Araştırma sahasmda topraklar genellikle ince bünyeli olup,
suda dispers okıbilen 20 mikrondan küçük zerreler miktarı %
4,44-26,62; suya dayanıkll.20 mikrondan küçük agregatlar miktarı
% 24,77-87,65; 420 mikrondan küçük kuru zerreler miktarı %
1,9-26,2; 840 mikrondan küçük zerreler miktarı % 4,7-38,5; 840
mikrondan büyük zerreler miktarı % 61,5-95,3; kireç miktarları
% 2,11-34,15; organik madde miktarları % 1,65-3,15; mekaniks~l
stabilite değerleri % 82,43-99,02; ekivalan çap değerleri 0,34..0,46
mm. ve dekara toprak kayıpları 2,130-50,150 kg. arasındadır.
Toprak kayıpları ile mekaniksel stabilite, ekivalan çap değerleri,
silt fraksiyonu, 420 mikrondan küçük kuru zerreler, 840 mikrondan
küçük kuru zerreler, 840 mikrondan büyük kuru zerreler, 20 mikrondan
küçük suda diJpers olabilen zerreler ve 20 mikrondan küçük
suya dayanıklı agregat/ar arasında sırayfa -0,575,-0,427-0,462,0,856,
0,845,-0,798, 0,613 ve -0,490 korelasyon katsayıları bulunmuştur.
I. This investigation has been
done to find out the relationships between
the soil losess induced by wind
erosion and some physical and chemical
properties of the soils of Ulaş
State Farm at Sivas Province, Turkey.
Such an investigation wiU be much
important and useful in terms of the
conservation planning of the farın and
soil managemenL'
2. The area investigated, where
has ben has been set up on the large area
in the southem part of Sivas Province, is
about 18,062 acres and 4.617 feet high
from the sea leveL.
3. To characterize the physical
and chemical properties of the soils;
texture, less than 20 microns of the
partides dispersed in water, less than
20 microns of the water-stable aggregates,
dry site distribution (with Rotary
sieve), bulk density of the dry
practicles less' than 840 microns, Iime
content and organic matter were an1yzed.
in addition, the amount of soil
losses in pound per acre, the percentages
of mechanical stability and the values
of equivalent diameter in millimeteı,
have been calculated by means of the
formulas mentioned before.
4. According to the results of mechanical
analysis; these soils are generaUy
fine in texture, and contain 20.4956,83
% day, 16.19-47.48 % silt and
3.6-50,75 % sand.
5. -The amount of less than 20
microns of the partides 'dispersed in
water is between 4.44% and 26.62 %'
The amount of water-stable aggregates
less than 20 microns is between 24.77%
and 87.65 %'
6. According to the dry size distribution
with Rotary sieve developed by
ehepil; the. amount of aggregates less
than 420 microns, the aggregates of
less than 840 microns and the aggregates
greater than 840 microns have been
determined 1.9-26.2%, 4.7-38.50 %
and 61.5 - 95.3 %, respectively.
These soils contain a Httle amount
of aggregates less than 840
microns, and are resistant to movement
by wind, because these have the pe~centages
of the aggregates greater than
840 microns at the ratio of 2:3 of the
soil (by weight).
7. The values of bulk density of
the erodible aggregates change from
1.09 gr./cm 3 to 1.47 gr/cm 3•
8. The amount of the lime content
of the soils differ from 2.1 1% to 34.15%.
This shows that these are limely.
9. The values of organie matter
of the soils are between 1.65. and 3.15%
These are usually medium in humus.
10. The values of the soil losses
vary from 0.241 pound/aere to 5.684
pound/acre. The soil sample (No.6)
has the highest loss. This indicates that
the soils are not' most intensively susceptible
to wind erosion.
ll. The values of mechanical stabi.
lity of the soils range from 82.43%
to 99.02%. This shows that the Cıods
are more resistant to the effects of
12. The values of the eqivalent
diameter of the soils are beteween 0.34
mm. and 0.46 mm. With the exception
of the soil sample (No. 6) which has
the highest lass, this value is usually
greater than the value, 0.1 mm. Consequently;
the soils are re~istant to
wind erosion.
13. Between the ·soil losses and the
values of thl'<. mechanical stability, a
negative signific,ant correlatian coefficient
(1+ -0,575) at the level of i per
cent has been calculated. This indicates
that the losses by wind erosian will
decrease, as the values of the mechanical
~tabiIity will increase.
14. A nagative significant carrela·
tion coefficient (r= -0,427) at the
level of 5 per cent has been found between
the soil lasses and the values of
of eqivalent diameter. Therefore, as
these values increase, soil losses will
15. A negatiye significant carrelatian
coefficient (r+ = -0,462) at the
Jeyel of 5' per cent has been calculated
between the soillosses and silt fraction.
This shows that the loseses will deerease,
as the amount of silt increases. No significant
carrelatian between the soil
losses and the fraetions of dayand
16. Between' the soil losses and
the percentages of dry soil aggregates
less than 420 microns, a positive significant
carrelatian coefficient (r=
+0,856) at the Jevel of i per cent has
been ·obtained. This shows that the losses
wi11 increase, as these values increase.
17, Between the soil losses and the
percentages of dry soiI aggregates les:,:
than 840 microns, a positive significant
carrelatian coefficient (r=+0.845) at
the level of i per cent has been calcu-
.Iated. This shows that the soil losses
will increase, as these values increase.
18. There is a negative significant
carrelatian coefficient (r= ~0.798) at
the level of i per cent 'between the
soil losses and the percentages of dry
soil aggregates greater than 840 microns.
This indicates that the'losses
will decrease, as these values increase
19. A positive signifieent correlatian
coefficient (r=-;-0.613) at the
level of i per cent has been found 'between
the soil losses and the pereentages
of less than 20 microns of
d;spersed in water. 1h1s shows that thelasse",
wİ!l incı ease, as these- vahıes
20. Between the soi! losses and the
pereentages of water-stable partides
Jess than 20 microns, a negative significant
carrelatian coeffjcient (r = ·--0.490)
at the level of 1 per cent, has been calculated.
Therefore, as these yalues increase,
the. losses will deerease.
21. There is no significant eorrelation
coefficient between the soil
losses and the .lime content. That is
the reason that these have a fine tex·
tured soils and a great dea) of silt fı actioos.
Therefore, lime has a Iittle effect
on the mechanical stabiIity of these
22. Between the soil losses and
the percentages of organic matter, there
is not any carrelatian. For these soils
are general1y medium in humus, this
matter has an influance on the increa~ing
of mechanical stability.
23. As a result, since the percentages
of mechanical stabiIity, the values of
eqivalent diameter and the amount
of nonerodible fractions (> 840 microns)
are high, and since the amount of
erodible fractrons «840 miqons) and
much erodible fractions «420 microns)
are less; these soils inveEtiga.ted
are much resistant to the mavement
by wind. On the other hand,
less amount of the soil losses shows
that wind erosian at this area is not
much important problem now. But,
from nowon, same impartant me~sures
on the farm must be taken, in order
to prevent the erosian probIems in the
fature. For example, the system of
wind strip cropping must be taken into
consideration; the strips should be
planned perpendicularly to the dlrection
of prevailing wind in regu1ar width.
The proper crap rotation systems
including legumeı should be appIicated
on the strips. Fields should be plowed
in clods without turning over the soiI
as possible as after critical period
(Apri]) and ıain. At the arrangement
of the strips, the roads between the
pIots should be corrected so that these
are perpencıicularly to the wind directian.
NormalIy, crop residues must
be left on the surface of the fields.
Where wind erosian is a severe problem,
it is necessary to add extra crop
residııes to the fields. Alsa, anather
important thing is the fact that the
fileds should not be left for fallow in
a whole. In fact, the fallows should be
thonght in strips applying crop rotation.
During the critical period which wind
erosion occurs severly, cover crops must
be taken into account to pro"tect the
surface of the soil on the farın.
If the above-mentioned practices
should be taken, wind erosion will be
controled perfectly, and conscquently,
it wiU be possible to produce crops
in blalance without causing erosion
at the are~ investigated.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 11, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1972 Volume: 3 Issue: 3 |
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