Yıl 1961 ,
, 0 - 0, 01.05.1961
Yahya Kâzım Zabunoğlu
BONNARD, R. «İdarenin Kazaî murakabesi» (Çev. H. Ş. Adal), İdare
Dergisi, C. 86, sh. 93.
CONSTANTINAFF, J. «Le recours contre l'administration dans la
legislation et la jurisprudence Anglaise».
DERBİL, S. «İdare Hukuku», Cilt 1, 4. bası, Ankara 1955.
DICEY, A. V. «Introduction to the Study of Law of Constitution»,
Ninth ed. 1939.
DICEY, A. V. «Lecture on the Relation Between Law and Public
Opinion in England during the nineteenth - century», (Repr.
-2nd. ed. - 1949).
DICEY, A. V. «Droit Administratif in Modern French Law», (The
Law Quarterly Review, Yıl: 1901, Cilt: 17, sh. 302-318).
DICEY. A. V. «Development of Administrative Law in England»,
(The Law Quarterly Review, Yıl: 1915, Cilt: 31,, sh. 48 -153.
GARNER, J. W. «La Conception anglo - amĞricaine du droit administratif»
(Melanges M. Hauriou, sh. 337-385).
GOODNOVV, «The Principles of the Administrative Law of the United
States», (1905).
LORD HEV7ART, (and Dr. ALLEN) «The New Despotism».
JENNINGS, W. I. «The Law and the Constitution», (Repr. -Third
ed. - 1944).
KEETON, G. W. «Development of the Constitutions and Law of the
British Commonwealth and Empire».
HARRISON, 'W. «The Government of Britain».
RADCLIFFE, G. R. Y. and CROSS, G. «English Legal System», Second
Ed., 1946.
Robson, W. A. «Justice and Administrative Law», Second Ed., 1947.
SCHWARZ, A. «İngiliz Hukuku ve Kontinental Hukuk», (Makale).
SCHWARTZ, B. «French Administrative Law and the Common -
Law World», New York, 1954.
ULMANN, H. L6vy - «Le systeme Juridique de l'Anglettere», cilt.:
1, Paris, 1928.
VERSAN, V. «İngiltere'de İdare Hukuku», (İdare Hukuku Bakımından
İngiliz Hukuku Sistemi _ İdare Hukuku Semineri Çalışmaları,
İst. Ü. Hukuk Fak. Yayınlarından, sh. 1-17), İstanbul,
VERSAN, V. «İngiltere'de Adlî İdare Sistemi», (İstanbul Barosu
Mecmuası, 1944, sh. XVIII.).
WADE, E. C. S. ve PHILLIPS, G. G. «Constitutional Law», Fifth ed.,
Yıl 1961 ,
, 0 - 0, 01.05.1961
Yahya Kâzım Zabunoğlu
BONNARD, R. «İdarenin Kazaî murakabesi» (Çev. H. Ş. Adal), İdare
Dergisi, C. 86, sh. 93.
CONSTANTINAFF, J. «Le recours contre l'administration dans la
legislation et la jurisprudence Anglaise».
DERBİL, S. «İdare Hukuku», Cilt 1, 4. bası, Ankara 1955.
DICEY, A. V. «Introduction to the Study of Law of Constitution»,
Ninth ed. 1939.
DICEY, A. V. «Lecture on the Relation Between Law and Public
Opinion in England during the nineteenth - century», (Repr.
-2nd. ed. - 1949).
DICEY, A. V. «Droit Administratif in Modern French Law», (The
Law Quarterly Review, Yıl: 1901, Cilt: 17, sh. 302-318).
DICEY. A. V. «Development of Administrative Law in England»,
(The Law Quarterly Review, Yıl: 1915, Cilt: 31,, sh. 48 -153.
GARNER, J. W. «La Conception anglo - amĞricaine du droit administratif»
(Melanges M. Hauriou, sh. 337-385).
GOODNOVV, «The Principles of the Administrative Law of the United
States», (1905).
LORD HEV7ART, (and Dr. ALLEN) «The New Despotism».
JENNINGS, W. I. «The Law and the Constitution», (Repr. -Third
ed. - 1944).
KEETON, G. W. «Development of the Constitutions and Law of the
British Commonwealth and Empire».
HARRISON, 'W. «The Government of Britain».
RADCLIFFE, G. R. Y. and CROSS, G. «English Legal System», Second
Ed., 1946.
Robson, W. A. «Justice and Administrative Law», Second Ed., 1947.
SCHWARZ, A. «İngiliz Hukuku ve Kontinental Hukuk», (Makale).
SCHWARTZ, B. «French Administrative Law and the Common -
Law World», New York, 1954.
ULMANN, H. L6vy - «Le systeme Juridique de l'Anglettere», cilt.:
1, Paris, 1928.
VERSAN, V. «İngiltere'de İdare Hukuku», (İdare Hukuku Bakımından
İngiliz Hukuku Sistemi _ İdare Hukuku Semineri Çalışmaları,
İst. Ü. Hukuk Fak. Yayınlarından, sh. 1-17), İstanbul,
VERSAN, V. «İngiltere'de Adlî İdare Sistemi», (İstanbul Barosu
Mecmuası, 1944, sh. XVIII.).
WADE, E. C. S. ve PHILLIPS, G. G. «Constitutional Law», Fifth ed.,
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