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Afganistan'ın Siyasi Yapısında Etnik Siyasetin Rolünün Tarihsel İncelemesi ve Analizi (Çağdaş Dönem)

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 55 - 80


Afganistan'daki siyasi yapı etnik siyaset tarafından şekillendirilmiş, kuruluşundan bu yana ülke yönetimi büyük ölçüde tek bir etnik gruba dayandırılmış ve büyük etnik grupların ülkenin siyasi yapısına katılımı büyük ölçüde engellenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, etnik çeşitliliğe sahip bu ülkenin siyasi yapısındaki tek etnik politikayı analiz etmek ve değerlendirmektir. Bu makaledeki ana soru şudur: Çağdaş dönemde Afganistan'ın siyasi yapısında etnik siyasetin rolü ne olmuştur? Bu soruya yanıt olarak Afganistan'da etnik siyasete dayalı siyasi yapının yönetici kabile merkezli olduğu, farklı devletlerin benzer ve farklı özelliklere ve yaklaşımlara sahip olduğu, ayrıca yönetici devletlerin eksikliklerinin kimi zaman Afganistan'ın geleneksel ve aşiret toplumunun direnişiyle karşılaştığı hipotezi ortaya atılmaktadır. Etnik siyasetin üç modeli vardır: Afgan yöneticiler iktidarlarının bazı dönemlerinde etnik homojenleştirme modelini, diğer dönemlerde etnik çoğulculuk modelini ve son olarak bazı yöneticiler çokluk içinde birlik modelini kullanmışlardır. Bu çalışmadaki araştırma yöntemi gelişimsel ve uygulamalı bir yöntemdir. Bu çalışmanın bulguları Afganistan'ın etnik çeşitliliğe sahip ülkelerden biri olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Aiti, A. Q. (2021). The Role of the Millennials in the Political Structure of Hamed Karzai's Government, two specialized scientific quarterly journals of Islamic history in the mirror and thoughts, year 13, number 20, Qom, Higher Education Complex of Jurisprudence. [In Persian].
  • Akhlaqi, M. I. (2001). Hazaras in the course of history and episodes of Afghanistan's political and social history. (2. Vol). Sharia. [In Persian].
  • Ali, F. (2015).Afghanistan: The rise of ethnic consciousness through history; acomprehensive overview of the origin of the Afghan conflict. Available.
  • Alwani, S. et al., (2015). Examination of diversity in Iran's cultural policymaking; Case study: Constitution and cultural engineering map document. Two quarterly scientific research journals of religion and cultural politics, number 7. [In Persian].
  • Arvin, A. (2001). Possible solutions for the ethnic problem in Afghanistan. [In Persian].
  • Bakhtiari, M. A. (2006). Shiites of Afghanistan. Shiite Studies Publications.
  • Cheganizadeh, G. A. & Sahrai, M. R. (2014). Evaluation of the peace building process in Afghanistan after Agreement of 2001 AD, Strategic Policy Research, 4 (14). [In Persian].
  • Davoudi, N. A. M. (2002). Afghanistan and the future political system. Collection of articles, Zalal Kausar Publications. [In Persian].
  • Deshiyar, H. (2012). America's Paradox in Afghanistan: Multiple Identity and Divisible Sovereignty. Foreign Relations Quarterly, 4 (3). [In Persian].
  • Deshiyar, H. (2017). America's Paradox in Afghanistan: Multiple Identity and Divisible Sovereignty. Foreign Relations Quarterly, 4 (9). [In Persian].
  • Deshyar, H. (2007). America and Ethnic Paradigm in Afghanistan, political and economic information. published in Research Institute of Human Sciences and Cultural Studies, Comprehensive Portal of Human Sciences, 257-258. [In Persian].
  • Deshyar, H. (2009). Barack Obama's Counterinsurgency Strategy in Afghanistan, Political and International Approaches. published in Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Center, Humanities Comprehensive Portal. [In Persian].
  • Deshyar, H.(2008). American failures in Afghanistan. Political Economic Information, 269-270. [In Persian].
  • Deshyar, H.(2018). Barack Obama's Counterinsurgency Strategy in Afghanistan, Political and International Approaches. published in Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Center, Humanities Comprehensive Portal. [In Persian].
  • Dolatabadi, B. A. (1992). Identification of Afghan political Parties and Currents. Qom, author. [In Persian].
  • Faraji, R. A. R., Behnam S. S. & Hadi Sadati, M. D. (2011). The New Strategy of the United States of America and the National Security of Afghanistan, Publication Place. Quarterly Journal of New Perspectives in Human Geography, 4 (1).
  • Farzanehpour, H. & Yousefzahi, N. (2016). Historical application of the theory of elites and the pathology of the role of agents on the fragility of Afghan governments. Islamic Political Research Quarterly, 7th year, number 1.[In Persian].
  • Ghabbar, M. M. (1989). Afghanistan on the path of history (Ch. 4). published by the Revolution Center in collaboration with Republic. [In Persian].
  • Gholami, S. M. R. (2015). Discourse analysis of ethnic policies after the Islamic revolution; Emphasis on the period of 1368-1376. Journal of Strategic Studies of Public Policy, 2 (20). [In Persian].
  • Hafiz, H. (2017). A comparative study of the role of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the management of the conflict in Afghanistan (2001-2017) [Master's thesis in international relations, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad]. [In Persian].
  • Heydari, M. A. & Rahmanood, H. (2018). Afghanistan, foreign forces and the challenge of state-nationbuilding. Policy Guide Quarterly, 2 (4). [In Persian].
  • Hossein Khani, E. (2011). Afghanistan's security and the issue of Taliban regaining power. Political Science Quarterly, 16. [In Persian].
  • Khatami, K. S. I. (2004), The Book of Asia (specially in Afghanistan after the Taliban). Cultural Institute of International Contemporary Studies and Research. [In Persian].
  • Krampe, F. (2013). The liberal trap: Peacemaking and peacebuilding in Afghanistan after 9/11. In Mediation and Liberal Peacebuilding (pp. 57-75). Routledge.
  • Mansour, A. H. (1992). The bloody wound of the military developments of the Afghan Jihad. Kabul. [In Persian].
  • Masdaq, N. (2015). Afghanistan: political weakness and foreign intervention. Foreign Policy Quarterly, 20, 2, 3. [In Persian].
  • Ministry of Justice. (2003). The Collection of Constitutional Laws of Afghanistan. Ministry of Justice Publications. [In Persian].
  • Mir Ali B. M. Ali & Mohsani, M. (2015). Political development of Afghanistan and the hindering role of ethnicism in its formation. The first international conference on the geopolitical crises of the Islamic world. [In Persian].
  • Mousavi, S. A. (2000). Afghan Hazaras in History, Culture, Economy and Politics. (Translated by A. Shafaei). Naqsh Simorgh Cultural Institute Publications. [In Persian].
  • Nazari, A. A. & Sazmand, B. (2014). Models and patterns of managing ethnic and identity diversity: providing solutions for Iran. Public Policy Quarterly, 8 (8). [In Persian].
  • Rezapour, Q. M. & Naderi, M. (2013). Globalization and ethnic pluralism in Iran, challenges and opportunities. Globalization Strategic Studies Quarterly, 4 (3). [In Persian].
  • Sajadi, A. Q. (2001). Political Sociology of Afghanistan. Bostan Kitab. [In Persian].
  • Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. (2005). Official Statistics of Government Employees. Kabul, Monitoring and Evaluation Department. [In Persian].
  • Sharan, T. (2016). Network Government. (Translated by H. Rezaei). Cable, word. [In Persian] Tajik, M. & Sharifi, A. (2008). Obstacles to the discourse of democracy in Afghanistan. Political Science, 89 (42). [In Persian].
  • Tanin, Z. (2004). Afghanistan in the 20th century (1900-1996). (second edition). Irfan. [In Persian].
  • Uruzgani, M. (2011). Afghanistan Rainbow of the People. Khorasan Heritage Publications. [In Persian].
  • Warren, Z., Rieger, J., Maxwell-Jones Charlotte, E., & Kelly, N. (2015). Afghanistan in 2016. A survey of the Afghan people. Asia Foundation.
  • Yazdan Panah, K. & Ahmadi, S. J.(2021). The position of ethnic groups in the formation of the political structure and governance of Afghanistan after 2001 AD. Journal of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, 51 (1). [In Persian].
  • Zahedi A. J. (2000). The narrative of the defeat of the condemned tribes in Afghanistan. Qom, Shafa. [In Persian].

Historical Study and Analysis of the Role of Ethnic Politics in the Political Structure of Afghanistan (Contemporary Period)

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 55 - 80


The political structure in Afghanistan has been shaped by ethnic politics, and since its founding, the country’s governance has been largely based on a single ethnic group, and the participation of major ethnic groups in the country’s political structure has been largely avoided. The main objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the single ethnic policy in the political structure, while this country is ethnically diverse. The main question in this article is: What has been the role of ethnic politics in the political structure of Afghanistan in the contemporary period? In response to this question, the hypothesis is put forward that the political structure based on ethnic politics in Afghanistan has been centered on the ruling tribe, and that different states have had similar and different characteristics and approaches, and in addition, the shortcomings of the ruling states have sometimes been met with resistance from the traditional and tribal society of Afghanistan. Ethnic politics has three patterns and models, with Afghan rulers using the ethnic homogenization model in some periods of their rule and the ethnic pluralism model in other periods, and finally some rulers used the unity-in-multiple model. The research method in the present study is a developmental and applied method. The findings of this study show that Afghanistan is one of the countries with ethnic diversity.


  • Aiti, A. Q. (2021). The Role of the Millennials in the Political Structure of Hamed Karzai's Government, two specialized scientific quarterly journals of Islamic history in the mirror and thoughts, year 13, number 20, Qom, Higher Education Complex of Jurisprudence. [In Persian].
  • Akhlaqi, M. I. (2001). Hazaras in the course of history and episodes of Afghanistan's political and social history. (2. Vol). Sharia. [In Persian].
  • Ali, F. (2015).Afghanistan: The rise of ethnic consciousness through history; acomprehensive overview of the origin of the Afghan conflict. Available.
  • Alwani, S. et al., (2015). Examination of diversity in Iran's cultural policymaking; Case study: Constitution and cultural engineering map document. Two quarterly scientific research journals of religion and cultural politics, number 7. [In Persian].
  • Arvin, A. (2001). Possible solutions for the ethnic problem in Afghanistan. [In Persian].
  • Bakhtiari, M. A. (2006). Shiites of Afghanistan. Shiite Studies Publications.
  • Cheganizadeh, G. A. & Sahrai, M. R. (2014). Evaluation of the peace building process in Afghanistan after Agreement of 2001 AD, Strategic Policy Research, 4 (14). [In Persian].
  • Davoudi, N. A. M. (2002). Afghanistan and the future political system. Collection of articles, Zalal Kausar Publications. [In Persian].
  • Deshiyar, H. (2012). America's Paradox in Afghanistan: Multiple Identity and Divisible Sovereignty. Foreign Relations Quarterly, 4 (3). [In Persian].
  • Deshiyar, H. (2017). America's Paradox in Afghanistan: Multiple Identity and Divisible Sovereignty. Foreign Relations Quarterly, 4 (9). [In Persian].
  • Deshyar, H. (2007). America and Ethnic Paradigm in Afghanistan, political and economic information. published in Research Institute of Human Sciences and Cultural Studies, Comprehensive Portal of Human Sciences, 257-258. [In Persian].
  • Deshyar, H. (2009). Barack Obama's Counterinsurgency Strategy in Afghanistan, Political and International Approaches. published in Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Center, Humanities Comprehensive Portal. [In Persian].
  • Deshyar, H.(2008). American failures in Afghanistan. Political Economic Information, 269-270. [In Persian].
  • Deshyar, H.(2018). Barack Obama's Counterinsurgency Strategy in Afghanistan, Political and International Approaches. published in Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Center, Humanities Comprehensive Portal. [In Persian].
  • Dolatabadi, B. A. (1992). Identification of Afghan political Parties and Currents. Qom, author. [In Persian].
  • Faraji, R. A. R., Behnam S. S. & Hadi Sadati, M. D. (2011). The New Strategy of the United States of America and the National Security of Afghanistan, Publication Place. Quarterly Journal of New Perspectives in Human Geography, 4 (1).
  • Farzanehpour, H. & Yousefzahi, N. (2016). Historical application of the theory of elites and the pathology of the role of agents on the fragility of Afghan governments. Islamic Political Research Quarterly, 7th year, number 1.[In Persian].
  • Ghabbar, M. M. (1989). Afghanistan on the path of history (Ch. 4). published by the Revolution Center in collaboration with Republic. [In Persian].
  • Gholami, S. M. R. (2015). Discourse analysis of ethnic policies after the Islamic revolution; Emphasis on the period of 1368-1376. Journal of Strategic Studies of Public Policy, 2 (20). [In Persian].
  • Hafiz, H. (2017). A comparative study of the role of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the management of the conflict in Afghanistan (2001-2017) [Master's thesis in international relations, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad]. [In Persian].
  • Heydari, M. A. & Rahmanood, H. (2018). Afghanistan, foreign forces and the challenge of state-nationbuilding. Policy Guide Quarterly, 2 (4). [In Persian].
  • Hossein Khani, E. (2011). Afghanistan's security and the issue of Taliban regaining power. Political Science Quarterly, 16. [In Persian].
  • Khatami, K. S. I. (2004), The Book of Asia (specially in Afghanistan after the Taliban). Cultural Institute of International Contemporary Studies and Research. [In Persian].
  • Krampe, F. (2013). The liberal trap: Peacemaking and peacebuilding in Afghanistan after 9/11. In Mediation and Liberal Peacebuilding (pp. 57-75). Routledge.
  • Mansour, A. H. (1992). The bloody wound of the military developments of the Afghan Jihad. Kabul. [In Persian].
  • Masdaq, N. (2015). Afghanistan: political weakness and foreign intervention. Foreign Policy Quarterly, 20, 2, 3. [In Persian].
  • Ministry of Justice. (2003). The Collection of Constitutional Laws of Afghanistan. Ministry of Justice Publications. [In Persian].
  • Mir Ali B. M. Ali & Mohsani, M. (2015). Political development of Afghanistan and the hindering role of ethnicism in its formation. The first international conference on the geopolitical crises of the Islamic world. [In Persian].
  • Mousavi, S. A. (2000). Afghan Hazaras in History, Culture, Economy and Politics. (Translated by A. Shafaei). Naqsh Simorgh Cultural Institute Publications. [In Persian].
  • Nazari, A. A. & Sazmand, B. (2014). Models and patterns of managing ethnic and identity diversity: providing solutions for Iran. Public Policy Quarterly, 8 (8). [In Persian].
  • Rezapour, Q. M. & Naderi, M. (2013). Globalization and ethnic pluralism in Iran, challenges and opportunities. Globalization Strategic Studies Quarterly, 4 (3). [In Persian].
  • Sajadi, A. Q. (2001). Political Sociology of Afghanistan. Bostan Kitab. [In Persian].
  • Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. (2005). Official Statistics of Government Employees. Kabul, Monitoring and Evaluation Department. [In Persian].
  • Sharan, T. (2016). Network Government. (Translated by H. Rezaei). Cable, word. [In Persian] Tajik, M. & Sharifi, A. (2008). Obstacles to the discourse of democracy in Afghanistan. Political Science, 89 (42). [In Persian].
  • Tanin, Z. (2004). Afghanistan in the 20th century (1900-1996). (second edition). Irfan. [In Persian].
  • Uruzgani, M. (2011). Afghanistan Rainbow of the People. Khorasan Heritage Publications. [In Persian].
  • Warren, Z., Rieger, J., Maxwell-Jones Charlotte, E., & Kelly, N. (2015). Afghanistan in 2016. A survey of the Afghan people. Asia Foundation.
  • Yazdan Panah, K. & Ahmadi, S. J.(2021). The position of ethnic groups in the formation of the political structure and governance of Afghanistan after 2001 AD. Journal of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, 51 (1). [In Persian].
  • Zahedi A. J. (2000). The narrative of the defeat of the condemned tribes in Afghanistan. Qom, Shafa. [In Persian].
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyaset Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Mohammad Ekram Yawar 0000-0003-3198-5212

Ay Bik Muhsını 0000-0001-7581-4613

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 2 Şubat 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 2 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yawar, M. E., & Muhsını, A. B. (2025). Historical Study and Analysis of the Role of Ethnic Politics in the Political Structure of Afghanistan (Contemporary Period). Akademik Tarih Ve Düşünce Dergisi, 12(1), 55-80.

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