Bu çalışmada, Yukarı Pasinler Ovası Toprak ve Su Kooperatif
sahasında bugünkü sulama durumu, mevcut toprak ve su kaynaklarının
rasyonel bir biçimde kullanılması ve muhafazasına ilişkin arazi
developman hizmetlerinin geliştirilmesi ve sulama yönünden karşılaşılan
problemlerin ortaya çıkarılması ile bunların çözüm.! yolları
Araştırma bölgesi' hakkındaki genel bilgilerin, araştırmadan
elde edilen sonuçların ve ilgili literatürün ışığı aİtında bölgede, sulama
yönünden toprak-su ilişkileri, toprakların fiziksel ve kimyasal
özellikleriyle bunların su tutma kapasiteleri ve uygulanan bitki paterni
dikkate alınarak sahanın sulama suyu ihtiyacı tesbit edilmiş, mevcut durumun
geliştirilmesiyle ilgili hususlar açıklanarak tavsiyelerde
Pasinler Soil-Water Cooperative
area which is the research subject is
in Upper Pasinler Valley of Eastem
Turkey. Cooperative area is consist
of class I, II, III, IV, V and VI. lands
and about 126830 dekars of cooperative
land is irıigable.
Subject area so.ils are made of
alluvial and collivial soils. Theyare
in zonal and azonal soil orders according
to the soil genesis.
Average annual precipitation of
Upper Pasinler Vaııey is 430,1 mm and
mean yearly temperattlre is 5,9"C.
Evaporation is maximum during August
which has the highest mean monthly
temperature (34°C) of the year. Dry
season is between June 25 and September
10; then inigation is necessary
during this period.
Irrigation water is supplied by
ground and surface water resources.
The construction of ground water
using irrigation system which is planned
to irrigate approximately 88 999 dekars
land is started in 1967, 56 million TL
is invested for this job.
This research is eonduetep, for the
purpose of surveying present irrigation
. condition in the area Upper Pasinler
Valley Soi!-Water Cooperative, improving
the land developmend serviees
which involve rational use of the soilwater
resources, and fincling out the
eneountered . irrigation problems.
Result of field studies laboratory
work on soil samples and necessary
advices can be stated as below:
i. Irrigation water of this research
area is not sufficient for needs; therefore
irrigation water should be used
very economieally. Farrners are not
familiar with modern irrigation practice.;
hence water applieation efficiencies
are very low. Theyare found between
29 % and 46 % by experiments.. Water
application efficieneies 'are very low
beeause farmers of this area do nat
use the most suitable methods whieh
fit the topographie and soil conditoions,
applying more water then need, and
using a wrong time-table.
2. Reseoreh subject area soils can
be classified as medium eoarse, medium
fine and fine according to their textuee.·
Therefore texture of this soils are not
limiting factor for soil-water-plant relationshipş.
3. Speeifie gravıtıes of soils of
profile layers differs from 2,11 to 3;11
as result of their textu·re. Bulk densities
are between 0,93grfcm 3 and 1,86
grfcm 3.
4. Porosity values w1).ieh are calculated
from the relationships between
specific gravity and bulk density are
between 29,54 % and 65,68 %' Porosity
value are usually higher for upper layers
than for lower layers as a ıeusult of
texture, organic matter and compaction
of soils.
5. Pores are classified as eoarse,
medium and fine. Distribution of pores
is such coarse pores 0,81 %- 33,33 %
medium pores 3,08 %- 33;04 % and
fine pores 7,43 %- 36,71 % of total
pore space.
The amount of wateı wh.ich will
be applied should be determined, very
carefully for every soil because of big
differences of pore size distribution
of soils and low air cap~cities.
6. Organic' matters of soil in the
res?arch area is between 0,03 % and
3,25 /~. Amound of organic matter is
usualIy Law for tnese soils as result of
praeticed agrieu1ture and laek of the
use of commereial fertilizers and manure.
7. The amound of earbonate in
research area soils changes between
0,00 % and 38,24 %',
8. Soil permeabiliteas are between
1,1 cm/hour and 42,8 cm/hour. This
soils will not create d drainage problem
because of having a good conduetivity.
9. Infiltration rates are between
0,6 cm/hour and 18,0 cm/hour. 40-100
minutes ipass until infiltratian rates to
mtes to reach the above values.
"a" and "n" values for the equation
(y=a.t") whieh is ıısed to find the
depth of the soil that water penatrates
are very differenL The value of "a"
is betw~en 0,2078 and 1,9470, and the
value of "n" is between 0,3721 and
10. The moistı:ıre that is hold at
different sunetionf in profile layers
have differences as a resuU of texture
and organie matter. There is a positive
correlation between available soil molsture
and c1ay+silt, and c1ay+organic
ll . .The ground and surface vater
whieh is used for irrigation in the
research area is in the class. of CıSı
and CıSı and Only samJlle No. 7 water
is in the class of C 3S 1.
As resuU of boron analysis; high
concentration of boron is found in
some samples such 1,22 ppm in No.
4, 1,81 ppm. No. 2 and 2,50 in No. 7.
Plants resistant to boron should be
raised if this high boron concentrated
water is used for inigation.
12. Maximum water application
rates are calculated as a function of
field capacity and wilting poi~t for
60 cm depth of soils and estimated
values differ between 3,2 cm and
16,2 cm.
13. Maximum water application rates
which are computed for 60 cm.
depth of soils require a time between
4 min. and II hrs. 48 min. to infiltrate
into the soiI.
14. The time required for the water
to reach to the end of the furrows in'
the research area changes from i min.
to 177 mın.
i 5. When the irrigation is practiced
· all over the research are, it is determined
that following percentages
of the irrigable land wiıı be ıused to
raise diffirent crops: 37 % for field
crops, 25,8 % for sugar beet, 12,5
% for alfalfa, 8,1 % for potato, 3,8%
for melons and contalaupes, 4,8 %
for com and 3,8 % for pasture.
Net annual water requirments of the
crops are computed by using BlaneyCriddle
Method and it is found 173,5
mm. foı field crops, 220,0 mm for
melons and contalaupes, 237,6 mm.
for vegetable, 298,5 mm for com,
362,6 mm for pastme grass, 412,2 mm
for sugar beet, 433,2 fOf alfalfa and
462,4 mm for potato.
Considerung the crops pattern
of the vaııey, net water requirement is
from proshould
1and devei
345,0 mm. Ifwater applieation efgieieney
is assumed about 40 %, annual water
requirement .,of the valey is determined.
as 862,5 mm if we consider the water
lass from irrigation ehannels; wa,ter
requirment of the val1ey will be 880,0
mm for Iined ehannel and 1044,1 mm
for eartb ditehes.
16. Water resources of the valley
is not suffieient; therefore new' water
resources should be seeked and an
effective irrigation appIication which
\\1ill have at least 60 % water application
effieeney should be practiced
to have the maximum from tbe present
water sources.
17. Problems mising
perty rights of the land
correeted parallel to the
lopment efforts.
i 8. Needs of land leveling for the
agrieu1tura1 land of this area as percentage
of total are 35,22 %Iight, 4,53
% medium and 0,75 % heavy.
19. 10,86 %of the land has drainage
problem. Construetion of drainage
system is not planned for the present
project. Henee 1evel of water table
should be ehecked carefully during
irrigation season.
20. Experiments are made to find
out the seepage lasses from to irriga,
tion ehannels and it is found 1.17 %3,64
% for conerete ehannels and for
earth ditehes it has different values
depending on the texture of soli which
ditches are located in; these values are
computed 6,51 % in c1ay, 11,18 % in
day-Idam, 18,82 % in silty clay, 19,88
%in silty lo.am, 32,29 %loam grounds.
21. A suitable rotation should be
praetieed to have the expected benefit
when irrigation system is put in service.
22. The most beneficial1y use of
the established irrigation system will
be possible jf a management and maintanee
organization with well trained
employees is established.
23. Farmers of this region are
stragIy atteehed to their traditions
therefore they use a agrieu1tural system
which is very simple and for from
todays modern techniques. They have
uncomplete or false knowledge about
soil tiliage, maint~nge fertilization and
using of better seeds. Henee farmers
should be trained in the short courses
by state agenties and university. An
extra effort should be made for extension
activities to reaeh every farmer
ın the area.
24. The cOst irrigation is 68,00
TL. per dekar. 33 % of th'is amount
is spent for eneıgy therefore electricity
should be sold to farmeıs with
special rates to lower the cost of irrigation.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 11, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1972 Volume: 3 Issue: 3 |
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