- Manuscripts should be written with Microsoft Word Programme and adjusted as in that: Paper Dimension Vertical A4, Top Side Margin 2,5 cm., Bottom Side Margin 2,5 cm., Left Side Margin 2,5 cm, Right Side Margin 2,5 cm, Writing Fond Times New Roman, Article Title 14 Punto/ Left Aligned. Normal Text Dimension 10 Punto, Line Gap Exact, before 0 nk, after 6 nk, value 14 nk, No indentation. Besides, in articles page number, upper information and sub information will not be used. In article, not invisible and hidden any writing, shape and simple things cannot be used. If any hidden thing is found, legal responsibility will be fully owned by the author(s).
- All headings including introduction and conclusion should be numbered and typed bold. References should not be numbered.
- First degree headings should be written in “upper case” and others should be written in “title case”.
- Manuscripts should include tittle, abstract, key words and JEL classifications. Abstract should not exceed 200 words.
- A cover page that consists of title, author name, author title and affiliation, e-mail address and ORCID ID. Manuscript type (research article, case study, review etc...) should be specified on the cover page.
- Table number and name should be written above the table.
- Figure number and name should be written below the figure.
- Graph number and name should be written below the graph.
- Reference sholud be ordered alphabetically.
- At the end of the article, there should be an extended summary ( an English summary for articles written in Turkish, a Turkish summary for articles written in English) of 500-1000 words.
- At the end of the article for Turkish articles writing English Summary including between 500-1000 words and English articles Turkish Summary between 500-1000 words is compulsory.
- Citations, references and fottnotes should be prepared according to APA Style Guide. Some examples that are taken from APA Style Guide are given below. You can visit http://referencing.port.ac.uk/ for further help.
In order for the articles to pass from the pre-check to the Editor's pre-evaluation without being rejected, they must be prepared on the basis of the article template. The template file you will download will facilitate the preparation of the articles in accordance with the spelling rules of our journal.
When uploading the article to the Dergipark system;
Correct the name of the word file of your article so that it is only the title of your article.
Fill in both the Turkish and English tabs of the TITLE - ABSTRACT - KEYWORDS sections. As indicated in the warning when filling the REFERENCES section in the system, add a line space between the references.
When uploading the similarity report, select the Similarity Report from the additional documents. The filtering options in the iThenticate program should be set as follows: Except for bibliography (Bibliography excluded) Except for quotations (Quotes excluded) Except for parts of text that overlap less than 5 words (Limit match size to 5 words) Other filtering options in the Program menu are not included in the reporting. The report should be saved as ".pdf" extension.
After you sign the Copyright Transfer Form, scan it and upload it as a pdf (You can scan it free of charge from the Adobe Scan program you can download to your phone).
Ethics Committee Approval must be obtained for studies that require an Ethics Committee Decision, this approval should be stated in the article and uploaded in the additional documents section during the application.