Schulte-Coerne, H., 1983. Comparison of selection indices using repeatability models and multiple trait models. Madrid, 34th Annual Meeting of The EAAP, Polycopy.
- Searle, S.R., Casella, G. Ve Mc Culloch, C.E., 1992. Variance Components (In: Appendix M. Some Results in Matrix Algebra, p. 442-460). John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Ithaca, New York . 487p.
- Smith, S.P., ve Graser, H.U., 1986. Estimating variance components in a class of mixed models by restricted maximum likelihood. J. Dairy Sci., 69: 1156-1165.
- Van der Linde, R., Groen, A. ve Gerben, J., 1999. Estimation of genetic parameters for persistency of milk production in dairy milk cattle. Interbull Bulletin, no: 20, 1-4.
- Van Vleck, L.D. ve Dwyer, D.J., 1985. Successive overrelaxation, block iteration and method of conjugete gradients for solving equations for multiple trait evaluation of sires. J. Dairy Sci., 68: 760-767.
- Weller, J. I., Norman, H. D. ve Wiggans, G.R., 1984. Sire evaluations with parities as correlated traits and comparison with single trait evaluation. J. Dairy Sci., 67: 2010-2020.