Large deviation principle for reflected diffusion process fractional Brownian motion
Year 2021,
, 127 - 137, 31.03.2021
Raphael Diatta
Ibrahima Sane
Alassane Diédhiou
In this paper we establish a large deviation principle for solution of perturbed reflected stochastic
differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion B^H with Hurst index H ∈ (0;1).
The key is to prove a uniform Freidlin-Wentzell estimates of solution on the set of continuous
square integrable functions in the dual of Schwartz space . We have built in the whole interval of H ∈ (0;1) a new approch different from that of Y. Inahama [10] for LDP of εBH in [6].Thanks to this we establish the LDP for the process diffusion of reflected stochastic differential
equations via the principle of contraction on the set of continuous square integrable functions in the dual of
Schwartz space.The existence and uniqueness of the solutions of such equations (1) and (2) are obtained by [7].
Supporting Institution
Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor,
We would like to thank the UASZ and the Laboratory of Mathematics and Application
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Year 2021,
, 127 - 137, 31.03.2021
Raphael Diatta
Ibrahima Sane
Alassane Diédhiou
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Analysis, vol 7 , 4 ,(2013), 493-510.
- [2] C. Bender, An Ito formula for generalized functionals of a fractional Brownian motion with arbitrary Hurst parameter,
Stochastic Process. Appl, vol 104 , 1 ,(2003), 81-106.
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