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Upon the Reasons of I.Dareious’s Scytian Expedition

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 16, 301 - 316, 30.08.2018


I. who was ascended the throne at the end of a coup attempt, was an important
Persian King in terms of his manners about extending the lands of empire,
modernizing economy and management, and creating laws on all these fields. At
the beginning of his reign, Darius mounted expeditions in order to quell the
rebellions that came forward in Persian Empire. Afterwards, he in person
mounted expedition to Scythian country in the Black Sea at 512 B.C. For this
expedition, floating bridges which made up of ships was built on Bosphrous and
Istros at his command. Thus there were 700.000 soldier and 600 ships that got
through to Scythian country in Persian army as Herodotos stated. Though he had
a strong army, he couldn’t succeed against Scythians. The main reasons of this
failure are the retreats and the attacks with tip and run  raids and also as they approached to the
country, Persian army were deprived of water and supply. Why did Darius mount
expedition to Scytian country? There are plenty of studies which have different
viewpoints, question these reasons. Black Sea must have attracted the attention
of Persians because it had abundant raw materials like timber, mine and its
commercial potential and its widespread commerce network that founded long
before. Also, one of the reasons of this expedition was to strand the Greeks
who met their need of wheat from this region and to take the control around
Thracian and Dardanelles before an expedition to Greece.


  • BALCER, J. M.,(1972). “The Date of Herodotus IV.1 Darius’ Scythian Expedition” HSCP 76, s. 99–132. BALCER, J. M., (1984). Sparda By The Bitter Sea: Imperial Interaction in Western Anatolia, Chico. BALCER, J. M., (1995). The Persian Conquest of the Greeks, Universitätsverlag, Konstanz. BURN, A.R., (1984). Persia and the Greeks: of Darius” Classical Review 11, no. 6, s. 277–282. DANDAMAEV, M. A., (1989). A Political History of the Achaemenid Empire (English translation) Leiden, New York, Kobenhagen, Köln. DREWS, R., (1973). The Greek Accounts of Eastern History, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. DURMUŞ, İ., “Anadolu’da Kimmerler ve İskitler”, Belleten, Cilt LXI, TTK, Ankara, Ağustos 1997, s. 273-286. FGrH, F. Jacoby, (1958), Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, Dritter Teil C, Erster Band, Leiden. GARDİNER-GARDEN, J.R., (1983). “Dareios’ Scythian Expedition and its Aftermath”, Klio 69, No. 2, s. 326–350. GRAKOV, B. N., (2006). İskitler, Çev. Ahsen Batur, Selenge Yayınevi, İstanbul. HARMATTA, J., (1976). “Darius' expedition against the Saka Tigraxauda”, Antique Antiqua, XXIV, pp. 15-24. HİGNETT, C., (1963). Xerxes Invasion of Greece, Clarendon Press, Oxford. HODDİNOTT, R. F., (1981). The Thracians, Thames and Hudson, New York. HSCP, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. KENT, R. G., (1950), Old Persian Grammer: Texts, Lexicon, American Oriental Society. New Haven, Connecticut. KLİNKOTT, H. (2005). Ein achaimenidischer Amtsträger und seine Handlungsspielräume, Verlag Antike, Frankfurt/Main. Klio, Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, (1959).Leipzig andWiesbaden 1902-44. KUHRT, A., (2007). The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources of the Achaemenid Period, Vol. I. London. OLMSTEAD, A. T., (1948). History of the Persian Empire, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. RE, Paulys Real-Encyclopadie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. ROLLE, R., (1980). Die Welt der Skythen: Stutenmelker und Pferdebogner: ein antikes Reitervolk in neuer Sicht, Luzern and Frankfurt. ROMM, J., (1998). Herodotus, Yale University Press, New Haven and London. ROSTOVTZEFF, M., (1922). Iranians and Greeks in South Russia, Oxford at the Clarendon Press. RUGE, W., (1922). “Kyaneiai”, RE XI. 2, 2236.

I. Dareios’un İskit Seferinin Nedenleri Üzerine

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 16, 301 - 316, 30.08.2018


darbe girişiminin sonunda tahta geçen I. Dareios, imparatorluk topraklarının
genişletilmesi, yönetimsel ve ekonomik anlamdaki yenilikçi tutumu ve tüm bu
alanlarda ortaya koyduğu kanun yapıcı tavrı ile Pers İmparatorluğu açısından
son derece önemli bir Pers kralıdır. Dareios saltanatının başlangıcında, Pers
İmparatorluğu’nda ortaya çıkan çok sayıdaki isyan hareketini bastırmak için
seferler düzenlemiştir. Hemen ardından da İ.Ö. 512 yılında, bizzat ordunun
başında yer alarak Karadeniz’deki İskit ülkesine doğru sefere çıkmıştır. Bu
sefer için Dareios’un emri ile İstanbul Boğazı ve Istros (Tuna) nehri üzerinde
gemilerden oluşan yüzer köprüler kurulmuştur. Böylece İskit ülkesine geçen Pers
ordusunda Herodotos’a göre 700.000 asker ve 600 gemi bulunmaktaydı. Dareios, güçlü
bir orduya sahip olmasına rağmen İskitler karşısında başarı sağlayamamıştır. İskitlerin
geri çekilerek, gerilla tipi küçük baskınlarla saldırmaları ve ülke içlerine
doğru ilerledikçe Pers ordusunun su ve erzak sıkıntısına girmesi, seferin
başarısızlığının başlıca nedenleri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Dareios neden
İskit ülkesine sefere çıkmıştır? Bu nedenleri sorgulayan ve farklı bakış
açılarına sahip pek çok çalışma mevcuttur. Karadeniz’in kaliteli kereste, maden
gibi bol hammaddeye sahip olması, bunun yanı sıra çok daha öncelerden kurulmuş
olan yaygın ticaret ağı ve ön plana çıkan ticari potansiyeli Perslerin iştahını
kabartmış olmalıdır. Ayrıca Kıta Yunanistan üzerine yapılacak bir seferden
önce, Trakya ve boğazlar çevresinde tam kontrol sağlamak ve buğday ihtiyacını
bu bölgeden karşılayan Yunanları zor durumda bırakmak da seferin temel
sebeplerinden biri olmalıdır.


  • BALCER, J. M.,(1972). “The Date of Herodotus IV.1 Darius’ Scythian Expedition” HSCP 76, s. 99–132. BALCER, J. M., (1984). Sparda By The Bitter Sea: Imperial Interaction in Western Anatolia, Chico. BALCER, J. M., (1995). The Persian Conquest of the Greeks, Universitätsverlag, Konstanz. BURN, A.R., (1984). Persia and the Greeks: of Darius” Classical Review 11, no. 6, s. 277–282. DANDAMAEV, M. A., (1989). A Political History of the Achaemenid Empire (English translation) Leiden, New York, Kobenhagen, Köln. DREWS, R., (1973). The Greek Accounts of Eastern History, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. DURMUŞ, İ., “Anadolu’da Kimmerler ve İskitler”, Belleten, Cilt LXI, TTK, Ankara, Ağustos 1997, s. 273-286. FGrH, F. Jacoby, (1958), Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, Dritter Teil C, Erster Band, Leiden. GARDİNER-GARDEN, J.R., (1983). “Dareios’ Scythian Expedition and its Aftermath”, Klio 69, No. 2, s. 326–350. GRAKOV, B. N., (2006). İskitler, Çev. Ahsen Batur, Selenge Yayınevi, İstanbul. HARMATTA, J., (1976). “Darius' expedition against the Saka Tigraxauda”, Antique Antiqua, XXIV, pp. 15-24. HİGNETT, C., (1963). Xerxes Invasion of Greece, Clarendon Press, Oxford. HODDİNOTT, R. F., (1981). The Thracians, Thames and Hudson, New York. HSCP, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. KENT, R. G., (1950), Old Persian Grammer: Texts, Lexicon, American Oriental Society. New Haven, Connecticut. KLİNKOTT, H. (2005). Ein achaimenidischer Amtsträger und seine Handlungsspielräume, Verlag Antike, Frankfurt/Main. Klio, Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, (1959).Leipzig andWiesbaden 1902-44. KUHRT, A., (2007). The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources of the Achaemenid Period, Vol. I. London. OLMSTEAD, A. T., (1948). History of the Persian Empire, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. RE, Paulys Real-Encyclopadie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. ROLLE, R., (1980). Die Welt der Skythen: Stutenmelker und Pferdebogner: ein antikes Reitervolk in neuer Sicht, Luzern and Frankfurt. ROMM, J., (1998). Herodotus, Yale University Press, New Haven and London. ROSTOVTZEFF, M., (1922). Iranians and Greeks in South Russia, Oxford at the Clarendon Press. RUGE, W., (1922). “Kyaneiai”, RE XI. 2, 2236.

О причинах похода на Скифов Дария I.

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 16, 301 - 316, 30.08.2018


Придя во власть в результате переворота, Дарий 1 стал величайшим королем
Персидской Империи благодаря его завоеваниям, расширившие территории
императорства, инновационным отношениям в административном и экономическом
плане. Дарий в еще начале своего царствования организовал походы для подавления
мятежных движений, которые участились в то время на территории Персидского
императорства. Сразу после этого в 512 году д.н.э. во главе войска он
отправился в государство Скифов находящийся на Черном Море. Для этого похода по
приказу Дария через Босфор и Истру (Дунай) были построены сотни мостов. Таким
образом, Согласно Геродоту, количество войск, пришедших в государство Скифов
составляло 700 000 воинов и 600 кораблей. Несмотря на то, что Дарий стоял
во главе сильного войска одержал неудачу против Скифов. Самой главной причиной
неудачи стало то, что Скифы решили отступать, но при этом совершая мелкие
набеги партизанским методом и продвигаясь дальше, Персидские войска оставались
без воды и еды.  Почему же Дарий
отправился в поход на Скифов? Есть очень много работ исследующие эти причины и
имеющие разные точки зрения. Тот факт, что Черное море обладало созданной ранее
других широкой торговой линией и развитым коммерческим потенциалом, благодаря
имеющимся в большом количестве такого сырья как качественная древесина и
рудники, вызывало большой интерес у Персов. 
Кроме того, этот поход был совершен до похода в Грецию, потому что надо
было взять полный контроль над Фракией и проливами и оставить в трудном
положении Греков,  получавших пшеницу в
этом регионе.


  • BALCER, J. M.,(1972). “The Date of Herodotus IV.1 Darius’ Scythian Expedition” HSCP 76, s. 99–132. BALCER, J. M., (1984). Sparda By The Bitter Sea: Imperial Interaction in Western Anatolia, Chico. BALCER, J. M., (1995). The Persian Conquest of the Greeks, Universitätsverlag, Konstanz. BURN, A.R., (1984). Persia and the Greeks: of Darius” Classical Review 11, no. 6, s. 277–282. DANDAMAEV, M. A., (1989). A Political History of the Achaemenid Empire (English translation) Leiden, New York, Kobenhagen, Köln. DREWS, R., (1973). The Greek Accounts of Eastern History, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. DURMUŞ, İ., “Anadolu’da Kimmerler ve İskitler”, Belleten, Cilt LXI, TTK, Ankara, Ağustos 1997, s. 273-286. FGrH, F. Jacoby, (1958), Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, Dritter Teil C, Erster Band, Leiden. GARDİNER-GARDEN, J.R., (1983). “Dareios’ Scythian Expedition and its Aftermath”, Klio 69, No. 2, s. 326–350. GRAKOV, B. N., (2006). İskitler, Çev. Ahsen Batur, Selenge Yayınevi, İstanbul. HARMATTA, J., (1976). “Darius' expedition against the Saka Tigraxauda”, Antique Antiqua, XXIV, pp. 15-24. HİGNETT, C., (1963). Xerxes Invasion of Greece, Clarendon Press, Oxford. HODDİNOTT, R. F., (1981). The Thracians, Thames and Hudson, New York. HSCP, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. KENT, R. G., (1950), Old Persian Grammer: Texts, Lexicon, American Oriental Society. New Haven, Connecticut. KLİNKOTT, H. (2005). Ein achaimenidischer Amtsträger und seine Handlungsspielräume, Verlag Antike, Frankfurt/Main. Klio, Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, (1959).Leipzig andWiesbaden 1902-44. KUHRT, A., (2007). The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources of the Achaemenid Period, Vol. I. London. OLMSTEAD, A. T., (1948). History of the Persian Empire, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. RE, Paulys Real-Encyclopadie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. ROLLE, R., (1980). Die Welt der Skythen: Stutenmelker und Pferdebogner: ein antikes Reitervolk in neuer Sicht, Luzern and Frankfurt. ROMM, J., (1998). Herodotus, Yale University Press, New Haven and London. ROSTOVTZEFF, M., (1922). Iranians and Greeks in South Russia, Oxford at the Clarendon Press. RUGE, W., (1922). “Kyaneiai”, RE XI. 2, 2236.
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Bölüm Makaleler

Serap Özkan Kılıç 0000-0003-2926-6358

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Özkan Kılıç, S. (2018). I. Dareios’un İskit Seferinin Nedenleri Üzerine. Akademik Tarih Ve Düşünce Dergisi, 5(16), 301-316.

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