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II. Dünya Savaşı Öncesi Türkiye-Suriye İlişkileri

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 720 - 740


Suriye-Türkiye ilişkileri uzun bir tarihe dayanmaktadır. İki devletin de Ortadoğu’da konumlanması ve birbirlerine sınırlarının bulunması, diplomatik ilişkilerin yaşanmasını kaçınılmaz kılmıştır. Bu makalede, Türkiye-Suriye ilişkileri objektif bir şekilde, tarihe dayalı olarak incelenmiş, iki devletin ilişkilerini derinden etkileyen olaylara yer verilmiştir. Suriye uzun süre Osmanlı egemenliğinde varlığını sürdürdükten sonra, Fransız mandası altına girmiştir. Fransız mandasında uzun bir süre idare edildikten sonra, büyük uğraşlar sonucunda bağımsızlığını kazanmış ve Fransız mandasından kurtulmuştur. Bu süreçte iki devlet arasında diplomatik alanda birçok gelişme yaşanmış, zaman zaman gerilimler zaman zaman da iyi yönde gelişmeler sağlanmıştır. Türkiye-Suriye ilişkilerinde, İngiltere, Fransa, Milletler Cemiyeti gibi devlet ve yapıların karar ve tutumları belirleyici olmuştur. Hatay sorunu, Türkiye-Suriye ilişkilerinde büyük bir dönüm noktası olmuştur. Makalede, iki milletin uzun zaman önce etkileşime geçmesinden başlayan süreçten, II. Dünya Savaşı’na kadar olan sürece kadar söz edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, Lozan, Mondros, Mudanya, I. Dünya Savaşı, Sancak Statüsü ve Hatay sorunu konularına yer verilerek, Türkiye-Suriye ilişkileri anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Abir, M. (1977). Modernisation, Reaction and Muhammad Ali’s “Empire.” Middle Eastern Studies, 13(3), 295–313.
  • Ada, S. (2005). Türk-Fransız İlişkilerinde Hatay Sorunu (1918-1939). İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Alon, Y. (2016). Sheikh and Pasha: Ottoman Government in the Syrian Desert and the Creation of Modern Tribal Leadership. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 59(3), 442–472.
  • Antonius, G. (1934). Syria and the French Mandate. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939), 13(4), 523–539.
  • Atatürk, M.K. (1937). Atatürk'ün Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinin V. Dönem 3. Yasama Yılını Açış Konuşmaları. Millet Meclisi Tutanak Dergisi D. V. 20(3)
  • Atatürk, M.K. (1938). Söylev ve Demeçler I: :TBMM ve CHP Kurultaylarında (1919-1938). Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü.
  • Balistreri, A. E. (2022). Revisiting Millî: Borders and The Making of The Turkish Nation State. In J. Tejel & R. H. Öztan (Eds.), Regimes of Mobility: Borders and State Formation in the Middle East, 1918-1946 (pp. 29–58). Edinburgh University Press.
  • Brauer, R. W. (1995). Boundaries and Frontiers in Medieval Muslim Geography. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 85(6), 1–73.
  • Daam, J. (2023). Contested rule and fragmented space in French Mandate Syria. In Tourism and the Emergence of Nation-States in the Arab Eastern Mediterranean, 1920s-1930s (pp. 193–254). Leiden University Press.
  • Davison, R. H. (1953). Middle East Nationalism: Lausanne Thirty Years after. Middle East Journal, 7(3), 324–348.
  • Farrar, M. M. (1982). Victorious Nationalism Beleaguered: Alexandre Millerand as French Premier in 1920. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 126(6), 481–519.
  • Fitzgerald, E. P. (1994). France’s Middle Eastern Ambitions, the Sykes-Picot Negotiations, and the Oil Fields of Mosul, 1915-1918. The Journal of Modern History, 66(4), 697–725.
  • Gelvin, J. L. (1994). Demonstrating Communities in Post-Ottoman Syria. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 25(1), 23–44 Gönlübol, M. & Sar, C. (1963). Atatürk ve Türkiye'nin Dış Politikası (1919-1938). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
  • Gratien, C. (2016). The Sick Mandate of Europe: Local and Global Humanitarianism in French Cilicia, 1918–1922. Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 3(1), 165–190.
  • Guclu, Y. (2001). The Struggle for Mastery in Cilicia: Turkey, France, and the Ankara Agreement of 1921. The International History Review, 23(3), 580–603.
  • H. L. (1937). The Sanjak of Alexandretta. Bulletin of International News, 13(15), 3–7.
  • H. L. (1938). Turkey and the Sanjak of Alexandretta. Bulletin of International News, 15(12), 6–9.
  • Jackson, S. (2013). Diaspora Politics and Developmental Empire: The Syro-Lebanese at The League of Nations. The Arab Studies Journal, 21(1), 166–190.
  • Jäschke, G. (1940). Alexandrette und Hatay. Die Welt Des Islams, 22, 149–154.
  • Jenks, C. W. (1938). The Statute and Fundamental Law of the Sanjak of Alexandretta. Die Friedens-Warte, 38(1), 34–37.
  • Khadduri, M. (1945). The Alexandretta Dispute. The American Journal of International Law, 39(3), 406–425.
  • Khoury, P. S. (1982). The Tribal Shaykh, French Tribal Policy, and the Nationalist Movement in Syria between Two World Wars. Middle Eastern Studies, 18(2), 180–193.
  • Khoury, P. S. (1987). The Loss of The Sanjak. In Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism, 1920-1945 (pp. 494–514). Princeton University Press.
  • M. B. (1939). The Political and Strategic Importance of Turkey. Bulletin of International News, 16(22), 3–11.
  • M. B., & H. G. L. (1940). Syria and Lebanon: The States of the Levant under French Mandate. Bulletin of International News, 17(14), 841–851.
  • Mango, A. (1968). Turkey in the Middle East. Journal of Contemporary History, 3(3), 225–236.
  • Matthews, M. A. (1937). Chronicle of International Events. The American Journal of International Law, 31(2), 322–333.
  • Mattar, P. (1984). Amin Al-Husayni and Iraq’s Quest for Independence, 1939-41. Arab Studies Quarterly, 6(4), 267–281.
  • McCarthy, J. (2022). Britain, France and Italy. In The British and the Turks: A History of Animosity, 1893-1923 (pp. 410–426). Edinburgh University Press.
  • Melek, A. (1986). Hatay Nasıl Kurtuldu. TTK Basımevi.
  • Mestyan, A. (2023). Modern Arab Kingship: Remaking the Ottoman Political Order in the Interwar Middle East. Princeton University Press.
  • Miller, J. L. (1977). The Syrian Revolt of 1925. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 8(4), 545–563.
  • Millman, B. (1995). Turkish Foreign and Strategic Policy 1934-42. Middle Eastern Studies, 31(3), 483–508.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Türkiye. (1973). Türkiye Dış Politikasında 50 Yıl, Montreux ve Savaş Öncesi Yılları (1935-1939). Dışişleri Bakanlığı Araştırma ve Siyaset Planlama Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Munson, H. (1988). Islam and Revolution in the Middle East. Yale University Press.
  • Olmert, Y. (1996). A False Dilemma? Syria and Lebanon’s Independence during the Mandatory Period. Middle Eastern Studies, 32(3), 41–73.
  • Philliou, C. M. (2021). Turkey: A Past Against History (1st ed.). University of California Press.
  • Provence, M. (2005). Ottoman and French Mandate Land Registers for the Region of Damascus. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, 39(1), 32–43.
  • Qureshi, I. H. (1946). The Foreign Policy of Turkey Since Mudros (1918). India Quarterly, 2(3), 213–228.
  • Reilly, J. A. (1999). Past and Present in Local Histories of the Ottoman Period from Syria and Lebanon. Middle Eastern Studies, 35(1), 45–65.
  • Samee-ul-Hasan. (2010). The Great War of 1914-1919 and the Middle East. Pakistan Horizon, 63(4), 25–31.
  • Sanjian, A. K. (1956). The Sanjak of Alexandretta (Hatay): Its Impact on Turkish-Syrian Relations (1939-1956). Middle East Journal, 10(4), 379–394.
  • Sarınay, Y. (1996). Atatürk’ün Hatay Politikası 1 (1936-1938). Atatürk araştırma merkezi dergisi, 12(34), 3-65.
  • Sarınay, Y. (1996b). Atatürk’ün Hatay Politikası II (1938-1939). Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, 12(35), 407-427.
  • Satloff, R. B. (1986). Prelude to Conflict: Communal Interdependence in the Sanjak of Alexandretta 1920-1936. Middle Eastern Studies, 22(2), 147–180. Shields, S.D. (2011). Fezzes in the River: Identity Politics and European Diplomacy in the Middle East on the Eve of World War II. Oxford Academic.
  • Shorrock, W. I. (1972). The French Presence in Syria and Lebanon Before the First World War, 1900-1914. The Historian, 34(2), 293–303.
  • Sluglett, P. (2014). An improvement on colonialism? The “A” mandates and their legacy in the Middle East. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), 90(2), 413–427.
  • Soysal, İ. (1985). Hatay Sorunu ve Türk-Fransız Siyasal İlişkileri, 1936-1939. Belleten, 49(193), 78-111.
  • Sökmen, T. (1978). Hatay’ın Kurtuluşu İçin Harcanan Çabalar. TTK Basımevi.
  • Sprayregen, J. (2001). Turkey’s foreign policy: a twentieth century success story. Insight Turkey, 3(1), 67–74.
  • Tanenbaum, J. K. (1978). France and the Arab Middle East, 1914-1920. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 68(7), 1–50.
  • TBMM (TGNA) Zabıt Ceridesi. (1939). Otuz üçüncü inikad, 30-VI-1939, 6(3).
  • Tekin, M. (2009). Hatay Devleti Millet Meclisi Zabıtları. Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi.
  • Thomas, M. C. (2002). French Intelligence-Gathering in the Syrian Mandate, 1920-40. Middle Eastern Studies, 38(1), 1–32.
  • Traboulsi, F. (2012). From Mandate to Independence (1920–1943). In A History of Modern Lebanon (pp. 88–109). Pluto Press.
  • Trask, R. R. (1964). The United States and Turkish Nationalism: Investments and Technical Aid during the Atatürk Era. The Business History Review, 38(1), 58–77.
  • Ulus. (1937). Çeteler ayakta. No. 5597. 28 Şubat 1937 Pazar.
  • Wall, I. M. (1986). Front Populaire, Front National: The Colonial Example. International Labor and Working-Class History, 30, 32–43. Wall, I. M. (1986). Front Populaire, Front National: The Colonial Example. International Labor and Working-Class History, 30, 32–43.
  • Watenpaugh, K. D. (1996). “Creating Phantoms”: Zaki al-Arsuzi, the Alexandretta Crisis, and the Formation of Modern Arab Nationalism in Syria. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 28(3), 363–389.
  • Wien, P. (2011). The Long and Intricate Funeral of Yasin Al-Hashimi: Pan-Arabism, Civil Religion, And Popular Nationalism in Damascus, 1937. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 43(2), 271–292.

Turkey-Syria Relations before World War II

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 720 - 740


Syria-Turkey relations have a long history. The fact that both states are located in the Middle East and have borders with each other has made diplomatic relations inevitable. In this article, Turkey-Syria relations are analysed objectively, based on history, and the events that deeply affected the relations of the two states are included. After Syria had been under Ottoman rule for a long time, it came under the French mandate. After being governed under the French mandate for a long time, it gained its independence as a result of great efforts and got rid of the French mandate. In this process, there were many developments in the diplomatic field between the two states, and from time to time tensions and good developments were achieved. In Turkey-Syria relations, the decisions and attitudes of states and structures such as Britain, France and the League of Nations have been decisive. The Hatay issue has been a major turning point in Turkey-Syria relations. In the article, the process starting from the interaction of the two nations a long time ago until the World War II is mentioned. In this context, Lausanne, Mudros, Mudanya, World War I, Sanjak Status and the Hatay problem were included and Turkey-Syria relations were tried to be explained.


  • Abir, M. (1977). Modernisation, Reaction and Muhammad Ali’s “Empire.” Middle Eastern Studies, 13(3), 295–313.
  • Ada, S. (2005). Türk-Fransız İlişkilerinde Hatay Sorunu (1918-1939). İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Alon, Y. (2016). Sheikh and Pasha: Ottoman Government in the Syrian Desert and the Creation of Modern Tribal Leadership. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 59(3), 442–472.
  • Antonius, G. (1934). Syria and the French Mandate. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939), 13(4), 523–539.
  • Atatürk, M.K. (1937). Atatürk'ün Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinin V. Dönem 3. Yasama Yılını Açış Konuşmaları. Millet Meclisi Tutanak Dergisi D. V. 20(3)
  • Atatürk, M.K. (1938). Söylev ve Demeçler I: :TBMM ve CHP Kurultaylarında (1919-1938). Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü.
  • Balistreri, A. E. (2022). Revisiting Millî: Borders and The Making of The Turkish Nation State. In J. Tejel & R. H. Öztan (Eds.), Regimes of Mobility: Borders and State Formation in the Middle East, 1918-1946 (pp. 29–58). Edinburgh University Press.
  • Brauer, R. W. (1995). Boundaries and Frontiers in Medieval Muslim Geography. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 85(6), 1–73.
  • Daam, J. (2023). Contested rule and fragmented space in French Mandate Syria. In Tourism and the Emergence of Nation-States in the Arab Eastern Mediterranean, 1920s-1930s (pp. 193–254). Leiden University Press.
  • Davison, R. H. (1953). Middle East Nationalism: Lausanne Thirty Years after. Middle East Journal, 7(3), 324–348.
  • Farrar, M. M. (1982). Victorious Nationalism Beleaguered: Alexandre Millerand as French Premier in 1920. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 126(6), 481–519.
  • Fitzgerald, E. P. (1994). France’s Middle Eastern Ambitions, the Sykes-Picot Negotiations, and the Oil Fields of Mosul, 1915-1918. The Journal of Modern History, 66(4), 697–725.
  • Gelvin, J. L. (1994). Demonstrating Communities in Post-Ottoman Syria. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 25(1), 23–44 Gönlübol, M. & Sar, C. (1963). Atatürk ve Türkiye'nin Dış Politikası (1919-1938). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
  • Gratien, C. (2016). The Sick Mandate of Europe: Local and Global Humanitarianism in French Cilicia, 1918–1922. Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 3(1), 165–190.
  • Guclu, Y. (2001). The Struggle for Mastery in Cilicia: Turkey, France, and the Ankara Agreement of 1921. The International History Review, 23(3), 580–603.
  • H. L. (1937). The Sanjak of Alexandretta. Bulletin of International News, 13(15), 3–7.
  • H. L. (1938). Turkey and the Sanjak of Alexandretta. Bulletin of International News, 15(12), 6–9.
  • Jackson, S. (2013). Diaspora Politics and Developmental Empire: The Syro-Lebanese at The League of Nations. The Arab Studies Journal, 21(1), 166–190.
  • Jäschke, G. (1940). Alexandrette und Hatay. Die Welt Des Islams, 22, 149–154.
  • Jenks, C. W. (1938). The Statute and Fundamental Law of the Sanjak of Alexandretta. Die Friedens-Warte, 38(1), 34–37.
  • Khadduri, M. (1945). The Alexandretta Dispute. The American Journal of International Law, 39(3), 406–425.
  • Khoury, P. S. (1982). The Tribal Shaykh, French Tribal Policy, and the Nationalist Movement in Syria between Two World Wars. Middle Eastern Studies, 18(2), 180–193.
  • Khoury, P. S. (1987). The Loss of The Sanjak. In Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism, 1920-1945 (pp. 494–514). Princeton University Press.
  • M. B. (1939). The Political and Strategic Importance of Turkey. Bulletin of International News, 16(22), 3–11.
  • M. B., & H. G. L. (1940). Syria and Lebanon: The States of the Levant under French Mandate. Bulletin of International News, 17(14), 841–851.
  • Mango, A. (1968). Turkey in the Middle East. Journal of Contemporary History, 3(3), 225–236.
  • Matthews, M. A. (1937). Chronicle of International Events. The American Journal of International Law, 31(2), 322–333.
  • Mattar, P. (1984). Amin Al-Husayni and Iraq’s Quest for Independence, 1939-41. Arab Studies Quarterly, 6(4), 267–281.
  • McCarthy, J. (2022). Britain, France and Italy. In The British and the Turks: A History of Animosity, 1893-1923 (pp. 410–426). Edinburgh University Press.
  • Melek, A. (1986). Hatay Nasıl Kurtuldu. TTK Basımevi.
  • Mestyan, A. (2023). Modern Arab Kingship: Remaking the Ottoman Political Order in the Interwar Middle East. Princeton University Press.
  • Miller, J. L. (1977). The Syrian Revolt of 1925. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 8(4), 545–563.
  • Millman, B. (1995). Turkish Foreign and Strategic Policy 1934-42. Middle Eastern Studies, 31(3), 483–508.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Türkiye. (1973). Türkiye Dış Politikasında 50 Yıl, Montreux ve Savaş Öncesi Yılları (1935-1939). Dışişleri Bakanlığı Araştırma ve Siyaset Planlama Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Munson, H. (1988). Islam and Revolution in the Middle East. Yale University Press.
  • Olmert, Y. (1996). A False Dilemma? Syria and Lebanon’s Independence during the Mandatory Period. Middle Eastern Studies, 32(3), 41–73.
  • Philliou, C. M. (2021). Turkey: A Past Against History (1st ed.). University of California Press.
  • Provence, M. (2005). Ottoman and French Mandate Land Registers for the Region of Damascus. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, 39(1), 32–43.
  • Qureshi, I. H. (1946). The Foreign Policy of Turkey Since Mudros (1918). India Quarterly, 2(3), 213–228.
  • Reilly, J. A. (1999). Past and Present in Local Histories of the Ottoman Period from Syria and Lebanon. Middle Eastern Studies, 35(1), 45–65.
  • Samee-ul-Hasan. (2010). The Great War of 1914-1919 and the Middle East. Pakistan Horizon, 63(4), 25–31.
  • Sanjian, A. K. (1956). The Sanjak of Alexandretta (Hatay): Its Impact on Turkish-Syrian Relations (1939-1956). Middle East Journal, 10(4), 379–394.
  • Sarınay, Y. (1996). Atatürk’ün Hatay Politikası 1 (1936-1938). Atatürk araştırma merkezi dergisi, 12(34), 3-65.
  • Sarınay, Y. (1996b). Atatürk’ün Hatay Politikası II (1938-1939). Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, 12(35), 407-427.
  • Satloff, R. B. (1986). Prelude to Conflict: Communal Interdependence in the Sanjak of Alexandretta 1920-1936. Middle Eastern Studies, 22(2), 147–180. Shields, S.D. (2011). Fezzes in the River: Identity Politics and European Diplomacy in the Middle East on the Eve of World War II. Oxford Academic.
  • Shorrock, W. I. (1972). The French Presence in Syria and Lebanon Before the First World War, 1900-1914. The Historian, 34(2), 293–303.
  • Sluglett, P. (2014). An improvement on colonialism? The “A” mandates and their legacy in the Middle East. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), 90(2), 413–427.
  • Soysal, İ. (1985). Hatay Sorunu ve Türk-Fransız Siyasal İlişkileri, 1936-1939. Belleten, 49(193), 78-111.
  • Sökmen, T. (1978). Hatay’ın Kurtuluşu İçin Harcanan Çabalar. TTK Basımevi.
  • Sprayregen, J. (2001). Turkey’s foreign policy: a twentieth century success story. Insight Turkey, 3(1), 67–74.
  • Tanenbaum, J. K. (1978). France and the Arab Middle East, 1914-1920. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 68(7), 1–50.
  • TBMM (TGNA) Zabıt Ceridesi. (1939). Otuz üçüncü inikad, 30-VI-1939, 6(3).
  • Tekin, M. (2009). Hatay Devleti Millet Meclisi Zabıtları. Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi.
  • Thomas, M. C. (2002). French Intelligence-Gathering in the Syrian Mandate, 1920-40. Middle Eastern Studies, 38(1), 1–32.
  • Traboulsi, F. (2012). From Mandate to Independence (1920–1943). In A History of Modern Lebanon (pp. 88–109). Pluto Press.
  • Trask, R. R. (1964). The United States and Turkish Nationalism: Investments and Technical Aid during the Atatürk Era. The Business History Review, 38(1), 58–77.
  • Ulus. (1937). Çeteler ayakta. No. 5597. 28 Şubat 1937 Pazar.
  • Wall, I. M. (1986). Front Populaire, Front National: The Colonial Example. International Labor and Working-Class History, 30, 32–43. Wall, I. M. (1986). Front Populaire, Front National: The Colonial Example. International Labor and Working-Class History, 30, 32–43.
  • Watenpaugh, K. D. (1996). “Creating Phantoms”: Zaki al-Arsuzi, the Alexandretta Crisis, and the Formation of Modern Arab Nationalism in Syria. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 28(3), 363–389.
  • Wien, P. (2011). The Long and Intricate Funeral of Yasin Al-Hashimi: Pan-Arabism, Civil Religion, And Popular Nationalism in Damascus, 1937. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 43(2), 271–292.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Modern Türk Tarihi
Bölüm Makaleler

Burak Şakir Şeker 0000-0002-8536-1790

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 3 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 3 Mart 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Şeker, B. Ş. (2025). Turkey-Syria Relations before World War II. Akademik Tarih Ve Düşünce Dergisi, 12(1), 720-740.

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