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Tarihsel Perspektiften İslam Dünyasının Yakınlaşma ve Birlik Süreci Üzerine Gelecek Çalışmaları

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 122 - 143


Bu çalışma, İslam dünyasının birliğine yönelik iç ve dış zorlukların haritasını çıkarmaya çalışmıştır. Bu sayede İslam dünyasındaki eğilimler açıklanarak mevcut durumun İslam dünyasında yakınlaşmaya mı yoksa ayrışmaya mı işaret ettiği belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, uluslararası sistemde var olan gerçeklere ve İslam dünyasındaki eğilimlere dayanarak, gelecekte İslam dünyasının birliğini sağlamanın mümkün olup olmadığını belirlemektir. Bu araştırma aynı zamanda gelecek araştırması yöntemini kullanarak sonuçlara ulaşmıştır. İslam dünyasındaki mevcut durumun analizi, İslam devletlerinin çatışan çıkarları nedeniyle en azından kısa vadede Müslümanların birliğine şahit olamayacağımızı ortaya koymaktadır. Bu durumun üstesinden gelmek için öncelikle İslam dünyasının entelektüel ve hükümet elitleri tarafından İslam dünyasının birliği için bir plan üzerinde anlaşmaya varılmalı ve ardından düşmanlığın teşvik edilmesi ve aşırıcılığın bastırılmasının yerini pratik önlemler ve ortak programlar almalıdır.


  • Akhtashami, A. (2002). Islamic Fundamentalism and Political Islam. (translated by M. Eslami). Political Science Section. 5th year, No. 18. Amara, R (1991). Views on Futures Research Methodology. In Futures, 23 (6), 645-649.
  • Azin, A. M., Qaidi, R. & Golshni, A. (2014). The Unity of the Islamic World from the Perspective of Imam Khomeini (RA). Political Studies Section.
  • Bell, W. (1993). Professional ethics for futurists: preliminaries and proposals. Futures Research Quarterly, 9(1), 5-18.
  • Bell, W. (2003). Foundations of futures studies: History, purposes, and knowledge. Transaction Pub.
  • Benihashemi, M. (2003). Ethnic Dignity and Ethnic Nationalism in National Security Studies. Publisher. Strategic Studies Quarterly.
  • Coulumbis, T. & Wolfe, J.)1990). Introduction to International Relations: Power and Justice. Englewood Cliffs.
  • Deutsch, W. K. (1971). The Analysis of International Relations. (Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall).
  • Dougherty, J. & Robert F. (2010). Conflicting Theories in International Relations. (translated by A. Taib & V. Bazargi). Qoms.
  • Drezner, D. W. (2011). Does Obama have a grand strategy? Why we need doctrines in uncertain times. Foreign Affairs, 57-68.
  • Elmanadjra, M. (1990). Futures of the Islamic World, Symposium on the future of Islamic World. Algiers, 4-7 Available at:
  • Ezzati, E. (2009). Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century. Samt. Available at:
  • Fischer, M. (2006). Culture and Foreign Politics, in the Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy, MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Fischer, M. (20069. Culture and Foreign Policy. Brenda Shaffer (ed.). The Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy. The MIT Press.
  • Foladi, M.(2008). Strategy of the Unity of the Islamic World in the Thought of Imam Khomeini (RA). Marfat, 17th year, 126 Khordad. For access:
  • Forda Development Foundation, Future Thinking Group, Future Development Foundation, Future Development Foundation (2005). Technological Future Thinking Methods. Tehran.
  • Giddens, A. (1994). Modernity and Individual Identity, Mashreq Publishing House. Iran.
  • Greenburg, D. N. & Smith, D. D. (2011). Aiding friend and foes in Palestine. Foreign Affairs. Guirguis, D. (2011). Egypt after the Revolution: An Early Assessment. Washington Institute for Near East Policy. July/August.
  • Hosseini, M. M. (2010). The Application of Futures Research in Political Science Based on the Method of Analysis of Layer of Causes. Political and International Approaches. 23 Fall.
  • Ibrahimi, M. (2014). Islam and International Law. (Vol 2). Samt Publisher.
  • Inayatollah, S. (2004). The Causal Layered Analysis Reader. Tamkang University Press.
  • Inayatollah, S. (2007). Questioning the Future: Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation. Tamkang University Press: Graduate Institute of Futures Studies . Jafarinjad, M. & M. Qaidi. (2013). Hollywood’s Psychological Operations in the Spread of Islamophobia. Psychological Operations Studies.
  • Kazemi, S. A. A. (2008). International Relations in Theory and Practice. Qoms Publisher.
  • Khanmohammady, K. (2006). Western Islam and the Media. Political Science Quarterly, 9th year, 36th winter.
  • Khazai, S. & Dehqi, I. E. (2012). Success Factors in National Future Planning. Scientific-Specialized Journal of Futures Studies. First Year, Number Two, Summer.
  • Lambton, A. K. S. (2001). State and Government in Islam (A Survey of the Political Theory of Muslim Jurists from the Early Islamic Period to the Late Thirteenth Century). (translated by S. A. Salehi & M. M. Faqihi). Faqihi Publications. Fall.
  • Lewis, B. (1993). Islam and Liberal Democracy. The Atlantic Monthly Inayatollah. Sohail. (2004). The Causal Layered Analysis Reader. Tamkang University Press.
  • Mahdizadehgan, D. (2006). The crisis of secularism in the Islamic world. Political science, 8 (32), 195-220.
  • Nye, J. S. (2004). Soft power: The means to success in world politics. Public affairs.
  • Puchala, D. J. (1971). Of blind men, elephants and international integration. J. Common Mkt. Stud. 10, 267.
  • Qaidi, M. R. (2006). Groups and Lobbying Influencing American Foreign Policy Towards Islam and Iran. Fifth National Conference on Humanities and Arts.
  • Quran Karim.
  • Russet, B. M. (1963). Community and Contention: Britain and America in the 20th Century. Cambridge Mass MIT Press.
  • Sardar, Z. (2006). What Do Muslims Believe. Granta Books.
  • Sardar, Z. (1998). Postmodernism and the other: The New Imperialism of Western Culture. Pluto press.
  • Sardarnia, K. (2009). The Effect of Social Capital on Good Governance. Monthly Political and Economic Information, Year 23, Farvardin and Ardibehsht (pp. 260-259).
  • Hunter, S. T. (1986). Islamic fundamentalism: What it really is and why it frightens the West. SAIS Review, 6(1), 189-200.
  • Taqvi, G. M. & Ghaffari, M. B. (2000). Studies and Methods of Futurology. Scientific Policy and Research Quarterly, 22, Spring and Summer.

Future Studies on the Process of Convergence and Unity of the Islamic World from a Historical Perspective

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 122 - 143


This study has attempted to map the internal and external challenges to the unity of the Islamic world. Through this, the trends in the Islamic world have been explained to determine whether the current situation indicates convergence or divergence in the Islamic world. The goal pursued by this research is to determine whether, based on the realities existing in the international system and the trends in the Islamic world, it is possible to achieve the unity of the Islamic world in the future. This research has also achieved results by using the future research method. An analysis of the current situation in the Islamic world reveals that due to the conflicting interests of Islamic states, at least in the short term, we will not witness the unity of Muslims. In order to overcome this situation, a plan for the unity of the Islamic world must first be agreed upon by the intellectual and governmental elites of the Islamic world, and then practical measures and joint programs must replace the promotion of hostility and the suppression of extremism.


  • Akhtashami, A. (2002). Islamic Fundamentalism and Political Islam. (translated by M. Eslami). Political Science Section. 5th year, No. 18. Amara, R (1991). Views on Futures Research Methodology. In Futures, 23 (6), 645-649.
  • Azin, A. M., Qaidi, R. & Golshni, A. (2014). The Unity of the Islamic World from the Perspective of Imam Khomeini (RA). Political Studies Section.
  • Bell, W. (1993). Professional ethics for futurists: preliminaries and proposals. Futures Research Quarterly, 9(1), 5-18.
  • Bell, W. (2003). Foundations of futures studies: History, purposes, and knowledge. Transaction Pub.
  • Benihashemi, M. (2003). Ethnic Dignity and Ethnic Nationalism in National Security Studies. Publisher. Strategic Studies Quarterly.
  • Coulumbis, T. & Wolfe, J.)1990). Introduction to International Relations: Power and Justice. Englewood Cliffs.
  • Deutsch, W. K. (1971). The Analysis of International Relations. (Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall).
  • Dougherty, J. & Robert F. (2010). Conflicting Theories in International Relations. (translated by A. Taib & V. Bazargi). Qoms.
  • Drezner, D. W. (2011). Does Obama have a grand strategy? Why we need doctrines in uncertain times. Foreign Affairs, 57-68.
  • Elmanadjra, M. (1990). Futures of the Islamic World, Symposium on the future of Islamic World. Algiers, 4-7 Available at:
  • Ezzati, E. (2009). Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century. Samt. Available at:
  • Fischer, M. (2006). Culture and Foreign Politics, in the Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy, MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Fischer, M. (20069. Culture and Foreign Policy. Brenda Shaffer (ed.). The Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy. The MIT Press.
  • Foladi, M.(2008). Strategy of the Unity of the Islamic World in the Thought of Imam Khomeini (RA). Marfat, 17th year, 126 Khordad. For access:
  • Forda Development Foundation, Future Thinking Group, Future Development Foundation, Future Development Foundation (2005). Technological Future Thinking Methods. Tehran.
  • Giddens, A. (1994). Modernity and Individual Identity, Mashreq Publishing House. Iran.
  • Greenburg, D. N. & Smith, D. D. (2011). Aiding friend and foes in Palestine. Foreign Affairs. Guirguis, D. (2011). Egypt after the Revolution: An Early Assessment. Washington Institute for Near East Policy. July/August.
  • Hosseini, M. M. (2010). The Application of Futures Research in Political Science Based on the Method of Analysis of Layer of Causes. Political and International Approaches. 23 Fall.
  • Ibrahimi, M. (2014). Islam and International Law. (Vol 2). Samt Publisher.
  • Inayatollah, S. (2004). The Causal Layered Analysis Reader. Tamkang University Press.
  • Inayatollah, S. (2007). Questioning the Future: Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation. Tamkang University Press: Graduate Institute of Futures Studies . Jafarinjad, M. & M. Qaidi. (2013). Hollywood’s Psychological Operations in the Spread of Islamophobia. Psychological Operations Studies.
  • Kazemi, S. A. A. (2008). International Relations in Theory and Practice. Qoms Publisher.
  • Khanmohammady, K. (2006). Western Islam and the Media. Political Science Quarterly, 9th year, 36th winter.
  • Khazai, S. & Dehqi, I. E. (2012). Success Factors in National Future Planning. Scientific-Specialized Journal of Futures Studies. First Year, Number Two, Summer.
  • Lambton, A. K. S. (2001). State and Government in Islam (A Survey of the Political Theory of Muslim Jurists from the Early Islamic Period to the Late Thirteenth Century). (translated by S. A. Salehi & M. M. Faqihi). Faqihi Publications. Fall.
  • Lewis, B. (1993). Islam and Liberal Democracy. The Atlantic Monthly Inayatollah. Sohail. (2004). The Causal Layered Analysis Reader. Tamkang University Press.
  • Mahdizadehgan, D. (2006). The crisis of secularism in the Islamic world. Political science, 8 (32), 195-220.
  • Nye, J. S. (2004). Soft power: The means to success in world politics. Public affairs.
  • Puchala, D. J. (1971). Of blind men, elephants and international integration. J. Common Mkt. Stud. 10, 267.
  • Qaidi, M. R. (2006). Groups and Lobbying Influencing American Foreign Policy Towards Islam and Iran. Fifth National Conference on Humanities and Arts.
  • Quran Karim.
  • Russet, B. M. (1963). Community and Contention: Britain and America in the 20th Century. Cambridge Mass MIT Press.
  • Sardar, Z. (2006). What Do Muslims Believe. Granta Books.
  • Sardar, Z. (1998). Postmodernism and the other: The New Imperialism of Western Culture. Pluto press.
  • Sardarnia, K. (2009). The Effect of Social Capital on Good Governance. Monthly Political and Economic Information, Year 23, Farvardin and Ardibehsht (pp. 260-259).
  • Hunter, S. T. (1986). Islamic fundamentalism: What it really is and why it frightens the West. SAIS Review, 6(1), 189-200.
  • Taqvi, G. M. & Ghaffari, M. B. (2000). Studies and Methods of Futurology. Scientific Policy and Research Quarterly, 22, Spring and Summer.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyaset Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Ay Bik Muhsını 0000-0001-7581-4613

Mohammad Ekram Yawar 0000-0003-3198-5212

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 4 Şubat 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 3 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Muhsını, A. B., & Yawar, M. E. (2025). Future Studies on the Process of Convergence and Unity of the Islamic World from a Historical Perspective. Akademik Tarih Ve Düşünce Dergisi, 12(1), 122-143.

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