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Cusanus’ta Tanrı’nın Sureti Öğretisi: Canlı Suret olarak İnsan Zihni, Eşitlik ve Ayrımda Özdeşlik

Year 2024, Volume: 65 Issue: 2, 553 - 582, 30.11.2024


Tanrı ve insan arasındaki ilişki, hem filozofların hem de teologların üzerinde durduğu önemli tartışma konularından birisidir. Bu tartışma içerisinde, Tanrı ve insanın tözsel olarak birbirinden farklı olduğunu kabul edersek, sonsuz olan Tanrı ile sonlu olan insan arasında bir ilişki kurmak zorlaşmaktadır. Kitab-ı Mukaddes’e dayanan Tanrı'nın sureti doktrini, Tanrı ve insanlar arasındaki ilişkinin bir tür benzerlik veya benzeşim olduğunu belirtmekle bu probleme bir yanıt sunmaktadır. Bu doktrin, Tanrı ve insan arasındaki ilişkinin doğasını tanımlamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda hem Tanrı'nın hem de insanın doğasını belirli bir bağlamda değerlendirir ve insanın Tanrı ile olan ilişkisinde amacının yanı sıra ayırt edici yanına da işaret eder. Bu doktrin ışığında, Tanrı ve insanlar arasındaki ilişkiyi tanımlamak için aradaki benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları ortaya koymaya odaklanan kadim ve kapsamlı bir gelenek olmakla birlikte, bu makale Nicolaus Cusanus'un bu uzun soluklu tartışmaya yaptığı özgün katkıya odaklanacaktır. Bu bağlamda ilk olarak Cusanus'un seleflerinden farkını vurgulamak için, Tanrı'nın sureti doktrininin genel tarihsel arka planını sunacağım. Özellikle, Yunan ve Latin patristik geleneklerinin ana ilkelerini, farklılıklarını ve ortak varsayımlarını göstereceğim. Buna ek olarak hem söz konusu gelenekler arasındaki tartışmada hem de Cusanus’un Tanrı’nın canlı sureti olarak insan zihni öğretisinin gelişmesinde önemli bir yere sahip Augustinus’un dinamik Tanrı’nın sureti açıklamasına kısaca değineceğim. Bu makalede gösterileceği üzere, Cusanus insanların da Tanrı’nın eşit sureti olarak kabul edilebileceğini ileri sürmekle, bu özelliği yalnızca İsa’ya atfeden Augustinus’un suret öğretisini genişletmiştir. Cusanus bilişte özgür yaratıcı etkinlik ve yoktan bir şeyin nedeni olma özelliklerini gösterdiği için insan zihninin ilahi zihne eşit görülebileceğini düşünür. Tanrı’nın sureti tartışmasında Cusanus’un özgünlüğünü ortaya koyarken, ayrıca Cusanus’un benzeşim olarak biliş öğretisini detaylandırarak, insan zihninin bilme etkinliği aracılığıyla tanrısal zihnin üçlü doğasını nasıl yansıttığını açıklayacağım. Bu açıklama aynı zamanda, Cusanus'un benzeşim olarak biliş anlayışının eşitlik kavramıyla yeniden okunmasının, hem insan zihninin doğasında hem de onun ilahi zihinle ilişkisinde ‘ayrımda özdeşlik’ ilkesini nasıl sergilediğini gösterecektir.

Ethical Statement

Bu makalenin bir bölümü 09.07.2024 tarihinde Bonn Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü bünyesinde gerçekleştirilen Kolokyum dizisinde sunulmuştur.

Supporting Institution

Bu çalışma Tübitak 2219 Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Bursu kapsamında Bonn Üniversitesi'ndeki araştırma sürecinde üretilmiştir.


Bu çalışma sırasında çok değerli tavsiyelerinden ve yorumlarından faydalandığım Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn'a ve Doç. Dr. Saniye Vatansever'e teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.


  • Abrahamov, Binyamin. Ibn al-ʿArabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam: An Annotated Translation of "The Bezels of Wisdom". Routledge, 2015.
  • Algis, Uzdavinys. “Introduction.” In The Golden Chain; An Anthology of Pythagorean and Platonic Philosophy, ed. by
  • Algis Uzdavinys, xi-xxviii. Bloomington: World Wisdom, 2004.
  • Altmann, Alexander. “‘Homo Imago Dei’ in Jewish and Christian Theology.” The Journal of Religion 48:3 (1968): 235-259.
  • Aristotle. On the Soul. Parva Naturalia. On Breath. Trans. by W. S. Hett. Loeb Classical Library 288. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1957.
  • Augustine. On the Trinity: Books 8-15, Trans. by Stephen McKenna. Ed. by Gareth B. Matthews, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Augustinus, Aurelius. Sancti Aurelii Augustini Quaestionum in Heptateuchum libri VII. Turnholti: Brepols, 1958.
  • Augustinus, Aurelius. De Diversis Quaestionibus Octoginta Tribus / Dreiundachtzig verschiedene Fragen. Trans. by Carl Johann Perl. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1972.
  • Aydın, İbrahim Hakkı. "KENZ-i MAHFÎ", TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi, (07.09.2024).
  • Bastitta Harriet, Francisco. An Ontological Freedom. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill/Schöningh, 2022.
  • Beierwaltes, Werner. Identität und Differenz. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1980.
  • Boersma, Gerald P. Augustine’s early theology of image : a study in the development of pro-Nicene theology. New York: Cambridge, 2016.
  • Chartes, Thiery of. “Lectiones in Boethii librum de Trinitate.” In Commentaries on Boethius by Thierry of Chartres and His School, ed. by Nikolaus M. Häring, 123-229. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1971.
  • Cusa, Nicholas of. Complete Philosophical and Theological Treatises of Nicholas of Cusa Vols. I-II. trans. by Jasper Hopkins. Minnesota: The Arthur J. Banning Press, 2001.
  • Falckenberg, Richard. Grundzüge der Philosophie des Nicolaus Cusanus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lehre vom Erkennen. Breslau: Koebner, 1880.
  • Flasch, Kurt. “Ars imitatur naturam. Platonischer Naturbegriff und mittelalterliche Philosophie der Kunst.” Parusia - Festschrift für Johannes Hirschberge, ed. by Kurt Flasch, 265-306. Frankfurt a.M. 1965.
  • “Genesis.” The Latin Vulgate Old Testament Bible, (10.07.2024).
  • “Genesis.” Bible Hub, (10.07.2024).
  • Grotz, Stephan. “Der Geist als angleichende Kraft (De mente c. 7 und 8).” In Nicolaus Cusanus: Der Laie über den Geist / Idiota de mente, ed. by Isabelle Mandrella, 31-146. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.
  • Horn, Christoph. “Cusanus über Platon und dessen Pythagoreismus.” In Nikolaus Cusanus in der Geschichte des Platonismus, ed. K. Reinhardt/H. Schwaetzer, 9-31. Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag, 2007.
  • Horn, Christoph. “Einheit und Vielheit.” In Plotin-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, ed. by Christian Tornau, 189-195. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2024.
  • Hovorun, Cyril. “Two Meanings of Freedom in the Eastern Patristic Tradition.” In Quests for Freedom: Biblical, Historical, Contemporary, ed. by Michael Welker. Oregon: Cascade Books, 2019.
  • Hudson, Nancy J. Becoming God: The Doctrine of Theosis in Nicholas of Cusa. Catholic University of America Press, 2007.
  • Irlenborn, Bernd. “Der Mensch als zweiter Gott? Anmerkungen zur imago dei-Lehre des Nikolaus von Kues.” Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 47 (2000): 381-401.
  • Jedan, C. “Metaphors of Closeness: Reflections on Homoiôsis Theôi in Ancient Philosophy and Beyond.” Numen 60:1 (2013): 54-70.
  • Koç, Yalçın. Theographia’nın Esasları: Teoloji ve Matematik İnşa’sı Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Ankara: Cedit Neşriyat, 2009.
  • Kreuzer, Johann. "Der Geist als Imago Dei bei Augustinus und Cusanus." In Nikolaus Cusanus in der Geschichte des Platonismus, ed. K. Reinhardt/H. Schwaetzer, 65-86. Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag, 2007.
  • Krieger, Gerhard. “Conceptus absolutus. Zu einer Parallele zwischen Wilhelm von Ockham, Johannes Buridan und Nicolaus Cusanus.” In Intellectus und Imaginatio. Aspekte geistiger und sinnlicher Erkenntnis bei Nicolaus Cusanus, ed. by J.M. André, G. Krieger, H. Schwaetzer, 3-18. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: B.R. Grüner, 2002.
  • Kues, Nikolaus von. Werke: Neuausgabe des Strassburger Drucks von 1488, Vol. 1, ed. by Paul Wilpert. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1967.
  • Ladner, Gerhart B. The Idea of Reform, Its Impact on Christian Thought and Action in the Age of the Fathers. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959.
  • Louth, Andrew. “Deification in the Latin Patristic Tradition. Edited by Jared Ortiz. (Studies in Early Christianity.) Pp. Xii 315. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2019. 978 0 8132 3142 6.” The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 71:4 (2020): 835-37.
  • Luigi, Gioia. The Theological Epistemology of Augustine's De Trinitate. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Mandrella, Isabelle. “Der Mensch bei Nicolaus Cusanus.” Das Mittelalter 19:1 (2014): 167-193.
  • Mandrella, Isabelle. “Viva imago. Der Einfluss des Raimundus Sabundus auf die cusanische Metapher der viva imago.” In Manuductiones. Festschrift zu Ehren von Jorge M. Machetta und Claudia D’Amico, ed. by Cecilia Rusconi, 223–241. Münster, 2014.
  • Markus, Robert A. “‘Imago’ and ‘similitudo’ in Augustine.” Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 10:2-3 (1964): 125-144.
  • Nyssa, Gregory of. Gregory of Nyssa: On the Human Image of God. Trans. and ed. by John Behr. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.
  • “Opera: Werke.” Cusanus Portal, (03.07.2024).
  • Özcangiller, İhsan Berk. “Cusanus’ta İkinci Tanrı Olarak İnsan Ve Ölçme Edimi.” Eskiyeni 48 (2023): 53-78.
  • Plato. Theaetetus. Sophist. Trans. by Harold North Fowler. Loeb Classical Library 123. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1921.
  • Plato. Timaeus and Critias. Trans. by Robin Waterfield. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Plotinus. The Enneads. Ed. by Lloyd P. Gerson and trans. by Boys-Stones G, Dillon JM, King RAH, Smith A, Wilberding J. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  • Rohstock, Max. Der negative Selbstbezug des Absoluten: Untersuchungen zu Nicolaus Cusanus' Konzept des Nicht-Anderen, Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
  • Sándor Pál. Nicolaus Cusanus. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 1971.
  • Stadler, Michael. Rekonstruktion einer Philosophie der Ungegenständlichkeit. Zur Struktur des Cusanischen Denkens. Munich: Fink, 1983.
  • Stadler, Michael. “Zum Begriff der mensuratio bei Cusanus. Ein Beitrag zur Ortung der cusanischen Erkenntnislehre.” Mensura. Mass, Zahl, Zahlensymbolik im Mittelalter, Vol. 1, ed. by Albert Zimmermann, 118-131. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 1983.
  • Stallmach, Josef. “Die cusanische Erkenntnisauffassung zwischen Realismus und Idealismus,” In MFCG 6, ed. by Rudolf Haubst, 50-53. Mainz: Grünewald, 1968.
  • Torri, Paolo. “The telos of Assimilation to God and the Conflict between theoria and praxis in Plato and the Middle Platonists.” In Thinking, Knowing, Acting: Epistemology and Ethics in Plato and Ancient Platonism, ed. by Mauro Bonazzi, Filippo Forcignano, Angela Ulacco, 228-250. Brill: Leiden/Boston, 2019.
  • Trismegistus, Hermes. Hermetica: the Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a new English translation, with notes and introduction. Trans. by Brian P. Copenhaver. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  • Vinzens, Rüfner. “Homo secundus Deus. Eine geistesgeschichtliche Studie zum menschlichen Schöpfertum.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 63 (1955): 248-291.
  • Ware, Kallistos. “‘In the Image and Likeness’: The Uniqueness of the Human Person”, In Theological Anthropology, 500 Years after Martin Luthers, ed. by Jim Fodor and Susannah Ticciati, 48-64. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021Amedroz, H. F., “Preface.” The Historical Remains of Hilâl al-Sâbi: First Part of His Kitab al-Wuzara and Fragment of His History 389-393 A. H., nşr. H. F. Amedroz, içinde 3-14. Leyden: E. J. Brill, 1904.

Cusanus on the Doctrine of the Image of God: Human Mind as the Living Image, Equality and Identity in Difference

Year 2024, Volume: 65 Issue: 2, 553 - 582, 30.11.2024


The relationship between God and humans has been a matter of controversy that interests both philosophers and theologians alike. Establishing a relationship between the infinite God and finite human is particularly challenging if one admits that God and humans are substantially different from each other. The biblical doctrine of the image of God responds to this challenge by stating that the relationship between God and humans is a kind of likeness or assimilation. This doctrine does not only establish the nature of the relationship between God and humans but also views both God's and humans’ nature in a particular way and determines humans’ purpose and distinguishing feature in relation to God. While there is a very long and extensive tradition focusing on identifying the similarities and differences between God and humans to determine the precise relationship between them in light of this doctrine, this paper will focus on Nicolaus Cusanus' original contribution to this long-lasting debate. In order to emphasize Cusanus' differences from his predecessors, I will present a general historical background of the doctrine of the image of God. In particular, I will point out the main tenets of Greek and Latin patristic traditions by identifying their differences and shared assumptions. Additionally, I will briefly present Augustine's dynamic account of the image of God, which holds an important place both in the discussion among these traditions and in the development of Cusanus' doctrine of the human mind as the living image of God. As this paper will demonstrate, Cusanus improves upon Augustine's account by allowing humans to be considered as an equal image of God, which was attributed only to Jesus by Augustine. Cusanus thinks that the human mind can be considered equal to the divine mind because it demonstrates characteristics of free creative activity and being the cause of something from nothing in cognition. Moreover, to elaborate Cusanus' original contribution to this debate, I will explain how the human mind reflects the triadic nature of divine mind in itself through its cognitive activity by giving a detailed account of Cusanus’ theory of cognition as assimilation. This explanation will also show how reading Cusanus' theory of cognition as assimilation alongside the concept of equality exhibits the principle of ‘identity in difference’ in both the nature of the human mind and its relationship with the divine mind.

Ethical Statement

Part of this paper was presented at the Colloquium held by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bonn on July 9, 2024.

Supporting Institution

This work was produced during the research period at the University of Bonn under the Tübitak 2219 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.


I would like to extend my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saniye Vatansever for their invaluable suggestions and comments on this article.


  • Abrahamov, Binyamin. Ibn al-ʿArabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam: An Annotated Translation of "The Bezels of Wisdom". Routledge, 2015.
  • Algis, Uzdavinys. “Introduction.” In The Golden Chain; An Anthology of Pythagorean and Platonic Philosophy, ed. by
  • Algis Uzdavinys, xi-xxviii. Bloomington: World Wisdom, 2004.
  • Altmann, Alexander. “‘Homo Imago Dei’ in Jewish and Christian Theology.” The Journal of Religion 48:3 (1968): 235-259.
  • Aristotle. On the Soul. Parva Naturalia. On Breath. Trans. by W. S. Hett. Loeb Classical Library 288. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1957.
  • Augustine. On the Trinity: Books 8-15, Trans. by Stephen McKenna. Ed. by Gareth B. Matthews, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Augustinus, Aurelius. Sancti Aurelii Augustini Quaestionum in Heptateuchum libri VII. Turnholti: Brepols, 1958.
  • Augustinus, Aurelius. De Diversis Quaestionibus Octoginta Tribus / Dreiundachtzig verschiedene Fragen. Trans. by Carl Johann Perl. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1972.
  • Aydın, İbrahim Hakkı. "KENZ-i MAHFÎ", TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi, (07.09.2024).
  • Bastitta Harriet, Francisco. An Ontological Freedom. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill/Schöningh, 2022.
  • Beierwaltes, Werner. Identität und Differenz. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1980.
  • Boersma, Gerald P. Augustine’s early theology of image : a study in the development of pro-Nicene theology. New York: Cambridge, 2016.
  • Chartes, Thiery of. “Lectiones in Boethii librum de Trinitate.” In Commentaries on Boethius by Thierry of Chartres and His School, ed. by Nikolaus M. Häring, 123-229. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1971.
  • Cusa, Nicholas of. Complete Philosophical and Theological Treatises of Nicholas of Cusa Vols. I-II. trans. by Jasper Hopkins. Minnesota: The Arthur J. Banning Press, 2001.
  • Falckenberg, Richard. Grundzüge der Philosophie des Nicolaus Cusanus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lehre vom Erkennen. Breslau: Koebner, 1880.
  • Flasch, Kurt. “Ars imitatur naturam. Platonischer Naturbegriff und mittelalterliche Philosophie der Kunst.” Parusia - Festschrift für Johannes Hirschberge, ed. by Kurt Flasch, 265-306. Frankfurt a.M. 1965.
  • “Genesis.” The Latin Vulgate Old Testament Bible, (10.07.2024).
  • “Genesis.” Bible Hub, (10.07.2024).
  • Grotz, Stephan. “Der Geist als angleichende Kraft (De mente c. 7 und 8).” In Nicolaus Cusanus: Der Laie über den Geist / Idiota de mente, ed. by Isabelle Mandrella, 31-146. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.
  • Horn, Christoph. “Cusanus über Platon und dessen Pythagoreismus.” In Nikolaus Cusanus in der Geschichte des Platonismus, ed. K. Reinhardt/H. Schwaetzer, 9-31. Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag, 2007.
  • Horn, Christoph. “Einheit und Vielheit.” In Plotin-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, ed. by Christian Tornau, 189-195. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2024.
  • Hovorun, Cyril. “Two Meanings of Freedom in the Eastern Patristic Tradition.” In Quests for Freedom: Biblical, Historical, Contemporary, ed. by Michael Welker. Oregon: Cascade Books, 2019.
  • Hudson, Nancy J. Becoming God: The Doctrine of Theosis in Nicholas of Cusa. Catholic University of America Press, 2007.
  • Irlenborn, Bernd. “Der Mensch als zweiter Gott? Anmerkungen zur imago dei-Lehre des Nikolaus von Kues.” Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 47 (2000): 381-401.
  • Jedan, C. “Metaphors of Closeness: Reflections on Homoiôsis Theôi in Ancient Philosophy and Beyond.” Numen 60:1 (2013): 54-70.
  • Koç, Yalçın. Theographia’nın Esasları: Teoloji ve Matematik İnşa’sı Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Ankara: Cedit Neşriyat, 2009.
  • Kreuzer, Johann. "Der Geist als Imago Dei bei Augustinus und Cusanus." In Nikolaus Cusanus in der Geschichte des Platonismus, ed. K. Reinhardt/H. Schwaetzer, 65-86. Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag, 2007.
  • Krieger, Gerhard. “Conceptus absolutus. Zu einer Parallele zwischen Wilhelm von Ockham, Johannes Buridan und Nicolaus Cusanus.” In Intellectus und Imaginatio. Aspekte geistiger und sinnlicher Erkenntnis bei Nicolaus Cusanus, ed. by J.M. André, G. Krieger, H. Schwaetzer, 3-18. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: B.R. Grüner, 2002.
  • Kues, Nikolaus von. Werke: Neuausgabe des Strassburger Drucks von 1488, Vol. 1, ed. by Paul Wilpert. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1967.
  • Ladner, Gerhart B. The Idea of Reform, Its Impact on Christian Thought and Action in the Age of the Fathers. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959.
  • Louth, Andrew. “Deification in the Latin Patristic Tradition. Edited by Jared Ortiz. (Studies in Early Christianity.) Pp. Xii 315. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2019. 978 0 8132 3142 6.” The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 71:4 (2020): 835-37.
  • Luigi, Gioia. The Theological Epistemology of Augustine's De Trinitate. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Mandrella, Isabelle. “Der Mensch bei Nicolaus Cusanus.” Das Mittelalter 19:1 (2014): 167-193.
  • Mandrella, Isabelle. “Viva imago. Der Einfluss des Raimundus Sabundus auf die cusanische Metapher der viva imago.” In Manuductiones. Festschrift zu Ehren von Jorge M. Machetta und Claudia D’Amico, ed. by Cecilia Rusconi, 223–241. Münster, 2014.
  • Markus, Robert A. “‘Imago’ and ‘similitudo’ in Augustine.” Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 10:2-3 (1964): 125-144.
  • Nyssa, Gregory of. Gregory of Nyssa: On the Human Image of God. Trans. and ed. by John Behr. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.
  • “Opera: Werke.” Cusanus Portal, (03.07.2024).
  • Özcangiller, İhsan Berk. “Cusanus’ta İkinci Tanrı Olarak İnsan Ve Ölçme Edimi.” Eskiyeni 48 (2023): 53-78.
  • Plato. Theaetetus. Sophist. Trans. by Harold North Fowler. Loeb Classical Library 123. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1921.
  • Plato. Timaeus and Critias. Trans. by Robin Waterfield. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Plotinus. The Enneads. Ed. by Lloyd P. Gerson and trans. by Boys-Stones G, Dillon JM, King RAH, Smith A, Wilberding J. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  • Rohstock, Max. Der negative Selbstbezug des Absoluten: Untersuchungen zu Nicolaus Cusanus' Konzept des Nicht-Anderen, Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
  • Sándor Pál. Nicolaus Cusanus. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 1971.
  • Stadler, Michael. Rekonstruktion einer Philosophie der Ungegenständlichkeit. Zur Struktur des Cusanischen Denkens. Munich: Fink, 1983.
  • Stadler, Michael. “Zum Begriff der mensuratio bei Cusanus. Ein Beitrag zur Ortung der cusanischen Erkenntnislehre.” Mensura. Mass, Zahl, Zahlensymbolik im Mittelalter, Vol. 1, ed. by Albert Zimmermann, 118-131. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 1983.
  • Stallmach, Josef. “Die cusanische Erkenntnisauffassung zwischen Realismus und Idealismus,” In MFCG 6, ed. by Rudolf Haubst, 50-53. Mainz: Grünewald, 1968.
  • Torri, Paolo. “The telos of Assimilation to God and the Conflict between theoria and praxis in Plato and the Middle Platonists.” In Thinking, Knowing, Acting: Epistemology and Ethics in Plato and Ancient Platonism, ed. by Mauro Bonazzi, Filippo Forcignano, Angela Ulacco, 228-250. Brill: Leiden/Boston, 2019.
  • Trismegistus, Hermes. Hermetica: the Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a new English translation, with notes and introduction. Trans. by Brian P. Copenhaver. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  • Vinzens, Rüfner. “Homo secundus Deus. Eine geistesgeschichtliche Studie zum menschlichen Schöpfertum.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 63 (1955): 248-291.
  • Ware, Kallistos. “‘In the Image and Likeness’: The Uniqueness of the Human Person”, In Theological Anthropology, 500 Years after Martin Luthers, ed. by Jim Fodor and Susannah Ticciati, 48-64. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021Amedroz, H. F., “Preface.” The Historical Remains of Hilâl al-Sâbi: First Part of His Kitab al-Wuzara and Fragment of His History 389-393 A. H., nşr. H. F. Amedroz, içinde 3-14. Leyden: E. J. Brill, 1904.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Philosophy of Religion, History of Philosophy (Other), Christian Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

İhsan Berk Özcangiller 0000-0003-3458-772X

Publication Date November 30, 2024
Submission Date July 13, 2024
Acceptance Date October 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 65 Issue: 2


Chicago Özcangiller, İhsan Berk. “Cusanus on the Doctrine of the Image of God: Human Mind As the Living Image, Equality and Identity in Difference”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 65, no. 2 (November 2024): 553-82.