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Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi

Year 2024, , 14 - 26, 22.05.2024


Bu çalışma Türkiye’de dini bir yönetime hangi seçmen gruplarının destek verdiğini Dünya Değerler Araştırması verisi kullanarak incelemektedir. Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarından beri dindar muhafazakârlar ve seküler gruplar arasındaki ayrışma bugün de hala devam etmektedir. İki grup arasındaki bu ayrışma daha önceden merkez-çevre teorisi ile açıklansa da yakın dönemde Türkiye siyasetinde yaşanan değişiklikler ile merkez ve çevre arasındaki ayırım bir kültür mücadelesine (kulturkampf) evirilmiştir. Çalışmamız, bu ayrışmanın temel aldığı değişkenler özelinde göstermektedir ki şehirde yaşayan, cinsiyet eşitliğine daha fazla destek veren veya Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi ile Millet İttifakını diğer partilere tercih eden katılımcılar dini yönetime daha az onay vermektedir. Bilime daha şüpheci yaklaşan, sol-sağ düzleminde kendini sağa yerleştiren veya Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi ile Cumhur İttifakını diğer partilere tercih eden seçmenler ise dini yönetime daha fazla destek vermektedir.

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Çalışma kamuya açık veri ile gerçekleştirildiği için etik kurul raporuna gerek yoktur.


  • Al Jazeera (2013, 30 Aralık). Türkiye’de başörtüsü yasağı: Nasıl başladı, nasıl çözüldü?, Al Jazeera,
  • Alemán, J., & Woods, D. (2016). Value orientations from the world values survey: How comparable are they cross-nationally?. Comparative Political Studies, 49(8), 1039-1067.
  • Anderson, M. L. (1986). The Kulturkampf and the course of German history. Central European History, 19(1), 82-115.
  • Arıboğan, D. Ü. (2021). The Case of Hagia Sophia's Opening to Worship as an Example of Political “Anamnesis”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 63, 39-53.
  • Aşlamacı, İ., & Kaymakcan, R. (2017). A model for Islamic education from Turkey: The Imam-Hatip schools. British Journal of Religious Education, 39(3), 279-292.
  • Atacan, F. (2005). Explaining religious politics at the crossroad: AKP‐SP. Turkish Studies, 6(2), 187-199.
  • Aytaç, S. E., & Elçi, E. (2019). Populism in Turkey. In D. Stockemer (ed.), Populism around the world (pp. 89-108). Springer, Cham.
  • Bakiner, O. (2018). A key to Turkish politics? The center–periphery framework revisited. Turkish Studies, 19(4), 503-522.
  • Berkes, N. (1998). The development of secularism in Turkey. London: Hurst & Company.
  • Bora, T. (2016). Cereyanlar: Türkiye’de siyasi ideolojiler. Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Brown, J. (1988). The Politics of Disengagement in Turkey: The Kemalist Tradition. In C. P. Danopoulos (Ed.). The Decline of Military Regimes (pp. 131-146). Boulder & London: Westview Press.
  • Çakır, R. (2013). Ayet ve slogan: Türkiye'de İslami oluşumlar. Istanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. (2012). Voting behavior in Turkey. In M. Heper & S. Sayarı (Eds.). Handbook of Modern Turkey (pp. 160-170). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. (2004). Religiosity, support for şeriat and evaluations of secularist public policies in Turkey. Middle Eastern Studies, 40(2), 111-136.
  • Çarkoglu, A. & Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2021). Fragile But Resilient?: Turkish Electoral Dynamics, 2002-2015, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. & Elçi, E. (2018). Alevis in Turkey. In Paul S. Rowe (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of Minorities in the Middle East (pp. 212-224). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Çarkoglu, A. & Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2009). The rising tide of conservatism in Turkey. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. & Toprak, B. (2006). Değişen Türkiye’de din, toplum ve siyaset. Istanbul: TESEV.
  • Çarkoğlu, A., & Hinich, M. J. (2006). A spatial analysis of Turkish party preferences. Electoral Studies, 25(2), 369-392.
  • Dzutsati, V., & Warner, C. M. (2021). The socioeconomic matrix of support for sharia: a cross-national study of Muslims’ attitudes. Religion, State & Society, 49(1), 4-22.
  • Erbakan, N. (1975). Millı̂ görüş ve 3. Beş Yıllık Plan, Istanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.
  • Esen, B., & Gumuscu, S. (2016). Rising competitive authoritarianism in Turkey. Third World Quarterly, 37(9), 1581-1606.
  • Fair, C. C., Littman, R., & Nugent, E. R. (2018). Conceptions of sharia and support for militancy and democratic values: evidence from Pakistan. Political Science Research and Methods, 6(3), 429-448.
  • Fish, M. S. (2011). Are Muslims distinctive?: A look at the evidence. Oxford University Press.
  • Göle, N. (1997). Secularism and Islamism in Turkey: The making of elites and counter-elites. The Middle East Journal, 46-58.
  • Haerpfer, C., Inglehart, R., Moreno, A., Welzel, C., Kizilova, K., Diez-Medrano J., M. Lagos, P. Norris, E. Ponarin & B. Puranen et al. (eds.). 2020. World Values Survey: Round Seven - Country-Pooled Datafile. Madrid, Spain & Vienna, Austria: JD Systems Institute & WVSA Secretariat.
  • Hale, W. (1994). Turkish Politics and the Military. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Jenkins, G. H. (2009). Between fact and fantasy: Turkey's Ergenekon investigation. Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2021). Kulturkampf and voting behavior in Turkey: A key to Turkish party politics?. In A. Çarkoğlu & E. Kalaycıoğlu (Eds.). Elections and Public Opinion in Turkey: Through the Prism of the 2018 Elections (pp. 133-156). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2012). Kulturkampf in Turkey: The constitutional referendum of 12 September 2010. South European Society and Politics, 17(1), 1-22.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E. (1994). Elections and party preferences in Turkey: Changes and continuities in the 1990s. Comparative Political Studies, 27(3), 402-424.
  • Kaya, İ. & Kılıç, L. (2020, 25 Temmuz), Ayasofya’da kılıçla cuma hutbesi okuyan Diyanet Başkanı, Atatürk’ü hedef aldı, Cumhuriyet,,Vakfedileni%20%C3%A7i%C4%9Fneyen%20lanete%20u%C4%9Frar%E2%80%9D%20dedi
  • Keyder, Ç. (1998). Class and state in the transformation of modern Turkey. In F. Halliday & H. Alavi (Eds.). State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan (pp. 191-221). London: Palgrave.
  • Kömüş, M. (2021, 12 Eylül). MEB’in önceliği yine imam hatip, Birgün,
  • Kuran, T. (1991). Now out of never: The element of surprise in the East European revolution of 1989. World politics, 44(1), 7-48.
  • Kuru, A. T. (2005). Globalization and diversification of Islamic movements: three Turkish cases. Political Science Quarterly, 120(2), 253-274.
  • Lipset, S. M., & Rokkan, S. (1967). Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives. The Free Press.
  • Ludeke, S. G., & Larsen, E. G. (2017). Problems with the big five assessment in the world values survey. Personality and Individual Differences, 112, 103-105.
  • MacIntosh, R. (1998). Global attitude measurement: An assessment of the world values survey postmaterialism scale. American Sociological Review, 63(3), 452-464.
  • Mardin, Ş. (1973). Center-periphery relations: A key to Turkish politics?. Daedalus, 102(1), 169-190.
  • Narin, E. (2023, 21 Mayıs). HÜDA PAR turnusolu: AKP listelerinden Meclis’e giren dört vekil kimdir? Artıgerçek,
  • Öniş, Z. (2015). Monopolising the centre: The AKP and the uncertain path of Turkish democracy, The International Spectator, 50(2), 22-41.
  • Öniş, Z. (2001). Political Islam at the crossroads: From hegemony to co-existence. Contemporary Politics, 7(4), 281-298.
  • Öniş, Z., & Kutlay, M. (2019). Global shifts and the limits of the EU’s transformative power in the European periphery: Comparative perspectives from Hungary and Turkey. Government and Opposition, 54(2), 226-253.
  • Özbudun, E. (2006). From political Islam to conservative democracy: the case of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey. South European Society & Politics, 11(3-4), 543-557.
  • Özbudun, E. (1995). Turkey: Crises, Interruptions, and Reequilibrations. In L. Diamond, J. J. Linz & S. M. Lipset (Eds.), Politics in Developing Countries, Comparing Experiences with Democracy (pp. 219-261). Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • PEW (2017, 9 Ağustos). Muslims and Islam: Key findings in the U.S. and around the world, PEW Research,
  • Shils E. (1961). Centre and periphery. In The Logic of Personal Knowledge: Essays Presented to Michael Polanyi. Routledge & Kegan Paul, (pp. 117-130).
  • Selçuk, O., & Hekimci, D. (2020). The rise of the democracy–authoritarianism cleavage and opposition coordination in Turkey (2014–2019). Democratization, 27(8), 1496-1514.
  • Somer, M. (2017). Conquering versus democratizing the state: political Islamists and fourth wave democratization in Turkey and Tunisia. Democratization, 24(6), 1025-1043.
  • Sunar, İ. (1990). Populism and patronage: The Demokrat Party and its legacy in Turkey. Il Politico, 55(4), 745-757.
  • Toprak, B. (2005). Islam and democracy in Turkey. Turkish Studies, 6(2), 167-186.
  • Türk, H. B. (2014). Muktedir: Türk Sağ Geleneği ve Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Voicu, B., & Voicu, M. (2009). Volunteers and volunteering in Central and Eastern Europe. Sociológia, 41(6), 539-563.
  • Wickham, H. (2016). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York.
  • Yeni Akit, (2020, 10 Temmuz). İşte Necip Fazıl’ın işaret ettiği gün bugün! Zincirler kırıldı, Ayasofya'da 86 yıl sonra namaz kılınacak, Yeni Akit,
  • Yüksek Seçim Kurulu (2023). Milletvekili Genel Seçim Arşivi.

Support for a Religious System in Turkey: A World Values Survey Analysis

Year 2024, , 14 - 26, 22.05.2024


This study examines which voter groups support a religious system in Turkey using data from the World Values Survey. Since the early years of the Republic, the divergence between religious conservatives and secular groups still continues today. Although divergence between the two groups was previously explained by the center-periphery theory, it is evolved into a new cultural struggle (kulturkampf) with the recent changes in Turkish politics. This article shows that participants who live in the urban areas, who support gender equality more, or who prefer the Republican People's Party and Nation Alliance to other parties approve of religious rule less. On the other hand, voters who are more skeptical about science, who place themselves on the right on the left-right spectrum, or who prefer the Justice and Development Party and the People's Alliance to other parties support religious system more.


  • Al Jazeera (2013, 30 Aralık). Türkiye’de başörtüsü yasağı: Nasıl başladı, nasıl çözüldü?, Al Jazeera,
  • Alemán, J., & Woods, D. (2016). Value orientations from the world values survey: How comparable are they cross-nationally?. Comparative Political Studies, 49(8), 1039-1067.
  • Anderson, M. L. (1986). The Kulturkampf and the course of German history. Central European History, 19(1), 82-115.
  • Arıboğan, D. Ü. (2021). The Case of Hagia Sophia's Opening to Worship as an Example of Political “Anamnesis”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 63, 39-53.
  • Aşlamacı, İ., & Kaymakcan, R. (2017). A model for Islamic education from Turkey: The Imam-Hatip schools. British Journal of Religious Education, 39(3), 279-292.
  • Atacan, F. (2005). Explaining religious politics at the crossroad: AKP‐SP. Turkish Studies, 6(2), 187-199.
  • Aytaç, S. E., & Elçi, E. (2019). Populism in Turkey. In D. Stockemer (ed.), Populism around the world (pp. 89-108). Springer, Cham.
  • Bakiner, O. (2018). A key to Turkish politics? The center–periphery framework revisited. Turkish Studies, 19(4), 503-522.
  • Berkes, N. (1998). The development of secularism in Turkey. London: Hurst & Company.
  • Bora, T. (2016). Cereyanlar: Türkiye’de siyasi ideolojiler. Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Brown, J. (1988). The Politics of Disengagement in Turkey: The Kemalist Tradition. In C. P. Danopoulos (Ed.). The Decline of Military Regimes (pp. 131-146). Boulder & London: Westview Press.
  • Çakır, R. (2013). Ayet ve slogan: Türkiye'de İslami oluşumlar. Istanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. (2012). Voting behavior in Turkey. In M. Heper & S. Sayarı (Eds.). Handbook of Modern Turkey (pp. 160-170). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. (2004). Religiosity, support for şeriat and evaluations of secularist public policies in Turkey. Middle Eastern Studies, 40(2), 111-136.
  • Çarkoglu, A. & Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2021). Fragile But Resilient?: Turkish Electoral Dynamics, 2002-2015, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. & Elçi, E. (2018). Alevis in Turkey. In Paul S. Rowe (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of Minorities in the Middle East (pp. 212-224). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Çarkoglu, A. & Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2009). The rising tide of conservatism in Turkey. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Çarkoğlu, A. & Toprak, B. (2006). Değişen Türkiye’de din, toplum ve siyaset. Istanbul: TESEV.
  • Çarkoğlu, A., & Hinich, M. J. (2006). A spatial analysis of Turkish party preferences. Electoral Studies, 25(2), 369-392.
  • Dzutsati, V., & Warner, C. M. (2021). The socioeconomic matrix of support for sharia: a cross-national study of Muslims’ attitudes. Religion, State & Society, 49(1), 4-22.
  • Erbakan, N. (1975). Millı̂ görüş ve 3. Beş Yıllık Plan, Istanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.
  • Esen, B., & Gumuscu, S. (2016). Rising competitive authoritarianism in Turkey. Third World Quarterly, 37(9), 1581-1606.
  • Fair, C. C., Littman, R., & Nugent, E. R. (2018). Conceptions of sharia and support for militancy and democratic values: evidence from Pakistan. Political Science Research and Methods, 6(3), 429-448.
  • Fish, M. S. (2011). Are Muslims distinctive?: A look at the evidence. Oxford University Press.
  • Göle, N. (1997). Secularism and Islamism in Turkey: The making of elites and counter-elites. The Middle East Journal, 46-58.
  • Haerpfer, C., Inglehart, R., Moreno, A., Welzel, C., Kizilova, K., Diez-Medrano J., M. Lagos, P. Norris, E. Ponarin & B. Puranen et al. (eds.). 2020. World Values Survey: Round Seven - Country-Pooled Datafile. Madrid, Spain & Vienna, Austria: JD Systems Institute & WVSA Secretariat.
  • Hale, W. (1994). Turkish Politics and the Military. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Jenkins, G. H. (2009). Between fact and fantasy: Turkey's Ergenekon investigation. Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2021). Kulturkampf and voting behavior in Turkey: A key to Turkish party politics?. In A. Çarkoğlu & E. Kalaycıoğlu (Eds.). Elections and Public Opinion in Turkey: Through the Prism of the 2018 Elections (pp. 133-156). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2012). Kulturkampf in Turkey: The constitutional referendum of 12 September 2010. South European Society and Politics, 17(1), 1-22.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E. (1994). Elections and party preferences in Turkey: Changes and continuities in the 1990s. Comparative Political Studies, 27(3), 402-424.
  • Kaya, İ. & Kılıç, L. (2020, 25 Temmuz), Ayasofya’da kılıçla cuma hutbesi okuyan Diyanet Başkanı, Atatürk’ü hedef aldı, Cumhuriyet,,Vakfedileni%20%C3%A7i%C4%9Fneyen%20lanete%20u%C4%9Frar%E2%80%9D%20dedi
  • Keyder, Ç. (1998). Class and state in the transformation of modern Turkey. In F. Halliday & H. Alavi (Eds.). State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan (pp. 191-221). London: Palgrave.
  • Kömüş, M. (2021, 12 Eylül). MEB’in önceliği yine imam hatip, Birgün,
  • Kuran, T. (1991). Now out of never: The element of surprise in the East European revolution of 1989. World politics, 44(1), 7-48.
  • Kuru, A. T. (2005). Globalization and diversification of Islamic movements: three Turkish cases. Political Science Quarterly, 120(2), 253-274.
  • Lipset, S. M., & Rokkan, S. (1967). Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives. The Free Press.
  • Ludeke, S. G., & Larsen, E. G. (2017). Problems with the big five assessment in the world values survey. Personality and Individual Differences, 112, 103-105.
  • MacIntosh, R. (1998). Global attitude measurement: An assessment of the world values survey postmaterialism scale. American Sociological Review, 63(3), 452-464.
  • Mardin, Ş. (1973). Center-periphery relations: A key to Turkish politics?. Daedalus, 102(1), 169-190.
  • Narin, E. (2023, 21 Mayıs). HÜDA PAR turnusolu: AKP listelerinden Meclis’e giren dört vekil kimdir? Artıgerçek,
  • Öniş, Z. (2015). Monopolising the centre: The AKP and the uncertain path of Turkish democracy, The International Spectator, 50(2), 22-41.
  • Öniş, Z. (2001). Political Islam at the crossroads: From hegemony to co-existence. Contemporary Politics, 7(4), 281-298.
  • Öniş, Z., & Kutlay, M. (2019). Global shifts and the limits of the EU’s transformative power in the European periphery: Comparative perspectives from Hungary and Turkey. Government and Opposition, 54(2), 226-253.
  • Özbudun, E. (2006). From political Islam to conservative democracy: the case of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey. South European Society & Politics, 11(3-4), 543-557.
  • Özbudun, E. (1995). Turkey: Crises, Interruptions, and Reequilibrations. In L. Diamond, J. J. Linz & S. M. Lipset (Eds.), Politics in Developing Countries, Comparing Experiences with Democracy (pp. 219-261). Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • PEW (2017, 9 Ağustos). Muslims and Islam: Key findings in the U.S. and around the world, PEW Research,
  • Shils E. (1961). Centre and periphery. In The Logic of Personal Knowledge: Essays Presented to Michael Polanyi. Routledge & Kegan Paul, (pp. 117-130).
  • Selçuk, O., & Hekimci, D. (2020). The rise of the democracy–authoritarianism cleavage and opposition coordination in Turkey (2014–2019). Democratization, 27(8), 1496-1514.
  • Somer, M. (2017). Conquering versus democratizing the state: political Islamists and fourth wave democratization in Turkey and Tunisia. Democratization, 24(6), 1025-1043.
  • Sunar, İ. (1990). Populism and patronage: The Demokrat Party and its legacy in Turkey. Il Politico, 55(4), 745-757.
  • Toprak, B. (2005). Islam and democracy in Turkey. Turkish Studies, 6(2), 167-186.
  • Türk, H. B. (2014). Muktedir: Türk Sağ Geleneği ve Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Voicu, B., & Voicu, M. (2009). Volunteers and volunteering in Central and Eastern Europe. Sociológia, 41(6), 539-563.
  • Wickham, H. (2016). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York.
  • Yeni Akit, (2020, 10 Temmuz). İşte Necip Fazıl’ın işaret ettiği gün bugün! Zincirler kırıldı, Ayasofya'da 86 yıl sonra namaz kılınacak, Yeni Akit,
  • Yüksek Seçim Kurulu (2023). Milletvekili Genel Seçim Arşivi.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Ezgi Elçi 0000-0003-3713-788X

Early Pub Date February 8, 2024
Publication Date May 22, 2024
Submission Date October 5, 2023
Acceptance Date January 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Elçi, E. (2024). Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 24(1), 14-26.
AMA Elçi E. Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. May 2024;24(1):14-26. doi:10.25294/auiibfd.1371753
Chicago Elçi, Ezgi. “Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 24, no. 1 (May 2024): 14-26.
EndNote Elçi E (May 1, 2024) Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 24 1 14–26.
IEEE E. Elçi, “Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 14–26, 2024, doi: 10.25294/auiibfd.1371753.
ISNAD Elçi, Ezgi. “Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 24/1 (May 2024), 14-26.
JAMA Elçi E. Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2024;24:14–26.
MLA Elçi, Ezgi. “Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 1, 2024, pp. 14-26, doi:10.25294/auiibfd.1371753.
Vancouver Elçi E. Türkiye’de Dini Yönetime Destek: Dünya Değerler Araştırması Analizi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2024;24(1):14-26.

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