Bu çalışmada Erzurum ovasından alman 40 toprak örneğinin kıvam
limitleri (aşağı plastik /imi/, yukarı plastik limit ve plastiklik indiksi)
ve sıkışma parametreleri (maksimum kuru densite ve optimum nem)
ve ilaveten maksimum kuru densiteye tekabül eden toplam porozite ile
bazı toprak özellikleri (kil, silt, kum, organik madde ve kireç miktarı)
arasındaki ili§kileri incelenmiş ve topraklarm iş/enmeye uygunluk ve
sıkışaMiirlik bakımından değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır.
Casagrande plastiklik diyagramına göre, topraklarm % 25'i az,
%65'i orta ve %lO'u yüksek derecede plastikfiğe sahip bulunmuştur.
Topraklar sıkışabilirlik yönünden kullanılan sıkıştırma lesti ile elde
edilen maksimum kuru densite < 1,5 gfcm 3 olduğunda "düşük", 1-5-1,7
gfcm3 arasında olduğunda "orta" ve > 1,7 glcm 3 olduğunda ise "yüksek"
olarak sınıflandırılmışlardır. Buna göre, toprakların % IO'u düşük,
! % 68'; orta ve %21!si yüksek derecede sıkışçbilirliğe sahip bulunmuşlardır.
This study was ':done with the
purpose to work out the relationships'
.between 'the consistency limits (lower
plastic limit, upper lastic limit and
plasticity index) and some sotı pmperties
(Cıay, sih, sand, organic matter,
and lime content), and between
the compaction parameters ,(maximum
d!)' density, optimum moisture and
additionaUy total poroşity at the maximum
dry density) and the same soil
ı;ıroperties and to evaluate the soit in
the proper conditions for tillage 'and
in 'compactibility, using soil samples
taken frem the Erzurum pJain in eastern
it was found that there are bighly
significant positive relationships between
the three' plastic lirnits and cJ~y
content, and highly sıgnificant negative
relationships between the three
plastic limits and sand content. Silt
content showed a positive relationship
significant at the 5% level with lower
plastic limit, and nonsignificant relationships
with upper plasticIimit and
_ with plasticity index, Lime content gave
positive reJationships significant at
the 1 % JeveJ with·' lower plastic hmit
and at the 5 %JeveJ with upper plastic
. limit, and a nonsignificant reJationship
with pJasticity index. . /
According to the Casagrande pJasticity
chart, it was foqnd that 25 %
of the soiJs have "law_", 65 % of the
soİls have "medium'" and LO % ofthe soils have "high', plastieity. it was
evaIuated in the following ways; High
plasticity means that the possibility of '
tilIing the soil when it is wet and the
danger for the soil structure is high
and the soil should be tilled when friabIe.
Medium plasticity means that the
possibility of tilling the soil when it is
wet and the danger for the strueture is
moderate and it wiU be b~neficial to
care in tilling the soil when friable.
Low plasticity means that it will be ratber
easy to catch the soil in rriable
condition for tilling.
it was found that there are highly
significant negative reIatiQnship~ between
maximum dry density of the
s.oils ad day cantent, between maximum
dry density and organic matter
content, and' between maximum dry
density and Iime content. MaximufD. dry
density showed a highly significant
positive re1ationship with sand cantent,
and a nonsignificant reIalionship with
silt content.
on the other hand; optimum moisture
content gave highly significaht
positive reIationşhips with day content,
with organic matter content, and
with lime content; a highliy significant
negative relationship with sand content;
and a nonsignificant relationship wjth
silt content.
.AdditionaUy, total pomsity at the
maximum dry density' showed highly
significant positive relationships with
clay content, and with otrganic matter
content a highly significant negative
relationshisp with sand content; and
relationships significant at the 5 %
level with silt content, and ,w.ith lime
The soiJs, were classified in com·
pactibility as "lo\Y" when the maxi·
mum dry density obtained with tbe
cumpaction test used, is < 1.5 g/cm3,
as "medium" with maximum dry densities
between 1.5-1.7 g/cm3; and "high"
when the maximum dry density is >
1.7 g/cm3.
According to this Cıassification, it
was found that iO%of the soils have
low compactiility, 68 % of the soils
have medium compactibility, and 22
%of the soils have high compactibility.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 29, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1979 Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2 |
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