Doğu-Anadolu Kırmızısı ırkı, Türkiye sığırlannm %28'2 sini teşki/
eder. Bu ırkın süt verimleri, ağız ve normaı süt/erinin bi/eşifPi,
süt yağlarmın fiziksel ve kimyasal (izeiliklerini, belirtmek gayesi ile bu
araştırmaya girişi/miştir.
Doğu Anadolu KımlZlsı ırkı süt verimi; lzmen (11/178) tarafindan
memleketimizin dnemli iki yerli, ırkı olan yerli Karalarda yıllık 842
kg. günlük 3.46 kg ve Boz ırkta (l0/29) 655 kg. (yıllık) ve 3.9 kg. (günlük)
olarak tesbit edilen verimlerden (inemli dlçüde yüksek bulunmuştur.
Atatürk Universitesi Çiftliği ve köy şartlarındaki gruplar arasında süt
verimi bakımından bire iki misli (1414 ve 711 kg.) fark giirü1milştür.
Laktasyon müddeti de 1. grupta diğerinden uzundur. Buradan Doğu
KırmızlSı ırkmda süt veriminin bi/gili bakım ve besleme ile artınlabileceği
sonucu çıkmaktadır.
lki deneme grubu süt bileşimleri arasındaki farklar istatistikf
bakımdan %5 seviyesinde önemli bulunmamıştır. Süt yağı konstantları
arasında Polenske sayıları hariç diğerleri arasındaki farklılık önemli
The Eastem Red Breed is the
dominant and typical race of the same
region. The Cows selected from
among the cows of Atatürk Üniversity
farm and from among the cows where
grown up under normal village condition.
This inve~tigation have been carried
out to defermine the milk yield,
composition of the normal milk and
colostrum, physcal and chemical contents
of butter fat. The results o[ the
research are as follows.
1- The milk yield of farm group
varied from 603 - 2510 kg. and average
was 1414, 790 kg. The annual milk yield
of village group varied from 552 868
kg. with the average of 7i 1,517±
31 kg. The lactation peryot is deterrnined
as 236 days.
2- The compasition of collostrum
milk varied to a great deal for firts
two and three days. The compasition
of colostral milk of the farm group
and village group was found to be
close similar to each other.
3--The compasition of Red-Cows
normal milk are as follows:
a- Dry matter content varied from
12,3978 to 15,5575 %with an average
of 13.2747±O.l968 % for farm group
and from 11.9613 % to 14.8858 %
for village group. General average
was found to be 13.4517 %'
b- The water cantent varied from
84.4425 to 87.6023 % with an average
of 86.8253 %for the farnı cows and for
village cows from 85.1142 to 88.0387
%with an average of 86.4962±O.l942.
Combined average was found to be
86.5483±02227 %'
c- Fat content varied between
3.0656 and 6.7000 % with an average
of 4.0067±0.1991 % for larm cows
and 2.9450 to 5.4938 %with an average
of 4.481O± 1.7325 % for village cows.
Combined average of both groUp was
4.3450±0.2075 %'
d- Non fat dry matter content variation
range was from 8.7950 to 9.
6375 %, with an average of 9.1680±
0.0492 % for farın group and 8.66399.8938
% with an average of 9.0228±
0.2870 % for village groups. General
average was found to be 9.l067±0.
0523 %'
e- Protein content varied from 2.
924& to 3.7894 % with an average of
3.3İ95±0.0536 for farm group and
from 2.5029 to 4.0507 % with an average
3.1327±0.1007 for village cows.
The combined average calculated to be
3.2839±0.865 %'
f- Laetose cantent: The general
average was 5.0967±0.1023 %, varying
from 4.3515 to 5.5604 % for
[arrn group with an average of 5. 1182+
0.0782 % and from 3.9971 to 5.7756
% for viIIage group with an avrage of
5.1822±0.1177 %'
g- Specific Gravity varied from
1.0300 to 1.0345 for farrn group with
an average of i .0320±0.00 and from
1.0293 to for village group with an
average of 1.0312±0.00. Global ave-
rage was 1.0315±0.0002 for both groups.
h- 1. Theacidit} (S.H.) varied
from 6.80 to 9.23. with an average of
. i
7.83±0.ö984 for farm group and from
6.28 to. 8.57 with average of 7.97±0.
1620 for village group. Combined average
was found to be 7.90±0.1240.
2- The aeidity (PH) varied from
6.55 to 6.85 with an average of 6.72±
_0.0648 for farm group; from 6.51 to
6.86 with an average of 6.66±0.0262
for 'lillage group. The average of both
found to be 6.70±0.0237.
3- The properties of butter fat:
A) Physical properties:
1. Solidifying point: Varied from
19.75 to 24.40 oC for farnı group, with
an average of 22.06±0.39 and from
20.30°C to 24.40cC with an average of
21.88±0.34 for village group. The
eombined average for borh group
was 21.97±0.29°C.
2. Meltİng point varied from 31.10
to 34.80°C for butter fat of farm group
with an average of 32.54 ±0.33°C,
from 30.40 to 35.20°C for 'lillage group
with an average of 32.48±0.34°C, total
average was 32.51 ±O.30°C.
3. Refraetometer number varied
from 41.5 to 46.3, refraetometer index
varied from 1.4533 to 1.4568 with
averages of 43.4±0.29 and 1.4548±
0.37 respeetive1y for farm group; for
these properties average, minimum an
maximum values are respectively 44.
2±0.37 (42.2-47.5) and 1.4550±O.OO
(1.4534± 1.4460) for 'lillage group
butter fat.
B) Chemkal propertİes:
1. Free aeidity point varied from
2.2 to 4,3 with an average of 3.15±0.14
for farın group; from 2.5 to 3.8 with
an average of 3.4±0.ıo for village group.
Global average was 3.155±0.10.
2. Neutralization number; varied
from 219 to 237 w~th an average of
231 ± 1.27 for farm group, from 212
to 235 with an average of 225± 1.79
for village group. Combined average
was 228±0.01.
3. Reichert-Meisş1 number varied
from 22.49 to 29.86 with an average
of 25.56±0.56 for the butterfat of
farnı eows, and from 19. i 5 to 28.35 with
an average of 26.ıo±0.89 for village
group. Global average was 25.83±0.55.
4. Polenske number averaged as
1.66±0.03 for farm group and 1.89±
O. i 5 for 'lillage group. Global average
was 1.78+0.08.
5. Butyne acid number varied from
17.58 to 24.32 with aI:! average of 21.l0±
0.57 for farnı group, from 15.50 to
23.16 with an average of 20.93± 1.34
for vjJlage goup. Global average was
6. Iodine number average was
36.00±O.66 or farın group varying from
31.82 to 39.46; 37:83±O.79 varying
from 27.38 to 44.43 for village group.
Combined average was 37.02±0.67.
Physical, chemica1 contants, averages
of butterfat, regression coeffieients,
correlation, eoeffieients of the
butterfat of the Eastem Red cows
were detetmined by emp10ying statistical
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 11, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1972 Volume: 3 Issue: 2 |
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