Research Article
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İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri

Year 2019, , 455 - 488, 15.11.2019


ülke ekonomisinin uluslararası rekabet gücü refah artışının ön koşulu
niteliğindedir. Ülke ekonomisinin rekabet gücü özellikle imalat sanayinin
rekabetçiliğini ifade etmektedir. Etkin bir kurumsal yapının varlığı, teknoloji
odaklı dönüşümün gerçekleştirilmesi, nitelikli işgücü oluşumunu sağlayarak
yetkinliğin arttırılması, gerekli altyapı desteklerinin sağlanması uluslararası
ekonomik arenada diğer ülkelere göre öne çıkabilmek için gerekli unsurlardır.

çalışmanın amacı, imalat sanayi rekabet gücünün fiyat-maliyet dışı yapısal
unsurlarını değerlendirerek, yapısal dönüşümün ne şekilde gerçekleştirilebileceğine
ilişkin çıkarımlarda bulunmaktır. Yapısal unsurların, rekabetçi sanayi
performansı üzerindeki etkisi 31 ülkeye ait 2000-2016 yılları verileri
kullanılarak panel veri analizi ile araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular kurumsal
çerçevedeki iyileşme, yenilikçilik, sermaye birikimi ve altyapı yatırımlarının
imalat sanayi rekabetçiliğini arttırdığını göstermektedir. 


  • Alemu, A. M. (2013). "The Nexus Between Technological Infrastructure and Export Competitiveness of High-Tech Products in East Asian Economies". Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, 5(1): 14-26.
  • Alexandros, P. N. ve Metaxas, T. (2016). ““Porter vs Krugman”: History, Analysis and Critique of Regional Competitiveness”. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 3(1): 65-80.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2010). Quarterly Report on the Euro Area, (Rapor no: 9 (2)). European Comission. Brüksel.
  • Avrupa Merkez Bankası (2005). “Competitiveness and the Export Performance of the Euro Area”. European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series, 30: 1-97.
  • Banda, F., Robb, G. ve Roberts, S. (2015). "The Links Between Competition Policy, Regulatory Policy and Trade and Industrial Policies". CCRED Working Paper, 5: 1-31.
  • Bhawsar, P. ve Chattopadhyay, U. (2015). "Competitiveness: Review, Reflections and Directions". Global Business Review, 16 (4): 665-679.
  • Bournakis, I. ve Tsoukis, C. (2016). "Government Size, Institutions, and Export Performance Among OECD Economies". Economic Modelling, 53 (C): 37-47.
  • Chaudhuri, S. ve Ray, S. (1997). "The Competitiveness Conundrum: Literature Review and Reflections". Economic and Political Weekly, 32(48): 83-91.
  • Değer, Ç., Türkcan, B. ve Kumral, N. (2009). "Competitive Industrial Performance Index and Its Drivers: A Comparative Analysis on Turkey and Selected Countries". Ege Akademik Bakış, 9(4): 1375-1398.
  • Di Maio, M. (2009). “Industrial Policies in Developing Countries: History and Perspectives”. M. Cimoli, G. Dosi ve J.E. Stiglitz (Ed.), Industrial Policy and Development: The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 107-143.
  • Djogo, M. ve Stanisic, N. (2016). "Is the Global Competitiveness Report the Right Measure of Macroeconomic Competitiveness". Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, Journal of Economics and Business, 34 (1): 91-117.
  • Fagerberg, J. (1988). “International Competitiveness”. The Economic Journal, 98(391): 355-374.
  • Felipe, J. ve Rhee, C. (2015). "Issues in Modern Industrial Policy (I): Sector Selection, Who, How, and Sector Promotion". J. Felipe (Ed.), Development and Industrial Policy in Practice: Issues and Country Experiences. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 24-50.
  • Fraser Institute. (2019). "Approach". (erişim tarihi: 06.02.2019).
  • Griliches, Z. (1998). R&D and Productivity: the Econometric Evidence. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Haque, I. (1995). "Introduction". I. ul Haque (Ed.), Trade, Technology, and International Competitiveness. Economic Development Institute of The World Bank, Washington, D.C.,1-11.
  • Hchaichi, R. ve Ghodbane, S. B. (2014). "Empirical Analysis of Determinants of International Competitiveness". International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5 (5): 203-209.
  • Hyun, H. J. (2018). "Institutional Quality and Trade in Intermediate Goods". Journal of Korea Trade, 22 (2): 162-186.
  • Kabaklarlı, E., Duran, M. S. ve Telli Üçler, Y. (2018). "High-Technology Exports and Economic Growth: Panel Data Analysis for Selected OECD Countries". Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 6 (2): 47-60.
  • Ketels, C. (2016). "Review of Competitiveness Frameworks: An Analysis Conducted for the Irish National Competitiveness Council". (erişim tarihi: 01.11.2017).
  • Kostadinovic, I., Kostic, Z. ve Ilic, I. (2015). "Competitiveness and Developmental Trends of the New Industrial Policy of the Republic of Serbia". Economics and Organization, 12(2): 129-142.
  • Lall, S. (1995). " The Creation of Comparative Advantage: The Role of Industrial Policy". I. ul Haque (Ed.), Trade, Technology, and International Competitiveness. Economic Development Institute of The World Bank, Washington, D.C.,103-133.
  • Lall, S. (2003). "Industrial Success and Failure in a Globalizing World". QEH Working Paper Series, 102: 1-26.
  • Lectard, P. ve Rougier, E. (2018). "Can Developing Countries Gain from Defying Comparative Advantage? Distance to Comparative Advantage, Export Diversification and Sophistication, and the Dynamics of Specialization". World Development, 102: 90-110.
  • Memedovic, O. ve Iapadre, L. (2009)." Sructural Change in the World Economy: Main Features and Trends". UNIDO Research and Statistical Branch Working Paper, 24: 1-52.
  • Mishra, A. K., Rao, G., Monga, A. ve Vishwanath, B. (2016). "Assessing Competitiveness in Emerging Asian Economies: Role of Governance and Infrastructure and Lessons for India". Emerging Economy Studies, 2(1): 72-90.
  • Moreno-Brid, J. C. (2013). "Industrial Policy: A Missing Link in Mexico's Quest for Export-led Growth". Latin American Policy, 4(2): 216-237.
  • Muratoğlu, G. ve Muratoğlu, Y. (2016). "Determinants o Export Competitiveness: Evidence from OECD Manufacturing". Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 3 (1): 111-118.
  • North, D. C. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press, the United States of America.
  • Nübler, I. (2014). " A Theory of Capabilities for Productive Transformation: Learning to Catch Up". J. M. Salazar-Xirinachs, I. Nübler ve R. Kozul-Wright (Ed.), Transforming Economies. International Labour Office, Geneva, 113-149.
  • OECD. (2002). Frascati Manual 2002: Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experiment Development. OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • OECD. (2016). " Irish GDP up by 26.3% in 2015?". (erişim tarihi: 07.07.2019).
  • Olczyk, M. (2016). "A Systematic Retrieval of International Competitiveness Literature: A Bibliometric Study". Eurasian Econ Rev, 6: 429-457.
  • Özçelik, E. ve Taymaz, E. (2004). "Does Innovativeness Matter for International Competitiveness in Developing Countries? The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industries". Research Policy, 33: 409-424.
  • Özer, M. ve Çiftçi, N. (2009). “Ar-Ge Harcamaları ve İhracat İlişkisi: OECD Ülkeleri Panel Veri Analizi”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23: 39-50.
  • Porter, M. E. (1990). The Competitive Advantage of Nations. The Macmillan Press, Hong Kong.
  • Ramoniene, L. Ve Lanskoronskis, M. (2011). "Reflections of Higher Education Aspects in the Conception of National Competitiveness". Baltic Journal of Management, 6(1): 124-139.
  • Sabadie, J. A. ve Johansen, J. (2010). "How Do National Economic Competitiveness Indices View Human Capital?". European Journal of Education, 45 (2): 236-258.
  • Şahin, D. (2016). "Türkiye’de İmalat Sanayinin Yapısal Dönüşümü ve Rekabet Gücündeki Değişim: Çin Ekonomisi ile Karşılaştırma". The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 46: 275-289.
  • T.C. Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı (2019). On Birinci Kalkınma Planı (2019-2023). (erişim tarihi: 20. 08. 2019).
  • UNIDO (2015). Competitive Industrial Performance Report 2014. UNIDO, Vienna.
  • UNIDO (2017). Competitive Industrial Performance Report 2016. UNIDO, Vienna.
  • UNIDO (2019). Competitive Industrial Performance Report 2018. UNIDO, Vienna.
  • Veeramani, C. (2008). "India and China: Changing Patterns of Comparative Advantage?". R. Radhakrishna (Ed.), India Development Report 2008. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 145-156.
  • Wang, E.C. ve Huang, W. (2007). “Relative Efficiency of R&D activities: A Cross-Country Study Accounting for Environmental Factors in the DEA Approach”. Research Policy, 36 (2), 260-273.
  • Weiss, M. ve Clara, M. (2016). "Unlocking Domestic Investment for Industrial Development". Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development Working Paper Series UNIDO, WP 12: 1-54.
  • Wignaraja, G. (2003). "Competitiveness Analysis and Strategy". G. Wignaraja (Ed.), Competitiveness Strategy in Developing Countries: A Manual for Policy Analysis. Routledge, London, 15-60.
  • Wignaraja, G. ve Taylor, A. (2003). "Benchmarking Competitiveness: A First Look at the MECI". G. Wignaraja (Ed.), Competitiveness Strategy in Developing Countries: A Manual for Policy Analysis. Routledge, London, 61-91.
  • World Economic Forum (2015). The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016. WEF. Geneva.
  • World Economic Forum (2016). Manufacturing Our Future: Cases on the Future of Manufacturing. WEF. Geneva.
  • World Economic Forum (2017). The Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018. WEF. Geneva.
  • Yeaple, S. R. ve Golub, S. S. (2007). "International Productivity Differences, Infrastructure, and Comparative Advantage". Review of International Economics, 15(2): 223-242.
  • Yerdelen Tatoğlu, F. (2013). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi. Beta Basım, İstanbul.
  • Yülek, M. A. (2015). "Industrial Policies: A Comparison Between Korea and Turkey". J. Hyung-Gon (Ed.), 2014 KIEP Visiting Fellows Program. KIEP, Korea, 160-198.
  • Yülek, M. (2019). Ulusların Yükselişi: İmalat, Ticaret, Sanayi Politikası ve Ekonomik Kalkınma. Kronik Kitap, İstanbul.
  • Zhang, K. H. (2014). "How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Industrial Competitiveness? Evidence from China". China Economic Review, 30: 530-539.
  • Zhao, Z. ve Zhang, K. H. (2007). "China's Industrial Competitiveness in the World". Chinese Economy, 40(6): 6-23.

Structural Determinants of Competitiveness in Manufacturing Industry

Year 2019, , 455 - 488, 15.11.2019


competitiveness of a country is a prerequisite for welfare improvement. The
competitiveness of the national economy especially refers to the
competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Existence of an efficient
institutional structure, carrying out technology-oriented transformation,
increasing the capability by supplying high-skilled labor force, providing the
necessary infrastructure are essential components to stand out against the
competitors in the international economic arena.

aim of this study is to evaluate the non-price structural elements of
manufacturing industry competitiveness, and to make inferences about how the
structural transformation will be carried out. In this regard, the effects of
structural factors on competitive industrial performance are investigated by
using data of 31 countries over 2000-2016 period with panel data analysis. The
findings show that improvements in the institutional framework, innovation, capital
accumulation and infrastructure investments increase the competitiveness of the
manufacturing industry. 


  • Alemu, A. M. (2013). "The Nexus Between Technological Infrastructure and Export Competitiveness of High-Tech Products in East Asian Economies". Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, 5(1): 14-26.
  • Alexandros, P. N. ve Metaxas, T. (2016). ““Porter vs Krugman”: History, Analysis and Critique of Regional Competitiveness”. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 3(1): 65-80.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2010). Quarterly Report on the Euro Area, (Rapor no: 9 (2)). European Comission. Brüksel.
  • Avrupa Merkez Bankası (2005). “Competitiveness and the Export Performance of the Euro Area”. European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series, 30: 1-97.
  • Banda, F., Robb, G. ve Roberts, S. (2015). "The Links Between Competition Policy, Regulatory Policy and Trade and Industrial Policies". CCRED Working Paper, 5: 1-31.
  • Bhawsar, P. ve Chattopadhyay, U. (2015). "Competitiveness: Review, Reflections and Directions". Global Business Review, 16 (4): 665-679.
  • Bournakis, I. ve Tsoukis, C. (2016). "Government Size, Institutions, and Export Performance Among OECD Economies". Economic Modelling, 53 (C): 37-47.
  • Chaudhuri, S. ve Ray, S. (1997). "The Competitiveness Conundrum: Literature Review and Reflections". Economic and Political Weekly, 32(48): 83-91.
  • Değer, Ç., Türkcan, B. ve Kumral, N. (2009). "Competitive Industrial Performance Index and Its Drivers: A Comparative Analysis on Turkey and Selected Countries". Ege Akademik Bakış, 9(4): 1375-1398.
  • Di Maio, M. (2009). “Industrial Policies in Developing Countries: History and Perspectives”. M. Cimoli, G. Dosi ve J.E. Stiglitz (Ed.), Industrial Policy and Development: The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 107-143.
  • Djogo, M. ve Stanisic, N. (2016). "Is the Global Competitiveness Report the Right Measure of Macroeconomic Competitiveness". Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, Journal of Economics and Business, 34 (1): 91-117.
  • Fagerberg, J. (1988). “International Competitiveness”. The Economic Journal, 98(391): 355-374.
  • Felipe, J. ve Rhee, C. (2015). "Issues in Modern Industrial Policy (I): Sector Selection, Who, How, and Sector Promotion". J. Felipe (Ed.), Development and Industrial Policy in Practice: Issues and Country Experiences. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 24-50.
  • Fraser Institute. (2019). "Approach". (erişim tarihi: 06.02.2019).
  • Griliches, Z. (1998). R&D and Productivity: the Econometric Evidence. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Haque, I. (1995). "Introduction". I. ul Haque (Ed.), Trade, Technology, and International Competitiveness. Economic Development Institute of The World Bank, Washington, D.C.,1-11.
  • Hchaichi, R. ve Ghodbane, S. B. (2014). "Empirical Analysis of Determinants of International Competitiveness". International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5 (5): 203-209.
  • Hyun, H. J. (2018). "Institutional Quality and Trade in Intermediate Goods". Journal of Korea Trade, 22 (2): 162-186.
  • Kabaklarlı, E., Duran, M. S. ve Telli Üçler, Y. (2018). "High-Technology Exports and Economic Growth: Panel Data Analysis for Selected OECD Countries". Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 6 (2): 47-60.
  • Ketels, C. (2016). "Review of Competitiveness Frameworks: An Analysis Conducted for the Irish National Competitiveness Council". (erişim tarihi: 01.11.2017).
  • Kostadinovic, I., Kostic, Z. ve Ilic, I. (2015). "Competitiveness and Developmental Trends of the New Industrial Policy of the Republic of Serbia". Economics and Organization, 12(2): 129-142.
  • Lall, S. (1995). " The Creation of Comparative Advantage: The Role of Industrial Policy". I. ul Haque (Ed.), Trade, Technology, and International Competitiveness. Economic Development Institute of The World Bank, Washington, D.C.,103-133.
  • Lall, S. (2003). "Industrial Success and Failure in a Globalizing World". QEH Working Paper Series, 102: 1-26.
  • Lectard, P. ve Rougier, E. (2018). "Can Developing Countries Gain from Defying Comparative Advantage? Distance to Comparative Advantage, Export Diversification and Sophistication, and the Dynamics of Specialization". World Development, 102: 90-110.
  • Memedovic, O. ve Iapadre, L. (2009)." Sructural Change in the World Economy: Main Features and Trends". UNIDO Research and Statistical Branch Working Paper, 24: 1-52.
  • Mishra, A. K., Rao, G., Monga, A. ve Vishwanath, B. (2016). "Assessing Competitiveness in Emerging Asian Economies: Role of Governance and Infrastructure and Lessons for India". Emerging Economy Studies, 2(1): 72-90.
  • Moreno-Brid, J. C. (2013). "Industrial Policy: A Missing Link in Mexico's Quest for Export-led Growth". Latin American Policy, 4(2): 216-237.
  • Muratoğlu, G. ve Muratoğlu, Y. (2016). "Determinants o Export Competitiveness: Evidence from OECD Manufacturing". Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 3 (1): 111-118.
  • North, D. C. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press, the United States of America.
  • Nübler, I. (2014). " A Theory of Capabilities for Productive Transformation: Learning to Catch Up". J. M. Salazar-Xirinachs, I. Nübler ve R. Kozul-Wright (Ed.), Transforming Economies. International Labour Office, Geneva, 113-149.
  • OECD. (2002). Frascati Manual 2002: Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experiment Development. OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • OECD. (2016). " Irish GDP up by 26.3% in 2015?". (erişim tarihi: 07.07.2019).
  • Olczyk, M. (2016). "A Systematic Retrieval of International Competitiveness Literature: A Bibliometric Study". Eurasian Econ Rev, 6: 429-457.
  • Özçelik, E. ve Taymaz, E. (2004). "Does Innovativeness Matter for International Competitiveness in Developing Countries? The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industries". Research Policy, 33: 409-424.
  • Özer, M. ve Çiftçi, N. (2009). “Ar-Ge Harcamaları ve İhracat İlişkisi: OECD Ülkeleri Panel Veri Analizi”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23: 39-50.
  • Porter, M. E. (1990). The Competitive Advantage of Nations. The Macmillan Press, Hong Kong.
  • Ramoniene, L. Ve Lanskoronskis, M. (2011). "Reflections of Higher Education Aspects in the Conception of National Competitiveness". Baltic Journal of Management, 6(1): 124-139.
  • Sabadie, J. A. ve Johansen, J. (2010). "How Do National Economic Competitiveness Indices View Human Capital?". European Journal of Education, 45 (2): 236-258.
  • Şahin, D. (2016). "Türkiye’de İmalat Sanayinin Yapısal Dönüşümü ve Rekabet Gücündeki Değişim: Çin Ekonomisi ile Karşılaştırma". The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 46: 275-289.
  • T.C. Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı (2019). On Birinci Kalkınma Planı (2019-2023). (erişim tarihi: 20. 08. 2019).
  • UNIDO (2015). Competitive Industrial Performance Report 2014. UNIDO, Vienna.
  • UNIDO (2017). Competitive Industrial Performance Report 2016. UNIDO, Vienna.
  • UNIDO (2019). Competitive Industrial Performance Report 2018. UNIDO, Vienna.
  • Veeramani, C. (2008). "India and China: Changing Patterns of Comparative Advantage?". R. Radhakrishna (Ed.), India Development Report 2008. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 145-156.
  • Wang, E.C. ve Huang, W. (2007). “Relative Efficiency of R&D activities: A Cross-Country Study Accounting for Environmental Factors in the DEA Approach”. Research Policy, 36 (2), 260-273.
  • Weiss, M. ve Clara, M. (2016). "Unlocking Domestic Investment for Industrial Development". Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development Working Paper Series UNIDO, WP 12: 1-54.
  • Wignaraja, G. (2003). "Competitiveness Analysis and Strategy". G. Wignaraja (Ed.), Competitiveness Strategy in Developing Countries: A Manual for Policy Analysis. Routledge, London, 15-60.
  • Wignaraja, G. ve Taylor, A. (2003). "Benchmarking Competitiveness: A First Look at the MECI". G. Wignaraja (Ed.), Competitiveness Strategy in Developing Countries: A Manual for Policy Analysis. Routledge, London, 61-91.
  • World Economic Forum (2015). The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016. WEF. Geneva.
  • World Economic Forum (2016). Manufacturing Our Future: Cases on the Future of Manufacturing. WEF. Geneva.
  • World Economic Forum (2017). The Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018. WEF. Geneva.
  • Yeaple, S. R. ve Golub, S. S. (2007). "International Productivity Differences, Infrastructure, and Comparative Advantage". Review of International Economics, 15(2): 223-242.
  • Yerdelen Tatoğlu, F. (2013). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi. Beta Basım, İstanbul.
  • Yülek, M. A. (2015). "Industrial Policies: A Comparison Between Korea and Turkey". J. Hyung-Gon (Ed.), 2014 KIEP Visiting Fellows Program. KIEP, Korea, 160-198.
  • Yülek, M. (2019). Ulusların Yükselişi: İmalat, Ticaret, Sanayi Politikası ve Ekonomik Kalkınma. Kronik Kitap, İstanbul.
  • Zhang, K. H. (2014). "How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Industrial Competitiveness? Evidence from China". China Economic Review, 30: 530-539.
  • Zhao, Z. ve Zhang, K. H. (2007). "China's Industrial Competitiveness in the World". Chinese Economy, 40(6): 6-23.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Şebnem Arık 0000-0002-1392-745X

M. Şükrü Erdem 0000-0001-6416-6657

Publication Date November 15, 2019
Submission Date July 10, 2019
Acceptance Date September 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Arık, Ş., & Erdem, M. Ş. (2019). İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 19(2), 455-488.
AMA Arık Ş, Erdem MŞ. İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. November 2019;19(2):455-488. doi:10.25294/auiibfd.649283
Chicago Arık, Şebnem, and M. Şükrü Erdem. “İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 19, no. 2 (November 2019): 455-88.
EndNote Arık Ş, Erdem MŞ (November 1, 2019) İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 19 2 455–488.
IEEE Ş. Arık and M. Ş. Erdem, “İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 455–488, 2019, doi: 10.25294/auiibfd.649283.
ISNAD Arık, Şebnem - Erdem, M. Şükrü. “İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 19/2 (November 2019), 455-488.
JAMA Arık Ş, Erdem MŞ. İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2019;19:455–488.
MLA Arık, Şebnem and M. Şükrü Erdem. “İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 2, 2019, pp. 455-88, doi:10.25294/auiibfd.649283.
Vancouver Arık Ş, Erdem MŞ. İmalat Sanayi Rekabet Gücünün Yapısal Belirleyicileri. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2019;19(2):455-88.

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