Bu araştırmada Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi
İşletmesinde yetiştirilen ergin Morkaraman koyunlarınm
dört yıllık yapağı verimi ve. özellikleri ile üç
yıllık süt verimi ve özelliklerine tesir eden yıl. yaş ve
yıl X yaş interaksiyonu gibi çevre faktörleri en Küçükkareler
Metoduna (Least-Squares Procedure) göre
anaHz edilmiş, variyasyon kaynaklarının kareler ortammalarına
ait beklenen değerlerindeki variyans unsurlan
ise yine Tam En Küçük-Kareler tekniğine dayanan
metodlarla tahmin edilmiştir.
The effect of same' important
enviromental factors on fl·eece
characteristıcs, body weight at
shearing and the traits characterizıng
lactation mil k yield of mature
Morkararnan ewes raised ın Atatürk
University far,m ın Erzurum
t;ave been estimatedl. There have
heen used 670 {for 4 years), 591
(for 3 years) and 583 (for 3 years)
production records respective Jy.
The main purpose of this study
was to determine the possibility
of Morkararnan sheep improvement
th~ough selectian
The effects of year, age and
year x age interaction on production
traits'were analysed by the met
had of least-squares presented
by Harvey (1960). In addition, covariance
analyses were used to eli
minate the effects of individual pe
riod alfferences on total milk yi~
Id. maximum daily milk yield, ar.
verage daily mlik yielô, butter fat
yield and to test the significance
ofthese environmental factorso
The variance components due
to enviromental factors were ,estimated
by the complate least-squares
The least-squares means of
greasy fleece weight, clean fleece
weight, staple lenght, body
'Neight at shearing. total milk yield, maximum daily milk yield, averaga
daily milk yield. butter fat
yield and milking period of mature
(2-6 years old) Markaraman.
ewes were 1428:::22 g; 984± 16 g
117=1.3 g; 53.6 ±3.1 Kg; 79354
,± 1698 ml; 1072 ± 18 'ml; 560
±9 ml; 4067 ± 112 g and 140
± 1.4 days respectively
Mqrkaraman ewes generally
yielded less than the other native
sheep breeds for aLi the studied
production traits, except body
weight at shearing A noticeable
phetlOtypıc variation. esp~cially
in the milk yield traits was ,observed.
Non-signffjcant environmental
factors were found on greasy
fleece weight and clean 'fleece
weight, The effects of years on
total milk Yield, average daily
milk yield were sigr:ıfıcant (p:! < .05)
but not on stapile length. butter fat
yield and milking period were
highly significant (p < .01). Age
had significant effect (p< .05) on
staple lenght and highly significant
(p<.01) effect on butter fat
While the effect of age x year
interaction on total mill... yield was
significant (p <·05), but not on body
weight at shearing average dally
mlik yield and maximum dailY
milk yield was highly sigJlificant
(p < .01).
The part due to the effects of
environmefltal factors was 9 per
cent in staple length, 17 per cent
in body weight at shearing, 17 per
cent in total milk yield, 14 per
cent in maximum daily milk yield,
24 per cent in average daily
milk yield, 16 per cent in butter
fa.t yield and 45 per cent in milk·
ing period. It was deteı mined by
the covariance analyses that the
effect due to environmental fac·
tors on total milk yield, maximum
daily milk yield, averag~ daily milk
yield and butter fat yield Wer'e
37, 28, 52 and 27 per cent respectively.
In the analyses o~ covariance,
the environmental factors, i. e,
years, ages and regression had
highly significant (p < .01) effect
on all the studied mi'!k characteristics.
The least-squeres means
by the covariance analyses for total
milk yield, maximum daily mıik
'yield, average .daily milk yield and
butter fat yield were 79996 ± 5393;
1078±69; 560:±46 and 4110
± 327 respectively
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 27, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1976 Volume: 7 Issue: 2 |
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