Geçirgen topraklar üzerinde inşa edilen 'su depolama yapıların temellerinden
aş'lrl sızma kayıpları meydana gelmektedir. Özellikle suya ş(ddetli gereksinme duyulan
kurak ve yarı kurak iklim bölgelerinde büyük öneme sahip olan bu ,kayıplarm
önüne, geçmek itin rezervuar tabanının geçirimsiz bir mazemeyle kaplanması gerekmektedir.
Toprak-çımeto kartşımlar düşük nwliyetli kaplama malzemesi olarak 20 yt/dan
fazla bir zamandan beri su depola~a yapıl~rında başarılı bir şekilde uygulanmaktadır,
Bu araştırmada, sık/ştmlmış toprak-çimelJ/O kartşımIann bu tip yapılarda
ekonomik kaplama malzemesi olarak sızma kayıplarım azaltmak için kullanabilirliği saptanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Small water cotaining structures are nOW an important SOUl'ce of irrigation
water in the arid and semİ arid climate condition. But excess seepage losses are
'very importam, this kind of structpres.
Soil-cement has been used succesfuly to reduCt: seepage losses and as a law
cost lining material for both small and large water storage reservoirs.
This study is condueted to determine an economical' lining material in order
to prevent seepage losses in the smaIl water reservoir and farm ponds. For this
purpore 3 soils were selected having different texture and Atterberg limits as a
base material among the lO soil samples. Pordland cement is used as soil additives
to stabilize the soiI. FolJowing conclusion is drown by obtained from the test.
- The soils" used in this study have common gradiation according sİeve analysis.
Liquid timit values of the soils are between 26,4 %and 31,3 ~~, plastic index
values are between. 6,4 %and 14,6 %' Accaordirig to A.A.S.H.O. classification
system., soil number 1 is A-2-4 O), number 2 is A-6 (6) and number 3 is A-4 (1).
- Standart Proctor method was employed to determine the required water and
amount copression for the mixtures. Compressian curves were dawn for each
mixture (Figure 2).
• The number 3 mixture propared with the soiI number 1 (containing 18,9
% silt and 1i ~~ clay) and 13 % coment dispa1ayed a good durability against
freezing-thawing and wetting-draying in the laboratory.
- The minimum lost in freezing-thawing test were observed at number 3 soil
cement mixture (2 %) which prepared soil number i and maximum lost at number
1 soil-cement mixture (16 %) which propared soil number 2. The minimum lost in
wettig-draying tests w.ere observed at number 3 soil-cement mixture (6 /~) and
maximum .1ost as ,number 1 (37 %) which prepared soil number 3.
- Compressed soil-cement mixture could be prepared with casily breakable
$oils containing less than 30 %silt and Clay adding B %cement and water at
the opt.imum moisture contant wilt make an economical lining, material for smail
water storage facilities.
- PCA (1971, s. 12) gives approximate cement for' soils according to their
A.A.S.H.O. classification system. But the laboratory tests should be undertaken
in order to find out economieal cement percent for mixture.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 31, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1982 Volume: 13 Issue: 3-4 |
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