Weak Solutions for a Coupled System of Partial Pettis Hadamard Fractional Integral Equations
Year 2017,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 136 - 146, 20.12.2017
Said Abbas
Mouffak Benchohra
Johnny Henderson
Jamal E. Lazreg
In this paper we investigate the existence of weak solutions under the Pettis integrability assumption for a coupled system of partial integral equations via Hadamard’s fractional integral, by applying the technique of measure of weak noncompactness and Mönch’s fixed point theorem.
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Year 2017,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 136 - 146, 20.12.2017
Said Abbas
Mouffak Benchohra
Johnny Henderson
Jamal E. Lazreg
- S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and G.M. N’Guérékata, Topics in Fractional Differential Equations, Springer, New York, 2012.
- S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and G.M. N’Guérékata, Advanced Fractional Differential and Integral Equations, Nova Science
Publishers, New York, 2015.
- S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and A.N. Vityuk, On fractional order derivatives and Darboux problem for implicit differential
equations, Frac. Calc. Appl. Anal. 15 (2012), 168–182.
- R.R. Akhmerov, M.I. Kamenskii, A.S. Patapov, A.E. Rodkina and B.N. Sadovskii, Measures of Noncompactness and
Condensing Operators. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1992.
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Rev. Real. Acad. Cienc. Exact. Fis. Natur. Madrid 79 (1985), 53–66.
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Banach spaces, Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. 54 (2010), 1–10.
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inclusions, Nonlinear Dyn. Syst. Theory 11 (3) (2011), 227–237.
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Banach spaces, Comput. Math. Appl. 64 (2012), 3101–3107.
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spaces, Commun. Appl. Anal. 12 (4) (2008), 419–428.
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Banach spaces, Opuscula Math. 32 (1) (2012), 31–40.
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in Banach spaces, PanAmer. Math. J. 20 (3) (2010), 27–37.
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integrals. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 270 (2002), 1–15.
- M.A. Darwish, On integral equations of UrysohnâASVolterra type, Appl. Math. Comput. 136 (1) (2003), 93–98.
- M.A. Darwish, J. Henderson and D. O’Regan, Existence and asymptotic stability of solutions of a perturbed fractional
functional-integral equation with linear modification of the argument, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 48 (3) (2011), 539–553.
- M.A. Darwish and S.K. Ntouyas, On a quadratic fractional HammersteinâASVolterra integral equation with linear modification
of the argument, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (11) (2011), 3510–3517.
- M.A. Darwish, On a perturbed functional integral equation of Urysohn type, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2012), 8800-
- M.A. Darwish and J. Henderson, Nondecreasing solutions of a quadratic integral equation of Urysohn-Stieltjes type, Rocky
Mountain J. Math. 42 (2) (2012), 545–566.
- M.A. Darwish and J. Banas, Existence and characterization of solutions of nonlinear Volterra-Stieltjes integral equations
in two vriables, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, Art. ID 618434, 11 pp.
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Science B.V., Amsterdam, 2006.
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- A. Petrusel, G. Petrusel, A study of a general system of operator equations in b-metric spaces via the vector approach in
fixed point theory. J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 19 (2017), 1793-1814.
- B.J. Pettis, On integration in vector spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 44 (1938), 277–304.
- S. Pooseh, R. Almeida, and D. Torres, Expansion formulas in terms of integer-order derivatives for the Hadamard fractional
integral and derivative. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 33 (3) (2012), 301–319.
- S.G. Samko, A.A. Kilbas and O.I. Marichev, Fractional Integrals and Derivatives: Theory and Applications, Gordon and
Breach, Yverdon, 1993.
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(1986), 1–14.
- M.A. Taoudi, Integrable solutions of a nonlinear functional integral equation on an unbounded interval, Nonlinear Anal.
71 (2009), 4131–4136.
- V.E. Tarasov, Fractional dynamics: Application of Fractional Calculus to Dynamics of Particles, Fields and Media,
Springer, Heidelberg; Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2010.
- A.N. Vityuk, On solutions of hyperbolic differential inclusions with a nonconvex right-hand side. (Russian) Ukran. Mat.
Zh. 47 (4) (1995), 531–534; translation in Ukrainian Math. J. 47 (4) (1996), 617–621.
- A.N. Vityuk and A.V. Golushkov, Existence of solutions of systems of partial differential equations of fractional order,
Nonlinear Oscil. 7 (2004), 318–325.