Araştırmada Erzurum çevresinde hububat tarlalart içerisinde
problem teşkil eden yabancıotlar tesbit edilmiş ve bunlardan köy
güçüren (Cirsiı.m anoense), tarla eşek marulu (Sonchus arveıısis)
kıvırcık Iabada (Rumex crispus), yabani hardal (Sinop is arvensis)
ve ak kazayağı (C/ıenopodium album) önemli görülerek yazlık arpa
ı'e buğday içersinde mücadele: imkanlarl araştmlmıştır.
Yuka"da adları zikredilen yabancı ol/al' çdiçi ailesi içersindeki
boş iş gücünü kullanarak elle yolunduğu taktirde ekonomik
olmaktadır. Diğer taraftan sonbaharda 25-30 cm. derinliğinde yapılan
toprak işlemesi yabancı otlar/a mücadele yönünden ilkbaharda
yapılana nazaran çok daha etkili olmuştıır.
Köy göçüren mücadelesinde Banvel D (50-80-100-200 cc/dek) en
yüksek tesiri göstermişse de, yazlık arpada fitotoksik etki meydana
getirmiştir. Kıvırcık Iabada mücadelesinde çiçeklenmeden önce tatbik
edilen amin, ak kazayoğuıda ise ester terkipli herbisiıler en fazla
etkili olmuştur. Yabani hardal denemede kullamlan herbisitlere karşı
hassas, tarla eşek marulu nisbeten mukavim olrak bulunmuştur.
Researching of the control methods of some of the weeds that cause problem in spring barleyand spring wheat in Erzurum region.
Around Erzurum a survey were
planned on weeds which are problem in
sumıner cereals. Canada thistle (Cirsium
arvaense L. Scop), perennial sow thistle
(Sonclıus arvensis L.), curied dock
(Rume cripspus L.), chariock (Sinapsis
arrensis L.) lamb's quarterks (CheI1Opodı:
um album L.) are the destructive
ones araund he~e. Their biology and
the control methods were examined
closely. Fall and spring- deep sod
cultivations made by diskharrow taken
as an alternative, herbieides were applied
on these weeds. rII the investigation
eleyen herbicides whieh had difTerent
efTective su bstances were tested on
them. These herbieides were when the
wheat and barley were their 5-7 leaved
stage, also in tbis stage the weeds were
their 5-7 leaved stage, also in this stage
the weeds were tripped by hand and
their comparıson were made are indıcacated
Weed problem in summer cereals,
it will be economic if the handed by
the members of the farıner's family by
using their emthy hours.
From the standpoint of the weed
control in general fa Li cultivation is
effective then the spring cultivation
and it highers the summer wheat production.
Although the steem of the barley
shortened and some deformations formed,
such effcctions didn't observed
on summer wheat, in the plots that
Tordon 101, Banvel-D and Banvel-D,
Agroxone 4 ""ere apphed. On the other
hand, most effeetive herbicide to
C. cırvense which is Banvel D killed
the %70. In the control of curled dock,
fall eultivation is very effective and amine
preparations are more effective than
the others. AH herbicides are more
effective to chadock in the researches.
The herbicides in ester character ga ve
the best resuJt and killed the 100 percent
of the present lamb's quarters.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 10, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1971 Volume: 2 Issue: 3 |
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