Bu çalışma, yerli ve yabancı yirmi aspir (Cartbamus tinctorius L.)
çeşidinin fenolojik ve morfolojik özelliklerini, Erzurum ekolojisine
adapte olabilme 'potansiyellerini ve bunlar içerisinde erkenci,
verimi ve yağ muhtevası yüksek olan çeşitleri tesbit ederek bitkisel
yağ ham madde kaynaklarının genişlemesine yardımcı olabilmek
için 1969 ve 1970 yıllarında Erzurum ovasında Atatürk Oniversitesi
Ziraat Fakültesi Araştırma Enstitüsü arazisi içerisinde yapılmıştır.
Bölgeye uygun bir yağ bitkisi olarak aspir üzerinde b~ denemeye
girişilirken bir çok araştırmacının belirtriği gibi bu bitkinin
hububat bölgelerinde başarı ile yetiştirildiği dikkate alınmıştır.
Bitkilerin çimlenme ve ilk büyümeleri üzerinde önemli etkisi
bulunan Nisan ayı yağışlarınin 1970 yılmda çok düşük (8.8 mm.)
olması, bu yılda alınan sonuçların 1969 yılındakine oranla düşük olmasına
sebep olmuştur. Bu sonucun alınmasında, 1969 yılındaki denemenin
1970 yılı denemesinden bitki besin elementleri bakımından daha zengin
bir toprağa teşadüf etmiş olmasının da etkisi bulunmaktadır.
This study was conducted to determine
some of the morphological
and phenological charaeteristics of 20
samower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
varieties, during the years of 1969
and 1970, in the irr{gated area of no..
4 well at the Experiment Station of
Agiİcultural College of Atatürk University
in Erzurum, Turkey: EvaIuation
were also made to find the varieties
which grow early, high in seed yield
and oil content and adaptable to the
ecologicaI conditıons of Erzurum.
The experimentaı area soil was
poor in organic matter and lime, medium
and poor in available phosphorus, rich
in avaİlable potash. The soi1 was siltyloam
İn texture and has a slightly
alcaline reaction of pH 7.7.
The experiment was randomi7.ed
bloek design with' 4 repocations.
A uniform rate of 3.0 kg. N/da., 4.5
kg. P:z05/da. were applied to all experimenta!
plots, before planting. The
samower varieties were obtained from
Eskişehir Plant Breeding and Experiment
Station. Plantings were made
on May 16, 1969 and May 15, 1970.
The distanee with in and between the
rows were 20 cm. and 40 cm. respectively.
Haıvestins were made with sıckle at
October 8, in 1969 and 1970.
There were signifieant differance
among the varieties in phenologieal
characters. According to these observations,
6 varieties (variety numbers
1, 2, 6, 9, 19 and 20) were deteımined
as .early and 4 varieties (5, .16, 17 and
and 18) as iate. As the earliest variety,
no. 6 had a vegetation period of 120133
days. Some of the varieties could
not reach the maturity, because of
theİr needs for a longer growing season.
Significant differances were. observed
among the varieties in the experiments
in the characters (plant height,
height of the first branch, number of
branches and leaves per plant, total leaf
area per plant, leaf size, number \of
fiower and seeds per head, physical
and chemical characteristics ~f the seed
and yield) studied. The highest seed
yield was obtained from no. 6 variety
with 208.5 klg./da. The varieties no.
16, 20, 1, 9 and" 8 fol1ow~d it with
130.4, 126.8, 116.6, 111.6 'and J09.5
kg. ıda., respectively.
The highest oil content in seed
was obtained from the no. 2 variety,
with 26.750 %' The varieties'no. 1. and
6followedit with 26.57~ % and 26.156%
respeetively. The highest oil' yield
per decar -54.7 kg.- was' obtained from
the variety no. 6. The varieties no.
1 and 20 which had the oil yield of
31.S kg./da., and 26.3 kg./da., took
place after no. 6. variety.
There were signifİeant pozitive
carrelations between seed yield and
numbl:'r of heads per plant, 1000 seed~
. weight and oil content of seed, and
negative correlations between seed
yield and hull content of seed, total
leaf area per plant, number of seeds
per head, and hull content of seed.
The oil content was significandy
and negatively correlated with plant
height; total leaf area peı plant, number
of seeds per head, and hull content
of seed. Oil content and hull content
of seed was significandy carrrelated.
Oil yidd per decar was ignificantly
and negatevily correlated with plant
height, leaf size and hull content of
seed. On the other hand, oil yield per
decar was significantly and positively
correlated with number of head per
plant, oil content of seed and seed yield.
According to the resuıts of these
experiments; variety no. 6 (Eskişehir,
5-62) was the best among the 20 varieties
in terms of earliness, oil content of
seed, and seed yield under the ecological
conclitions of Erzurum. This spiny variety
was foııowed by the variety no. i
(Eskişehir, 5-54; A.B.D., BC-7), in
terms of oil yield per decar. The variety
no. 20 (Eskişehir, 5-12S) which had
a high seed yield and a high oil content
of seed, took the first place among the
spinless ones. These 3 varieties could
be recommanded for the area.
In tenns of seed yıeld the variety
no.. i 6 (Eskişehir, 5- 124) took the
second place after no. 6. Despite the
fact that it had a lower seed oil content,
in the case earlier plantings, it
can be considered as a recommandable
spinless variety for Erzurum. In teıIDS
of oil yield vaıiety no. 19 (Eskişehir,
5-127) cou1d be recommanded hefore
no. 16.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 11, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1972 Volume: 3 Issue: 3 |
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