The aim of this study is to adapt the Helicopter Parenting and Autonomy Supportive Behaviour Scale developed by Schiffrin, Liss, Miles-McLean, Geary, Erchull, and Tashner to Turkish and to examine its validity and reliability. The original form of the scale consists of 15 items and two dimensions: Helicopter Parenting and Autonomy Supportive Behaviours. After communicating with the original authors the translation process the 6-point likert form was administered to 381 (78%) females, 107 (22%) males total of 488 university students. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to obtain evidence for the validity of the scale. The scale was found to fit well with the two dimensional structure as in the original form (χ2 = 223.02, df = 87, χ2/df = 2.56, p < .001, RMSEA = .060, SRMR = .070, CFI = .97, NNFI = .96, NFI = .95, GFI = .98). To establish reliability, Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient has been calculated. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient was α = .80 for the helicopter parenting dimension and α = .80 for the autonomy supportive behaviours dimension. Correlations were found to vary between .31-.64. In all items, a significant difference was found between the means of the upper-lower 27% groups. The results yield that, Helicopter Parenting and Autonomy Supportive Behaviour Scale consisting of 15 items is a valid and reliable instrument to examine helicopter parenting and autonomy supportive behaviours of parents from the perspective of university students in Turkey.