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Year 2006, , 157 - 193, 01.03.2006


  • ANDORNO, Roberto. Biomedicine and international human rights law: in search of global consensus. Bulletin of World Health Organization. Vol. 80, n. 12, Geneva, 2002. . (01.11.2005)
  • BOSTYN, S.J.R.. The Prodigal Son: The Relationship Between Patent Law and Patent Law and Health Care. Medical Law Review. No. 11, Spring 2003. Oxford University Press, ss. 67-120.
  • ERMAN, Barış. Ceza Hukukunda Tıbbi Müdahalelerin Hukuka Uygunluğu. Ankara. Seçkin, 2003.
  • GUNNING, Jennifer. Article 18 of the European Biomedicine Convention: “What Impact on Assisted Reproduction?” European Journal of Health Law. No. 6, 1999. Kluwer Law International, ss. 165-171.
  • HAKERİ, Hakan. Sorularla Ceza Hukuku. Ankara. Türkiye Barolar Birliği Yayını, 2005.
  • HALLIDAY, Samantha. A Comparative Approach to the Regulation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Europe. Medical Law Review. No. 12, Spring 2004, Oxford University Press, ss. 40-69.
  • HARRIS, John (ed.). Bioethics. Oxford Readings in Philosophy. Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • HONNEFELDER, Ludger. Bioethics and Human Genetics: Consensus Formation in Europe. Philosophisches Seminar der Universität Bonn, Lehr-und Forschungsbereich II.
  • JOHNSTON, Carolyn -Jane KAYE. Does the Biobank Have a Legal Obligation to Feedback Individual Findings to Participants? Medical Law Review. No. 12, Autumn 2004, Oxford University Press, ss. 239- 267.
  • KATOĞLU, Tuğrul. “Hekimin Cezai Sorumluluğu”. Doğum Hekimliği Maternal-Fetal Tıp’ta Etik ve Yasal Boyut. M. Sinan BEKSAÇ, Şebnem AKİPEK, Tuğrul KATOĞLU, Zarife ŞENOCAK, Mehmet Ali ŞUĞLE. Ankara. Medical Network, 2004.
  • KNOPPERS, Bartha M. – Rosario M. ISASI. Regulatory Approaches to Reproductive Genetic Testing. Human Reproduction. Vol. 19. No. 12, 2004, ss. 2695-2701.
  • MANUEL, C.; D. HAIRION, P. AUQUIER, D. REVIRON, D. GIOCANTI, P. TERRIOU, V.PELISSIER, J.L. SAN MARCO. “Is the Legislation of European States in Keeping with the Recent Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine?” European Journal of Health Law. No. 6, 1999. Kluwer Law International, ss. 55-69.
  • McHALE, J.V.. Regulating Genetic Databases: Some Legal and Ethical Issues. Medical Law Review. No. 12, Spring 2004. Oxford University Press, ss. 70-96.
  • NYS, Herman. Patients Rights in a European Health Care Market. Paper prepared for delivery at the Conference on European Integration and health Care Systems: A Challenge for Social Policy. 7-8 December 2001.
  • ÖZGENÇ, İzzet. Gerekçeli Türk Ceza Kanunu. Ankara. Seçkin, 2004.
  • ÖZSUNAY, Ergun. “Alman ve Türk Hukuklarında Hekimin Hastayı Aydınlatma Ödevi ve İstisnaları”. Sorumluluk Hukukundaki Yeni Gelişmeler V. Sempozyumu, Türk Hukukunda Hekimin Hukuki ve Cezai Sorumluluğu. MHAUM. Ankara 12/13 Mart, 1982, İstanbul, 1983.
  • PATTINSON, Shaun D.. Reproductive Cloning: Can Cloning Harm the Clone? Medical Law Review. No. 10, Autumn 2002. Oxford University Press, ss. 295-307.
  • PENNINGS, Guido. Legal Harmonization and reproductive tourism in Europe. Human Reproduction. Vol. 19. No. 12, 2004, ss. 2689-2694.
  • PICIOCCHI, Cinzia. La Convenzione di Oviedo sui diritti dell’uomo e la biomedicina: Verso una bioethica europea? Diritto pubblico ed europeo. III, 2001. Rapport explicatif à la Convention pour la protection des droits de l’Homme et de la dignité de l’être humain à l’égard des a p p l i c a t i o n s d e l a b i o l o g i e e t d e l a m é d e c i n e ,
  • ROSENAU, Henning. “Yeniden canlı Üretimi, Tedavi Edici Klonlama Tartışmaları ve Alman Kök Hücre Kanunu”. Çev. Hakan Hakeri. Karşılaştırmalı Güncel Ceza Hukuku Serisi 2. Tıp ve Ceza Hukuku. Ankara. Seçkin, 2004, ss. 43-80.
  • SANTANIELLO, Giuseppe. Ricerca genetica e tutela della persona. (09.11.2005)
  • SCHOTSMANS, Paul T.. Integration of Bioethical Principles and requirements into European Union Statues Regulations and Policies. Acta Bioethica. Vol. 11. No. 1, 2005. (01.11.2005)
  • SKENE, Loane. Patient’s Rights or Family Responsabilities? Two Approaches to Genetic Testing. Medical Law Review. No. 6, Spring 1998. Oxford University Press, ss. 1-41.
  • TEZCAN, Durmuş; Mustafa Ruhan ERDEM; Murat ÖNOK. Teorik ve Pratik Ceza Özel Hukuku. Ankara. Seçkin, 2006. de WACHTER, Maurice A.M.. The European Convention on Bioethics. Hastings Center Report. January-February 1997, ss. 13-23.
  • WINTER, Stephan F.. The Cornerstones for a Prohibition of Cloning Human Beings laid down in the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. European Journal of Health Law. No. 4, 1997. Kluwer Law International, ss. 73-77.
  • YENERER ÇAKMUT, Özlem. Tıbbi Müdahaleye Rızanın Ceza Hukuku Açısından İncelenmesi. İstanbul. Legal, 2003.

European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine as a part of Turkish Law

Year 2006, , 157 - 193, 01.03.2006


  • ANDORNO, Roberto. Biomedicine and international human rights law: in search of global consensus. Bulletin of World Health Organization. Vol. 80, n. 12, Geneva, 2002. . (01.11.2005)
  • BOSTYN, S.J.R.. The Prodigal Son: The Relationship Between Patent Law and Patent Law and Health Care. Medical Law Review. No. 11, Spring 2003. Oxford University Press, ss. 67-120.
  • ERMAN, Barış. Ceza Hukukunda Tıbbi Müdahalelerin Hukuka Uygunluğu. Ankara. Seçkin, 2003.
  • GUNNING, Jennifer. Article 18 of the European Biomedicine Convention: “What Impact on Assisted Reproduction?” European Journal of Health Law. No. 6, 1999. Kluwer Law International, ss. 165-171.
  • HAKERİ, Hakan. Sorularla Ceza Hukuku. Ankara. Türkiye Barolar Birliği Yayını, 2005.
  • HALLIDAY, Samantha. A Comparative Approach to the Regulation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Europe. Medical Law Review. No. 12, Spring 2004, Oxford University Press, ss. 40-69.
  • HARRIS, John (ed.). Bioethics. Oxford Readings in Philosophy. Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • HONNEFELDER, Ludger. Bioethics and Human Genetics: Consensus Formation in Europe. Philosophisches Seminar der Universität Bonn, Lehr-und Forschungsbereich II.
  • JOHNSTON, Carolyn -Jane KAYE. Does the Biobank Have a Legal Obligation to Feedback Individual Findings to Participants? Medical Law Review. No. 12, Autumn 2004, Oxford University Press, ss. 239- 267.
  • KATOĞLU, Tuğrul. “Hekimin Cezai Sorumluluğu”. Doğum Hekimliği Maternal-Fetal Tıp’ta Etik ve Yasal Boyut. M. Sinan BEKSAÇ, Şebnem AKİPEK, Tuğrul KATOĞLU, Zarife ŞENOCAK, Mehmet Ali ŞUĞLE. Ankara. Medical Network, 2004.
  • KNOPPERS, Bartha M. – Rosario M. ISASI. Regulatory Approaches to Reproductive Genetic Testing. Human Reproduction. Vol. 19. No. 12, 2004, ss. 2695-2701.
  • MANUEL, C.; D. HAIRION, P. AUQUIER, D. REVIRON, D. GIOCANTI, P. TERRIOU, V.PELISSIER, J.L. SAN MARCO. “Is the Legislation of European States in Keeping with the Recent Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine?” European Journal of Health Law. No. 6, 1999. Kluwer Law International, ss. 55-69.
  • McHALE, J.V.. Regulating Genetic Databases: Some Legal and Ethical Issues. Medical Law Review. No. 12, Spring 2004. Oxford University Press, ss. 70-96.
  • NYS, Herman. Patients Rights in a European Health Care Market. Paper prepared for delivery at the Conference on European Integration and health Care Systems: A Challenge for Social Policy. 7-8 December 2001.
  • ÖZGENÇ, İzzet. Gerekçeli Türk Ceza Kanunu. Ankara. Seçkin, 2004.
  • ÖZSUNAY, Ergun. “Alman ve Türk Hukuklarında Hekimin Hastayı Aydınlatma Ödevi ve İstisnaları”. Sorumluluk Hukukundaki Yeni Gelişmeler V. Sempozyumu, Türk Hukukunda Hekimin Hukuki ve Cezai Sorumluluğu. MHAUM. Ankara 12/13 Mart, 1982, İstanbul, 1983.
  • PATTINSON, Shaun D.. Reproductive Cloning: Can Cloning Harm the Clone? Medical Law Review. No. 10, Autumn 2002. Oxford University Press, ss. 295-307.
  • PENNINGS, Guido. Legal Harmonization and reproductive tourism in Europe. Human Reproduction. Vol. 19. No. 12, 2004, ss. 2689-2694.
  • PICIOCCHI, Cinzia. La Convenzione di Oviedo sui diritti dell’uomo e la biomedicina: Verso una bioethica europea? Diritto pubblico ed europeo. III, 2001. Rapport explicatif à la Convention pour la protection des droits de l’Homme et de la dignité de l’être humain à l’égard des a p p l i c a t i o n s d e l a b i o l o g i e e t d e l a m é d e c i n e ,
  • ROSENAU, Henning. “Yeniden canlı Üretimi, Tedavi Edici Klonlama Tartışmaları ve Alman Kök Hücre Kanunu”. Çev. Hakan Hakeri. Karşılaştırmalı Güncel Ceza Hukuku Serisi 2. Tıp ve Ceza Hukuku. Ankara. Seçkin, 2004, ss. 43-80.
  • SANTANIELLO, Giuseppe. Ricerca genetica e tutela della persona. (09.11.2005)
  • SCHOTSMANS, Paul T.. Integration of Bioethical Principles and requirements into European Union Statues Regulations and Policies. Acta Bioethica. Vol. 11. No. 1, 2005. (01.11.2005)
  • SKENE, Loane. Patient’s Rights or Family Responsabilities? Two Approaches to Genetic Testing. Medical Law Review. No. 6, Spring 1998. Oxford University Press, ss. 1-41.
  • TEZCAN, Durmuş; Mustafa Ruhan ERDEM; Murat ÖNOK. Teorik ve Pratik Ceza Özel Hukuku. Ankara. Seçkin, 2006. de WACHTER, Maurice A.M.. The European Convention on Bioethics. Hastings Center Report. January-February 1997, ss. 13-23.
  • WINTER, Stephan F.. The Cornerstones for a Prohibition of Cloning Human Beings laid down in the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. European Journal of Health Law. No. 4, 1997. Kluwer Law International, ss. 73-77.
  • YENERER ÇAKMUT, Özlem. Tıbbi Müdahaleye Rızanın Ceza Hukuku Açısından İncelenmesi. İstanbul. Legal, 2003.
There are 26 citations in total.


Other ID JA62EN37HA
Journal Section Research Article

Tuğrul Katoğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2006
Submission Date March 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006


Chicago Katoğlu, Tuğrul. “TÜRK HUKUKUNUN BİR PARÇASI OLARAK AVRUPA KONSEYİ İNSAN HAKLARI Ve BİYOTIP SÖZLEŞMESİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 55, no. 1 (March 2006): 157-93.