Patates tarımımn mekanizasyonu yiJ'nünden yapılan bu çalışmada,
araştırma bölgesinde mevcut durumda uygulanan patates ekim ve hasat usulleri tesbit edilmiş ve patates ekim ve hasadında mekanizasyon olanakları araştırIlmıştır. Bu nedenle, patates ekim ve hasadında ı el işi, 2 çeki hayvanı işi ve 3 traktör işi olmuk üzere 6 ayrı mekanizasyon kademesi ele alınarak, araştırma bölgesinin işletmle arazi ve enerji kaynağı durwnlarına göre uygwılukları ortaya konulmuştur.
The purpose of this work, wich
is beİng the fırst research or the Mechanisaiton
of potato cultivation in
the Turkey, is to determine the domestique
methods aplied in potato seeding
and harvesting in the research -region
and the adaptability of the mechanisation
to the regional condition.
For this purpose, one kind of manual
(man) work, two kinds of aminal drawn
work and three kinds of tractor work
summing six differant work method
in potato seeding and harvesting has
been considered and studied. So the
suitability of the seeding and harvesting
equipments, which are beeing
used in differert mechanizaiton steps,
to the conditions of regional farms,
topografy and power surces been determined.
The mechanisation tests, has been
done on the fields at Atatürk Üniversity
farm which is located on the
Erzurum plain where soil conditions
were suitable to potato cultivation and
water for irrigation was available. The
test beeing done in i 969 and 1970
continued two years. Each year, the
parsels were selected in the same fileds
and their size were such that the
equipment could be used easilyo
The 100 meter Jong and LS meter
wide (Suitable for 20 furrow) parsels
were distributed on random selected
blocs, as three rep!icaiton. During
the tests, the working depts rated widths
speeds of trawe! and measurment distances
has been keept equal.
The mechanisaiton steps considered
in the tests, were arreuged suitable
to the reginal condihons and the
equipment used for this steps were selected
among those who are commenly
used in the research region, available
in the market and portionally
constructed in Turkey. This idea in
mind. during the seeding tests; hand
tools, primitive plough, common frame
two - way aniınal drawn plough
common frame two - way animal darwn
plough and two - row autamatic potato
seede were used, during harvesting tests
on the other hand, hand too1s, potato
harvesting plough (pooled by animals)
!Jpinners type (P. t.o. - driven) potato
digger, chain type (P.t.o. - driven)
potato digger and potato combine
(P.Lo. - driven) were used. İn this manner
the results obtained from the tests
could be sum.merised as fallow:
1. The potato cnltivation in the
research region is commenly beeing
done on smail fields using man - power
which is the most expensİve power
source. This prevent the development
of the potato cultivation in region.
2. The four different seeding methods
med in mechanisation steps, effect
to germination considerabely. The
best germination result was obtained
with the automatic seeder, ın
conparation with the commen hand
tools method, the automatic seeder
coused shorten the germination period
about LO-LS' days.
3. The constructive spesifications
and working manner -of different equiments
and tools, used, effect on the
amount of bruised potatoes. In comperation
with the other methods found
the rate of brussed potatoes speeially
high when spinners type (P.t.o.
driven) potato digger was used. As
regards of potato losses the best results
was obtaind when hand fools step,
and trador work step - 2 was used.
4. The fallowed meehanisaiton
steps in field tests, effeet eonsiderably
on the yield. İn spite of the minority
of the potato Josses in manucıl work.
step, the yield was 1513,66-2563,33
kg/da, becide that the yield with traetor,
work step - 1, where the potato losses
was maximum, has been found as
2792,00-2840.66 kg/da. The bast yield
results on the other handhos been obtained
with the traetor work step - 2
(2937,66-3070,33 kg/da).
5. The manuel work in potato
seeding and harvesting deerases eonsiderabely
with the İnerease of the degree
of meehanİsaiton, While the need
of man power per hectar beeİng 661,
00 man hours in hand work step, this
amound of need decreases to 36,99
man power - hour/ha with the use
of automatic potato seeder and potato.
combine. This need is only % 11,24
of the need in hand work step.
6. The facility of use and the working
capacity of the tools and equipments
used in different type of mechanisation
setps, are efTecting on the
need of anİma] drawn hours and tractor
hours. As regard of the need of
animal drawn work, the primitive polugh
is more handy than two - way anima!
plough, As regard of he need of
traetor work on the other hand, the
best mechanisaiton step is "The tractor
work step - 2" where chain type
(P.t.o. - driven) potato digger was used.
7. The most effeetive factor whieh
determines the possibility of mechanisation
in potato seeding and harvesting
is the cost per unit area. Between
the meehanisation steps fallowed
during the tests, the eost per unit area
djffered considerably. in the meehanisation
steps, labore costs and eosts
of equipments effeet on the total cost
per hectare. Since the rnanual work
in the "hand work step" is too high
the cost per hectare is also highst. Becide
that the same cost per heetare
amounted % 82,91; % 93.39; % 63.
58; % 52,30 and % 81,15 of the eost
in "hand work step" by animal drawn
work step - 1, animal drawn work
step - 2, tractor work step - 1, tactor
work step - 2 and tractor work step
3 respectİvely.
As a result it can be said that the
potato yield .increases with the rise of
mechanisaiton step, but it seems in
possible to replace completeIly the
manua! ,work by usig equipments. Besjd
that the labor eosts deeraesas in
a certain limits with the rise of mechanisation.
Amoung the mechanisation steps
tested in this research, yield, necessity
of manual work, and costs in mind,
the bet results was obtained with the
mechanisation step of "Tractor work
step - 2", and it can be said that this
th best meehanisaiton step for the research
too. According to thejr degree
of opplicability, the other mechan.isation
steps could be ordered as fallow:
Tractor work step . 3, tractor work
step - 1, animal drawn work step - ı,
animal drawn work step· 2, and rnanua]
(man) work step.
Amoung the aix mechanisaiton
steps whose cahracteristics are determüıed
with this researsch, one could
prefare the proper mechanisation steps
for the spesial conditions of his farm.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 11, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1972 Volume: 3 Issue: 1 |
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