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Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı

Year 2005, Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 209 - 215, 10.01.2011


Günümüzde çoğu sebze üretim sistemi çevreye zarar verdiğinden sürdürülebilir değildir. Çoğunlukla ürünün hasadından
sonra çok fazla miktarda azot toprakta kalmaktadır. Bu miktar bir önceki ürüne uygulanan azottan artta kalan miktar ile bitki
kalıntısındaki miktarı kapsamaktadır. Bitkideki organik formdaki azot kaynaklarının mineralizasyonuna bağlı olarak, özellikle
kumlu topraklarda yağışın bol olduğu yerlerde yıkanma görülmektedir. Azotlu gübre ile toprağa uygulanan nitrat, yıkanma ile taban
suyu kalitesini, nitrous oksit emisyonu ile havanın kalitesini etkilemektedir. Beyaz lahana, soğan ve brüksel lahanasında üretim
sonrası toprakta kalan azot miktarı (20-75 kg N/ha) düşük olmasına karşın, ıspanak gibi olgunlaşmadan hasat edilen tarla
sebzelerinde bu miktar 200 kg N/ha’ın üzerindedir. Ispanak ve kereviz bitki artıkları 25-60 kg N/ha, karnabahar 80-120 kg N/ha,
beyaz lahana ve brüksel lahanası ise 150-250 kg N/ha azot içermektedir. Bu kalıntıların kıştan önce parçalanması halinde bitki
kalıntısındaki azot yıkanmakta ya da denitrifikasyona uğramaktadır. Yıkanma ve denitrifikasyon yoluyla olan azot kaybı simulasyon
modelleri ile tahmin edilebilmektedir. Ispanak ve pırasadan sonra yıkanan azotun 200 kg N/ha’ı geçtiği tahmin edilmektedir. Hem
azotun çevreye verdiği zararı azaltmak, hem de azotun kullanım etkinliğini artırmak için uygulanan azot bitkinin ihtiyacı ile uyumlu
olmalı ve yetiştirme dönemi dışındaki kayıpları azaltıcı yönde tedbirler alınmalıdır.


  • Anonymous, 1991. Protection of waters against pollution by nitrates from agriculture. Directive EEC/91 676.
  • Anonymous, 2002. FAO Tarım İstatistiği (
  • Barker, A. V., 1989. Genotypic responses of vegetable crops to nitrogen nutrition. Hort. Sci. 24: 256-261
  • Baggs, E. M., Rees, R.M., Smith, K.A. and Vinten, A.J.A., 2000. Nitrous Oxide Emission From Soils After Incorporating Crop Residues. Soil Use and Management 16: 82-87
  • Booij, R., Creuzer, A.D.H., Smit, A.L. and Van Der Werf, A., 1996. Effect of nitrogen availability on dry matter production, nitrogen uptake and light interception of brussels sprouts and leeks. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 44: 3-19
  • Bremier, T.,1982. Environmental factors and cultural measures effecting the nitrate content in spinach. Fert. Res., 3 (3): 191- 292
  • Byrnes, B. H., 1990. Environmental effects of N fertilizer use- An Overview, Fert. Res. 26: 209-215
  • Coşkan, A., Gök, M., Onaç, I., İnal, I. and Sağlamtimur, V., 2002. The effect of wheat straw, corn straw and tobacco residues on denitrification losses in a field planted with wheat. Turk J. Agric. For 26: 346-353
  • Davis, J. G., 1994. Managing plant nutrients for optimum water use efficiency and water consevation. Adv. in Agronomy. Vol.53: 85-112
  • Everaarts, A. P., De Moel, C.P. and Van Noordwijk, M., 1996. The effect of nitrogen fertilisation and the method of application on nitrogen uptake of cauliflower and on nitrogen in crop residues and soil at harvest. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 44: 43- 55
  • Fink, M., Feller, C., Scharpf, H. C., Weier, U., Maync, A., Ziegler, J., Paschold P.J. and Strohmeyer, K., 1998. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium contents of field vegetables. Enveg News, vol. 3 (
  • Goossensen, F.R. and Meeuwissen, P.C., 1990. Recommendations of the national committee on nitrogen. department of agricultural research (DLO), Wageningen
  • Grylls, J. P., 1988. Effect of nitrogen fertiliser type and nitrification inhibitor on the nitrate content of glasshouse lettuce. Acta Hort. 222: 189-191
  • Güler, S., 1998. Bazı azotlu gübrelerin marulda nitrat birikimi üzerine etkileri. II. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 28-30 Eylül 1998, Tokat, s. 247-251
  • Hatipoğlu, F., Alpaslan, M., Güneş, A., 1995. Türkiye’de gübre kullanımı ve çevre üzerine etkiler. Tr. J. of Agr. and Forestry 20:1-5
  • İlbeyi, A., Üstün, H., Ünlü K., ve Özenirler, G., 1997a. Nevşehir yöresinde azot yıkanmasının leachn modeliyle tahmini. Köy Hizm. Genel Md. APK Dairesi Bşk. Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Araştırma Şb. Md. Yayın No. 106, s 220-234
  • İlbeyi, A., Halitligil, B., ve Akın, A., 1997b. Nevşehir derinkuyu yöresinde azotlu gübrenin patates verimine etkisinin ve yeraltısuyu kirletme potansiyelinin 15N tekniği ile belirlenmesi. Köy Hizm. Ankara Arşt. Enst. Yayınları. Yayın No.208, Rapor Serisi No.114, Ankara
  • Jackson, L. E., Wyland, L.J. and Stiver, L.J., 1993. Winter cover crops to minimize nitrate losses in intensive lettuce production. J. Agr. Sci. (Camb.) 121: 55-62
  • Jarvis, S. C., 1993. Nitrogen cycling and losses from dairy farm. Soil Use and Management 9 (3): 99-105
  • Jurgens-Gschwind, S., 1989. Ground water nitrates in other developed countries (Europe)- relationships to land use patterns. In: Nitrogen Management and Ground Water Protection. Development in Agricultural and Managed Forest Ecology. Ed. R. F. Follet) 21: pp 75-138 Amsterdam: Elsevier
  • Locascio, S. J., Hochmuth, G.J., Rhoads, F.M., Olson, S.M., Smjstrla A.G. and Hanlo, E.A., 1997. Nitrogen and potassium application scheduling effects on drip-irrigated tomato yield and leaf tissue analysis. Hort. Sci. 32(2): 230-235
  • Lorentz, H. P., Schlaghecken, J., Engl, G., Maync, A. and Ziegler, J., 1989. Ordnungsgemasse stickoff versorgung im freiland gemüsebau- KNS System. Ministerium Für Landwirtschaft, Weinbau und Forsten Rheinland Pfalz, Mainz, 85 pp
  • Mengel, K., 1991. Available nitrogen in soils and its determination by the Nmin-method and by electroultrafiltration (EUF), Fert. Res. 28: 251-262
  • Miller, R. J., D. E. Rolston, R. S. Rauschkolb and D. W. Wolf, 1976. Drip application of Nitrogen is Efficient. Calif. Agr. 30(11): 16-18
  • Neeteson, J. J. and Wadman, W.P., 1991. Relationships between nitrogen fertilisation levels, yield of arable crops and outdoor vegetables, and the amount of residual soil mineral nitrogen, Nota 237. Research Institute for Soil Fertility, Haren.
  • Neeteson, J. J., 1994. Residual soil nitrate after application of nitrogen fertilizer to crops. In: D. C. Adriano, A. K. Iskander, and I. P. Murarka (Eds), Contamination of Groundwaters. Science reviews, Northwood, pp 347-365
  • Neeteson, J. J., 1995. Nitrogen management for intensively grown arable crops and field vegetables. In: P. E. Bacon (Ed.), Nitrogen Fertilisation in the Environment. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 295-325
  • Neeteson, J. J., Booij, R. and Whitmore, A.P., 1999. A review on sustainable nitrogen management in intensive vegetable production systems, Acta Hort. 506: 17-26
  • Nielsen, N. E. and Jensen, H.E., 1990. Nitrate leaching from loamy soils as affected by crop rotation and nitrogen fertiliser application. Fert. Res. 26: 197-207
  • Owen, T. R. and Jürgens-Gschwind, S., 1986. Nitrates in drinking water: a review, Fert. Res.10:3-25
  • Papadopoulos, I., 1988. Nitrogen fertigation of drip-irrigated potato. Fert. Res.16: 157-167
  • Peoples, M. B., Freney, J.R. and Mosier, A.R., 1995. Minimising gaseous losses of nitrogen. In: Bacon P. E. (Ed.) Nitrogen Fertilisation in The Environment. Marcel Dekker, New York, 565-602
  • Powlson, D. S., 1993. Understanding the soil nitrogen cycle. Soil Use and Management 9 (3): 86-94
  • Rahn, C. R., 2002. Management strategies to reduce nutrient losses from vegetable crops, Acta Hort. 571: 19-29
  • Rahn, C. R., Paterson, C.D. and Vaidyanathan, L.V., 1998. The Use of measurements of soil mineral N in understanding the response of crops to fertilizer nitrogen in intensive cropping rotations. J. Agr. Sci. (Camb.) 130: 345-356
  • Rahn, C. R., Greewood, D.J. and Draycott, A., 1996. Prediction of nitrogen fertilizer requirement with the HRI WELL-N computer model. In: O Van Cleemput, G. Hofman and A. Vermoesen (Eds.), Progress in Nitrogen Cycling Studies. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordecht, pp. 255-258
  • Rahn, C. R., Vaidyanathan, L.V. and Paterson, C.D., 1992. Nitrogen residues from brassica Crops. Aspect Appl. Biol. 30: 263-270
  • Roorda van Eysinga, J. P. N. L., 1984a. Nitrate in vegetables under protected cultivation. Acta Hort. 145: 251-256
  • Roorda van Eysinga, J. P. N. L., 1984b. Nitrate and glasshouse vegetables. Fert. Res. 5: 149-156
  • Schenk, M. K., 2000. Nitrogen use in vegetable crops in temperate climates. Hort. Review 22: 185-223
  • Shepherd, M. A. and Sylvester-Bradley, R., 1996. effect of nitrogen fertiliser applied to winter oilseed rape (brassica napus) on soil mineral nitrogen after harvest and on the response of a succeeding crop of winte wheat to nitrogen fertiliser. J. Agric. Sci. (Camb.) 126: 63-74
  • Shepherd, M. A., Davies, D.B. and Johnson, P.A., 1993. Minimizing nitrate losses from arable soils. Soil Use and Management 9 (3): 94-99
  • Smit, A. L., Booij, R. and Van Der Werf, A., 1996. The spatial and temporal rooting pattern of brussel sprouts and leeks. Neth. J. Agr. Sci. 44: 67-72
  • Sommer, K., 1991. Ammonium depotdüngung: grundlagen, stand der entwicklung, perspectiven. In: Umweltvertragliche Stickstoffdüngung bei Gartnerischen Nutzpflanzen. Forschungsberchte Heft 1, Landwirtschaftlichen Facultat der Rheinischen FriedrichWilhelms Univ., Bonn, pp. 6-40
  • Tei, F., Benincasa, P. and Guiducci, M., 1999. Nitrogen fertilisation on lettuce, processing tomato and sweet pepper: Yield, nitrogen uptake and the risk of nitrate leaching. Acta Hort. 506: 61-67
  • Wehrmann, J. and Scharpf, H.C., 1989. Reduction of nitrate leaching in a vegetable farm: fertilisation, crop rotation, plant residues: In: J. C. Germon (Ed.), Management Systems to Reduce Impact of Nitrates. Elsevier App. Sci., London, pp. 147-156
  • Whitmore, A. P. and Groot, J.J.R., 1994. The mineralization of N from finely or coarsely chopped crop residues: measurement and modelling. Eur. J. Agron. 3: 103-109
  • Whitmore, A. P., 1996. Modelling the release and loss of nitrogen after vegetable crops. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 44: 73-86.
Year 2005, Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 209 - 215, 10.01.2011



  • Anonymous, 1991. Protection of waters against pollution by nitrates from agriculture. Directive EEC/91 676.
  • Anonymous, 2002. FAO Tarım İstatistiği (
  • Barker, A. V., 1989. Genotypic responses of vegetable crops to nitrogen nutrition. Hort. Sci. 24: 256-261
  • Baggs, E. M., Rees, R.M., Smith, K.A. and Vinten, A.J.A., 2000. Nitrous Oxide Emission From Soils After Incorporating Crop Residues. Soil Use and Management 16: 82-87
  • Booij, R., Creuzer, A.D.H., Smit, A.L. and Van Der Werf, A., 1996. Effect of nitrogen availability on dry matter production, nitrogen uptake and light interception of brussels sprouts and leeks. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 44: 3-19
  • Bremier, T.,1982. Environmental factors and cultural measures effecting the nitrate content in spinach. Fert. Res., 3 (3): 191- 292
  • Byrnes, B. H., 1990. Environmental effects of N fertilizer use- An Overview, Fert. Res. 26: 209-215
  • Coşkan, A., Gök, M., Onaç, I., İnal, I. and Sağlamtimur, V., 2002. The effect of wheat straw, corn straw and tobacco residues on denitrification losses in a field planted with wheat. Turk J. Agric. For 26: 346-353
  • Davis, J. G., 1994. Managing plant nutrients for optimum water use efficiency and water consevation. Adv. in Agronomy. Vol.53: 85-112
  • Everaarts, A. P., De Moel, C.P. and Van Noordwijk, M., 1996. The effect of nitrogen fertilisation and the method of application on nitrogen uptake of cauliflower and on nitrogen in crop residues and soil at harvest. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 44: 43- 55
  • Fink, M., Feller, C., Scharpf, H. C., Weier, U., Maync, A., Ziegler, J., Paschold P.J. and Strohmeyer, K., 1998. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium contents of field vegetables. Enveg News, vol. 3 (
  • Goossensen, F.R. and Meeuwissen, P.C., 1990. Recommendations of the national committee on nitrogen. department of agricultural research (DLO), Wageningen
  • Grylls, J. P., 1988. Effect of nitrogen fertiliser type and nitrification inhibitor on the nitrate content of glasshouse lettuce. Acta Hort. 222: 189-191
  • Güler, S., 1998. Bazı azotlu gübrelerin marulda nitrat birikimi üzerine etkileri. II. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 28-30 Eylül 1998, Tokat, s. 247-251
  • Hatipoğlu, F., Alpaslan, M., Güneş, A., 1995. Türkiye’de gübre kullanımı ve çevre üzerine etkiler. Tr. J. of Agr. and Forestry 20:1-5
  • İlbeyi, A., Üstün, H., Ünlü K., ve Özenirler, G., 1997a. Nevşehir yöresinde azot yıkanmasının leachn modeliyle tahmini. Köy Hizm. Genel Md. APK Dairesi Bşk. Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Araştırma Şb. Md. Yayın No. 106, s 220-234
  • İlbeyi, A., Halitligil, B., ve Akın, A., 1997b. Nevşehir derinkuyu yöresinde azotlu gübrenin patates verimine etkisinin ve yeraltısuyu kirletme potansiyelinin 15N tekniği ile belirlenmesi. Köy Hizm. Ankara Arşt. Enst. Yayınları. Yayın No.208, Rapor Serisi No.114, Ankara
  • Jackson, L. E., Wyland, L.J. and Stiver, L.J., 1993. Winter cover crops to minimize nitrate losses in intensive lettuce production. J. Agr. Sci. (Camb.) 121: 55-62
  • Jarvis, S. C., 1993. Nitrogen cycling and losses from dairy farm. Soil Use and Management 9 (3): 99-105
  • Jurgens-Gschwind, S., 1989. Ground water nitrates in other developed countries (Europe)- relationships to land use patterns. In: Nitrogen Management and Ground Water Protection. Development in Agricultural and Managed Forest Ecology. Ed. R. F. Follet) 21: pp 75-138 Amsterdam: Elsevier
  • Locascio, S. J., Hochmuth, G.J., Rhoads, F.M., Olson, S.M., Smjstrla A.G. and Hanlo, E.A., 1997. Nitrogen and potassium application scheduling effects on drip-irrigated tomato yield and leaf tissue analysis. Hort. Sci. 32(2): 230-235
  • Lorentz, H. P., Schlaghecken, J., Engl, G., Maync, A. and Ziegler, J., 1989. Ordnungsgemasse stickoff versorgung im freiland gemüsebau- KNS System. Ministerium Für Landwirtschaft, Weinbau und Forsten Rheinland Pfalz, Mainz, 85 pp
  • Mengel, K., 1991. Available nitrogen in soils and its determination by the Nmin-method and by electroultrafiltration (EUF), Fert. Res. 28: 251-262
  • Miller, R. J., D. E. Rolston, R. S. Rauschkolb and D. W. Wolf, 1976. Drip application of Nitrogen is Efficient. Calif. Agr. 30(11): 16-18
  • Neeteson, J. J. and Wadman, W.P., 1991. Relationships between nitrogen fertilisation levels, yield of arable crops and outdoor vegetables, and the amount of residual soil mineral nitrogen, Nota 237. Research Institute for Soil Fertility, Haren.
  • Neeteson, J. J., 1994. Residual soil nitrate after application of nitrogen fertilizer to crops. In: D. C. Adriano, A. K. Iskander, and I. P. Murarka (Eds), Contamination of Groundwaters. Science reviews, Northwood, pp 347-365
  • Neeteson, J. J., 1995. Nitrogen management for intensively grown arable crops and field vegetables. In: P. E. Bacon (Ed.), Nitrogen Fertilisation in the Environment. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 295-325
  • Neeteson, J. J., Booij, R. and Whitmore, A.P., 1999. A review on sustainable nitrogen management in intensive vegetable production systems, Acta Hort. 506: 17-26
  • Nielsen, N. E. and Jensen, H.E., 1990. Nitrate leaching from loamy soils as affected by crop rotation and nitrogen fertiliser application. Fert. Res. 26: 197-207
  • Owen, T. R. and Jürgens-Gschwind, S., 1986. Nitrates in drinking water: a review, Fert. Res.10:3-25
  • Papadopoulos, I., 1988. Nitrogen fertigation of drip-irrigated potato. Fert. Res.16: 157-167
  • Peoples, M. B., Freney, J.R. and Mosier, A.R., 1995. Minimising gaseous losses of nitrogen. In: Bacon P. E. (Ed.) Nitrogen Fertilisation in The Environment. Marcel Dekker, New York, 565-602
  • Powlson, D. S., 1993. Understanding the soil nitrogen cycle. Soil Use and Management 9 (3): 86-94
  • Rahn, C. R., 2002. Management strategies to reduce nutrient losses from vegetable crops, Acta Hort. 571: 19-29
  • Rahn, C. R., Paterson, C.D. and Vaidyanathan, L.V., 1998. The Use of measurements of soil mineral N in understanding the response of crops to fertilizer nitrogen in intensive cropping rotations. J. Agr. Sci. (Camb.) 130: 345-356
  • Rahn, C. R., Greewood, D.J. and Draycott, A., 1996. Prediction of nitrogen fertilizer requirement with the HRI WELL-N computer model. In: O Van Cleemput, G. Hofman and A. Vermoesen (Eds.), Progress in Nitrogen Cycling Studies. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordecht, pp. 255-258
  • Rahn, C. R., Vaidyanathan, L.V. and Paterson, C.D., 1992. Nitrogen residues from brassica Crops. Aspect Appl. Biol. 30: 263-270
  • Roorda van Eysinga, J. P. N. L., 1984a. Nitrate in vegetables under protected cultivation. Acta Hort. 145: 251-256
  • Roorda van Eysinga, J. P. N. L., 1984b. Nitrate and glasshouse vegetables. Fert. Res. 5: 149-156
  • Schenk, M. K., 2000. Nitrogen use in vegetable crops in temperate climates. Hort. Review 22: 185-223
  • Shepherd, M. A. and Sylvester-Bradley, R., 1996. effect of nitrogen fertiliser applied to winter oilseed rape (brassica napus) on soil mineral nitrogen after harvest and on the response of a succeeding crop of winte wheat to nitrogen fertiliser. J. Agric. Sci. (Camb.) 126: 63-74
  • Shepherd, M. A., Davies, D.B. and Johnson, P.A., 1993. Minimizing nitrate losses from arable soils. Soil Use and Management 9 (3): 94-99
  • Smit, A. L., Booij, R. and Van Der Werf, A., 1996. The spatial and temporal rooting pattern of brussel sprouts and leeks. Neth. J. Agr. Sci. 44: 67-72
  • Sommer, K., 1991. Ammonium depotdüngung: grundlagen, stand der entwicklung, perspectiven. In: Umweltvertragliche Stickstoffdüngung bei Gartnerischen Nutzpflanzen. Forschungsberchte Heft 1, Landwirtschaftlichen Facultat der Rheinischen FriedrichWilhelms Univ., Bonn, pp. 6-40
  • Tei, F., Benincasa, P. and Guiducci, M., 1999. Nitrogen fertilisation on lettuce, processing tomato and sweet pepper: Yield, nitrogen uptake and the risk of nitrate leaching. Acta Hort. 506: 61-67
  • Wehrmann, J. and Scharpf, H.C., 1989. Reduction of nitrate leaching in a vegetable farm: fertilisation, crop rotation, plant residues: In: J. C. Germon (Ed.), Management Systems to Reduce Impact of Nitrates. Elsevier App. Sci., London, pp. 147-156
  • Whitmore, A. P. and Groot, J.J.R., 1994. The mineralization of N from finely or coarsely chopped crop residues: measurement and modelling. Eur. J. Agron. 3: 103-109
  • Whitmore, A. P., 1996. Modelling the release and loss of nitrogen after vegetable crops. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 44: 73-86.
There are 48 citations in total.


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Journal Section DERLEMELER

Semiha Güler This is me

Publication Date January 10, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 36 Issue: 2


APA Güler, S. (2011). Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(2), 209-215.
AMA Güler S. Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. January 2011;36(2):209-215.
Chicago Güler, Semiha. “Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 36, no. 2 (January 2011): 209-15.
EndNote Güler S (January 1, 2011) Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 36 2 209–215.
IEEE S. Güler, “Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 209–215, 2011.
ISNAD Güler, Semiha. “Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 36/2 (January 2011), 209-215.
JAMA Güler S. Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2011;36:209–215.
MLA Güler, Semiha. “Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 36, no. 2, 2011, pp. 209-15.
Vancouver Güler S. Sürdürülebilir Sebze Üretiminde Azotlu Gübre Kullanımı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2011;36(2):209-15.

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